Welcome to Incels.is - Involuntary Celibate Forum

Welcome! This is a forum for involuntary celibates: people who lack a significant other. Are you lonely and wish you had someone in your life? You're not alone! Join our forum and talk to people just like you.

I "rejected" a girl today, I never felt as bad in my entire life

will seit ner ewigkeit nudeln mit huhn machen aber bin zu arm um huhn zu kaufen, deswegen hab ich jetzt nur die nudeln und andere zutaten. aber ohne huhn essen ist kacke
gute idee aber zu faul die knochen zu sortieren keck, und die spasten verkaufen kein knochenloses huhn ,
kinda retarded tbh.

you had 3 or even 4 chances to fuck her , treated her like a Friend

and then wonder why your all sad about it . Lol .

Imagine a girl that is not your Relative is coming to your room more then twice , likes to hang out . and your not initiating a Fuck.

KEK :feelskek: :feelskek: :feelskek:

VOLCELS.IS @watcher

@Mecoja @lemon21 @Intellau_Celistic @The Abyss @Retardinator @Swagpilled @Luzifer
@erenyeager @Geryon @dungeondragon
This. Why is everyone being a faggot in this thread?
"Oh poor OP", comforting him JFL. :lul:
He had a foid giving IOIs left and right. Literally in his room, sitting on his bed. How is this remotely an incel problem? OP is a fucking fakecel. It's probably other fakecels that are defending him, too.
This. Why is everyone being a faggot in this thread?
"Oh poor OP", comforting him JFL. :lul:
He had a foid giving IOIs left and right. Literally in his room, sitting on his bed. How is this remotely an incel problem? OP is a fucking fakecel. It's probably other fakecels that are defending him, too.
even as a social reject , i can see the cues . The Guy was just stupid for not taking his chance.
gute idee aber zu faul die knochen zu sortieren keck, und die spasten verkaufen kein knochenloses huhn ,
ich esse nie was mit knochen. wegen autismus und so
ich esse nie was mit knochen. wegen autismus und so
steak is geil aber auch teuer , bolleten ( fertiges hackfleisch ) , schnitzel , chicken wings

gibts genug fleisch ohne knochen , aber Zeugs ist halt teuer wie scheise jetzt
Soo many normies and bluepillers on this site now. FUCK this person is clearly a volcel.
A real incel is too far gone to be wounded by this shit.
Voluntary celibate. I'm sorry, OP. You certainly don't belong here.

No one can relate to your lovey-dovey, mutual feeling romance story.
One thing I'd like to point out about this story - totally unrelated to OP- is how she is a geek and a nerd AND SHE IS STILL A SLUT. Now, I don't know about you guys, but I've never meet a single geek/nerd that even managed to EVER get attention from a woman, let alone fuck multiple of them from the same friend group.

Just goes to show how fucking privileged these whores are. It literally doesn't matter what they look like, what their interests are, it doesn't even matter if they don't wipe their own ass, it is IMPOSSIBLE for them to be unwillingly deprived of emotional and sexual intimacy.

Fuck this clown world.
its just females appropriating thing from males
This man is obsessed with me sorry. Congrats on being retarded and fumbling your God given looksmatch gf. Now you get to rot with me.
kek the bitch is a slut. why would u want to be with her
I might get banned for this post, but I don't know where to talk about this and honestly I wouldn't say everything I'm talking right here even to my closest friends, because of how pathetic of a 30+ year old incel that I am. I never felt this bad in my entire life. This is a LONG post, but I hope at least one person will read it all.

First of all, I know this will be seen as a bragging or humble bragging thread, dear lord I wish I felt like bragging, I actually feel like a piece of shit and already cried multiple times today.

A few days ago, my sister-in-law invited me to a social gathering, nothing fancy, just talking and eating with the other normies. I would pick her and her friend up and bring them there.

Her friend, let's just call her 'Z', saw something related to a hobby of mine in the back seat and already started conversations, it was funny because she was really engaged into talking and was very talkative in general, a very weird but nice girl, she eventually revealed in the event that she has to take meds to interact with people because her social anxiety is too high, she started to also get drunk which made me worried, my sister-in-law mentioned how Z is actually an huge slut who fucked multiple guys to the point she was expelled from a group because she slept with multiple of them. Keep in mind that even though Z is not ugly (not a Stacy either) she was not really my type, not trying to sound like a Chad taking his pick, maybe my mind is ruined by social media and porn?

When going back home, she (completely drunk and under the effect of the medication) started to straight up hit on me, they even talked jokingly about how I reminded her of her first boyfriend (we even shared the same name) it was weird, it didn't feel like I was a Chad at all, in fact it felt terrible for some reason, but at firs I thought it was just silly and after coming back home she REALLY wanted to spend time with me dancing for some reason, but I just went straight to bed.

The next day, I woke up with a message that was left here by her, basically saying that she was sorry if she scared me and that I was one of the nicest, that I was "incredible". That made me feel awful, because I was not scared at all, just sleepy, I even asked my parents if she was gone for good because I wanted to at least talk to her again.

