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Serious I looksmax but still get no attention



Born to Watch the World Burn
Jan 21, 2019
I put makeup to cover any red splotches that pop up on my face, I wear 1.5" shoe-lifts that bring me to 5'10", I wear self-tanner to achieve optimal skin tone, I wear overpriced fashionable garments like Patagonia pullovers, Canada Goose jackets, polo shirts, etc., and I workout a fair amount and am starting to build up noticeable muscle tone. But I still don't get invited to parties, I get looks of scorn from males and females alike, and have zero social/romantic life. Am I just a mentalcel? If so what is my problem? Because I'm frequently told that I'm "superficially charming" but then when people "get to know me" they no longer like me.
I put makeup to cover any red splotches that pop up on my face, I wear 1.5" shoe-lifts that bring me to 5'10", I wear self-tanner to achieve optimal skin tone, I wear overpriced fashionable garments like Patagonia pullovers, Canada Goose jackets, polo shirts, etc., and I workout a fair amount and am starting to build up noticeable muscle tone. But I still don't get invited to parties, I get looks of scorn from males and females alike, and have zero social/romantic life. Am I just a mentalcel? If so what is my problem? Because I'm frequently told that I'm "superficially charming" but then when people "get to know me" they no longer like me.

You are ugly. I advise looking into facial surgeries. They will do you far more good than all those combined.
You remind me of when I looksmaxed two years back. There's no point in doing so if you are incel. Cosmetic surgery is the only way to go for us.
Because I'm frequently told that I'm "superficially charming"
You are ugly. I advise looking into facial surgeries. They will do you far more good than all those combined.
You remind me of when I looksmaxed two years back. There's no point in doing so if you are incel. Cosmetic surgery is the only way to go for us.
The problem is I have no negative facial features that could be easily fixed through surgeries. I mean I could get a jaw implant just to looksmax, but it's not like I have a noticeably recessed jawline. Is my height (5'8.5") the issue?
The problem is I have no negative facial features that could be easily fixed through surgeries. I mean I could get a jaw implant just to looksmax, but it's not like I have a noticeably recessed jawline. Is my height (5'8.5") the issue?

Yes, if what you are saying is true then it's the height.
Yes, if what you are saying is true then it's the height.
Suifuel because height can't be easily fixed. I refuse to get LL so I guess I'll just shoeliftmaxx.
Yeah, height is a death sentence.
Funny how my height is only .5" below the US average and yet isn't good enough for foids. Pareto distribution at its finest.
The problem is I have no negative facial features that could be easily fixed through surgeries. I mean I could get a jaw implant just to looksmax, but it's not like I have a noticeably recessed jawline. Is my height (5'8.5") the issue?
Face is the foundation of looks. If your is at least ok, good news it's not over :feelsokman:
Suifuel because height can't be easily fixed. I refuse to get LL so I guess I'll just shoeliftmaxx.
You'll have to settle for shorter foids. Also lowinhibmaxx, manlets are often considered shy introverted nerds, you'll have to prove you're different, by bravado if needed.
The problem is I have no negative facial features that could be easily fixed through surgeries. I mean I could get a jaw implant just to looksmax, but it's not like I have a noticeably recessed jawline. Is my height (5'8.5") the issue?
Foids are getting taller and they consider that short. It might be the issue.
Funny how my height is only .5" below the US average and yet isn't good enough for foids. Pareto distribution at its finest.

At least you aren't 5'7 3/4 like me. I swear every quarter of an inch makes a difference.
Your height is holding you back bro.
Foids are getting taller and they consider that short. It might be the issue.
White foids certainty seem to be getting taller, I walked by a group a foids last night (with my shoe-lifts on, so standing at ~5'10") and I was like right at their height. To be fair, most of them were wearing 3" boots, so their natural height was probably ~5'6"-5'7" on average, but that's still quite a bit taller than the nominal average of 5'4".
At least you aren't 5'7 3/4 like me. I swear every quarter of an inch makes a difference.
Yes, it indeed does. Hence why the money I spent on quality 1.5" shoe-lifts was the best money I've ever spent.
White foids certainty seem to be getting taller, I walked my a group a foids last night with my shoe-lifts on and I was like right at their height. To be fair, most of them were wearing 3" boots, so their natural height was probably ~5'6" on average, but that's still taller than the nominal average of 5'4".
Because of the foid height gatekeeping I firmly believe that soon we will live in a world where every foid is 6 ft. They just keep wanting taller and taller guys.
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Because of the foid height safekeeping I firmly believe that soon we will live in a world where every foid is 6 ft. They just keep wanting taller and taller guys.
Mostly white girls though, Asian/Indian chicks still all seem to be 5'1"-5'4".
The problem is I have no negative facial features that could be easily fixed through surgeries. I mean I could get a jaw implant just to looksmax, but it's not like I have a noticeably recessed jawline. Is my height (5'8.5") the issue?

