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Welcome! This is a forum for involuntary celibates: people who lack a significant other. Are you lonely and wish you had someone in your life? You're not alone! Join our forum and talk to people just like you.

LifeFuel I request a ban until I turn 18 years old (306 days pls). This will be my final post clearing up accusations made by @OutcastedOutcast against me.

  • Thread starter DespressedCurryCel1
  • Start date
regardless good idea. go grind and NT Maxx and try over and over and over till you hit 18. give it a final attempt
I wanted to make sure all my friends on this forum knew I was leaving and also clear up my name cuz nasty accusations were made against me like promoting some disgusting shit. If it was just fakecel accusations I would've left the forum silently and made a post to alert all my friends to add me but these accusations against me are messed up.
Oooooh, so baaad, some random guy doesn't believe that you are a part of some ideology such as himself.. wow! Just don't care about the pigs, it will be better

Haters are going to shit their pants when they see that their trolling doesn't work
Cope I am fucking your mother hard rn nigger
She’s already been buried for a while now. But if you could torture a bird randomly then fucking a maggot infested rotting corpse is probably not out of the question for you.

regardless good idea. go grind and NT Maxx and try over and over and over till you hit 18. give it a final attempt
He literally already got asked out by foids, and is just a standardcel.
She’s already been buried for a while now. But if you could torture a bird randomly then fucking a maggot infested rotting corpse is probably not out of the question for you.

He literally already got asked out by foids, and is just a standardcel.
if he got asked out once. he'll get a chance again if he tries. and if he is under 18, he should try and will probably succeed eventually
He will learn in time. He already did read this, and he knows that this is what he should do.. but a little bit too late) Eh, no problem, next time he will try to ignore all haters

Want to cool.down the jets of your haters? Just ignore them, this is Internet, after all, noone is going to beat you down
Eh you're probably right but It's too late now. Hopefully when I come back this forum will be better and I will ignore them.
if he got asked out once. he'll get a chance again if he tries. and if he is under 18, he should try and will probably succeed eventually
Have you noticed how many curries are being exposed as fakecels these days? Just be curry is law.
@MarquisDeSade do the honors brocel
Have you noticed how many curries are being exposed as fakecels these days? Just be curry is law.
you're right JBC is so strong I revived your mother back to full health with my cock and I am fucking her right now :feelsokman:
Eh you're probably right but It's too late now. Hopefully when I come back this forum will be better and I will ignore them.
Just make a new account, matie) and try to not get in the fights again. Some people can't live without trying to make someone feel miserable
you're right JBC is so strong I revived your mother back to full health with my cock and I am fucking her right now
Can you revive Hitler? I would like to see what he will say about current state of affairs.. and Stalin too

Stalin would go postal from modern Russia.. Hitler would be the same, i think
Just make a new account, matie) and try to not get in the fights again. Some people can't live without trying to make someone feel miserable
Actually there is another reason I didn't mention like Transcended said I wanna NT maxx and work hard and keep trying trying until I ascend. Their defeatist attitudes might influence me and I don't want that.
you're right JBC is so strong I revived your mother back to full health with my cock and I am fucking her right now :feelsokman:
Or more likely you are making excuses for your necrophiliac behaviours.
Can you revive Hitler? I would like to see what he will say about current state of affairs.. and Stalin too

Stalin would go postal from modern Russia.. Hitler would be the same, i think
With Stalin (or general USSR) we did kill the Ukraine in two months. Fully. Of course, this can't be compared realistically to modern war- Ukraine didn't have jack shit by 1900s, and now.. well...
Have you noticed how many curries are being exposed as fakecels these days? Just be curry is law.
Most of the curries who speak good English and end up on this forum, tend to be from the rich brahmin families. So they end up being high IQ, tall and NT. Not surprising that many end up being fakecels. Unfortunately for me, my bloodline is a bunch of filthy low IQ inbred Muslim shitskin trash.

I know we discuss racepill here a lot but in the end. I will admit on the end. that lots of the ethnics do exaggerate it.
Actually there is another reason I didn't mention like Transcended said I wanna NT maxx and work hard and keep trying trying until I ascend. Their defeatist attitudes might influence me and I don't want that.
Dunno. I like to sit here, chat with people.. i don't have much chat outside this dumpster.is

It is so addictive, although
Most of the curries who speak good English and end up on this forum, tend to be from the rich brahmin families. So they end up being high IQ, tall and NT. Not surprising that many end up being fakecels. Unfortunately for me, my bloodline is a bunch of filthy low IQ inbred Muslim shitskin trash.