Keep in mind I was not (and still not) attracted to her, at least physically. Mostly because of some physical characteristics, maybe I care about the whole "fucked a lot of other dudes" as well but I am not sure considering how bottom-of-the-barrel I feel right now. But anyway... the next day she was here again, but my sister-in-law had to solve some family businesses and Z would be here all day long, only the two of us. The sister-in-law basically pushed me to talk to her so I just told she could "watch me play games in my room" (yeah I am a nerd, sue me)

Z came to my room a few moments later, she was laughing out loud about the message she left me, and told me she made tons of noise trying to put it here, she is kind of a geek so it was easy to talk to her, I was just seeing silly shit online, playing a game here and there, and talking... just talking... hours and hours of talking. We only stopped when it was very late at night and I told her I was going to bed, she quickly left my room, it was so nice talking to her.

The next day I came back from work in the evening, Z and another friend from the sister-in-law met me and I showed some parts of the house, it was kind of fun, honestly. My parents came and they started talking, I came to my room, after my parents left, she came once again to my room, even making fun of herself for "bothering" me again. I just told her it was OK and we talked again... and talked, and talked... about all sorts of nerdy shit, sometimes she would mention the guy she is dating, something I didn't even care because I didn't really want to date her.

Then the next day came, and while I was at work, she sent me a photo of the plane she was traveling at, and it came to me that she was gone, probably for many years before I saw her again. But I was not sad until I came back home... my parents weren't here anymore, such a silent house, not a single noise, not a single laughter, conversation, god damn I missed her so much, it was so weird, it's like even though I didn't want to have sex with her, or kiss her, or anything like that... but I wanted her to be here so badly, that is when the sadness began. I felt really bad, but it got worse in the next days. The most soul-crushing part was coming to my room and seeing another letter from her, also praising me for being such a great guy, even with silly drawings and shit, I praised her back by texting while feeling like shit.

She kept sending me messages, memes, updates on her travel, this sort of thing. I was already really depressed over all this, kept responding in a very friendly manner. But nothing would get me ready to what happened today. I dreamed about her, I don't remember the details, but I woke up in the middle of the night dreaming about her, I went to my phone looking for her text like a drug addict going for their fix, and while going to work, I felt so bad about the whole situation that I almost cried, but I managed to keep it cool and work normally. Then when it was time to go back home, all my sadness came back, just as strong as ever.

About lunch time, she stopped texting me completely. I thought that maybe she just gave up, and it was painful, it would be just another rejection even though I didn't hit on her. I was crying in my car, in traffic. When I came back home, I saw a notification and immediately looked it up, it was my sister-in-law straight up telling me Z wanted to know if I wanted to kiss her.

I felt like crying, I took my time and just told her that I don't want to be with anyone right now, she asked me what was going on but I ignored the messages. I went to the bathroom, I cried, and cried again. I think I could cry again at any moment. I don't know why or how, but this feels worse than any rejection I ever faced, even though I was rejected by girls I had an huge crush on, I never cried over it, but right now... holy shit, this feels like shit, I don't know what to do. All I can do right now is hope to feel better in the next weeks or months.

Everything about inceldom came to me, like a fucking bull, destroying me completely. About me being over 30 and never having kissed a girl, about me being rejected by so many girls, about how this one girl was so great to be with, but how I couldn't touch her, didn't want to touch her, I am broken, I cannot recover from 30 years of inceldom, nothing could ever heal me, I already felt jaded and sad already, but this was the final nail in the coffin. Sure, she is a slut, but I liked so much to have companionship, to have someone to talk to me after a hard day at work, holy hell... it's like I had a taste of it... without tasting it at all. I don't know what to do. I hate this so much. 3 days I basically fell in love with her... without wanting her.

I just wanted a girl to talk to, funny how it has to be a girl, but I do.
Youre genuinly retarded nigga
Something similar but different happened to me: I knew a girl, she is 5/10, she wanted me to go out with her, but I am too depressed and never leave my house.
I imagined having sex with her and masturbated to her while texting her, but unfortunately, post-nut clarity hit in and I completely lost the desire to date her. Feeling guilty about this, I deleted the chat and her contact.
Fucking nigger
Dear OP, ignore most of the idiots here. You caught feelings for her because she gave you attention. She would have broken your heart anyways. Would it have been better to get laid before inevitably feeling sad? Or would it have made you more suicidal than ever before? I can't say. I just want you to know that I respect you.
Highest T anti-escortcel
No shame in rejecting someone who is drunk.

If the news is any guide, those are the type of people who, sobered up, may make accusations that can ruin your life.
Her friend, let's just call her 'Z', saw something related to a hobby of mine in the back seat and already started conversations, it was funny because she was really engaged into talking and was very talkative in general, a very weird but nice girl, she eventually revealed in the event that she has to take meds to interact with people because her social anxiety is too high, she started to also get drunk which made me worried, my sister-in-law mentioned how Z is actually an huge slut who fucked multiple guys to the point she was expelled from a group because she slept with multiple of them. Keep in mind that even though Z is not ugly (not a Stacy either) she was not really my type, not trying to sound like a Chad taking his pick, maybe my mind is ruined by social media and porn?
You are a volcel, but just for this, I would have rejected her too, so I don't blame you.

