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[Whitepill] How to make money

if you read what I said I agreed that you can just do this, it's fine if you want to NEET. read it, don't read it, whatever, OP asked and I answered based on my experiences
You were mealy mouthed and incredibly vague. Don't get butthurt about it just write less.

My point on number two comes from a combination of life experience and a bit of logic that you may or may not agree with.

To keep it short; there’s a difference between retirement FUNDS and retirement VEHICLES. You could just buy a 1oz gold bar or as many gold coins at the local coin place every month and retire just fine (funds) without ever having access to, or even knowing what a 401k/403b/457 plan is.

The problem with these plans designed for retirement is that they were designed for times that are much more stable than today. People didn’t get layoffs all the time through no fault of their own. Not all of them let you take out the money if you need it. And almost all of them restrict you to a limited set of predefined options, which sadly aren’t even the best available in their respective categories when it comes to fees/underlying exposure etc. Even in the rare cases that they do (fidelity/vanguard/scwhab), you are sacrificing an incredibly large amount of flexibility today for uncertainty tomorrow.

In my case, for example, I didn’t start making what I considered “real money” until nearly 25 or so. And when I did, the first thing I did was start plowing it away into a retirement fund. Got laid off from that job due to COVID, and ended up having almost 2 years of living expenses in my retirement fund, but 200 bucks in my checking account. I didn’t get another job for 11 months, and ended up homeless. You know, with enough in my retirement account to pay for an apartment for a year upfront in cash. Despite calling, begging, pleading, I was not allowed to withdraw it. Congress had to pass an entire fuxking law to amend how 401ks worked to allow people to use their own money in an economy they ruined so badly some folks had no other option.

If I had instead, invested the same amount, even in the same stock or mutual fund, in a regular old taxable brokerage account, I could have just sold off the amount I needed to pay my bills, transferred it back to my bank account and skipped along on my merry way like nothing ever happened.
I strongly advise that any young man today, especially ones who do have even a hint of uncertainty in their future, to keep that money in a regular table brokerage account. You might miss a tiny tax break, but you’ll never have to worry about Uncle Sam trying to control how you use that money you worked for.
Ah I put in both and have a emergency fund in savings that I'll put through a 3 (ish) month CD. I got the IRA and a "manually managed" set of investments for liquidity already. Thankfully I haven't been in a situation where I've had to sell any of it.
No making money when you're an incel AND autistic or an aspie. In this situation the only following options are
  • doing physically demanding minimum wage jobs where your role is being a punching bag. You barely save any money but develop chronic conditions like backpain, lung diseases and much more
  • NEET if your country has this option. It's still shit because you cannot cope decently on small neetbux
  • live with your parents, get gaslighted and told how lazy you are when in reality no one wants to hire you or see you anywhere
  • get caught immediately by trying to do something stupid and get hit by the reality that hustlers have to be NT sexhavers with right friends and right connections. This can lead to being severely beaten, in prison sentence or being locked up in psych ward forced to eat fattening chemical castration pills (I don't recommend doing anything illegal. This is just the fact)
  • die from hypothermia under the bridge
Shit like investing or starting a business is not for poorcel loners
So I should just rope at this point?
Jokes aside, there are plenty of lucrative hustles to partake in.
I have a 7 figure net worth but honestly it would not have been possible if I was born gen-Z or god forbid Gen-A. That ability to STEMcel then get a job that can pay off a rental investment in 2-5 years was only (just about) possible for Millenials born in the 80s to early 90s. That's the last generation that will have non-inherited wealth en-masse in the west (> 50% of Millenials owned a house in 2022 in the USA, that will never happen with GenZ or Alpha).
Invest in SP500 stocks. Invest in bitcoin and hold. Fuck idk.
Making good money always envolves tricking normcattle into thinking that whatever kind of product or service you are selling will make them chad or stacy (to a degree). In other words, it manipulates the low IQ normie bug brain into thinking his mating or social status will be improved if they buy X thing.

Besides that you could obviously try to wageslave a regular job but then you are at the mercy of normies so really that isn't an option at all.
You don't, it easier to kill yourself than become rich as a genetic dead end

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