I remember face and lms said one "femcel" retard contacted him about whatever he asked what type of black guys she wouldnt mind and she showed him fucking male models tyrones six pack square jaw etc. I honestly think they are trolling us, come on you can't be THAT stupid and self-unaware.
they ARE that unself-aware.
r/FemDatingStrategy is for w*men who openly embrace the "yeah, I'm a bitch and I only date chad" lifestyle in an intellectually honest way. Because of this self-honesty and outward honesty I UNIRONICALLY have more respect for r/FDS posters than r/TruFemcels posters.
r/TruFemCels is for w*men who want to tell themselves the self-comforting lie "I'm single not because my standards are too high but because no one wants me".
***no one = us or any non-chad tier normie
***If you point this out, it's a mental block for them. like if u said, "no ur not incel because I would go on a date with u, they just block you or tell you no thank you and then go right back to posting about how nobody wants them. It's an internally constructed narrative that allows them to simultaneously be the victim but continue their irrational, biological drive pursuit of Chad. It's female nature to out victim-status men even if those men are just ridiculously beneath them (in a wheelchair, disabled, mentally retarded), w*men are brutally incapable of not victim-playing. smh.
in short, "women are detestable but r/trufemcels are the worst people on this planet" They receive female privilege. but that is not enough, they want incel sympathy too (what little sympathy society gives to us). I would support human rights violations ONLY for r/trufemcels. not a joke.