Not due to looks, but high body count women disgust me. It's fucking revolting when you find out a girl you fancy has more bodies than a small town. It's something I'd never be able to get over. Also, those women tend to cheat and lie too.
Brutal post , i can really feel your pain. That woman is on a completely different lecel experience wise to you , you , alongside many of us are being deprived of the best things life can offer
He had a foid giving IOIs left and right. Literally in his room, sitting on his bed. How is this remotely an incel problem? OP is a fucking fakecel. It's probably other fakecels that are defending him, too.

Fictional Story:

The protagonist of our story is a man named "Aspie John" and involves a woman named "Anxious Jane".

Aspie John meets Anxious Jane in "High School".

Anxious Jane is in Special Ed for severe anxiety, and so is Aspie John. Aspie John and Anxious Jane appear to have some mutual attraction at times, given. When Aspie John dropped a stack of homework sheets on one occasion, Anxious Jane altered her name on her sheet.

Anxious Jane, however, always manages to next to the tallest kid in the room, which is odd given he sits alone in an otherwise empty row of desks. When Tall Kid helps the teacher pick up classroom litter, Anxious Jane suddenly bolts up and quickly joins them. Aspie John remains seated due to anxiety. After some time, Tall Kid starts to sit with other kids in the classroom, leaving Anxious Jane sitting alone each day. He sits across from Aspie John.

Three years later...

Aspie John and Anxious Jane are in different Special Ed classrooms. Anxious Jane speaks of wanting to be in a "relationship" with Aspie John. There is a catch, however: Anxious Jane regularly wears ponytails and make-up for the Tall Kid in her new classroom. She would flirt with this man in class(Which frustrated her teacher) and would also chat with him over text and social media, all while sometimes making friendly gestures towards Aspie John in passing through the hallway.

On a certain occasion, though, Aspie John encounters Anxious Jane in a hospital lab waiting room. Anxious Jane makes friendly gestures towards Aspie John. Aspie John, being a very coy man, is reluctant to approach Anxious Jane. As he prepares to approach her, he recalls her heavy flirtation with Tall Kid in her new classroom. He also remembers hearing her teacher say, "Why is Anxious Jane flirting with Tall Kid? She already has a boyfriend."

He then decides to ignore her and covers himself with a hoodie.

A few days later, Aspie John overhears a teacher speaking of himself and Anxious Jane - "He's so sensitive! Oh my goodness! They were just joking!" - Note that this is after months of flirting and closeness between Anxious Jane and Tall Kid. Shortly after that, Anxious Jane flirts with Tall Kid in her classroom, telling him "P-Please don't call my phone number".

An interesting story of "signals" and cues, yes?

Correct. Let me continue with the story of Aspie John:

In Special Ed, Aspie John was referred to the school psychologist. The school psychologist, who also saw Anxious Jane, encouraged Aspie John to speak to Anxious Jane.

"You should speak to Jane!"(S.P)

"I'm not sure..."(A.J)

"Try speaking to Anxious Jane! She would love to have someone to speak to!"(S.P)

"Okay, I think I'll try..."(A.J)

Aspie John would go home anxiously each day and think incessantly of his fellow classmates. He would feel very, depressed, jittery and uncomfortable due to a restless mind. Thinking of Anxious Jane only worsened it.

The teacher criticized Aspie John several times for his inability to socialize with Anxious Jane, who had little problem socializing with kids at social clubs she attended. She would criticize Aspie John's statements of "Managing his classroom anxiety" yet constantly gave Anxious Jane exemptions for her inability to recount her night(The teacher would ask everyone about it daily).

Furthermore, Anxious Jane was desired by nearly every male in the class. Aspie John was ignored to the extent of needing the teacher(Or, on one occasion, the Hispanic kid) to do class activities. One boy quickly sat near Anxious Jane and wrapped his arms around her during a class project.

"Jane, It's okay sweetie. Come pair with me."

As for the "speaking", Anxious Jane's hand-fiddling gestures, as well as her decision to mimic several of Aspie John's other avoidant behaviors, led to criticism from the Phys. Ed teacher, who said:

"Jane was playing with her hands instead of working on her activities. I think we have a dynamic there. Keep that in check."

Anxious Jane then frowned at Aspie John and started coming to school without her glasses(To impress Tall Kid).

Aspie John was also switched to other classroom duties after Anxious Jane wrote her "message" to him via homework.

A certain (respectable) Hispanic boy said of Jane:

"Is Jane still going to be in our classroom?"(He asked this after Aspie John was told that he would remain in the current classroom; unprovoked information)

"No. She'll be switched into the other classroom."(Teacher)

Anxious Jane stopped coming to school until she was switched into another classroom for reasons unknown to Aspie John. She was, of course, shifting to Option #1: Tall Kid.

Our dear protagonist, Aspie John, enjoys another day during his stint in class when he encounters a new kid: Short Morena.

Short Morena is a depressed, somewhat anxious girl of about fifteen-years of age with bipolar disorder. She has mood swings, chronic migraines and a clear distaste for vain youth, much like Aspie John. He also notices her similar self-harm behaviors. They do not immediately chat, however.

