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Serious I HATE the guys on here who contribute to the incel strawman

OP has a point.

If you are that guy OP quoted with maggots in your food and mold growing on your cum stains, the only person you are kidding by yelling:feelstastyman: "but it's muh HEIGHT! Tallfags OUT!" is yourself.

Living in filth = volcel. Get some self respect.

Get a job. Get a place that looks like somewhere a foid might realistically want to stay, get naked and fuck somebody. Get yourself to a place in life where it's clear the only thing wrong with you is your face, your height or your NT. Otherwise you are just some dumb teenager yelling REEEEE on the internet.
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amen my brother

I can't stand niggas who ruin their lives over women, imagine letting them win jfl

at least live in cleanliness and stop making the rest of us look bad
I agree. Doing the things like in the OP is letting women win. They want us to be miserable. I notice that there's nothing more women hate than an ugly ass dude who tries to make himself look presentable. :feelsjuice:

No point in letting yourself fail if you solely can not attract a girl. Plenty more coping to be done. I have failed in every aspect in attracting femoids, but I still try on myself and have other ambitions.
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OP has a point.

If you are that guy OP quoted with maggots in your food and mold growing on your cum stains, the only person you are kidding by yelling:feelstastyman: "but it's muh HEIGHT! Tallfags OUT!" is yourself.

Living in filth = volcel. Get some self respect.

Get a job. Get a place that looks like somewhere a foid might realistically want to stay, get naked and fuck somebody. Get yourself to a place in life where it's clear the only thing wrong with you is your face, your height or your NT. Otherwise you are just some dumb teenager yelling REEEEE on the internet.
Disagree Chad lives in filth and gets the bitches
"I'm not like the other incels! :soy::soy::soy:"

What a thread. First off, I don't believe in free will, so there is no such thing as choice and we are predetermined to be "filthy" or not.

Second, society tells us what "filth" is, for example deodorant and hair gel are social constructs that don't actually contribute to hygiene, so I don't blame anyone for not using them.

Third, I don't actually blame people for anything. You don't have a moral responsibility to be clean. You are only hurting yourself.

Fourth, obsessing over "cleanliness" is very feminine :feelshehe: (Sorry, I had to say it).

The whole "volcel if you're dirty" argument is dumb, and represents cucked logic. The problem isn't that some guys can't get laid. If they can get laid, can't get laid, whatever. Some people just get lucky. The PROBLEM is that 80/20 makes it so that no amount of individual ascension fixes the systemic problem since women always go for the top by PERCENTAGE, not in absolute terms, as I discuss in the tenth paragraph here so telling people to "just do x" misses the point entirely. It doesn't help solve the core issue. Men would be more motivated to be "clean" if they already had access to women easier.

Being "clean" won't help with getting anything worthwhile out of women anyway, but that's neither here nor there.

In this environment, I can't even on a practical level blame anyone for not wanting to contribute to society, for obvious reasons, mainly the injustice that men here experience.

I believe that people are motivated primarily by wants, and that this is OK, we should accept it, and "morality" is but a tool for getting what we want. From that perspective, why be "clean" (ever-shifting goalpost anyway, what was considered "clean" 100 years ago is "dirty" today) when that doesn't help one get what one wants? And even if it does, why hold people to what they want? If they're not getting it, it's their problem. Either way, I'm not judging such an act- only if I deem it to be congruent with their goals (or their goals for society) will I try to practically convince them that they should clean up, and if it should be illegal then I will support the enforcement of the law (it shouldn't), but otherwise why get assmad over it?

"Bu-bu I'm truecel! These fakecels aren't working as hard as me, they haven't suffered rejection in response to hard work as much as I have!" Yes, yes, we get it, you're very oppressed, but the core injustice is systemic and the same one that we're all fighting against. So stop with the oppression olympics, misery likes company and people don't have to "try super duper hard" to please women by "being presentable" (debatably cucked anyway) to see the injustice.

"Bu-bu you're making this forum look bad!" While optics are important sometimes, other people in this thread have pointed out that no matter how much we concede and "do what they say, and it STILL didn't work! THAT'LL show them that we really ARE oppressed!", we will still be construed as evil by IT and the zeitgeist. We should not do things solely because it makes us look better.

