This, how do you not get something this simple
@Manosphere Maniac. The people on power would never let something like this happen without their say, the first time I heard about bitcoin I laughed and said to myself "what a scam, only sensationalist idiots would fall for this". I would not be surprised if this was a scheme by the Jews themselves to get goys to waste their money on something pointless to keep less people from investing in
ACTUAL INVESTMENTS so they can hoard more wealth for themselves.
Your bitcoin doesn't mean shit if all banks simply ban you from converting it to cash, now you're just left with a giant pile of digital nothing. One day the bankers will create their own digital currency, so why the fuck would they let the one that allowed plebs to get a head start become the dominant one lol. They are going to do away with bitcoin and then create the shekelbit
(then i'll start buying crypto currency).
A currency not backed by banks is literally worth absolutely nothing