After a month or so, Aspie John develops an attraction to Short Morena, since she is humble, serious and non-flirtatious, something quite different from the behavior/personality of Anxious Jane. The two participate in a gym activity with the Phys. Ed teacher, during which Short Morena grabs Aspie John's hand to help him cross the web used for the activity. He thanks her and the two receive praise from the Phys Ed. teacher for working together. In another gym activity involving sports, she offers advice to Aspie John as he struggles to push a puck with a stick due to his motor coordination problems.

Short Morena begins to greet Aspie John, which he responds to with "Hello". Days go on, and Short Morena asks Aspie John if he wishes to play a game with her, since he sits alone daily and stutters, which he declines. One day, the class prepares to go outside for a walk, which causes Short Morena to speak to Aspie John:

"Shouldn't you get your jacket, Aspie John?"

"Yes, I think I should..."

Short Morena then informs the teacher, and Aspie John gets his coat. It is, after all, a very cold day in March 2016. A day or so later, a new kid joins the class, Unkind Blondie. Unkind Blondie argues with other classroom kids over something fairly meaningless, and is sent to a new classroom as a result. After the argument, Short Morena asks Aspie John:

"Were you bothered by the class argument?"

"No, I was not"


The two enter the school lobby in preparation to leave, and Short Morena asks Aspie John, "Did you have a good day?", which he replies "Yes" to. She then says, "I see your ride outside", and Aspie John leaves.

Gradually, Aspie John becomes deeply attracted to Short Morena and finds himself heavy with anxiety at the thought of seeing her each day. He takes note of her problems as she speaks to the teacher and notes statements such as "I feel like a disgusting bipolar girl". The teachers says "She has a flat affect", which Aspie John is already aware of. He starts to envision himself chatting with her about various different things, even though it pains him since stutters and is too anxious to form a friendship with her.

Soon, Aspie John learns that Short Morena will be moving and transferring to a different school soon, which greatly saddens him. He also stays home for several days due to his encounter with Anxious Jane in the hospital waiting room. Upon returning to school, he participates in a class game with the other students, a game of Mad-Libs. That day is also Short Morena's last day of school.

As Aspie John starts to relay his answers to the class, Short Morena starts laughing happily at each answer and votes for him when the teacher asks the class which student provided the best answers, which causes him to become very jittery from anxiety yet calm.

As the two students leave class, Short Morena says "Bye, Aspie John" in a kind tone to Aspie John, which causes him to reply with a calm "Ok". He is grateful to have met her, though he knows she views him only as someone to be pitied for his illnesses.

The very next day, however:

"I think Aspie John was extremely hurt when we discussed the behavior of Anxious Jane and Tall Kid. He was covering himself up with a hoodie upon seeing her."

"If Aspie John wanted someone more like him, why didn't he just..."

The other kids in the classroom then start whispering about it and Aspie John overhears them, filling him with shame and embarrassment. He still misses Short Morena. Days before school graduation, Aspie John overhears two teachers discussing him and Anxious Jane:

"So, Anxious Jane is graduating soon"

"No, I think she'll be okay. She has plenty of friends and support"

Upon hearing this, two students sitting in the front row of Aspie John, a boy and a girl, whisper and immediately afterwards say to one another:

"Hi Mulatto Boy" - To an autistic child

"Hi Mulatta Girl"

Aspie John assumes they are laughing at him, as he is already anxious and very depressed on this particular day, given he has ASD-related attachment. He has no actual intention to "reconcile" with Anxious Jane, since she has a clear preference for "high status" White males. When a teacher asks him of his opinion of his time in the classroom, he simply responds with "Ambivalent".

As Aspie John leaves his classroom for the final time, the teacher provides him with copies of each homework sheet he submitted. Aspie John is very grateful and thanks him before leaving, with slightly teary eyes not visible to the teacher.
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This is too brutal it's unreal you can get away with anything as long as it's not LGBT related
I got a 30% warning because some janny didn't like my pfp. this didn't even get a 5% warning
I might get banned for this post, but I don't know where to talk about this and honestly I wouldn't say everything I'm talking right here even to my closest friends, because of how pathetic of a 30+ year old incel that I am. I never felt this bad in my entire life. This is a LONG post, but I hope at least one person will read it all.

First of all, I know this will be seen as a bragging or humble bragging thread, dear lord I wish I felt like bragging, I actually feel like a piece of shit and already cried multiple times today.

A few days ago, my sister-in-law invited me to a social gathering, nothing fancy, just talking and eating with the other normies. I would pick her and her friend up and bring them there.

Her friend, let's just call her 'Z', saw something related to a hobby of mine in the back seat and already started conversations, it was funny because she was really engaged into talking and was very talkative in general, a very weird but nice girl, she eventually revealed in the event that she has to take meds to interact with people because her social anxiety is too high, she started to also get drunk which made me worried, my sister-in-law mentioned how Z is actually an huge slut who fucked multiple guys to the point she was expelled from a group because she slept with multiple of them. Keep in mind that even though Z is not ugly (not a Stacy either) she was not really my type, not trying to sound like a Chad taking his pick, maybe my mind is ruined by social media and porn?

When going back home, she (completely drunk and under the effect of the medication) started to straight up hit on me, they even talked jokingly about how I reminded her of her first boyfriend (we even shared the same name) it was weird, it didn't feel like I was a Chad at all, in fact it felt terrible for some reason, but at firs I thought it was just silly and after coming back home she REALLY wanted to spend time with me dancing for some reason, but I just went straight to bed.