I know we discuss racepill here a lot but in the end. I will admit on the end. that lots of the ethnics do exaggerate it.
Just be curry is law!!!!! Just stroll through the street, smack your meaty hand on some girl's ass, and say the magic word


She would suck you dry in a second
Just be curry is law!!!!! Just stroll through the street, smack your meaty hand on some girl's ass, and say the magic word


She would suck you dry in a second
Maybe in another world
Most of the curries who speak good English and end up on this forum, tend to be from the rich brahmin families. So they end up being high IQ, tall and NT. Not surprising that many end up being fakecels. Unfortunately for me, my bloodline is a bunch of filthy low IQ inbred Muslim shitskin trash.

I know we discuss racepill here a lot but in the end. I will admit on the end. that lots of the ethnics do exaggerate it.
8EC9C5F4 AB83 4990 A10E 530A282A804B

Average Brahmin irl

8B0BEA39 CB0E 41F6 960E 0C645BB38BE0

Average “currycel” on this site.

Even @Made in Heaven would be on suicide watch at the mogging
I still wish I had my pet, mang.
I tried to take good care of her at 7, mang you don't know how it feels til you lose it

it's fucking over and I don't have anything to drink
yeah most brahmins from curryland are still trash. But the ones which end up on incel forums tend to be rich ones who came over to the west with high IQs. so they are often fakecels
They’re high IQ enough to blatantly admit being fakecels, but run circles around the mods and convince them what they see in front of their own eyes are wrong.
drama threads about other users is some foid shit
@DarkStarDown another on of your boyfriends leaving let me know if you need a hug
Let me know if you want me to go back in time so I can force your mother to abort you :feelsokman:.
Stay safe out there brocel: Hope you have learned from my faults & other errors which I have consulted over with you and others, but also the wisdom I may have dispensed upon you :feelsYall:.

View: https://youtu.be/obsGYbIzq-8

Always found this song motivational & epic for me; hope it shall do the same for you :feelsokman:.
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Also I did kill my bird but that was years ago in India. I was a little kid. I do not plan to do it again because of the legal repercussions.
Only because of "legal repercussions"? Otherwise you'd do it? You've got to admit, that's sick :lasereyes:
WTF would you hurt animals?!
regardless good idea. go grind and NT Maxx and try over and over and over till you hit 18. give it a final attempt
Yeah OP can still try if he’s that young. It’s pointless rotting on this forum if you’re still in highschool and can possibly NT Max with friends etc.
Post highschool it gets much harder to NT Max.
You are 17. Wtf do you think you know that others here dont? And you act like YOU are being pushed out the door. Its incel.is. who gives a fuck. Bye cunt dont come back. Not even 18 what are you even doing on this site? Think you know some shit about some shit, I can basically hear the entitled I know it all teenage attitude in your words. Good. Fuck off. Dont come back.
I hope we'll never going to see you again
Last seen: today at 5:15 AM

Smart plan youngcel you youngcels need to gtfo for your own sake (some of you could ascend rotting here only sabotages that) im a 29 year old KHHV so for me its gigaover. As for defeatist see above how could I not be I am motivated by hate last apartment electricty and water wherw included so I used the toilet as food disposal (see fatburgs) left the lights on and made sure all taps where dripping as it would hurt the bottom line of the landlord and drive up costs for all the normroaches around me.
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(If you're my friend and you haven't already please add me on discord at: Lalo Salamanca#8164. You can also add me on discord if you have any questions about this thread. I invite @OutcastedOutcast to debate with me if I am indeed a bragging fakecel there as well.)