rip. same here buddy boyo, 5'8.75 for me :feelsbadman:

(avg white male height is 6' where I live, I'm around 20th percentile height :cryfeels::feelsrope:)
For most uf us, looksmaxxing only makes us less ugly, not attractive.
We are still filth in the eyes of the society
I put makeup to cover any red splotches that pop up on my face, I wear 1.5" shoe-lifts that bring me to 5'10", I wear self-tanner to achieve optimal skin tone, I wear overpriced fashionable garments like Patagonia pullovers, Canada Goose jackets, polo shirts, etc., and I workout a fair amount and am starting to build up noticeable muscle tone. But I still don't get invited to parties, I get looks of scorn from males and females alike, and have zero social/romantic life. Am I just a mentalcel? If so what is my problem? Because I'm frequently told that I'm "superficially charming" but then when people "get to know me" they no longer like me.

Can you get matches on Tinder/POF/Bumble/Match? That's how people meet nowadays. If not, you need better photos or a better face. If your face is flawed, look into surgery if you have any blatant abnormalities to fix.
Too short, 6ft and a good face is the only guys that get any attention.
Would one of you be willing to objectively rate my face?
Can you get matches on Tinder/POF/Bumble/Match? That's how people meet nowadays. If not, you need better photos or a better face. If your face is flawed, look into surgery if you have any blatant abnormalities to fix.
Yes, I was able to get matches on Tinder but it didn't lead to anything.
Too short, 6ft and a good face is the only guys that get any attention.
Honestly I don't buy that. I see guys 5'8"-5'11" with girlfriends, you probably can't "slay" at that height but if your face is good enough you can get a girlfriend.
Would one of you be willing to objectively rate my face?

Yes, I was able to get matches on Tinder but it didn't lead to anything.

Honestly I don't buy that. I see guys 5'8"-5'11" with girlfriends, you probably can't "slay" at that height but if your face is good enough you can get a girlfriend.

If you send me a PM I'll give you a confidential rating. Please don't be really good looking. I hate when I get pictures of 7s and 8s.
If you send me a PM I'll give you a confidential rating. Please don't be really good looking. I hate when I get pictures of 7s and 8s.
I PM'd you.
Too short, 6ft and a good face is the only guys that get any attention.
Actually I take that back, you said *get attention*, which is about right. 6'0"+ and good face is a requirement to actively get attention from girls.
I PM'd you.

Actually I take that back, you said *get attention*, which is about right. 6'0"+ and good face is a requirement to actively get attention from girls.
You're very good looking. At least a 6/10. I wish I had your face. Are you asperger's? What's your primary dysfunction? I can tell you it's not your face.
You're very good looking. At least a 6/10. I wish I had your face. Are you asperger's? What's your primary dysfunction? I can tell you it's not your face.
Damn :feelsbadman: sometimes I think I am only truecel hee..
You're very good looking. At least a 6/10. I wish I had your face. Are you asperger's? What's your primary dysfunction? I can tell you it's not your face.
Thank you. I might have Asperger's, yes. My mom also thinks I have borderline personality disorder and narcissism.
Thank you. I might have Asperger's, yes. My mom also thinks I have borderline personality disorder and narcissism.
Go for ethnic foids. I guarantee you'll get them.
Thank you. I might have Asperger's, yes. My mom also thinks I have borderline personality disorder and narcissism.
Yeah that makes sense. If you had that face and were NT you'd have a normal or above average life. With those mental issues, good luck.
Yeah that makes sense. If you had that face and were NT you'd have a normal or above average life. With those mental issues, good luck.
What can I do to become more NT? Honestly I don't think I'm a full sperg, I'm just anti-social, narcissistic and don't care much about building interpersonal relationships. All I think about is self-advancement pretty much.
What can I do to become more NT? Honestly I don't think I'm a full sperg, I'm just anti-social, narcissistic and don't care much about building interpersonal relationships. All I think about is self-advancement pretty much.
I can relate to that on some level tbh.
I got a 27.

Yeah I scored a 9. I'm socially normal besides the damage I've suffered from a weird withdrawn incel life. I think they said over >30 starts getting into autism tier. So you're definitely at the upper limits of normal for social function.

That's definitely your problem. You've got some low tier Aspie/Autist tendencies. I don't know if you can train them out. I always figured the best way to train if you're autistic would be to watch lots of TV shows and movies with REAL HUMAN ACTORS (not anime shit) and practice trying to identify and reproduce their body language, facial expressions, and vocal intonations. If you can learn to act like a real human bean, maybe you can escape their autism detectors.
Yeah I scored a 9. I'm socially normal besides the damage I've suffered from a weird withdrawn incel life. I think they said over >30 starts getting into autism tier. So you're definitely at the upper limits of normal for social function.

