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I have proof that I'm retarded (League of legends)

  • Thread starter Deleted member 7448
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Deleted member 7448

Deleted member 7448

Name is Abdu, live in Laos, born on 24.08.1992.
May 16, 2018
I always got good grades in school and uni, without even trying. Everybody thought I was smart, maybe slightly autistic and weird.

But I've always suspected that the teachers were just being nice to me since I clearly had nothing else going on for me. And I'm actually pretty stupid, I wasn't good at math, programming is beyond me. And I took easy courses in uni, that's why I had good grades. It's easy to appear smart when you throw fancy words and just bullshit your way through courses.

Now I have proof of my retardation. I have other, but this one is pretty obvious:

I've been playing League of Legends since ~2011. Quitting for a few years, coming back, quitting again etc... Probably spent over 1k hours on that game, if not much more. And guess what? All that effort and I'm barely in Silver. I actually tried improving and I'm so stupid I can't. I constantly get wrecked, I only carry the team once in many many games.

I've been literally uninstalling and reinstalling that game at least 2 times a day for the last 2 weeks, cause I get pissed off and uninstalling, swearing I will quit forever this time. Of course, I have nothing else to do right now so I reinstall it.

Idk, maybe I have brain damage from when I was an alcoholic. My brain does feel hazy and slow.
I've been playing League of Legends since ~2011.
Probably spent over 1k hours
not a big surprise u suck in silver, everything needs practice, i remember when i played first time cs:go i learnt everything fast but then i spent half year at same rank (MGE) playing 5-6 hours daily. Then i made break and after 2k of hours i end up at Global (i deranked some 6 months later and never came back coz of stupid teammates but still),
not a big surprise u suck in silver, everything needs practice, i remember when i played first time cs:go i learnt everything fast but then i spent half year at same rank (MGE) playing 5-6 hours daily. Then i made break and after 2k of hours i end up at Global (i deranked some 6 months later and never came back coz of stupid teammates but still),
It is a tiny amount of hours compared to the hundreds of thousands of hours (literally years of my life in actual gametime) I've spent playing WoW, Runescape and a lot of other shit.

But still. So much effort and I regularly get shit on, and I rarely shit on others.
some people just don't have that 'fast and hard' type of mental acuity I guess, mine has gotten pretty bad once I started being depressed and isolated, and I can tell pretty fast when people are faster thinkers than me
i actually think this is when you're supposed to pivot to things like writing, art, programming, things that are slow burn and allow you to hide this weakness that you can't really improvise or think fast very well
some people just don't have that 'fast and hard' type of mental acuity I guess, mine has gotten pretty bad once I started being depressed and isolated, and I can tell pretty fast when people are faster thinkers than me
i actually think this is when you're supposed to pivot to things like writing, art, programming, things that are slow burn and allow you to hide this weakness that you can't really improvise or think fast very well
You're right, I guess I should just do other things. I guess the years of depression (now that I think about, it's been a decade or more of depression) have rotted my brain. I have no interests, and all I did in the past decade was put as little effort into things, just so I could rush back to laying in bed, vegetating with my laptop near me, watching the same tv shows I always have, playing easy games that take no mental effort.

I should really try to do other things, at the very least to prevent from becoming a drooling retard, which I nearly am cause nowadays I can't even formulate proper sentences without messing up when talking (writing is easier, but when speaking I make way too many mistakes that I know are mistakes but I realize it after I spoke them).
You're right, I guess I should just do other things. I guess the years of depression (now that I think about, it's been a decade or more of depression) have rotted my brain. I have no interests, and all I did in the past decade was put as little effort into things, just so I could rush back to laying in bed, vegetating with my laptop near me, watching the same tv shows I always have, playing easy games that take no mental effort.

