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Story I saw a blonde stacy walk nearby...



Disregard my larping efforts. I can’t change it.
Sep 26, 2019
She suddenly hugged this normie she knows. Maybe a simp idk

it’s shocking I don’t usually see those type of girls at my college. Most girls there are rice/curry/black sub5 foids or white landwhales with dyke haircuts
You're at a community college where stacies are scarce right?

Most stacies go to uni
She suddenly hugged this normie she knows. Maybe a simp idk

it’s shocking I don’t usually see those type of girls at my college. Most girls there are rice/curry/black sub5 foids or white landwhales with dyke haircuts

Curry foids are gross.
It would be more suifuel for you if your college was full of stacies
She already had so many dicks inside :feelspuke:
Grab her by the cunt in Minecraft next time
I know all foids find me unattractive so Id rather be surrounded by ugly ones than good looking to so I wont feel like im missing out
I know all foids find me unattractive so Id rather be surrounded by ugly ones than good looking to so I wont feel like im missing out
I’m surrounded by sub5 foids
I went to a university that was pretty much known for being an arts campus. Most of the foids were dance majors. ALL of the dance majors were 10s. You can't be a dance major and not be a 10. They have to try out to get that major and I am pretty sure that they exclude non-stacy dancers. Beckys were probably told to shut the fuck up and further wahmens cause by becoming a law or social science major focusing on wahmens rights or some shit. That would explain why literally all of the dancers were stacys and all of the law and psychology majors were beckys or sub5 foids. The sub5 foids of course had boyfriends. I fucking hated it. It was a nightmare. I'd rather be alone with no stacies boucing around in booty shorts and spaghetti straps around a bunch of dumbshit chads. I think in the old days incels stayed incel until after college. I mean, 1950s/60s/70s. After they got settled in their career, basically, foids would come. Maybe 6/7 out of 10 foids to a 4/10 incel or fatcel or whatever. The guys white collar job and salary was enough to keep foid happy. People had nuclear families, the man was always in charge, and those middle of the road looks foids were content with the shit they got. The problem is now cheating has become so mainstreamed that foids dont feel any real social or legal repercussions from cucking their subhuman husbands and the courts will give them everything and more in return. So you betabucks some bitch now in your mid-30s and it is basically over before the marriage begins. She will have a kid or two with your and will split with chad taking half of your money, the house, the car, the kids, and child support, even though they were the one who instigated the divorce. Don't become a betabucks. If you had no interest in females until you are in my our 30s or 40s when you start bringing home the bread, this should be a red flag to any incel. Keep that dough for yourself. Don't let some greedy post-wall whore take it from you. Take the white pill and just be a badass incel.
I went to a university that was pretty much known for being an arts campus. Most of the foids were dance majors. ALL of the dance majors were 10s. You can't be a dance major and not be a 10. They have to try out to get that major and I am pretty sure that they exclude non-stacy dancers. Beckys were probably told to shut the fuck up and further wahmens cause by becoming a law or social science major focusing on wahmens rights or some shit. That would explain why literally all of the dancers were stacys and all of the law and psychology majors were beckys or sub5 foids. The sub5 foids of course had boyfriends. I fucking hated it. It was a nightmare. I'd rather be alone with no stacies boucing around in booty shorts and spaghetti straps around a bunch of dumbshit chads. I think in the old days incels stayed incel until after college. I mean, 1950s/60s/70s. After they got settled in their career, basically, foids would come. Maybe 6/7 out of 10 foids to a 4/10 incel or fatcel or whatever. The guys white collar job and salary was enough to keep foid happy. People had nuclear families, the man was always in charge, and those middle of the road looks foids were content with the shit they got. The problem is now cheating has become so mainstreamed that foids dont feel any real social or legal repercussions from cucking their subhuman husbands and the courts will give them everything and more in return. So you betabucks some bitch now in your mid-30s and it is basically over before the marriage begins. She will have a kid or two with your and will split with chad taking half of your money, the house, the car, the kids, and child support, even though they were the one who instigated the divorce. Don't become a betabucks. If you had no interest in females until you are in my our 30s or 40s when you start bringing home the bread, this should be a red flag to any incel. Keep that dough for yourself. Don't let some greedy post-wall whore take it from you. Take the white pill and just be a badass incel.
So you’re MGTOW?
So you’re MGTOW?

