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Serious I have absolutely 0 sympathy for 6’+ “incels”

Cry more, you know nothing about me other than I’m not a manlet.
Boohoo tallfag cornered when his hypocrisy was pointed out. You just don't want ugly women (not even fat). Fakecel.
Boohoo tallfag cornered when his hypocrisy was pointed out. You just don't want ugly women (not even fat). Fakecel.
bro.... if a tall white guy went to asia and came back empty handed then 9/10 times hes a truecel, stop gatekeeping lol not everyone taller than u is a fakecel
bro.... if a tall white guy went to asia and came back empty handed then 9/10 times hes a truecel, stop gatekeeping lol not everyone taller than u is a fakecel
Reminder that youre talking to the same guy that genuenly thinks 5'8" isnt manlet JFL JFL JFL
bro.... if a tall white guy went to asia and came back empty handed then 9/10 times hes a truecel
Would depend on how hard he tried. Did he go to the gym? Did he hit on women? Did he hit on at least hit on ugly women (since noodlewhores are rarely fat)? I don't think there's a tall white ugly guy who's soooo ugly that he came back from SEA emptyhanded. Inb4 someone responds sarcastically "just go to a turd shithole country bro!".
stop gatekeeping
Gatekeeping is necessary if you want to keep a good community. Why should forums made for losers cater specifically to attractive men (especialy if those men have never tried)?
lol not everyone taller than u is a fakecel
No I didn't claim that. You are putting words into my mouth. Quit the strawmen arguments, you look pathetic.
Boohoo tallfag cornered when his hypocrisy was pointed out. You just don't want ugly women (not even fat). Fakecel.
I don’t even know who you are, but I can get about a half dozen people to vouch for my truecelness. How about you?

I live in an area that’s 98% white. I wouldn’t reject a gook if given the opportunity, but I also wouldn’t call the average gook attractive. I’m not attractive either. I’ve approached fat chicks, ugly chicks, ect. It’s all the same story.
Would depend on how hard he tried. Did he go to the gym? Did he hit on women? Did he hit on at least hit on ugly women (since noodlewhores are rarely fat)? I don't think there's a tall white ugly guy who's soooo ugly that he came back from SEA emptyhanded. Inb4 someone responds sarcastically "just go to a turd shithole country bro!".

Gatekeeping is necessary if you want to keep a good community. Why should forums made for losers cater specifically to attractive men (especialy if those men have never tried)?

No I didn't claim that. You are putting words into my mouth. Quit the strawmen arguments, you look pathetic.
LMAO the average noodle is ugly, if u arent getting approached in asia as a tall white guy u are truecel by default
Reminder that youre talking to the same guy that genuenly thinks 5'8" isnt manlet JFL JFL JFL
We already discussed that:
You're also in United States where the study was taken. You are also 17 so you are not done growing.
I’m not attractive either.
I don't care what you say, women don't say "6ft or swipe left" for nothing. Being tall is hot (masculine) and being short is unattractive (feminine).
if u arent getting approached in asia as a tall white guy u are truecel by default
Even Chads approach women. Women themselves do NOT approach. Not being approached yourself doens't mean you're incel. You have to try just like Chads and Normies. Pussy won't fall onto your lap. JFL @ "if you aren't jeremy meeks you are truecel" "if you aren't 0,00001% gigachad you're truecel'.
We already discussed that:

You're also in United States where the study was taken. You are also 17 so you are not done growing.
First, that study is outdated, Second, I stopped growing on my 16th birthday you fucking brainlet. I'm also turning 18 in march. Thats 1 year and 9 months of no growing. You are fucking retarded if you think I'm just gonna magically grow inches when I already finished puberty. Also giga brainlet for thinking every one grows/stops growing at the same rate. Males can stop growing at 13 or stop growing at 21 because its different for each person & genetics. JFL if you really think everyone grows until 18. Sometimes I wonder why I even waste time arguing with you jfl.
I'm 5'11 so you can't call me a fakecel today, jerk :feelshehe:
It's not outdated just because you don't agree with it.
"b-bu- muh study bro!!!" Cope. You wont actually know what the heights are like unless you actually live in the USA. seeing it with your own eyes in person. If I ask about the average height for turkey, who am I going to believe more? @knajjd who actually lives there, or some fag who lives OUTSIDE OF turkey and copes with "muh stats". I would take the turkey resident 10 times over.