I should really try to do other things, at the very least to prevent from becoming a drooling retard, which I nearly am cause nowadays I can't even formulate proper sentences without messing up when talking (writing is easier, but I talk like a dumbass).
if it's any consolation this seems to be more common than you think
my friend had excellent grades in school and still mogs me even now when it comes to mental acuity
what did he do with all this? absolutely nothing

he was able to get sex so he just bounced around from one easy low-paying job to another while younger
now his job is working from home, writing internet articles, something incredibly unskilled and "rotter"-ish
if it's any consolation this seems to be more common than you think
my friend had excellent grades in school and still mogs me even now when it comes to mental acuity
what did he do with all this? absolutely nothing

he was able to get sex so he just bounced around from one easy low-paying job to another while younger
now his job is working from home, writing internet articles, something incredibly unskilled and "rotter"-ish
Tbh guys like you who actually work in tough fields (you're in something tech-related, right?) are actually smart. Guys like that who did well in school but don't actually use their intelligence are a dime a dozen.
I'm not sure LoL can be considered significative to assess IQ.
I'm not sure LoL can be considered significative to assess IQ.
I have a Bachelor's in psychology (useless waste of time, only good for making comments on forums mentioning you have the degree), so I am obligated to agree with you. But my personal subjective experience is telling me that I'm absolutely retarded, which of course is in no way scientific.
Tbh guys like you who actually work in tough fields (you're in something tech-related, right?) are actually smart. Guys like that who did well in school but don't actually use their intelligence are a dime a dozen.
Well, we should be smarter for "using it", but my life still sucks because of poor socialization which leads to reduced opportunities, nerds like me end up in dead end jobs for little pay because they are autistic during interviews and don't have normie friends to set them up with jobs. My workmate is like a carbon copy of me, little worker ant paid pocket change.
I was thinking about getting better at League, just to try and get some e-girl and ascending that way. It worked with other people, and even the top ugly league players with good ranks get pussy just because they are playing in e-sports.
It's tempting to try ngl.
Well, we should be smarter for "using it", but my life still sucks because of poor socialization which leads to reduced opportunities, nerds like me end up in dead end jobs for little pay because they are autistic during interviews and don't have normie friends to set them up with jobs. My workmate is like a carbon copy of me, little worker ant paid pocket change.
I have 0 friends too. Actually I have no acquaintances that are at least friendly with me. So I'm in same boat. I'm also avoidant and introverted, but at least I can fake it in interviews. Hasn't helped me though, I'm only really qualified for shit jobs.
I have 0 friends too. Actually I have no acquaintances that are at least friendly with me. So I'm in same boat. I'm also avoidant and introverted, but at least I can fake it in interviews. Hasn't helped me though, I'm only really qualified for shit jobs.
Yeah I remember your position, it really sucks.
If it's any consolation most men seem to be in freefall right now.
Just a few months I used to think I was hot shit because I had a few friends, well guess what, normal guys actually use their leverage to improve their situations, so my friends left the shitty work place and some even left the entire city for brighter pastures using their connections, so now I'm right back to not having shit since I had very little to begin with anyway.
Well, in that case go ER
Yeah I don't even put any effort into getting friends. I literally snub and ignore people into leaving me alone. It's a mental disorder maybe, idk, but I like to believe it's just my personality to be alone and aloof.
Do you try to approach people who seem like they might have something in common? I usually act aloof too because I've become too dissapointed in people, but occassionally I will try to talk to someone that seems to be on my wavelength on whatever we have in common, this is the only way I've ever made a friend after age 6.
No, I literally isolate myself from anyone. My only friends are: my parents (although not always) and my cat. Even if somebody is nerdy or talking about things that are somewhere in my ballpark, I still don't try to befriend them.

But I am however "friendly" with strangers/coworkers. Friendly as in I try to be a nice person, because I've learned that in this country, if people don't like you they can seriously fuck your life up. It happened to me before, they spread rumors about you, they destroy your reputation, laugh behind your back.

