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How was your father to you?

Cam The Angel

Cam The Angel

23 year old living in a piece of shit trailer
Feb 7, 2018
My dad ignored me through my entire adolescence i don't really know the guy
Always at work or watching soccer, never really did anything with me.
my dad was a frat manlet king who is low inhib, he is respected in his field and the local community, always taking phonecalls and shit
He was an authoritarian that was insecure an needed to feel like his family loved him. The most important thing to him regarding us was that he had control over us.

He was fat and lazy about most things. The small amount of knowledge he did have (work around the house) he didn't want to share because it made him feel valuable.

Because he was viciously abused as a child he was convinced that by stating that he 'loved' us that we should bend to his will without him asking us to do anything.

He had no desire to see us grow as people in any real way, and had no drive to take any personal steps to see it through.

He was willing to work for us, and he did provide, but mostly what he did was work, be a fat lazy fuck, expect us to be his slave whenever he wanted something or found a project to do around the house, get angry anytime he felt like we weren't meeting his standards, get angry anytime that he felt disrespected.

He was full of blue pilled advice and considered himself rather enlightened. Generic meaningless 'be a good person' trash. Generic meaningless 'find what you love to do' trash.

He brainwashed us to see him as more intelligent and capable than he really was. Once I read philosophy by myself I realized he didn't know anything. Once I learned some science and math and acclimated to my college major I realized just how many extremely intelligent people there were out there.

Last thing was that he was a 6'3'' Jock in high school that just thought that once I got to high school 'I knew guys in high school that started dating a girl and then everyone was friends with them where they were kind of loners before' in reference to me. He was a narcissist that didn't realize that women were only attracted to him because he was tall, athletic, and broad shouldered when he was in high school, and so he thought that girls would just like me for me. He didn't want any pictures taken of him because he didn't want evidence that he was a 300 pound slob. He shut himself off from the idea that other people were skilled because that would mean they might be better than him, but his behavior also blinded me to just how much there was to learn out there, just how intelligent people could be, and just how hard things needed to be worked for.

Unfortunately he hasn't grown and now has two young children with a woman of much lesser stock than my mother. They'll be shorter, fatter and they'll have lower IQs. They live in a rural area with a lesser average stock, so maybe they'll be OK, but I bet you they'll be incels. They only one that tried to get me involved in activities growing up was my mother, and this new woman is only good for eating coco puffs and watching the Kardashians.
Extremely strict and screamed a lot. Got better in the later years though.

I remember oene time I was pitching in a little league game. I was only 11 years old. And in front of the whole crowd he just started screaming at me relentlessly for minutes on end and embarrassed me in front of everyone. Good times.
Never met him. I don’t even know his first name and none of my relatives will tell me anything. I’ve just learned to live with it now though.
My dad was pretty cool until he became an alcoholic. Pretty much dipped from my parents house at 19 cause of him and my mom forcing stupid ass islam down my neck...
blue pilled who thinks I have a shot
He was an authoritarian that was insecure an needed to feel like his family loved him. The most important thing to him regarding us was that he had control over us.

He was fat and lazy about most things. The small amount of knowledge he did have (work around the house) he didn't want to share because it made him feel valuable.

Because he was viciously abused as a child he was convinced that by stating that he 'loved' us that we should bend to his will without him asking us to do anything.

He had no desire to see us grow as people in any real way, and had no drive to take any personal steps to see it through.

He was willing to work for us, and he did provide, but mostly what he did was work, be a fat lazy fuck, expect us to be his slave whenever he wanted something or found a project to do around the house, get angry anytime he felt like we weren't meeting his standards, get angry anytime that he felt disrespected.

He was full of blue pilled advice and considered himself rather enlightened. Generic meaningless 'be a good person' trash. Generic meaningless 'find what you love to do' trash.

He brainwashed us to see him as more intelligent and capable than he really was. Once I read philosophy by myself I realized he didn't know anything. Once I learned some science and math and acclimated to my college major I realized just how many extremely intelligent people there were out there.

Last thing was that he was a 6'3'' Jock in high school that just thought that once I got to high school 'I knew guys in high school that started dating a girl and then everyone was friends with them where they were kind of loners before' in reference to me. He was a narcissist that didn't realize that women were only attracted to him because he was tall, athletic, and broad shouldered when he was in high school, and so he thought that girls would just like me for me. He didn't want any pictures taken of him because he didn't want evidence that he was a 300 pound slob. He shut himself off from the idea that other people were skilled because that would mean they might be better than him, but his behavior also blinded me to just how much there was to learn out there, just how intelligent people could be, and just how hard things needed to be worked for.