The next day, I woke up with a message that was left here by her, basically saying that she was sorry if she scared me and that I was one of the nicest, that I was "incredible". That made me feel awful, because I was not scared at all, just sleepy, I even asked my parents if she was gone for good because I wanted to at least talk to her again.

Keep in mind I was not (and still not) attracted to her, at least physically. Mostly because of some physical characteristics, maybe I care about the whole "fucked a lot of other dudes" as well but I am not sure considering how bottom-of-the-barrel I feel right now. But anyway... the next day she was here again, but my sister-in-law had to solve some family businesses and Z would be here all day long, only the two of us. The sister-in-law basically pushed me to talk to her so I just told she could "watch me play games in my room" (yeah I am a nerd, sue me)

Z came to my room a few moments later, she was laughing out loud about the message she left me, and told me she made tons of noise trying to put it here, she is kind of a geek so it was easy to talk to her, I was just seeing silly shit online, playing a game here and there, and talking... just talking... hours and hours of talking. We only stopped when it was very late at night and I told her I was going to bed, she quickly left my room, it was so nice talking to her.

The next day I came back from work in the evening, Z and another friend from the sister-in-law met me and I showed some parts of the house, it was kind of fun, honestly. My parents came and they started talking, I came to my room, after my parents left, she came once again to my room, even making fun of herself for "bothering" me again. I just told her it was OK and we talked again... and talked, and talked... about all sorts of nerdy shit, sometimes she would mention the guy she is dating, something I didn't even care because I didn't really want to date her.

Then the next day came, and while I was at work, she sent me a photo of the plane she was traveling at, and it came to me that she was gone, probably for many years before I saw her again. But I was not sad until I came back home... my parents weren't here anymore, such a silent house, not a single noise, not a single laughter, conversation, god damn I missed her so much, it was so weird, it's like even though I didn't want to have sex with her, or kiss her, or anything like that... but I wanted her to be here so badly, that is when the sadness began. I felt really bad, but it got worse in the next days. The most soul-crushing part was coming to my room and seeing another letter from her, also praising me for being such a great guy, even with silly drawings and shit, I praised her back by texting while feeling like shit.

She kept sending me messages, memes, updates on her travel, this sort of thing. I was already really depressed over all this, kept responding in a very friendly manner. But nothing would get me ready to what happened today. I dreamed about her, I don't remember the details, but I woke up in the middle of the night dreaming about her, I went to my phone looking for her text like a drug addict going for their fix, and while going to work, I felt so bad about the whole situation that I almost cried, but I managed to keep it cool and work normally. Then when it was time to go back home, all my sadness came back, just as strong as ever.

About lunch time, she stopped texting me completely. I thought that maybe she just gave up, and it was painful, it would be just another rejection even though I didn't hit on her. I was crying in my car, in traffic. When I came back home, I saw a notification and immediately looked it up, it was my sister-in-law straight up telling me Z wanted to know if I wanted to kiss her.

I felt like crying, I took my time and just told her that I don't want to be with anyone right now, she asked me what was going on but I ignored the messages. I went to the bathroom, I cried, and cried again. I think I could cry again at any moment. I don't know why or how, but this feels worse than any rejection I ever faced, even though I was rejected by girls I had an huge crush on, I never cried over it, but right now... holy shit, this feels like shit, I don't know what to do. All I can do right now is hope to feel better in the next weeks or months.

Everything about inceldom came to me, like a fucking bull, destroying me completely. About me being over 30 and never having kissed a girl, about me being rejected by so many girls, about how this one girl was so great to be with, but how I couldn't touch her, didn't want to touch her, I am broken, I cannot recover from 30 years of inceldom, nothing could ever heal me, I already felt jaded and sad already, but this was the final nail in the coffin. Sure, she is a slut, but I liked so much to have companionship, to have someone to talk to me after a hard day at work, holy hell... it's like I had a taste of it... without tasting it at all. I don't know what to do. I hate this so much. 3 days I basically fell in love with her... without wanting her.

I just wanted a girl to talk to, funny how it has to be a girl, but I do.
This how all oneitis began fren. Ive been through it. A girl is nice to you and talks to you for some time and then leaves your life for years or forever it creates a horrible cycle of pain and ocd over them. I still feel a heartache when i remember one of the girl who was nice to me in middle school for some time and then left it never to be seen again, i dont have her contacts i don't even know her name ! Its over but still feels painfull.
I might get banned for this post, but I don't know where to talk about this and honestly I wouldn't say everything I'm talking right here even to my closest friends, because of how pathetic of a 30+ year old incel that I am. I never felt this bad in my entire life. This is a LONG post, but I hope at least one person will read it all.

First of all, I know this will be seen as a bragging or humble bragging thread, dear lord I wish I felt like bragging, I actually feel like a piece of shit and already cried multiple times today.

A few days ago, my sister-in-law invited me to a social gathering, nothing fancy, just talking and eating with the other normies. I would pick her and her friend up and bring them there.