To be clear: I think the world would be better if more men would be hygienic, and I would try to convince the people in the posts to be hygienic. I certainly don't want to live like that (but currently unfortunately am). It is worth noting, as others have pointed out, that it is not simply a matter of "clean men/dirty men"- some men were clean, but then lost motivation due largely to factors outside of their control.

The one situation where I would say it is immoral to be filthy is if you are taking care of a woman and demanding close contact-in which case, you either better be providing something extra to compensate for your filth or clean up.

But overall, you aren't a special snowflake, these things often aren't in people's control, the real problem is society, and people should not be blamed for their cleanliness level but only encouraged to create the world they would want to live in.
Why do you give a fuck? like quite literally people should mind their own business, if someone if filthy then they're fucking themselves over why do you care? Also what is this shit about being a weeb and whatnot? chad can be a weeb or whatever and still slay, meanwhile us have to dea with the fact that we're unnatractive, it dosnt matter what shit we ugly end of story
"I'm not like the other incels! :soy::soy::soy:"

What a thread. First off, I don't believe in free will, so there is no such thing as choice and we are predetermined to be "filthy" or not.

Second, society tells us what "filth" is, for example deodorant and hair gel are social constructs that don't actually contribute to hygiene, so I don't blame anyone for not using them.

Third, I don't actually blame people for anything. You don't have a moral responsibility to be clean. You are only hurting yourself.

Fourth, obsessing over "cleanliness" is very feminine :feelshehe: (Sorry, I had to say it).

The whole "volcel if you're dirty" argument is dumb, and represents cucked logic. The problem isn't that some guys can't get laid. If they can get laid, can't get laid, whatever. Some people just get lucky. The PROBLEM is that 80/20 makes it so that no amount of individual ascension fixes the systemic problem since women always go for the top by PERCENTAGE, not in absolute terms, as I discuss in the tenth paragraph here so telling people to "just do x" misses the point entirely. It doesn't help solve the core issue. Men would be more motivated to be "clean" if they already had access to women easier.

Being "clean" won't help with getting anything worthwhile out of women anyway, but that's neither here nor there.

In this environment, I can't even on a practical level blame anyone for not wanting to contribute to society, for obvious reasons, mainly the injustice that men here experience.

I believe that people are motivated primarily by wants, and that this is OK, we should accept it, and "morality" is but a tool for getting what we want. From that perspective, why be "clean" (ever-shifting goalpost anyway, what was considered "clean" 100 years ago is "dirty" today) when that doesn't help one get what one wants? And even if it does, why hold people to what they want? If they're not getting it, it's their problem. Either way, I'm not judging such an act- only if I deem it to be congruent with their goals (or their goals for society) will I try to practically convince them that they should clean up, and if it should be illegal then I will support the enforcement of the law (it shouldn't), but otherwise why get assmad over it?

"Bu-bu I'm truecel! These fakecels aren't working as hard as me, they haven't suffered rejection in response to hard work as much as I have!" Yes, yes, we get it, you're very oppressed, but the core injustice is systemic and the same one that we're all fighting against. So stop with the oppression olympics, misery likes company and people don't have to "try super duper hard" to please women by "being presentable" (debatably cucked anyway) to see the injustice.

"Bu-bu you're making this forum look bad!" While optics are important sometimes, other people in this thread have pointed out that no matter how much we concede and "do what they say, and it STILL didn't work! THAT'LL show them that we really ARE oppressed!", we will still be construed as evil by IT and the zeitgeist. We should not do things solely because it makes us look better.

To be clear: I think the world would be better if more men would be hygienic, and I would try to convince the people in the posts to be hygienic. I certainly don't want to live like that (but currently unfortunately am). It is worth noting, as others have pointed out, that it is not simply a matter of "clean men/dirty men"- some men were clean, but then lost motivation due largely to factors outside of their control.

The one situation where I would say it is immoral to be filthy is if you are taking care of a woman and demanding close contact-in which case, you either better be providing something extra to compensate for your filth or clean up.

