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I am 26 years old never had a girlfriend and never worked. What should i do?



Sep 17, 2018
I am 26 years old , and never have experience a romantic relationship and for make things worst i had never worked in my life. Virgin and unemployed living with my parents, stuck in a tiny room. What should i do?
I mean, don't your parents tell you to do something about getting a job?
Op it's over, welcome to your new home. Here you will find out you are not alone. There are more of us out there, like you.
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Sounds like me, ride it out as long as possible then kill yourself once it ends or look for an easy to get into industry you reckon you'll feel comfortable doing.
Chill here man:feelzez:
Get your shit together or ER fam.
Find a job where you can work solo that pays enough shekels where you can live on your own.
Im in the same situation than you. 25 (soon 26) and i hahve had not job in my whole life.

I dont know where to beging from and what job could i get. I feel i could only get physical jobs and thats because of my ecthomorphe frame (im 50kg right now) is a job i could never do. Other options are shitty jobs.

Here in Spain the laboral market is configuratd by 20% unployement 20% public employ 50% shitty jobs and 10% good jobs. A completly shit.

I hae no degree just middle education (the one you get before going to college) and at the age of 25 close to 26 time is upping to me but as i said i dont know how to get a job i dont feel strong and capable of get one

I really fear of being a homeles.

What im trying now is getting for a public employ. Public employ means a job forever (wichs is worthfull in a country where unemploy never goes above 15%) and the employ im applying for would get me 1200-1400€* is modest salary for a developed country but Spain is not a developed country so the salary is quite fine for being in a country where most of peopple get less than 1000€ for working >40h per week.

The problem is that there is little vacancies, the one im aplying for only offer 140-150 vacancies for the whole country (Spannish population =46 millions) so surely there will be thousands of peopple to get the job. I dont have too much chances to get it.

I feel im tricking myself by giving me a extrate time to face what is unavoidable.

But i have some plans B and C.

B: Im also making a veterinary curse with the purpose of have SOMETHING, and if i get it i could apply for an Veterinary Ausbulding in Germany hopping they dont rejecting me for being too old (althought to that i would have to learn German before)

C:I have 2,5k dolars in cryptocurrencies aoumnt im trying to increase day by day. I bought a bit late (on november 2017) but with trading i could incresea it to 750$ to 2,5k althought prices are above they where in nov 17.
If criptocurrencies do x10 (or even x5) in the next years i could get easily a 10% profit by mounth and living by trading.
take from the government what is rightfully yours,
take that which they stole, that which you surely adore.
It is green what you seek,
but a different green,
than from that beautiful thing which gave to it birth.
If you truly cant find a job, just thugmaxx and if you go to jail then rope with the bedsheets they give you
Just enjoy having as little responsibility as you currently do for as long as possible. Life is awful and getting a job won't make it any better, you'll just meet a bunch of worthless normies that will make you hate life more.
Get a job
Get a degree or learn a trade

Just get out of the house and let your presence be known. Who knows, maybe you aren't really incel, just volcel.
Look I know that lookism seeps into the job market and sometimes we get screened out, but it's not as militant as the dating scene (at least, yet). I can see no reason why a 26 yr old man is living with his mom and not working any kind of a job. I live at home too but I work part time.

There are 2 categories of incels, self-produced and non-self-produced. Even if you weren't initially self-produced, your not helping your situation any. I've met plenty of 26 + yr old incels who've never worked and still live at home, most of them were lazy and one even got offended because he was asked to do chores around the house... I don't think it should be a man's job to financially support these "strong and empowered" femwhores, nontheless, I can't fault a woman for not wanting a guy who can't even take care of HIMSELF.

Sorry if I sound harsh but it's what it is.
jfl at all you fucks giving advice. this sites dead.
I'm in a similar situation to you (29), except I live on my own. I accept that it's mostly over with women and that betabux is all I can aspire to (it will be 100% over when I go bald), but I still think I can turn things around in other aspects of life, though time is running out.

I recently took a step forward by going to the doctor who gave me some jewpills and referred me to a psychiatrist. I mention this because it's something I should have done years ago, before I became unemployable and fucked up almost beyond repair, it might be something for you to consider.
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It's not over, go get a job first and develop your social skills. Unless you look like a goblin, it's not too late.
These are the posts I enjoy reading the most here. Let's be some fuckin failures together breh :heart:

It's been over
try to get a job and ur own place and go from there
I am 26 years old , and never have experience a romantic relationship and for make things worst i had never worked in my life. Virgin and unemployed living with my parents, stuck in a tiny room. What should i do?
you have nothing to look forward to but coping for the rest of your life.
no one will care about how shitty you were treated
although ironically all the other groups which a foid can be is protected via social norms.
except if you are chad
The Immigrants are stealing your jobs and women. They get that stuff easy.
Immigrants may work for low wages, but they get welfare, food stamps, medical coverage, free school for their kids
Dude. I was in the same situation as you when I was 24 yrs old. I had a worthless wage job, alone stuck inside a tiny little room, but my parents... Especially my shitstain of a step-mom who was abusive towards me were constant assholes. I decided to go back to a trade school far away from where I was living before. Found a way better job as a correctional officer and was able to pay for tuition, rent and bills.

If you live in Texas, I recommend you work for TDCJ as an correctional officer. It pays very well, it's time consuming, but worth it. Plus, you get to talk with some people you never get to talk to. Becareful though, cause the inmates can get a little too freindly and like to bribe you with gifts, food, you name it.
Join the ypg in Kurdistan and fight for the anarchist cause
get into ewhoring, and get a degree
Your parents are ok with you living with them. I ask because I was out of the house for good when I went off to college, and especially after finishing college.
Join the ypg in Kurdistan and fight for the anarchist cause

YPG = Feminist militia

Imagine dying for thots and feminists in fucking kurdistan......
Sounds like me but 8 years older.
Welcome home brothER, dont even try doing anything just LDAR its over
I am 26 years old , and never have experience a romantic relationship and for make things worst i had never worked in my life. Virgin and unemployed living with my parents, stuck in a tiny room. What should i do?
You knocked to the right door then.
I'm in a similar situation, around the same age except i have a job, but having a job is sort of overrated IMO. Sure it's good for statusmaxxing IF you have a high paid one but i don't. You can get laid easy without a job... If you're Chad.
try getting a job i guess

usually the only still free girls at your job will be pigs though
I am 26 years old , and never have experience a romantic relationship and for make things worst i had never worked in my life. Virgin and unemployed living with my parents, stuck in a tiny room. What should i do?
Kill u r betacuck parents take the house and start a house party or make a dormtory
Do nothing and become me in 10 years. Oh wait -- that's a horrible idea!
what stops you from getting a job?are you disabledcel?

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