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I had once in a lifetime chance and i ruined it



Feb 26, 2018
Around 2-3 years ago i met a cute girl on some program i was going to.

She was not the best by normal standards, she looked too young she was around 20 at the time, too short, too shy,didnt get more than 20 likes on facebook. She read wherever she went books.

I liked her instantly she was exactly my type, not exactly goth but pretty gothy.

I was too beta to talk to her but despite my surprise she initiated.

Her friend came to talk to me but i was too beta and i said bullshit.

We returned each day to our houses which happened to be closeby, but i never proposed to meet with her.

We always had fun, and she seemed pretty lively towards me.

One day, she was pretty good to me but i thought she was cold, so i insulted her.

Multiple times.

She never spoke to me again.

We didn't kiss, we didn't fuck, we didnt do nothing.

My closest chance and I ruined it.

Before she left for ever she told me " we could have a great future together"

Afterwards i thought i was victorious, but i realized i fucked up

why did i do this to myself?

i could have been out of here

i could have been normal

but no, god had another plan for me

now i found her on facebook

i didnt know what to do

but no. she has Chad, kissing her.

and that makes me boil
Look at it this way, no matter what you did, she was eventually going to find a chad a ditch you

it was very surprising... i dont want to brag, i want to emphasize how stupid i was. it is the truth though

if a 5+ foid ever initiated anything sexual\romantic with you- you're certainly not an incel and you don't belong here.
many of us have stories like this

by the time you hit 30 they will become but distant dreams and notions, and you will simply be a shell of what was once and could have been human
many of us have stories like this

by the time you hit 30 they will become but distant dreams and notions, and you will simply be a shell of what was once and could have been human

exactly. i am now 27 years old. i have 4-5 related events but nothing grew from them. i hope i dont grow to be a 40 year old virgin, something which seems more and more plausible...
>Joined: Feb 26, 2018
>a girl gave you a chance once

so much wrong with this
You will get many opportunities golden boy!
You will get many opportunities golden boy!

i wish bro... though the girl needs to really signal me because i dont understand otherwise. i really hope i find another shy bookworm nerdy girl but i know this is a summer night dream. an illusion. we are too ugly
Reminds me of a story of my own...
It is. Once in a life time opportunity for me and I was too much of a wuss to go for it... She was shy too.

exactly bro. this was also for me the closest and cutest girl that ever has approached me.
exactly bro. this was also for me the closest and cutest girl that ever has approached me.
Ugh life is unfair... Last night I remembered the situation and I regret it so much. I felt so frustrated.
So many retarded mentalcels on here...
Why can't something like this happen to me? The opportunities I try to create for myself constantly backfire, yet you get one just like that. How could you fuck that up?!
Ugh life is unfair... Last night I remembered the situation and I regret it so much. I felt so frustrated.

i kinda want to communicate with her again, but years have passed, she moves far away at this point, and we left things in an abrupt manner.
So many retarded mentalcels on here...
Why can't something like this happen to me? The opportunities I try to create for myself constantly backfire, yet you get one just like that. How could you fuck that up?!

Luck I guess
bragging is prohibited on this site bro. reported.

i am 27. do you think i have a chance at this point? just because 2 girls approache me one decade ago? i currently have no friends, i am a hermit, and i live only by those past stories. give me some slack... we are brothers
i am 27. do you think i have a chance at this point? just because 2 girls approache me one decade ago? i currently have no friends, i am a hermit, and i live only by those past stories. give me some slack... we are brothers

had the foid was sub5- you would never heard a complaint. at least from my side.

but when you say "a cute girl" it's interpreted, by common sense, as a 5+ foid.

and if you was ever being approached by 5+ foid, even for one time, you don't fall into the definition of "incel".
had the foid was sub5- you would never heard a complaint. at least from my side.

but when you say "a cute girl" it's interpreted, by common sense, as a 5+ foid.

and if you was ever being approached by 5+ foid, even for one time, you don't fall into the definition of "incel".

the one girl was definitely around 4. the other is difficult to say. for me she was beautiful. for a char or a normie perhaps a 4 or 5/10
this is like your second thread where youre bragging about girls asking you out and rejecting them, can the mods ban this kiddo/troll?
this is like your second thread where youre bragging about girls asking you out and rejecting them, can the mods ban this kiddo/troll?

sorry about that. it was many years ago and i want to remind myself what a mentalcel i was. dont want to brag, and i am 27 years old.
btw do you think it would be weird to contact her now with fb?
Do it. what is there to lose? you already don't have her love, the worst possible (and most likely) outcome is you still won't have her love
absolutely should contact her. what above poster said.
"didn't get more than 20 likes on facebook"

Why make two threads of humblebrag bro? It's only suicide fuel for us KHV inceld
Why make two threads of humblebrag bro? It's only suicide fuel for us KHV inceld
fakecels just love to brag nothing new here, surprised hes not banned yet oh well
Cope, you never had a chance

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