Before I start this post I want to explain my reasoning on why exactly I'm leaving this forum until I turn 18. Throughout the past few months of my .is accounts existence; I've tried to fit in to the best of my ability. But it seems as though I simply cannot fit in for the simple reason that this forum is filled with losers. I'm not trying to say that in an insulting way or condescending way; I'm simply stating a fact. There are too many defeatists, whiners, and moralfaggots on the forum. I've tried to ignore them but it seems as though they're inescapable. I mean you'd think that people who've been abused and neglected by society all their lives would be more hateful and motivated to accomplish their goals but I guess not. I can empathize why some may be the way they are due to other factors but I cannot empathize with most of you guys. The reason I am voluntarily deleting this account is because I probably hold the youngest youngcel award because I joined this forum at 15 years old and I am still allowed to be on this forum. There are users who've joined when they were younger than me like Epoch but most of them have had their accounts deleted. I'll still lurk of course so I am technically still part of the community but I won't be on as much as I usually am. Probably 1 hour per day max.

@OutcastedOutcast has made numerous accusations against me; Including bragging, serious animal abuse, promoting sexual abuse of innocent children(???), and trolling. In this post I will be debunking them all.

Let's start with his first accusation:

I joined this forum before the 18+ rule was introduced, therefore I am exempt to that rule. Now, I have explained countless times that I mask fished her when I was 14 years old, even when I first told him about my experience of getting hit on her I mentioned that she only liked me because I was wearing a mask and she couldn't see my lower third because thats what fucks me up the most. He continues to ignore this fact and acts like I attracted her with my face alone.

I never "bragged" about this at all. I've tried to keep this incident away from you people as long as I could as soon as I realized that these type of incidents may sadden and/or enrage you. If we go way back to my first post https://incels.is/threads/are-you-a-fakcel-if-only-sub-5-girls-like-you.427267/ people in the replies were angered at me for sharing my experience of having a foid hit on me. I learned how much it enraged the users of this forum and decided to not mention it again after a few weeks of joining and even fabricated details about the incident whenever I wanted to prove a point about the blackpill using the experience. Everything was good until @iamsubhuman and @OutcastedOutcast exposed the incident to everyone else. Once they did, I realize that not as many people were mad at me before and most people in the community knew about it and the mods didn't really care either so I decided to bring up the incident whenever I wanted to prove something about the blackpill or to make a joke.

Jesus @OutcastedOutcast did you even try to make your claims hard to debunk? He's basically mentioning a message I sent on discord where I said that if he were to "try" something (AKA doxx me) Then I would doxx him as well: . What I say still stands. If he were to doxx me and the moderators do not take action; I will have my friends spam pictures of his co-workers pictures, social media, and any other information I was able to gather on him or his co workers. But remember; this will ONLY happens if he were to try and doxx me. If we just go our separate ways from here and don't bother each other anymore, none of what I said will ever happen. That I can guarantee. Also. JFL at you trying to say it was "only words" you literally posted a picture of the foid classmate that I mask fished well after I told you about the dangerous consequences of doxxing that might happen to me if I were to be doxxed. View attachment 720823

He also posted pictures of the foid as a response to my post insulting him and it got him a warning. I can't find the post right now but you can ask people like @iamsubhuman or @Grim_Reaper about it.

I was pretty boy maxxing because I mask fished and I was wearing baggy clothes. Once again, I only started bringing up this incident again after a while because I was exposed and I realized that I was allowed to talk about it. I only brought it up to prove a point. And just because he's an autistic retard who acts trash IRL (which is why he can't make friends) doesn't mean I do as well. I'd get his point if I had a large social circle but I don't. I only have one real friend and like two acquaintances(who have been drifting away from me recently.)

Sure I made a few shit posts but It isn't my fault people were dumb enough to take it seriously jfl.

Apparently having friends is worshiping now lol???

I literally never did that. What I said was I'm not going to "moralfag" (AKA obsess over the incident). What Incelrito did was disgusting and I wanted him off the forum and that's that. I had problems with him from the start because he acted like a homosexual. I hate pedophiles like I hate faggots; they're both unnatural degenerate specimens who don't deserve to exist. View attachment 720846
In fact; I challenge @OutcastedOutcast to provide a link to the thread where I "promoted sexual abuse". I'll be waiting.

Also I did kill my bird but that was years ago in India. I was a little kid. I do not plan to do it again because of the legal repercussions.

With all that being said, I apologize if my writing was a bit sloppy here; I'm pretty tired so I have to go eat and sleep soon. It's been a really fun time on this forum. I've met like minded people and talked about things I always believed in from the start. It sucks I have to leave but I'd rather not stay around the defeatists here.
:feelsLightsaber: :feelsLightsaber: :feelsLightsaber:

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