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Based I intentionally barge into foids whenever i'm out

Dr. Autismo

Dr. Autismo

Foid punchER
Dec 22, 2023
like with today, a few hours ago, I barged into 4.
I barged into the first one on the high street and barged into another not long after the first one.
The second foid I barged into said "ow!" as I walked away, and I also barged into a third foid as I was about to the cross the road.

Btw, the quality and impact of me barging into foids varies, sometimes I barge them hard, sometimes my arms just knocks into theirs, like with those first 3 foids.
I often walk in public with my hands in my trouser pockets with my arms bend out, and when I barged into the 4th foid, I made sure I barged into her hard.

After I left a mini tesco, I saw this cunt, walking towards my general direction, she wasn't really looking ahead of herself, she was looking to the upper-right of the street.
I saw her walk pass this one foid and she nearly bumped into her, but she moved around her.
And, me being the unscrupulous trickster that I am, I thought it would be funny if I barged into her really fucking hard, so I did.

As I was about to walk pass her, she was still not looking ahead of herself, she was still gazing off into the distance.
Once I was close enough, I moved slightly in her way and my left arm barged hard into her, I heard her gasp in shock too.
I'm pretty sure that when I looked back at her as I walked off, she was looking at me over her shoulder to make sure I was faraway from her.
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shove them into a dumpster next time
Based. I do the exact same as you
Based, I will start doing that aswell
Based, I will start doing that aswell
i would wallop them in the noggin like i did in march, but if i did, i'll get nicked again... and do time.
oh darn. keep barging into them and aim to make one fall in a dumpster then jfl
pretty sure that would make him a volcel, don't know if he saw me irl barging into foids, he would simp for them.
doesnt he have foids following his yt channel? i mean he’s pretty controversial amongst IT cucks as well.
This is only okay if they're dressing like whores
oh yeah I do it and more alright :ahegao:
You could be barging into a good woman though. If they're dressed like whores they're decadent whores, so save your energy and focus on barging into those.
there are no good women anymore mate.
modern women are hypergamous, hateful, arrogant, greedy, narcissistic, misandrist, feminist whores.
I live in england ffs! this is the cUcKed foid worshipping capital of the west!
there are no good women anymore mate.
modern women are hypergamous, hateful, arrogant, greedy, narcissistic, misandrist, feminist whores.
I live in england ffs! this is the cUcKed foid worshipping capital of the west!
When you say "hypergamy" what do you mean exactly? There are good women out there, though much fewer than any other time in history. Nuns are an example of great women.
there are no good women anymore mate.
modern women are hypergamous, hateful, arrogant, greedy, narcissistic, misandrist, feminist whores.
I live in england ffs! this is the cUcKed foid worshipping capital of the west!
i was semi-right
When you say "hypergamy" what do you mean exactly? There are good women out there, though much fewer than any other time in history. Nuns are an example of great women.
what do you mean "what do I mean exactly"?
these whore all want ripped, handsome chad twinks.
And btw, most nuns now, religious foids in general are formerly promiscuious single mothers.
I knew some foids at a church in town a few years ago who were promiscuous single mothers.
foids will only call themselves religious because its trendy and to find a christcuck betabux.
what do you mean "what do I mean exactly"?
these whore all want ripped, handsome chad twinks.
And btw, most nuns now, religious foids in general are formerly promiscuious single mothers.
I knew some foids at a church in town a few years ago who were promiscuous single mothers.
foids will only call themselves religious because its trendy and to find a christcuck betabux.
So, they want the best they can get? That is not a reason to barge into women, as who doesn't want the best they can get? Imagine if a foid justified barging into men because "all males want a slim, cute big breast women" It is like getting mad at someone for desiring to wear the coolest armour in a videogame.

"Most nuns now, religious foids in general are formerly promiscuous single mothers" The whole point of Christianity is turning away from sin and living a Christ-like life. God is forgiving. Some foids are not genuine and are just looking for a betabuxx sure but they're pretty easy to spot.
So, they want the best they can get? That is not a reason to barge into women, as who doesn't want the best they can get? Imagine if a foid justified barging into men because "all males want a slim, cute big breast women" It is like getting mad at someone for desiring to wear the coolest armour in a videogame.

"Most nuns now, religious foids in general are formerly promiscuous single mothers" The whole point of Christianity is turning away from sin and living a Christ-like life. God is forgiving. Some foids are not genuine and are just looking for a betabuxx sure but they're pretty easy to spot.
i can barge into whoever the fuck i like.
also, foids irl hate me, so i take their hatred of me, and i throw it right back in their fucking faces, i make it hate too.
like how i punched that 18YO slut square in her fucking head back in march.

and btw, you do know that men are a lot less fucking picky then women, right?
So, they want the best they can get? That is not a reason to barge into women, as who doesn't want the best they can get? Imagine if a foid justified barging into men because "all males want a slim, cute big breast women" It is like getting mad at someone for desiring to wear the coolest armour in a videogame.

