This is about the only thing i'm autistically good at, you can apply some sort of abstract thinking to income, it's more like a game than it is attraction because that's purely based on genetics. It's just a game that requires a lot of effort and time.
my notes, take it or leave it, call it bullshit, cite your experience, I don't give a shit regardless:
Money is simple. It's a unit of value exchange. And it's a measure of your choices.
You want money? simple. create value and compel value. if you do that you will get paid. - it sounds cringe but i'm not some fucking guru telling you to do that by gambling in crypto or buying some bullshit course. It's not easy and it's not quick but it is simple.
- Take carbon out of the ground, polish them, call them diamonds, tell a bunch of betabuxxers your wife won't love you without them. you compell value and get paid. Boom you are now the de beers family.
- learn to weld metal together, do it for someone who needs metal welded together, you created and compelled value. boom you are now a blue collar welder
why do people not have as much money as they want then? pretty simple. It's a unit of value exchange but it's also a measure of ones choices to exchange value. Make bad choices? have less of it. Make good choices? have more of it. Yes you can be born broke or lower class, but from where you start the choices you make will determine whether or not you stay lower class or go homeless or rise up to middle or even upper class (you're not making it into the elite though that's some nepo baby billionaire parents shit).
even if you have no money, the amount you earn is based on whether or not you made these choices:
effort/sacrifice: You need to put in effort to provide value. To take diamonds out of the ground. To convince others diamonds are valuable. to make welds all day, etc. Some things require more effort, some things require less effort, that's not directly tied to the amount of value it brings. You could work hard and dig up nothing but dirt, you could barely work and dig up a diamond.
education/knowledge: You need to be educated on what people value, what they need and want. You can google, you can ask, you can observe what others are already being paid for. And then decide if that's worthwhile for you to put in effort and learn how to provide that.
discipline/patience: once you know how you'll provide value. you need to do it consistently to keep earning. And you need patience. you'll need it along the entire way, you'll need it to get better at welding, for your boss to notice you're getting better at welding, etc. you'll need it to dig up a diamond every day, when you're trying to sell the diamonds, when you're trying to save up to invest in workers to dig diamonds, to have machines that dig diamonds, etc.
frugality: you need to be prudent with what you earn. Don't spend it on burgers and doordash, on short term gratification.
risk, leverage: we've mainly gone over ways to earn income in small amounts, this is what's needed to earn income in large amounts. If you want to get paid more? sell more diamonds or sell diamonds, start digging at deposits with more diamonds, dig deeper for bigger diamonds, or start digging up platinum or something more valuable. This might require buying more equipment and risking losing your money in doing that, not digging up diamonds. You need to assess the risk reward. Leverage, you might need to buy a ton of drillers, a ton of mines, and pay for a ton of workers, and a ton of diamond stores to sell the diamonds. But leverage gets you to sell more diamonds. Making more money
These are the key choices that separate a low income or no income, from a higher income. Income is the #1 deciding factor into what class of the economy you're in, low class, middle class, upper class, etc. Is it easy? absolutley not. Is the game rigged? yes in a lot of ways, the income you earn is being inflated by jewish bankers, the places to rent and live in are exorbitantly expensive, the goal for the elite is to keep you broke and subservient while they own everything and you own nothing. If you don't want criminals in your fucking zip code, if you don't want to be an incel AND a broke wageslave they are necessary. The steps need to be taken. or you can stay broke or LDAR or NEET if you enjoy that whatever it's up to you.
- you can learn
- you have the discipline to see through
- save your earnings. be frugal. Do not waste the money.
- invest in increasing leverage to make more.
The core choices are fundamental. anyone telling you money can be earned without those fundamentals is lying. Anyone telling you they know how to earn substantial amounts of money without this process is also lying and is probably going to sell you a lie. DO NOT fucking listen to crypto scammers, stock market gamblers, and bullshit course selling gurus who tell you that you can 100x your life savings of $2k and become a billionaire tonight by buying their course, or betting it all on black, or taking ownership of LITERALLY NOTHING (crypto) and being happy (it somehow 100x according to them
What about the risk? Everything has risk, leaving your home has a risk, driving has a risk, etc. Humans take risks everyday, some you're okay with taking some you're afraid of because you don't know the odds. Some make sense, some don't. Marriage is a terrible risk to take because if you're subhuman you're 100% going to get divorce raped if you run out of betabuxx. bad risk. Buying an escort? not so risky. The casino, notice how they say "the house always wins"? Even though the casino expends money all the time? gambling with 50/50 odds or even 20/80 odds is bad risk/reward. But if there was a game at the casino where the odds where 70/30, or even 60/40. The math would be simple, risk would be mitigated if you have a large enough bankroll. It'd be a game of math.
as I said, money is the determining factor into what class of society you are in. Boomers had it WAY TOO FUCKING EASY to make money and enter the middle class, but for us in gen z, millenial, etc. We're entering a society of fuedalism where there is just upper class and elite, and then lower class.
IF you are not comfortable with LDARing for life, NEETing for life, or simply trying to cope as an incel but you have criminals in your zip code and no fucking money. YOU NEED. TO. MAKE. MONEY. Even if you are comfortable now, there will be a point where the pain of being broke will be more than the pain of going to work and making money. It's better to get it over with now before you enter a suicidal brokie spiral later. Or just accept that you are unmotivated to do it, you don't feel enough pain, you don't think any of this shit works and you're perfectly fine where you are.
and lastly, none of this will make women want to fuck you btw. will just make your life less insufferable.