Her friend, let's just call her 'Z', saw something related to a hobby of mine in the back seat and already started conversations, it was funny because she was really engaged into talking and was very talkative in general, a very weird but nice girl, she eventually revealed in the event that she has to take meds to interact with people because her social anxiety is too high, she started to also get drunk which made me worried, my sister-in-law mentioned how Z is actually an huge slut who fucked multiple guys to the point she was expelled from a group because she slept with multiple of them. Keep in mind that even though Z is not ugly (not a Stacy either) she was not really my type, not trying to sound like a Chad taking his pick, maybe my mind is ruined by social media and porn?

When going back home, she (completely drunk and under the effect of the medication) started to straight up hit on me, they even talked jokingly about how I reminded her of her first boyfriend (we even shared the same name) it was weird, it didn't feel like I was a Chad at all, in fact it felt terrible for some reason, but at firs I thought it was just silly and after coming back home she REALLY wanted to spend time with me dancing for some reason, but I just went straight to bed.

The next day, I woke up with a message that was left here by her, basically saying that she was sorry if she scared me and that I was one of the nicest, that I was "incredible". That made me feel awful, because I was not scared at all, just sleepy, I even asked my parents if she was gone for good because I wanted to at least talk to her again.

Keep in mind I was not (and still not) attracted to her, at least physically. Mostly because of some physical characteristics, maybe I care about the whole "fucked a lot of other dudes" as well but I am not sure considering how bottom-of-the-barrel I feel right now. But anyway... the next day she was here again, but my sister-in-law had to solve some family businesses and Z would be here all day long, only the two of us. The sister-in-law basically pushed me to talk to her so I just told she could "watch me play games in my room" (yeah I am a nerd, sue me)

Z came to my room a few moments later, she was laughing out loud about the message she left me, and told me she made tons of noise trying to put it here, she is kind of a geek so it was easy to talk to her, I was just seeing silly shit online, playing a game here and there, and talking... just talking... hours and hours of talking. We only stopped when it was very late at night and I told her I was going to bed, she quickly left my room, it was so nice talking to her.

The next day I came back from work in the evening, Z and another friend from the sister-in-law met me and I showed some parts of the house, it was kind of fun, honestly. My parents came and they started talking, I came to my room, after my parents left, she came once again to my room, even making fun of herself for "bothering" me again. I just told her it was OK and we talked again... and talked, and talked... about all sorts of nerdy shit, sometimes she would mention the guy she is dating, something I didn't even care because I didn't really want to date her.

Then the next day came, and while I was at work, she sent me a photo of the plane she was traveling at, and it came to me that she was gone, probably for many years before I saw her again. But I was not sad until I came back home... my parents weren't here anymore, such a silent house, not a single noise, not a single laughter, conversation, god damn I missed her so much, it was so weird, it's like even though I didn't want to have sex with her, or kiss her, or anything like that... but I wanted her to be here so badly, that is when the sadness began. I felt really bad, but it got worse in the next days. The most soul-crushing part was coming to my room and seeing another letter from her, also praising me for being such a great guy, even with silly drawings and shit, I praised her back by texting while feeling like shit.

She kept sending me messages, memes, updates on her travel, this sort of thing. I was already really depressed over all this, kept responding in a very friendly manner. But nothing would get me ready to what happened today. I dreamed about her, I don't remember the details, but I woke up in the middle of the night dreaming about her, I went to my phone looking for her text like a drug addict going for their fix, and while going to work, I felt so bad about the whole situation that I almost cried, but I managed to keep it cool and work normally. Then when it was time to go back home, all my sadness came back, just as strong as ever.

About lunch time, she stopped texting me completely. I thought that maybe she just gave up, and it was painful, it would be just another rejection even though I didn't hit on her. I was crying in my car, in traffic. When I came back home, I saw a notification and immediately looked it up, it was my sister-in-law straight up telling me Z wanted to know if I wanted to kiss her.

I felt like crying, I took my time and just told her that I don't want to be with anyone right now, she asked me what was going on but I ignored the messages. I went to the bathroom, I cried, and cried again. I think I could cry again at any moment. I don't know why or how, but this feels worse than any rejection I ever faced, even though I was rejected by girls I had an huge crush on, I never cried over it, but right now... holy shit, this feels like shit, I don't know what to do. All I can do right now is hope to feel better in the next weeks or months.

Everything about inceldom came to me, like a fucking bull, destroying me completely. About me being over 30 and never having kissed a girl, about me being rejected by so many girls, about how this one girl was so great to be with, but how I couldn't touch her, didn't want to touch her, I am broken, I cannot recover from 30 years of inceldom, nothing could ever heal me, I already felt jaded and sad already, but this was the final nail in the coffin. Sure, she is a slut, but I liked so much to have companionship, to have someone to talk to me after a hard day at work, holy hell... it's like I had a taste of it... without tasting it at all. I don't know what to do. I hate this so much. 3 days I basically fell in love with her... without wanting her.