But overall, you aren't a special snowflake, these things often aren't in people's control, the real problem is society, and people should not be blamed for their cleanliness level but only encouraged to create the world they would want to live in.
Dnr take a bath
who cares, if they're okay living like a slob then let them have at it.

i do somewhat agree with the volcel argument, but that's assuming they haven't tried at some point. if they straighten their shit out and it still didn't work, then let them go back to living like an animal if it's easier for them
Disagree Chad lives in filth and gets the bitches

1. Does he though? Does he really?

2. Even if we are able to find some squalor pig Chad who still slays despite living in filth - all that proves is that if you're Chad, then living in filth isn't a deal-breaker for some women.
Which does nothing to eliminate the likelihood that a filthy lifestyle is lowering your SMV and closing doors for you.
Why do you give a fuck? like quite literally people should mind their own business, if someone if filthy then they're fucking themselves over why do you care? Also what is this shit about being a weeb and whatnot? chad can be a weeb or whatever and still slay, meanwhile us have to dea with the fact that we're unnatractive, it dosnt matter what shit we ugly end of story
Fr. I take daily shower, lift and run daily, and eat well and cook. Like im not just going to give up because im a inkler, ill still try and get a gf.
Still trying, please, anyone!

Still hate women tho for being likr how they are, thanks hook up culture and internet
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yeah sure you have friends.

even if you do, this thread is just you trying to take the high ground vs incels. "I'm better because I'm more of a normie"
Who gives a fuck? Literally not a single person other than some egotistical loser trying to look sanctimonious or win brownie points would even say some stupid shyt like this. Why don't you pay everyone who doesn't shower some money if you care that much. Clearly they don't.

This thread is fucking hilarious. Haven’t kek’d this hard in a while
lol at you niggas who don't shower for weeks, rot in front of computers, are attracted to 6-year-old girls (both real and anime), weeaboos, live in their mother's basement, and only eat junk food

no wonder every faggot normie tells us to take a shower or go outside when we ask them for dating help...jfl you people are contributing to the incel strawman/stereotype

If you fuckers are gonna live in miserable conditions just because a foid doesn't want you, don't fucking flex it like it's a good thing:

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nigga i literally live as clean as possible, eat healthy, live a good life outside of having a gf, and I hate associating with you buffoons since all you do is live in your own excrement

like i just wanna vent about dating trouble and shit, not fucking enjoy living like a pig
normalfags get out
you're just a failed normalfag
As soon as you have sex you're going to 180 on the blackpill and act like you hated incels just like them all along. Lets be honest, you already do.



NO REMORSE! :blackpill:
I agree. Not showering, not wiping your ass, leaving half eaten food everywhere is just disgusting. A lot of retards here think keeping basic hygiene is not simping for women, but this is about having decency and respecting yourself.

Basic hygiene isn't a requirement for dating, it's a requirement not to be a horrific faggot. In fact you're no better than faggots and foids who shit all over their beds when they get fucked in the ass. Foids also have shitty hygiene so you're bringing yourself to a foids level by not washing yourself.

Also its fucking retarded how keeping hygiene is a more controversial subject than lifting. If I said that I hate working out and I don't see any value in it, I'd be torn to shreds, but when someone talks about having browned underwear and rotting food on their floor it's "oh no he has depwession, there's no point in washing your ass if chad can fuck with a shitty ass"

Bluecels these days :feelswhat:
Doing all that won't get me a girl so why bother

"You should shower and not eat junk food you filthy inkels"

Said the highschool kid with the edgy nazi avi.
"Bro, just do your thing. Get some help, try one time. It's that easy".
The thing is that incels refuse to believe they are losers despite telling they do. It's sour grapes mentality blinkering them of their own potential.
based vulpes avi
Thanks. I can't tell you how many times I've seen comments calling legion "incel legion" :feelshaha:. It makes joining them even more enjoyble.
I do my best to try to look good/normal, and I take a shower daily/brush my teeth daily/wash my ass daily

