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I never make it to Cucktears



go AB
Dec 1, 2017
Probably because I am by far the least controversial character on this forum. Proof that they cherrypick the extreme threads only and trolls here take advantage of it.
They only show the posts that are way over the line. I've never been on cuckqueers as well.
Same with me, though a few of my replies are there.
rafaelvicuna3 said:
They only show the posts that are way over the line. I've never been on cuckqueers as well.

They only share rape/murder threatening threads and make it look like we are all like that.
They cherrypick some of the troll posts and then generalize saying we're all like that, fuck them.
Schizoidcel said:
They cherrypick some of the troll posts and then generalize saying we're all like that, fuck them.
They are so committed to discreditting us...
why even browse cucktears?
Same man. I feel excluded from the fun.
They think all incels are the same. That is a shame, the are the ones to blame all they want is fame and every member there is lame.
TheVman said:
why even browse cucktears?

You can never get enough of their stupid copes and commenters
ArtoriasWolf said:
They think all incels are the same. That is a shame, the are the ones to blame all they want is fame and every member there is lame.
Many of them know most of us are normal but lie anyway.
I got on inceltears once with a thread about getting revenge on a femoid
Jockcel said:
Many of them know most of us are normal but lie anyway.

If you are not short you are normal
They got one of my threads and the thing is that it was a depressing thread.

I was never featured from r/incels too.

If you look at inceltears sub now, they are not obsessed with our forum. Reason? Less IT alts making extreme threads.
I think IT themselves were making those types of threads to get free reddit karma as well as shut down r/incels and it worked for them. Of course we got real extremists tho and some trolls.

Now you can tell between a newbie account, a troll and IT user.
They mentioned me for sex with mares but they never talk about the 'normie' girls who let their dog fuck them.
Schizoidcel said:
They cherrypick some of the troll posts and then generalize saying we're all like that, fuck them.
rafaelvicuna3 said:
They only show the posts that are way over the line. I've never been on cuckqueers as well.
I’ve made it several times, kind of proud of that.
I have not made it, but then again, I have moderate replies
In a way, I made it there, they explain some of my terminology. Making it to KiwiFarms a few times was cool, especially since they obsess over guys that post videos usually.

mental_out said:
IT always cherrypick. It was like when canino posted that thread about killing animals and they screenshotted it, while making sure not to include the fact that pretty much every other post in the thread was calling him out on it.

LOL @ that avi of him, he did the Reddit makeover and went up a whole 0.01.
Schizoidcel said:
They cherrypick some of the troll posts and then generalize saying we're all like that, fuck them.

Which is strange because this line of reasoning on women, black people, Muslims, etc would get YOU banned from reddit. "Notallx" except when its incels.
Weirdcel said:
Which is strange because this line of reasoning on women, black people, Muslims, etc would get YOU banned from reddit. "Notallx" except when its incels.

Yes. They release all their pent up anger on us incels, it's so easy.

@Jockcel Found this: https://www.reddit.com/r/IncelTears/comments/7yf5tb/1_he_doesnt_make_it_to_inceltears_front_page/
Half the posts there are from my Reddit account. They have stop posting new threads because I was banned. They really did not like me. I even got death threats from them and they told me to hang myself.
Schizoidcel said:
Yes. They release all their pent up anger on us incels, it's so easy.

@Jockcel Found this: https://www.reddit.com/r/cucktears/comments/7yf5tb/1_he_doesnt_make_it_to_inceltears_front_page/

Jockcel said:
I just checked and I could access it.

Yeah, it was just of a minute or two, never mind.
say anything conservative and you should be up there in no time
I remember one time when I did, and we got into an argument over the character in my avatar lol
Atleast 70% of the 'hardcore incel phrases' are either sarcasm of useres here or fake posts made by them so they can post it again.
And its funny how they laugh about person who says that he wants to rape women. What do you except a 22 years old, isolated virgin with no social contacts to do?
Those guys here who really want to rape women are so desperate that they would spend years in prison just to have what most normal people have everyday.
Guys I just made it with the only extreme thread I have ever made. It was a month ago and I was not even being serious.
Here: https://www.reddit.com/r/IncelTears/comments/7yf5tb/1_he_doesnt_make_it_to_inceltears_front_page/
sorrowfulsad said:
Atleast 70% of the 'hardcore incel phrases' are either sarcasm of useres here or fake posts made by them so they can post it again.
And its funny how they laugh about person who says that he wants to rape women. What do you except a 22 years old, isolated virgin with no social contacts to do?
Those guys here who really want to rape women are so desperate that they would spend years in prison just to have what most normal people have everyday.

Me. Rape is my only option besides spending a fortune on a landwhale or a hooker

Jockcel said:
Guys I just made it with the only extreme thread I have ever made. It was a month ago and I was not even being serious.
Here: https://www.reddit.com/r/cucktears/comments/7yf5tb/1_he_doesnt_make_it_to_inceltears_front_page/

My homeless heroin junkie foid story made it there, KEK.

My comments have been featured on a couple of YouTube videos, too.

I'm going to need royalties for this shit. Send me bitcoin!
Sub8Hate said:
My homeless heroin junkie foid story made it there, KEK.

My comments have been featured on a couple of YouTube videos, too.

I'm going to need royalties for this shit. Send me bitcoin!

Jockcel said:
Guys I just made it with the only extreme thread I have ever made. It was a month ago and I was not even being serious.
Here: https://www.reddit.com/r/cucktears/comments/7yf5tb/1_he_doesnt_make_it_to_inceltears_front_page/

Imagine scrolling through an incel's 2852 posts just to find something like this. jfl at cucktears.
UncannyValley said:
I remember one time when I did, and we got into an argument over the character in my avatar lol
was it over seto kaiba?
UncannyValley said:
I remember one time when I did, and we got into an argument over the character in my avatar lol

Did you actually argue on the subteddit defending your incels.is account? Badass.
iiiTeMpeR said:
say anything conservative and you should be up there in no time

Killing babies is more unethical than fat shaming
Jockcel said:
Did you actually argue on the subteddit defending your incels.is account? Badass.

Sticks and stones may break my bones, but idiotic posts will never hurt me.

And inc3ltears is just a board of incels and normies in denial
UncannyValley said:
Jockcel said:
Did you actually argue on the subteddit defending your incels.is account? Badass.
Sticks and stones may break my bones, but idiotic posts will never hurt me.
And inc3ltears is just a board of incels and normies in denial
I'm on there often, its funny.
Cuckqueers conveniently hide or refuse to show posts that make too much sense to them and cherry-pick the most extreme examples they can find just to make us all look bad in their eyes and those of onlooking media tycoons.
Fuck cucktears.
Juxtaposition6 said:
Cuckqueers conveniently hide or refuse to show posts that make too much sense to them and cherry-pick the most extreme examples they can find just to make us all look bad in their eyes and those of onlooking media tycoons.
Fuck cucktears.

They even admitted it. Just look at comments of a thread about me.
yea I just got banned there, i made a thread for this but shoulda posted it here

mental_out said:
You just know they saw this thread and felt the need to scour your post history to find that. Like holy shit.

Ridiculous right?

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