I just wanted a girl to talk to, funny how it has to be a girl, but I do.
You almost hooked up with that girl and woulda been proud of yourself? Missed opportunity or are you just a soy cuck thinking you found your soulmate lol

Honestly seek JESUS HE will take your pain away and replace it. :)
ironic how OP argues against escortcels yet he himself is a volcel
Dont give in bro its an hallucination

but if a foid asked me out or something i'd immediatly assume its hungry and wants a meal

I might get banned for this post, but I don't know where to talk about this and honestly I wouldn't say everything I'm talking right here even to my closest friends, because of how pathetic of a 30+ year old incel that I am. I never felt this bad in my entire life. This is a LONG post, but I hope at least one person will read it all.

First of all, I know this will be seen as a bragging or humble bragging thread, dear lord I wish I felt like bragging, I actually feel like a piece of shit and already cried multiple times today.

A few days ago, my sister-in-law invited me to a social gathering, nothing fancy, just talking and eating with the other normies. I would pick her and her friend up and bring them there.

Her friend, let's just call her 'Z', saw something related to a hobby of mine in the back seat and already started conversations, it was funny because she was really engaged into talking and was very talkative in general, a very weird but nice girl, she eventually revealed in the event that she has to take meds to interact with people because her social anxiety is too high, she started to also get drunk which made me worried, my sister-in-law mentioned how Z is actually an huge slut who fucked multiple guys to the point she was expelled from a group because she slept with multiple of them. Keep in mind that even though Z is not ugly (not a Stacy either) she was not really my type, not trying to sound like a Chad taking his pick, maybe my mind is ruined by social media and porn?

When going back home, she (completely drunk and under the effect of the medication) started to straight up hit on me, they even talked jokingly about how I reminded her of her first boyfriend (we even shared the same name) it was weird, it didn't feel like I was a Chad at all, in fact it felt terrible for some reason, but at firs I thought it was just silly and after coming back home she REALLY wanted to spend time with me dancing for some reason, but I just went straight to bed.

The next day, I woke up with a message that was left here by her, basically saying that she was sorry if she scared me and that I was one of the nicest, that I was "incredible". That made me feel awful, because I was not scared at all, just sleepy, I even asked my parents if she was gone for good because I wanted to at least talk to her again.

Keep in mind I was not (and still not) attracted to her, at least physically. Mostly because of some physical characteristics, maybe I care about the whole "fucked a lot of other dudes" as well but I am not sure considering how bottom-of-the-barrel I feel right now. But anyway... the next day she was here again, but my sister-in-law had to solve some family businesses and Z would be here all day long, only the two of us. The sister-in-law basically pushed me to talk to her so I just told she could "watch me play games in my room" (yeah I am a nerd, sue me)

Z came to my room a few moments later, she was laughing out loud about the message she left me, and told me she made tons of noise trying to put it here, she is kind of a geek so it was easy to talk to her, I was just seeing silly shit online, playing a game here and there, and talking... just talking... hours and hours of talking. We only stopped when it was very late at night and I told her I was going to bed, she quickly left my room, it was so nice talking to her.

The next day I came back from work in the evening, Z and another friend from the sister-in-law met me and I showed some parts of the house, it was kind of fun, honestly. My parents came and they started talking, I came to my room, after my parents left, she came once again to my room, even making fun of herself for "bothering" me again. I just told her it was OK and we talked again... and talked, and talked... about all sorts of nerdy shit, sometimes she would mention the guy she is dating, something I didn't even care because I didn't really want to date her.

Then the next day came, and while I was at work, she sent me a photo of the plane she was traveling at, and it came to me that she was gone, probably for many years before I saw her again. But I was not sad until I came back home... my parents weren't here anymore, such a silent house, not a single noise, not a single laughter, conversation, god damn I missed her so much, it was so weird, it's like even though I didn't want to have sex with her, or kiss her, or anything like that... but I wanted her to be here so badly, that is when the sadness began. I felt really bad, but it got worse in the next days. The most soul-crushing part was coming to my room and seeing another letter from her, also praising me for being such a great guy, even with silly drawings and shit, I praised her back by texting while feeling like shit.

She kept sending me messages, memes, updates on her travel, this sort of thing. I was already really depressed over all this, kept responding in a very friendly manner. But nothing would get me ready to what happened today. I dreamed about her, I don't remember the details, but I woke up in the middle of the night dreaming about her, I went to my phone looking for her text like a drug addict going for their fix, and while going to work, I felt so bad about the whole situation that I almost cried, but I managed to keep it cool and work normally. Then when it was time to go back home, all my sadness came back, just as strong as ever.

About lunch time, she stopped texting me completely. I thought that maybe she just gave up, and it was painful, it would be just another rejection even though I didn't hit on her. I was crying in my car, in traffic. When I came back home, I saw a notification and immediately looked it up, it was my sister-in-law straight up telling me Z wanted to know if I wanted to kiss her.

I felt like crying, I took my time and just told her that I don't want to be with anyone right now, she asked me what was going on but I ignored the messages. I went to the bathroom, I cried, and cried again. I think I could cry again at any moment. I don't know why or how, but this feels worse than any rejection I ever faced, even though I was rejected by girls I had an huge crush on, I never cried over it, but right now... holy shit, this feels like shit, I don't know what to do. All I can do right now is hope to feel better in the next weeks or months.