Unfortunately he hasn't grown and now has two young children with a woman of much lesser stock than my mother. They'll be shorter, fatter and they'll have lower IQs. They live in a rural area with a lesser average stock, so maybe they'll be OK, but I bet you they'll be incels. They only one that tried to get me involved in activities growing up was my mother, and this new woman is only good for eating coco puffs and watching the Kardashians.
...and now your here on incels.is
Work, TV, did not really care about my social life
always with me. old pops Machiavelli went to 3 universities and has 2 master degrees. pops is 6'2. still raised my ungrateful ass anyway. thanks dad always love you
Super strict with religion. But bowed down to my helicopter mom. When I asked him for advice about girls, he'd say "don't worry about it, just trust God". I can tell that he hates his life. Outside of these aspects, he and I get along very well. He's a nice guy that means well.
Fat,stupid,poor,abusive...hate that fucking cunt.
Cold, distant. He's so smart and knowledgable about things but he's never taught me a damn thing.

Other than being a workhorse provider for the family, he was AFK it felt.
Just sum fckn low t lazy neetcuck. Always pushed house chores on me and my brother. Rarely had work. I always wonder how mom didn't divorce him, and most surprisingly why did she marry him.
Always resentful and passively aggressive. He doesn't like me more than I don't like him. I wish he could fuck off to somewhere.
Cold, distant. He's so smart and knowledgable about things but he's never taught me a damn thing.

Other than being a workhorse provider for the family, he was AFK it felt.
My old man is a good guy at heart, but he's the pinnacle of a boomer/beta male. He is difficult to get along with. Thinks every problem in life can be solved with hard work. Respects women unconditionally even though he is a conservative (he's a cuckservative I guess).

Additionally, he's 6'4". I'm not even close to that height and I wish I would have gotten that height. My little brother heightmogs me. I got the shitty genes I guess.
Zero patience, heavy smoker till end (marlboro man type, nothing will hurt him), explosive personality disorder, told me nothing. Wanted nothing to do with a family, just TV. Worked hard though, for little money. Very nonagressive. Was told not to listen to anything he said. I was raised by women.
a privileged, delusional blue-pilled cunt
My dad was pretty cool until he became an alcoholic. Pretty much dipped from my parents house at 19 cause of him and my mom forcing stupid ass islam down my neck...
but anon i thought islam did not allow alcohol
Left when I was 9, haven't seen him since.
my dad is a betabux provider and my mum is a used goods roastie whore they didn't give me anything to succeed in life and expected me to win while my sister got lucky in the genetics department
My dad ignored me through my entire adolescence i don't really know the guy

Same my father was an alcoholic who only complained about his shitty wageslave job besides that he didn't really care or give a shit about me.
He was literally a gigachad. Still wasn't a degenerate though, most humble person I've ever known.
What's a father?

He was a cuck.
My dad was pretty cool until he became an alcoholic. Pretty much dipped from my parents house at 19 cause of him and my mom forcing stupid ass islam down my neck...
Your mom and dads are real Gs, you a filthy kafir.
lots of singlemothercels here, easy way to turn someone into an incel.
my father left
I barely talked with my dad and vice versa, though he and my half brothers used to visit a bit during my childhood but that's about it. I never had any personal conversations with him but he wasn't really a jerk. I lived with my mum from most of my childhood to today which is why I have no backbone.
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He works in a field where he's not home 90% of the time. Married my mom because he accidentally got her pregnant. My mom is a psycho who abused me as a kid and he ignored it and didn't believe me. He's also a manlet who gets made fun of by everyone. He doesn't understand that the people around him are sarcastic and don't actually respect him. I blame my inceldom on him tbh.
Lol nowhere to be seen but tbf to him my mom kicked him out
A great man, but unfortunately a passive beta cuck who was never much of a masculine father figure
That goyim was a beta soyboy
but anon i thought islam did not allow alcohol
Only thing haraam in islam is pork. Anything else is accepted but just dont do it in front of other muslims. A lot of muzzies i know are drinkers...
Only thing haraam in islam is pork. Anything else is accepted but just dont do it in front of other muslims. A lot of muzzies i know are drinkers...
Then they are not following their own creed
Then they are not following their own creed
90% of muslims in the west are hypocrites lmfao. They only follow the religion to a certain point. Its one of the reasons why i stopped believing in it...
90% of muslims in the west are hypocrites lmfao. They only follow the religion to a certain point. Its one of the reasons why i stopped believing in it...
Yeah, religion is cope
MIA ignoramous.

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