I do it to reduce the effects of lookism, not to attract women

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like i just wanna vent about dating trouble and shit, not fucking enjoy living like a pig
Yeah, this is fucking disgusting.:feelswhat::feelswhat: Users who can't even get out of bed to shower and brush their teeth have bigger problems than not being able to get a GF.:feelshaha::feelshaha:
Also I'd argue the pedos aren't even incel. They just have unrealistic (literally illegal) standards. :feelsUgh::feelsUgh:
Yeah, this is fucking disgusting.:feelswhat::feelswhat: Users who can't even get out of bed to shower and brush their teeth have bigger problems than not being able to get a GF.:feelshaha::feelshaha:
Also I'd argue the pedos aren't even incel. They just have unrealistic (literally illegal) standards. :feelsUgh::feelsUgh:

Yes and yes, the truth hurts so that's why the :feelsree::feelsree::feelsree::feelsree::feelsree: in this thread.
Yeah, this is fucking disgusting.:feelswhat::feelswhat: Users who can't even get out of bed to shower and brush their teeth have bigger problems than not being able to get a GF
You do know that many give up on life because they cant get chicks and start rotting and then doing shit like not shower? It is not that these dudes never showered and THEN approach females. It is the other way around. Dudes try and try and try and then get depressed and go full-hikkikomori.

This is normalfag way of thinking that A is the reason why B doesnt happen, when B is causing A to happen. This is Inceltear way of thinking.

Also OP is a retard for trying to corect Normalfags view on incels. You shouldnt give a shit about anyone after your blackpilled. Normalfags will just pick another strawman if all of us prove one of their strawman to be wrong because the fact that we say something about females makes us some sort of enemy/problem. The strawmans will keep coming/being invented.
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@TallCelFag OP is a bully . he doesnt care about incel users here. he accused people of linking 6 year old foids. @cvh1991 what are your thoughts on OP accusing everyone of liking 6 year olds when this forum mainly has a JB teen culture
My impression is that the forum is a wide mixture of stances on “age of consent laws” — there is definitely a difference between children and teen women and I think it’s notable that different countries set different ages for this sort of thing because it’s a valid arena for debate (at least to some extent).

Just my observation, but I’d agree that the sentiment is usually in favor of not raking men over the coals for banging a 14 year old as opposed to broadly saying “oh yeah let us fuck kids” — that’s just a strawman they paint on our backs while they whine to their IT buckos. They exaggerate our stance to make us look evil so they can justify their hatred for us not really caring about understanding what people here actually broadly think.
how much did you get laid because of these habits?
Getting laid isn’t the only enjoyable part of life, bro. I wasted all of my teens and twenties thinking it was.
Getting laid isn’t the only enjoyable part of life, bro. I wasted all of my teens and twenties thinking it was.
There are things you can do to have fun without having to worry about foids. I like skydiving.
I sometimes skip showers for two weeks sometimes cuz it’s a chore. I also skip brushing teeth nowadays. :feelsbadman: I have a problem
lol at you niggas who don't shower for weeks, rot in front of computers, are attracted to 6-year-old girls (both real and anime), weeaboos, live in their mother's basement, and only eat junk food

no wonder every faggot normie tells us to take a shower or go outside when we ask them for dating help...jfl you people are contributing to the incel strawman/stereotype

If you fuckers are gonna live in miserable conditions just because a foid doesn't want you, don't fucking flex it like it's a good thing:

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nigga i literally live as clean as possible, eat healthy, live a good life outside of having a gf, and I hate associating with you buffoons since all you do is live in your own excrement

like i just wanna vent about dating trouble and shit, not fucking enjoy living like a pig
Fakecel shit. If you dont use piss bottles yet you haven’t experienced the true mental toll of inceldom.
My only cardinal sin is that I rot in front of computer. Real world is cruel and tbh I have severe mental health issues. I haven't seen my family or anyone else in 3 years. I feel like a total subhuman when I walk among normies in broad daylight
Getting laid isn’t the only enjoyable part of life, bro. I wasted all of my teens and twenties thinking it was.

There are things you can do to have fun without having to worry about foids. I like skydiving.
go enjoy life then
why are you here if being an incel isnt a big deal?
I'm a hybrid of both tbh. I've tried the gymmaxxing and showering daily thing and I've also done the neeTmaxxing thing. Made no difference either way I'm still a lonely incel

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