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Discussion How's your quarantine going?



Incel lives matter
Jul 22, 2019
I got a week of quarantine at work and probably I'll be getting another one since things in Barcelona are getting really fucked up. I basically ldar all day and the first two days I just slept like a bear. How about you? What you do to kill the time?
No. I still have to wageslave because my bosses be like YOLO, just still go to work theory.
Slacking on the wagie work and rather using the time for something more productive, like postmaxxing :feelsLSD:
Everything is the same shit tbh.
Campus is closed for the rest of the semester. The school started to pressure everyone living in the surrounding area to move back to their permanent resident. It also discourages grad students from showing up in the lab and instead recommends we work remotely.

All my roommates have moved out and gone back to curryland, which puts me in a relatively safe position as long as I never walk outside. Now I'm more concerned about being attacked when shopping for groceries. Ricecels have been successfully dehumanized by the mainstream media after all. I really want to ldar but I have work to do and assignments that I need to turn in. Posting here, watching anime, playing vidya are decent copes for now but I don't know what would happen if this last for a few months
nothing has changed
Just fine.

Been playing Stardew Valley as usual, but also today just started Ori and the Will of the Wisps.

Great game that, great artwork and soundtrack too. Very beautiful.
Haven't noticed a difference
Have more time to vidyamaxx.

Gym recently got closed so I'm kinda fucked (RIP gains).

Gonna start investing.

May do a giveaway on here idk
like any other month
what quarantine
Ngl, I fucking love it. When I go out to grab some eats, its only other incels with facemasks on. No Chads or Staceys holding hands in sight.
I live in California, which is under a shelter-in-place order so I'm legally obligated to not go to work :dab:

I stockpiled about 40 days' worth of non-perishable food in January so I don't have any immediate need to go out. The last time I left my apartment was 10 days ago.

I do intend to go grocery shopping some time this week to make sure that I don't get too low, but I need to plan my trip to make sure I get at least a week's worth of food while avoiding normies as much as possible.

I've been monitoring social media, and it seems like everybody in my area has been absolutely retarded about this. They didn't prepare back in January or February because CNN told them not to bother because it's just a weaker version of the flu, and now they're all rushing the grocery stores and panic-stockpiling idiotic things with short shelf lives like milk and fresh meat. And when they get to the store and it doesn't have what they want, instead of buying something else they'll go to *another* store and *another* until they find what it is they were looking for. So instead of social-distancing and limiting their interactions with other people, they're all spreading the viruses and germs between different grocery stores and cross-contaminating everything.
Buy rocket launcher, ak-47, and combat knife, you can survive this. Don't forget ammo.
I can’t tell if I have to go to credit recovery on Monday and it’s Sunday so idk. Not up to date on what Austin’s doing. Can any central Texas/austincels be my info network?
Spend my whole day reading manga
I'm on my last week of work before I tell them to fuck off and I'm not coming for a month.
I'm still ugly so not good
Its made literally no difference to my behaviour: still NEETing hard. But i see my family more; so worse yeah
I've been watching even more YouTube, playing more Shivering Isles and Morrowind, and spending more time LDARing than I normally do. And drinking. Thank God the mindless NPC parasites that raided all the food stores for canned goods, ramen, and toilet paper left all the alcohol alone. I don't know what I'd do without that.
I try to go to the hike and bike trails for 5 to 10 miles jog/walk everyday.also eating peanuts and fried chicken and drinking low carb beer with an africancel(camaroon) friend and watching apocaleptic series. Wednesday we plan to drive to a state park where they have 1000 alligators sunning and swimming around in big pond. The trails seem to have plenty of young stacies and ethnic (asian/latino) stacies with bare midriffs,shorts, yoga pants etc looking for chads and whenever they see me,an ugly and short creepy ethnic man, there is a startled look on their faces frantically trying to cover up their belly by pulling down their shirts or with their hands.
Not much of a difference for me. I am a NEET. Have always put myself in quarantine angry siapproving foideyes make me sad.
Its pretty much the same
It's good I guess

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