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I lowkey never understood Light Yagami fans



Jul 6, 2024
I always hated that mf

was rooting for L to kill him

was a compulsive liar and a manipulative dick to everyone around him

coped with muh 'i wanna create a better world' when in reality he was just a psychopath with a god complex and enjoyed the high off playing god.

also was a dick for spitting on Ls friendship

let his dad die

I'm sad that L died, was my favorite character in the show fr

would've loved to see more of light and L as actual friends,

like a show where they're real friends and solve crimes together side by side

a show like that would've slapped!
Show went to dogshit after he died.
Nobody cares about Mellow and Near.
I distinctly remember dropping the show after he died only to pick it up like five years later.
Show went to dogshit after he died.
Nobody cares about Mellow and Near.
i think it went to shit when he did the switcharoo amnesia meme
was super boring as you KNEW he was going to get his memories and the death note again, there was no tension
True, Light was just a chad with a God complex while L was an autistic incel so I of course ended up rooting more for L
Light is a sociopath who claims his true motive is to "rid the world of crime" but that's not actually his goal. He literally just wants to be god, his actions aren't driven by true altruism, it's driven by his selfish desire to be god. He is the literal representation of a modern chad if he had powers.
I'm in trouble here. I liked Light better than L and was hoping he would win until he started going totally retarded with his "well, let's not just kill criminals but NEETs/lazy people too". As a NEET I just couldn't like him after that. Also, Light is Chad for sure but he doesn't care about sexuality much and that impressed me. He only used Misa and Takada(?) as pawns and was clearly annoyed by Misa, which was funny and hilarious considering that most guys would do anything to have a gf like her.
I don't think Light was an especially bad guy, he had good intentions but got carried away when he became too powerful. I certainly didn't feel any pity towards most of his victims.
I remember him saying it's all about looks when ryuk asked him how he got girls lmao

Light was edgy, and wannabe edgy 14 year olds love that shit, simple
Does anyone remember “just as keikaku” :feelskek:
Whatever you do, don't spell Yagami backwards
Retarded thread. Retarded responders.

Forget Will Smith GIF

"Look here real quick. Death Note was too good for you-"
light was mega blackpilled he even minupulated that foid to do what he wanted betrayed many normies dude was based
People just wanna be misanthropic and edgy so they support a crazed lunatic who is essentially the personification of their megalomanic desires

But nothing to worry about honestly...the average light Yagami fan is some overweight 16-year-old girl who is too scared to ask the employees at McDonald's for more ketchup :feelshaha::feelshaha::feelshaha:

kek, light would probably kill them if they existed in the Death Note Universe

death note japan GIF
I liked the series, I got hooked, I finished it, I love how he kills every enemy of his and tricks everyone

Pepe gun

i wish L could have brought him down instead of that Near bitchass

i wish L could have brought him down instead of that Near bitchass
Near was such a boring character, just a worse version of L that got handed all the answers without any logic behind it
Near was basically the realistic interpretation of how some autistic incel detective would operate, they would never be as badass as L, they would sit in their room all day on the computer and need guides for any extended travel.
Near was basically the realistic interpretation of how some autistic incel detective would operate, they would never be as badass as L, they would sit in their room all day on the computer and need guides for any extended travel.
jfl, but true
Why do some people like L better when it's been pointed out in the series that he doesn't care about anyone either? L and Light weren't that different. If anything, Light was more altruistic because he considered the fate of the world and the future while L only cared about proving how smart he was.
I don't understand how some people can enjoy this anime when Monster exists and has a much more developed philosophy and plot.
Imagine being a tall prettyboy and instead of partying and banging prime JB everday, you sit alone in your dark room and write down names of persons to kill them
Imagine being a tall prettyboy and instead of partying and banging prime JB everday, you sit alone in your dark room and write down names of persons to kill them
Tbf he had a blonde foid literally simp for him the entire anime yet he didn't care about her advances at all.
Tbf he had a blonde foid literally simp for him the entire anime yet he didn't care about her advances at all.
He is so used to getting worshipped by JBs that he doesnt care about them at all
I don't understand how some people can enjoy this anime when Monster exists and has a much more developed philosophy and plot.
Monster is the most overrated thing ever. The story is quite literally full of extreme coincidences. The same 20 people are running into each other always all of a sudden when they travel all over Europe. It has the laziest writing one could imagine.
Light is foidbrained and gay
Can’t relate to both. L was a fed whereas Light was a chad narcissist. Both facially mog me to oblivion.

I support killing some criminals (alpha male types who have sex with a lot of foids) but many are just victims of the judicial system. He should’ve focused on killing billionaires and politicians instead.
I've always sided with Light just like I side with Aizen in Bleach. L's moral compass wasn't limpid either, he could have tried making the world better considering his genius but no, he chose to work as a dog for the judeo-americans and preserve the status quo. He never seemed someone who wanted justice in my eyes, he only hunted Kira for the lulz. How could I ever root for someone like that?
Show went to dogshit after he died.
Nobody cares about Mellow and Near.
Stopped watching after L died. Even tho I really liked it.
Even now I don't even know how it ends.
Light had the ego of a PUA scammer
the only people who actually like light are teenage foids who find him hot
the only people who actually like light are teenage foids who find him hot
HE IS GOOD LOOKING, WTF, OFC they will get wet for him, Straight nose and chadlite with big hair!
Monster is the most overrated thing ever. The story is quite literally full of extreme coincidences. The same 20 people are running into each other always all of a sudden when they travel all over Europe. It has the laziest writing one could imagine.
If the characters meet in certain places, it's not by coincidence, but the result of an elaborate scheme devised by Johann, who is a manipulative genius. This antagonist possesses a heightened knowledge of human nature and feelings, to the extent that he is able to shape them according to his desires, except in the case of Dr. Tenma, who symbolizes Christ. Filled with biblical and philosophical references, this anime is a true masterpiece, tackling sensitive subjects such as child abuse without superficiality.

Your criticism only applies to Death Note, where certain situations always work in Light's or L's favor to develop the scenario, such as the fact that he can guess at first sight that the serial killer is in a specific area of Japan, whereas in Monster Tenma is a fugitive who gathers different sources of information to locate Johann.
If you just enjoy it as a fiction it's not that distasteful, his killing sprees, since it quickly becomes a story about the rivalry between two geniuses. Problem happens when the video essayists and so-called critics take these things too seriously and end up influencing our thought-process as a result with their pseudo-intellectual drivel.
Fucking goddamn cucks I would fucking like to nuke all of Asia plz right now burn them all stupid gooks

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