So I don't try to befriend people, but I try to be friendly in a neutral and meaningless way, so as to avoid enemies. That being said, sometimes my dark mood gets the better of me, and if I stop giving a shit, I can still make people hate me really quick, as they already have a predisposition to not liking me, regardless of how much I try to control myself and be somewhat friendly.
It's weird how I partially relate to you but partially don't.

I've actually allowed people to hate me like you mention at work, if they can't hurt me too much because of hierarchy. So I just let them seethe at me for not socializing with them or paying them much attention, even though it obviously creates tension and weirdness, I just don't care to "rescue" those relationships even if I could. Bosses are a different story obviously.

But I do have this skill for approaching someone to make friends, provided they have similarities with me that I can work with, I just awkwardly put myself out there and find a reason to chat or hang out with them a few times and eventually it becomes natural.
However I do know that a) it does not work on girls b) people will shut it down hard if they detect in any way that they have much higher status, like bigger salary and personal achievement
I've learned through experience that even those lower on the totem pole hierarchically at work can hurt you a lot. Just the gossip, the fake rumors, the constant talking about you and backstabbing - those things add up. All behind your back without knowing. Normies talk constantly and about everything, and their number one hobby is hurting guys like you and me, so you gotta take care. Although I might've exaggerated my ability to be friendly to these kinds of people - at times I happened to snap and make things worse, or I just sat and did nothing while things got worse, rarely have I actually managed to salvage the situation.

Yeah, you're right, the gossip can be very damaging.
People definitely hate me at work but you know what? It all evens out because that workplace never had anything special for me anyway, like upward mobility (trust me I tried) or some kind of romantic love interest, that would care much about rumors.
So two wrongs actually do make a right, in that shitty people trying to hurt me, have very little to take away from me in such a barren environment.
Yeah, tbh I had to embrace a philosophy of minimalism and rejecting material things. Not cause I believe in any sorts of buddhist bullshit or other kind of religious or spiritual mumbo jumbo, it's just that I know by now that any effort I put into anything will just be wasted.

I still have to work, obviously, there's no welfare around here, and I still have to put in some effort (like getting a master's degree, as useless as it is, just to get my parents off my back), but I'm not under the illusion that if I work hard and try to please people I'll get somewhere.

Idk. For a guy like me, money and a good job was all I could have. Since I was a little kid, I was weak physically, so I had to pretend I was intelligent. So for years and years I had this image in my head that I had to get a good job and make money. It was very hard for me to accept that I wouldn't get anywhere, and that I failed at everything. But it is what it is, my screw ups are my own, I had a chance at a better life and I gave it up. Although it was pretty much a snowball effect, depressed since 13, eventually went abroad, could get drunk daily to alleviate depression, and things got worse from there.
I'm familiar with that scenario, where your life offers you basically one chance and you have to do everything perfect for a long stretch in order to capitalize on it, even though you've been depressed and mentally exhausted for decades, for me it would have been actually graduating from taking my difficult STEM classes and turning that into a lucrative job in the corporate sector, it was just too much pressure though, would have been basically a miracle to push through after living like I did.
I hope you keep hanging in there, if there's anything we've learned is that it can always get worse.
I wasn't good at math, programming is beyond me
Same. I had to change courses because of this. Programming was too much for me, even the basic Python shit.
I despise math.
It's easy to appear smart when you throw fancy words and just bullshit your way through courses.
This is what I call "reddit smart" aka all those soyboys talking about space and science. Dude space lmao I love science xD. Knowing useless facts about shit no one cares about doesn't make you smart. I looked like a nerd in hs and knew useless trivia. Many teachers automatically assumed I was smart, especially my physics teacher. I was good at hs physics only because I was interested in it and it was easy.
Having social connections, being good at math, programming and being successful in life makes you smart.