No. But I understand and appreciate a lot of what MGTOW has to say. MGTOW right now is growing a lot faster than incel self-awareness, and its all because of the rising divorce rates, and more and more guys are googling "I'm divorced and she took everything, what now?" And in the 10th buried google result, or whatever, they find MGTOW. Probably a lot of these guys used to be incels (without ever becoming aware of it) and then become MGTOW later after their betabucks wives cheat on them with chad and tyrone. Its funny, you know, the more I look at some of the MGTOW celebs on youtube etc, most of them are pretty ugly. Coach Greg Adams looks like a fat/black/ bald cel with a funny nose, Joker from better Bachelor is like 5'7 and 145 lbs or something like that. There are so many others. So they were incel tier until they both started making money, they admit this themselves, and then they start getting foids attention, eventually marry one, and boom divorce rape hits them hard. I think its just because I am an oldcel so I am more aware of this issue. The average incel on fastbanana is probably like still in college so this betabucks issue hasn't really hit home for them yet. I am disabled so theres no dough for them to steal, heh so they don't come a knockin at my door. If I were some kind of marketing executive, and healthy and active, looking the way that I do, I would be EXTREMELY careful at my age with post-wall money grubbing foids. I might put my hand in the honey pot but I doubt I'd marry anyone.
No. But I understand and appreciate a lot of what MGTOW has to say. MGTOW right now is growing a lot faster than incel self-awareness, and its all because of the rising divorce rates, and more and more guys are googling "I'm divorced and she took everything, what now?" And in the 10th buried google result, or whatever, they find MGTOW. Probably a lot of these guys used to be incels (without ever becoming aware of it) and then become MGTOW later after their betabucks wives cheat on them with chad and tyrone. Its funny, you know, the more I look at some of the MGTOW celebs on youtube etc, most of them are pretty ugly. Coach Greg Adams looks like a fat/black/ bald cel with a funny nose, Joker from better Bachelor is like 5'7 and 145 lbs or something like that. There are so many others. So they were incel tier until they both started making money, they admit this themselves, and then they start getting foids attention, eventually marry one, and boom divorce rape hits them hard. I think its just because I am an oldcel so I am more aware of this issue. The average incel on fastbanana is probably like still in college so this betabucks issue hasn't really hit home for them yet. I am disabled so theres no dough for them to steal, heh so they don't come a knockin at my door. If I were some kind of marketing executive, and healthy and active, looking the way that I do, I would be EXTREMELY careful at my age with post-wall money grubbing foids. I might put my hand in the honey pot but I doubt I'd marry anyone.
Ever liked the punk band pennywise?
Ever liked the punk band pennywise?

I just like the book and the IT movies, both the old one and the new one. I have heard of the band however. Musically you can't get more old school than I am. I go between listening to psychedelic pop hits of the late 60s, to jazz from the 20s, blues from the 40s, doom metal from the 90s and 200s. Sometimes I even listen to bluegrass from like the 1930s. The last time someone was at my place, about ten years ago, heh, he went through my record collection and said "its odd enough that you are sitll into vinyl, but all you listen to is music for dead people". That is when I realised I basically can't have friends like normies have. :feelsugh:
She suddenly hugged this normie she knows. Maybe a simp idk