btw why did you ignore this?
Second, I stopped growing on my 16th birthday you fucking brainlet. I'm also turning 18 in march. Thats 1 year and 9 months of no growing. You are fucking retarded if you think I'm just gonna magically grow inches when I already finished puberty. Also giga brainlet for thinking every one grows/stops growing at the same rate. Males can stop growing at 13 or stop growing at 21 because its different for each person & genetics. JFL if you really think everyone grows until 18. Sometimes I wonder why I even waste time arguing with you jfl.
Things you'll never hear a woman say: "he's a bald, ugly, deformed, ogre, but he's 6' whatever so he makes my pussy wet".
Things you'll never hear a woman say: "he's a bald, ugly, deformed, ogre, but he's 6' whatever so he makes my pussy wet".
In extreme cases, yes. But overall women don't say "full head of hair or swipe left" they say "6ft or swipe left".
"full head of hair or swipe left"
It pretty much goes without saying tbh. Especially if the woman in question is young.

It would be like writing "if you're a pot bellied bald old fart, swipe left". They don't feel as if they even have to write that, it's obvious.
The bottom line is women would much rather choose good looking 5'8 guy over 6'0 average looking guy. End of the story.
Well, I hope you're right tbh. Lifefuel I guess, my height is pretty much the only thing going for me, even though I'm far from supertall.
It's a cope. Ugly tall guy has no chance against short or below average when it comes to height (let's say 5'9) but good looking guy. And that's all that matters. Sure, there are extreme cases, like being shorter than 5'5 or so. Then it's truly over.
It's a cope. Ugly tall guy has no chance against short or below average when it comes to height (let's say 5'9) but good looking guy. And that's all that matters. Sure, there are extreme cases, like being shorter than 5'5 or so. Then it's truly over.
That's what I think as well, especially after my hundreds of unsuccessful approaches in all ways imaginable, but tbh my mind desperately wants hope :feelsrope:
That's what I think as well, especially after my hundreds of unsuccessful approaches in all ways imaginable, but tbh my mind desperately wants hope :feelsrope:
How tall are you? And you approached many times, right?
How tall are you? And you approached many times, right?
184/6'1/2 I guess. I did tons and tons of cold approaching and some warm and internet approaching as well.
Agree for the most part, unless you're a mentalcel.
Sigh, another day another BS gatekeeping thread.
184/6'1/2 I guess. I did tons and tons of cold approaching and some warm and internet approaching as well.
B-b-but, bro, height is the most important thing!

Yeah, if you were 5 inches shorter but good looking, you would've gotten much more success. Brutal though... You are truly a good guy but I guess personality is what matters, right? Just LOL.
Cope. At least in Germany you need to be at least 6'5 if not 6'6 for that to work including a good frame.
Manlets are the n words of men
B-b-but, bro, height is the most important thing!

Yeah, if you were 5 inches shorter but good looking, you would've gotten much more success. Brutal though... You are truly a good guy but I guess personality is what matters, right? Just LOL.
Thanks bro. The most successful with women guy I know is pretty much a sadistic sociopath, JFL at personality mattering. Evil personality, if anything.
Thanks bro. The most successful with women guy I know is pretty much a sadistic sociopath, JFL at personality mattering. Evil personality, if anything.
Yes, you would have to darktriadmaxx tbh
NihlisticCel said:
I know I recently made a thread saying face>height, and while it’s true, height is VERY important. If you’re 6’+ on here claiming you’re an incel, fuck you.
Is that minimum height or maximum height? People can vary 1-2 inches depending on how much moisture their intervertebral discs are holding.

NihlisticCel said:
You aren’t an incel, just a failed normie that didn’t even try.
Is it even failure if someone never tried?

It's entirely plausible they DID try, but aimed too high (say a 10/10 gigastacy rejected them once and they gave up) or didn't try OFTEN enough.

So the truth of it is (if you'll admit this to yourself) that you know they probably DID try, but you think YOU tried harder.

You're focusing too much on 1 criteria though. An arbitrary barrier.

It's entirely possible for a 6'0" to have tried a lot harder than some 5'11" guy and still get less success than them, since other criteria besides their 1" difference in height matters, like face and bone structure and wealth and race and confidence and location and other stuff that's not leaping to the forefront of my mind.