"Most nuns now, religious foids in general are formerly promiscuous single mothers" The whole point of Christianity is turning away from sin and living a Christ-like life. God is forgiving. Some foids are not genuine and are just looking for a betabuxx sure but they're pretty easy to spot.
stop defending foids. they’re evil creatures who deserve what is coming to them. there’s a reason we’re all stuck on this forum.
stop defending foids. they’re evil creatures who deserve what is coming to them. there’s a reason we’re all stuck on this forum.
Has @Samurai defended foids before on IS?
If so, how the fuck is he not banned?
Has @Samurai defended foids before on IS?
If so, how the fuck is he not banned?
go through his latest activity. you’ll probably find some stuff on there. yeah, i think he has.
i can barge into whoever the fuck i like.
also, foids irl hate me, so i take their hatred of me, and i throw it right back in their fucking faces, i make it hate too.
like how i punched that 18YO slut square in her fucking head back in march.

and btw, you do know that men are a lot less fucking picky then women, right?
Technically, you can barge into anyone you like, but I live in England too, and should I see you barge into a nun specifically, I will be sure to turn you from a sub 5 to a sub 2. You can't just assault people who don't like you, and if you continue to do so, have fun being unable to visit .is in prison I guess.
stop defending foids. they’re evil creatures who deserve what is coming to them. there’s a reason we’re all stuck on this forum.
I'm defending common sense. Change your username and profile picture. From the discussions we've had previously, you're just larping as a Catholic.
I'm defending common sense. Change your username and profile picture. From the discussions we've had previously, you're just larping as a Catholic.
im losing my faith at this point. i believe god threw me into this corner just to laugh at me and ridicule me. maybe ill change them soon.
You could be barging into a good woman though. If they're dressed like whores they're decadent whores, so save your energy and focus on barging into those.
What good women? All women are whores
im losing my faith at this point. i believe god threw me into this corner just to laugh at me and ridicule me. maybe ill change them soon.
You clearly have no understanding of Christianity. You expect God to give you everything you want on a silver platter. You claim he's distant, but won't even listen to his word, the Holy Bible. So yeah, you're larping.
You clearly have no understanding of Christianity. You expect God to give you everything you want on a silver platter. You claim he's distant, but won't even listen to his word, the Holy Bible. So yeah, you're larping.
so why are you on this forum as well?
so why are you on this forum as well?
Because I am involuntarily celibate and lonely. That is not incompatible with being a Christian. You're so retarded. Change your username and profile picture before I block you.
Technically, you can barge into anyone you like, but I live in England too, and should I see you barge into a nun specifically, I will be sure to turn you from a sub 5 to a sub 2. You can't just assault people who don't like you, and if you continue to do so, have fun being unable to visit .is in prison I guess.
nigga your putting the UK in cuck rn.
Because I am involuntarily celibate and lonely. That is not incompatible with being a Christian. You're so retarded. Change your username and profile picture before I block you.
so shouldn’t god have given you a girlfriend if you truly believe in him so much? i dont understand why you defend foids so much in a place where we primarily hate them.
nigga your putting the UK in cuck rn.
The real cuck is yourself, as I have high testosterone and would win in a boxing match. I am of more intelligence and have a superior sense of style. Meanwhile? You're one of the biggest losers here, willing to go prison to look cool for people on a niche forum.
so shouldn’t god have given you a girlfriend if you truly believe in him so much? i dont understand why you defend foids so much in a place where we primarily hate them.
"If God real why aren't you a billionaire chad with 100 gfs no health issues and have no sadness" Go back to Reddit please.
LEGEND i did the same thing
"If God real why aren't you a billionaire chad with 100 gfs no health issues and have no sadness" Go back to Reddit please.
wth are you talking about? you came in as a white knight and got mad when we confronted you about it. make it make sense, please.
Technically, you can barge into anyone you like, but I live in England too, and should I see you barge into a nun specifically, I will be sure to turn you from a sub 5 to a sub 2. You can't just assault people who don't like you, and if you continue to do so, have fun being unable to visit .is in prison I guess.
how tf do you even know it was a nun. It was in all likely hood just another dumb slut
wth are you talking about? you came in as a white knight and got mad when we confronted you about it. make it make sense, please.
I'm not white knighting anyone. That's slander. If a woman made this post about men, you'd say "The empathetic gender!!!" but it is somehow okay when the opposite happens? God says in his perfect word the Holy Bible that he hates hypocrites. I have even said I have no problem throwing cold water or barging into women who dress like whores. You're just retarded, and most likely too young to even be on this site. Maybe I aught to find out your REAL date of birth, see how long you last on the forum. There are so many people here who are clearly below the age of 16 that I am shocked it isn't being more cracked down on.
I'm not white knighting anyone. That's slander. If a woman made this post about men, you'd say "The empathetic gender!!!" but it is somehow okay when the opposite happens? God says in his perfect word the Holy Bible that he hates hypocrites. I have even said I have no problem throwing cold water or barging into women who dress like whores. You're just retarded, and most likely too young to even be on this site. Maybe I aught to find out your REAL date of birth, see how long you last on the forum. There are so many people here who are clearly below the age of 16 that I am shocked it isn't being more cracked down on.
look, let me put it to you this way:

i respect you and i respect much of what you say, but defending the same whores who would spread lies about us and are the main reason everyone views as mentally insane people is what pisses me off. may we agree to disagree, i just believe i should tell you it how it is so you see the true nature of all females.
I never said he barged into a nun. Learn to read or get off the forum.
Who even cares if he bumps into a few foids. Thats barely "assault" If anything it sounds like the foids fault for not getting out of the way either. and yeah you are allowed to "assault" people who don't like you. Women are worthless slores anyways. They wouldn't give 2 shits about you if you die why tf do you care?

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