it’s shocking I don’t usually see those type of girls at my college. Most girls there are rice/curry/black sub5 foids or white landwhales with dyke haircuts
Where was your vanilla latte boyo?
I just like the book and the IT movies, both the old one and the new one. I have heard of the band however. Musically you can't get more old school than I am. I go between listening to psychedelic pop hits of the late 60s, to jazz from the 20s, blues from the 40s, doom metal from the 90s and 200s. Sometimes I even listen to bluegrass from like the 1930s. The last time someone was at my place, about ten years ago, heh, he went through my record collection and said "its odd enough that you are sitll into vinyl, but all you listen to is music for dead people". That is when I realised I basically can't have friends like normies have. :feelsugh:
The 2010s was a shitty decade for music
Where was your vanilla latte boyo?
Sorry but I don’t go to SBCC or UCSB
Shocking we never can get that
I went to a university that was pretty much known for being an arts campus. Most of the foids were dance majors. ALL of the dance majors were 10s. You can't be a dance major and not be a 10. They have to try out to get that major and I am pretty sure that they exclude non-stacy dancers. Beckys were probably told to shut the fuck up and further wahmens cause by becoming a law or social science major focusing on wahmens rights or some shit. That would explain why literally all of the dancers were stacys and all of the law and psychology majors were beckys or sub5 foids. The sub5 foids of course had boyfriends. I fucking hated it. It was a nightmare. I'd rather be alone with no stacies boucing around in booty shorts and spaghetti straps around a bunch of dumbshit chads. I think in the old days incels stayed incel until after college. I mean, 1950s/60s/70s. After they got settled in their career, basically, foids would come. Maybe 6/7 out of 10 foids to a 4/10 incel or fatcel or whatever. The guys white collar job and salary was enough to keep foid happy. People had nuclear families, the man was always in charge, and those middle of the road looks foids were content with the shit they got. The problem is now cheating has become so mainstreamed that foids dont feel any real social or legal repercussions from cucking their subhuman husbands and the courts will give them everything and more in return. So you betabucks some bitch now in your mid-30s and it is basically over before the marriage begins. She will have a kid or two with your and will split with chad taking half of your money, the house, the car, the kids, and child support, even though they were the one who instigated the divorce. Don't become a betabucks. If you had no interest in females until you are in my our 30s or 40s when you start bringing home the bread, this should be a red flag to any incel. Keep that dough for yourself. Don't let some greedy post-wall whore take it from you. Take the white pill and just be a badass incel.
Use that money to pay for a surrogate and have a kid that way. Women shouldn't be allowed to raise kids alone tbh.
Use that money to pay for a surrogate and have a kid that way. Women shouldn't be allowed to raise kids alone tbh.
Not a bad idea. Or you could adopt an incel looking kid who is a true orphan. Can you imagine being incel and not having any fucking family. Brutal.
Not a bad idea. Or you could adopt an incel looking kid who is a true orphan. Can you imagine being incel and not having any fucking family. Brutal.
What’s brutal is being a virgin at 22 aka me
Do you have foids from Caucasus region there?
What’s brutal is being a virgin at 22 aka me

I'm almost 40 and in the same situation. I blame a lot of that on myself. I had an opportunity before the online dating thing became the primary sexual marketplace and because I am autistic I destroyed the tiny window of opportunity I had between 1995-2005 to ascend. I am so angry at myself for that. But that is another thing that is not in my control. I am disabled. You know, i wouldnt have physical health problems if I didnt try to militarymaxx to try to get foids. My situation is beyond fucked. I also tried to seamaxx. I came very close to sex in southeast asia but I couldnt get hard enough to fuck. I have prostate cancer and that completely fucked up my libido and my ability to obtain and maintain an erection. I am in 7-10 pain every day; I have to take opiate pain medicines. Before the SEA thot I had a long line of prostitutes. I blew away thousands on hookers and had the same erection difficulty. So still no penis insertion. :feelsrope: I just had my prostate removed and now I am trying to get an implant put in. I still have all kinds of crazy urology problems. I am pretty sure I'll be dead in the next 10 years. Like, everything is going downhill so fast, I can't see myself living much longer than that. I just can't. Like i wish that finding women was my only problem in life. Like I said before if you are a sub5, or sub 3 incel, your problems are much more than just looks. Your entire genetic profile is fucked. You are going to have physical and mental problems through the board. I have autism, PTSD. My only friends are online "friends". And the last place any incel wants to be is in a mental hospital. They tried to do that shit to me, so I told them I was calling my lawyer if they didn't let me out and suing the hospital. That is pretty much the only way to escape. Mental hospitals are places where normies lock people up who they want behind bars but didn't commit any actual crimes. And thats just how it is.

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