That's definitely your problem. You've got some low tier Aspie/Autist tendencies. I don't know if you can train them out. I always figured the best way to train if you're autistic would be to watch lots of TV shows and movies with REAL HUMAN ACTORS (not anime shit) and practice trying to identify and reproduce their body language, facial expressions, and vocal intonations. If you can learn to act like a real human bean, maybe you can escape their autism detectors.
I probably would've scored even higher if the questions about whether I collect things were omitted because my obsessions revolve around ideas rather than objects. In any case, my parents have been told by many of my teachers over the years to get me assessed for Aspergers but they never wanted to do it because they "thought I was already perfect" or whatever. Now I kind of resent them for it because if this had been addressed at a young age I could have had a normal social/romantic life throughout my teenage years but now I've lost that time for good. It's not like it could have been "cured" per se but I could have started behaving more normally. I'll try watching TV shows and mimicking characters' behaviors but I think I need to give therapy another try as well.
I probably wouldn't scored even higher if the questions about whether I collect things were omitted because my obsessions revolve around ideas rather than objects. In any case, my parents have been told by many of my teachers over the years to get me assessed for Aspergers but they never wanted to do it because they "thought I was already perfect" or whatever. Now I kind of resent them for it because if this had been addressed at a young age I could have had a normal social/romantic life throughout my teenage years but now I've lost that time for good. It's not like it could have been "cured" per se but I could have started behaving more normally. I'll try watching TV shows and mimicking characters' behaviors but I think I need to give therapy another try as well.

Yeah maybe it could work. I dunno. I think if you're hardcore autistic probably there's not much hope but if it's just minor aspie shit and you are self aware you can likely learn to mask it with practice. Good luck.
Yeah maybe it could work. I dunno. I think if you're hardcore autistic probably there's not much hope but if it's just minor aspie shit and you are self aware you can likely learn to mask it with practice. Good luck.
Thanks, I'll probably take a break from this site (posting at least) and see if some changes I implement can make a difference now that you've helped confirm that I'm a mentalcel.
You remind me of when I looksmaxed two years back. There's no point in doing so if you are incel. Cosmetic surgery is the only way to go for us.
and even then cosmetic surgery cant makes good looking
The better people get to know me, the more I'm sure they would describe me as such. Hence why I've had falling outs with all of the "best friends" I've made over the years.
Have you identified the elements of your behaviour that turn people off and tried changing them?
Have you identified the elements of your behaviour that turn people off and tried changing them?
Off the top of my head: anger management issues, talk over people a lot, make myself the center of attention, focus on my problems/opinions, bad at small talk, don't consider others' emotions to be valid, argue for my position at any cost. I've also had drinking issues at different times but haven't been drinking much as of late.
Off the top of my head: anger management issues, talk over people a lot, make myself the center of attention, focus on my problems/opinions, bad at small talk, don't consider others' emotions to be valid, argue for my position at any cost. I've also had drinking issues at different times but haven't been drinking much as of late.
The fact that you acknowledge your flaws is a good first step. Now the question is whether you're willing to go through the trouble of actively holding those back when you're interacting with other people for the sake of possibly acquiring relationships. It's not gonna be easy, ngl.
I put makeup to cover any red splotches that pop up on my face, I wear 1.5" shoe-lifts that bring me to 5'10", I wear self-tanner to achieve optimal skin tone, I wear overpriced fashionable garments like Patagonia pullovers, Canada Goose jackets, polo shirts, etc., and I workout a fair amount and am starting to build up noticeable muscle tone. But I still don't get invited to parties, I get looks of scorn from males and females alike, and have zero social/romantic life. Am I just a mentalcel? If so what is my problem? Because I'm frequently told that I'm "superficially charming" but then when people "get to know me" they no longer like me.
You're a psycho that wears make up and self-tanner. You probably come off like a freak.
You're a psycho that wears make up and self-tanner. You probably come off like a freak.
I was memeing a bit on the self-tanner, I only wear it the weeks after summer and spring break typically. And yeah, I dot makeup on red spots that pop up on my face (which doesn't happen much anyway), but it's really not noticeable. It's not like I do a whole "routine". The psycho part is where you might be onto something.
I was memeing a bit on the self-tanner, I only wear it the weeks after summer and spring break typically. And yeah, I dot makeup on red spots that pop up on my face (which doesn't happen much anyway), but it's really not noticeable. It's not like I do a whole "routine". The psycho part is where you might be onto something.

Keep in mind as per the first article here that psychopathy and narcissism are attractive to women so i think you are having more trouble from the autism spectrum than that:


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