Everything about inceldom came to me, like a fucking bull, destroying me completely. About me being over 30 and never having kissed a girl, about me being rejected by so many girls, about how this one girl was so great to be with, but how I couldn't touch her, didn't want to touch her, I am broken, I cannot recover from 30 years of inceldom, nothing could ever heal me, I already felt jaded and sad already, but this was the final nail in the coffin. Sure, she is a slut, but I liked so much to have companionship, to have someone to talk to me after a hard day at work, holy hell... it's like I had a taste of it... without tasting it at all. I don't know what to do. I hate this so much. 3 days I basically fell in love with her... without wanting her.

I just wanted a girl to talk to, funny how it has to be a girl, but I do.
@Copexodius Maximus - a new "maybe fakecel" for you to cry about? Forgive me for not wanting to write this sort of post to appease morons like you about 20 year old "incidents" but you can see the detrimental effects it has on this site (even though due to your harassment you forced me to write one), even if the OP is hurting and being forthcoming in his testimony and recanting. Also, I'm a bit old, I don't have time to write this sort of shit and go through the emotional rollercoaster. When you are this old, your energy and mind can become weak and drained easily when something upsetting needs to be retold and retold.
@Copexodius Maximus - a new "maybe fakecel" for you to cry about? Forgive me for not wanting to write this sort of post to appease morons like you about 20 year old "incidents" but you can see the detrimental effects it has on this site (even though due to your harassment you forced me to write one), even if the OP is hurting and being forthcoming in his testimony and recanting. Also, I'm a bit old, I don't have time to write this sort of shit and go through the emotional rollercoaster. When you are this old, your energy and mind can become weak and drained easily when something upsetting needs to be retold and retold.
I’m not talking about others because I didn’t know them. I knew you so I make it known that fakecels should all be banned, no matter how good things were before.
I’m not talking about others because I didn’t know them. I knew you so I make it known that fakecels should all be banned, no matter how good things were before.
What do you mean "I knew you"? This is cringe. You said that in the other place too on K9's post. You don't KNOW me, very few on here knows anyone truly. What little you did know of my thoughts on matter, and what little you did understand (judging from recent posts and discussions we have been having on those threads) you didn't seem to agree or understand what I'm saying at all. And in that regard I'm the same.
What do you mean "I knew you"? This is cringe. You said that in the other place too on K9's post. You don't KNOW me, very few on here knows anyone truly. What little you did know of my thoughts on matter, and what little you did understand (judging from recent posts and discussions we have been having on those threads) you didn't seem to agree or understand what I'm saying at all. And in that regard I'm the same.
Knew you as in I acknowledged your existence here. Idk the other dude and never tagged him.
Knew you as in I acknowledged your existence here. Idk the other dude and never tagged him.
What man? That's a total lie. You're a member from before we came, 2020 and you commented MANY times in his threads and saw the whole dogpill thing afterwards etc. Yes, you and I have conversed more than you and him, but don't bullshit and say "I don't know the other dude" lol.
What man? That's a total lie. You're a member from before we came, 2020 and you commented MANY times in his threads and saw the whole dogpill thing afterwards etc. Yes, you and I have conversed more than you and him, but don't bullshit and say "I don't know the other dude" lol.
I don’t. I respond to lots of posts but don’t remember many of the users, especially if they have never said anything interesting or haven’t talked that much
If you were not attracted to her to sex, then youre not attracted to her, and its fine.
If you actually wanted a foid as a friend, (even though she probably was manipulating you to be a beta orbiter), then you could have had a friendship
But you didnt waste some massive opportunity by not wanting to get in a relationship with a slut
She's a whore who gave you some GFE, but you weren't attracted to her and this is DEFINITELY in part because you knew she was a whore from the start. You didn't do anything wrong and you didn't mess anything up. Your lizard brain and reproductive urges are playing tricks on you.
I don’t. I respond to lots of posts but don’t remember many of the users, especially if they have never said anything interesting or haven’t talked that much
K9Otaku never said anything interesting? Lmao. Make a poll and I'm sure more than half the forum will disagree with you...
K9Otaku never said anything interesting? Lmao. Make a poll and I'm sure more than half the forum will disagree with you...
Wait bad idea. No more god forsaken polls lol.
K9Otaku never said anything interesting? Lmao. Make a poll and I'm sure more than half the forum will disagree with you...
Sorry, I don’t remember him. If I had, I would have said so.
Hey Chad McChaderington, how's it going
She just saw you as an orbiter I think.
If she really found you attractive, given that she apparently was a slut, she'd propose you to have sex straightaway.

That story also shows how desperate you are as an incel, and how sad and depressive our lives are.
Just goes to show how tough it is to be a man.

30 year old guy never kissed or had anybody like him, finally meets somebody And immediately gets addicted at the first sight of pussy. Meanwhile an average to below average, nerdy, weird ass girl gets fucked over and over like it’s nothing and talks about all the boyfriends she’s had.

Cold world, and it’s only going to get worse as technology improves. :fuk:
One thing I'd like to point out about this story - totally unrelated to OP- is how she is a geek and a nerd AND SHE IS STILL A SLUT. Now, I don't know about you guys, but I've never meet a single geek/nerd that even managed to EVER get attention from a woman, let alone fuck multiple of them from the same friend group.
Yeah. Shy/nerdy girls may not seem like it but they’re some of the biggest roasties

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