NihlisticCel said:
Either that or the cucks and soys were right and you really do have a shitty personality
Personality will ALWAYS matter, just not as greatly as foids preach it does. Which personality characteristics matter more is also something we're lied to about.

Bullies for example, get women wet. Personality matters THAT way.

Lots of tallfag fakecels here:
Holy shit, any dates to go with those polls? I'm assuming you presented them chronologically but I'd like to know more specifically how these polls changed over time.

For the record I'm latino. One of the worst races to be.
It's not even a race, you're a crossbreed of the Aztec clan of neo-Beringians (who stole the Americas from the paleo-Beringians and Solutreans who first settled it) and the swarthy Spaniards (who were in turn crossbreeds of the Moor Muslims raping the originally white inhabitants of Spain)
For the record I'm latino. One of the worst races to be.

Cope I personally know a 5'7" nicaraguan amerindian Chadlite with a stacy GF that slays in my predominantly tall aryan highschool.

Face > everything.
You are bluepilled if you think a 6'2" guy is going to slay with a 3/10 face JFL.

I'm 5'8" myself, but even I know tallcels can exist if their face is bad enough, non-NT or if theyre non-white (ethnic).

Cope harder
6'0 is average where I live lol. I'm 3/10 looksmaxxed with surgeries and everything, no amount of height is gonna change that. I get that you're new here, but stop being bluepilled
I've tried approaching irl. In high school i tried and got friend zoned, so I cut contact with girl after girl. I tried tinder and put height in bio and put my best pics I have (lol). I tried weight lifting and was lean for a long time despite good frame (21-22 inch shoulders). I'm 1.97m. have never gotten shit. I'm getting really fucking tired of you and your bullshit posts everywhere.
6+ incels are mentalcels..
I've tried approaching irl. In high school i tried and got friend zoned, so I cut contact with girl after girl. I tried tinder and put height in bio and put my best pics I have (lol). I tried weight lifting and was lean for a long time despite good frame (21-22 inch shoulders). I'm 1.97m. have never gotten shit. I'm getting really fucking tired of you and your bullshit posts everywhere.
if your face is 5 or above you might be a mentalcel mate
6+ incels are mentalcels..

if your face is 5 or above you might be a mentalcel mate
If I was above a 5 I wouldn't be here

no such thing as mentalcels

Even university debt is bad enough but you think getting several grand more into it is a easy and viable strategy?

Cosmetic surgery should be free under insurance if youre ugly
@Colvin76 Tesla IQ seriously
It's my face you dumb bagel fucks. If you were good looking but still a manlet, girls would still like you. Chinks, albeit, but girls nonetheless.
If you read the thread you’d see most would prefer ugly tall over short handsome
they put the short guy under 5'6-5'7, not 5'8-5'9. Not a ton of men are under 5'6-5'7. Also did you read the thread it was really even
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Women have a bunch of requirements. To focus on one is silly.

Women have so much choice these days it isn't worth arguing over one such choice.

You need to hit multiple factors to have a chance.
I feel sorry for the ugly unattractive tallfags its just the average looking tallcels I hate especially if you’re white
Unless you're borderline disfigured, balding extremely hard, have severe mental issues or a very recessed chin I just don't see how you can be tall and an incel.

And all those traits except for deformity are fixable for a moderate investment. Height is not fixable.

so even if there are tall incels, they are in a much better position to ascend than manlets, whose heights are insurmountable death sentences that render them sexual non-entities

tallcel is kind of volcel since you can always get some facial surgery to raise your facial looks above foids minimum threshold
And all those traits except for deformity are fixable for a moderate investment. Height is not fixable.

so even if there are tall incels, they are in a much better position to ascend than manlets, whose heights are insurmountable death sentences that render them sexual non-entities

tallcel is kind of volcel since you can always get some facial surgery to raise your facial looks above foids minimum threshold

Couldn't have said it better
It pretty much goes without saying tbh.
But I could claim that dick is more important than face because "it goes without saying". Or I could claim that personality is more important than looks because it goes without saying.
Pretty much proves the point that it has to be explicit. Women are explicit about the 6ft height requirement. So height is the most important trait.
But I could claim that dick is more important than face because "it goes without saying". Or I could claim that personality is more important than looks because it goes without saying.
Pretty much proves the point that it has to be explicit. Women are explicit about the 6ft height requirement. So height is the most important trait.
You guys have been true angels as of late comforting me about my baldness. Thanks.

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