College math and programming opened my eyes.
I've been playing League of Legends since ~2011. Quitting for a few years, coming back, quitting again etc... Probably spent over 1k hours on that game, if not much more. And guess what? All that effort and I'm barely in Silver. I actually tried improving and I'm so stupid I can't. I constantly get wrecked, I only carry the team once in many many games.
I don't play LoL, but I know what you mean. I've been playing games my whole life. I'm slightly above average at best in sp games and in multiplayer sgames I'm never above average. I simply can't improve. No amount of guide videos, tutorials or practice helps. I can't improve my "game" sense. I don't even think about that when I play. It's too much for my brain.
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I'm familiar with that scenario, where your life offers you basically one chance and you have to do everything perfect for a long stretch in order to capitalize on it, even though you've been depressed and mentally exhausted for decades, for me it would have been actually graduating from taking my difficult STEM classes and turning that into a lucrative job in the corporate sector, it was just too much pressure though, would have been basically a miracle to push through after living like I did.
I hope you keep hanging in there, if there's anything we've learned is that it can always get worse.
Ohh yeah, it can get worse. For example, my dad is almost 70 (he was in his 40s when I was born), and soon his ... let's call it a business, is going to fail, I give it 3 years tops, maybe less. That's going to be an interesting time for me, gonna have to really get my shit together. For now I can still be somewhat lazy. He doesn't make that much money, but it pays the bills and we can live somewhat better than the average pleb in this country
Ohh yeah, it can get worse. For example, my dad is almost 70 (he was in his 40s when I was born), and soon his ... let's call it a business, is going to fail, I give it 3 years tops, maybe less. That's going to be an interesting time for me, gonna have to really get my shit together. For now I can still be somewhat lazy. He doesn't make that much money, but it pays the bills and we can live somewhat better than the average pleb in this country
Hey, that's a timeframe you can work with, at least.

I remember when my parents had to hustle for money, neither of them had a business so they got jobs they hated and were angry all the time. Fuck that sucked, especially living through it without a gf. At least it's over now.

Independence is really worth striving for.
Hey, that's a timeframe you can work with, at least.

I remember when my parents had to hustle for money, neither of them had a business so they got jobs they hated and were angry all the time. Fuck that sucked, especially living through it without a gf. At least it's over now.

Independence is really worth striving for.
Yeah, I've been browsing various entrepreneur stuff for years:reddit, youtube etc... Trying desperately to find a good idea for a business that I could try and do something with. Unfortunately 99% of the stuff out there is either pure bullshit, a scam or just something unsuitable for my location. So, back to wageslaving for now.
nice to see a thread from u again
Why do you need high IQ.
I wondered where you had gone, OP. Your threads are generally good reads but I hadn't seen one for a long time.
yea i peaked at gold despite having been playing since s3/4 (dont remember). just lol @ being bad at the one thing that subhumans r wupposed to be good at lel life is unfair
yea i peaked at gold despite having been playing since s3/4 (dont remember). just lol @ being bad at the one thing that subhumans r wupposed to be good at lel life is unfair
jfl I literally just made gold after being stuck in silver since I started lel
jfl I literally just made gold after being stuck in silver since I started lel
League of legends is a game for geeks gooks and cucks
@anon1822 I'm the same exact way as you. Matter of fact im being avoident right now hiding away from the world on my laptop
But my personal subjective experience is telling me that I'm absolutely retarded, which of course is in no way scientific.
smart people think their dumb bro
I wondered where you had gone, OP. Your threads are generally good reads but I hadn't seen one for a long time.
Thanks. Was just trying to distract myself by not posting , perhaps not dwell on the negative so much. Didn't work really, when life is shit there's no fooling yourself into thinking otherwise.
tbh uni is not a good way at telling if you are smart or not. I am dumb as fuck but do well in uni without studying, especially since I tend to go for professors that are less demanding. If you look for them its easy to find classes that are easy As and as long as you put in like a little effort (aka do the papers and go to exams) you can do pretty well in them without being an uber genius. I think most people say doing well in school makes you smart because they want to feel smart themselves since most people get at least Bs if they are trying. Pretty much everyone I know who does shit in school either a) never tries at all and doesn't do the work or b) is dumb and just kind of tries.

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