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How to deal with arguments like "Yeah, but So-and-so is also very ugly and he does have a GF"?

  • Thread starter Divergent_Integral
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Spastic ricecel, heightmogged by 99.74% of men
Jul 3, 2020
This regularly comes up in discussions with friends and acquaintances. They often seem to know (or pretend to know, but let's assume good faith) some ugly loser with a reasonably attractive and loving GF.

I usually counter-argue against this argument using probability: yeah, sure it's bound to happen occasionally that a disgusting pig finds an acorn. But so is winning the lottery, or getting hit by lightning. You can hope to win the lottery, but to my mind it isn't a very rational kind of hope. Nothing to build your financial planning on anyway. Also, there is the Bayesian point of view: the more failed (romantic) outcomes one observes in one's own life, the lower should we estimate the probability of a favorable romantic outcome next time.

Any other counter-arguments that you can come up with?
How can incel ideology be correct if multi millionaire world famous actor who goes to a list celeb parties and has access to a private jet Danny DeVito hooks up? INCELS OWNED

anyway just say that anecdotal evidence don't count for much and instead show her some studies and statistics off of /r/blackpillscience
This regularly comes up in discussions with friends and acquaintances. They often seem to know (or pretend to know, but let's assume good faith) some ugly loser with a reasonably attractive and loving GF.

I usually counter-argue against this argument using probability: yeah, sure it's bound to happen occasionally that a disgusting pig finds an acorn. But so is winning the lottery, or getting hit by lightning. You can hope to win the lottery, but to my mind it isn't a very rational kind of hope. Nothing to build your financial planning on anyway. Also, there is the Bayesian point of view: the more failed (romantic) outcomes one observes in one's own life, the lower should we estimate the probability of a favorable romantic outcome next time.

Any other counter-arguments that you can come up with?
Ask them for evidence.They never provide it,and if they do it will usually be some some retarded example like danny devito or joe pesci.They might come up with some "fat guy" who got a "cute Gf" but these guys are usually tall,white and have a good frame.Normies copes till mars and beyond but it's easy to catch their bullshit examples.
That's same as pointing out people who won the lottery.
Yes, these people were extremely lucky
Status,thugmaxxing or NTmaxxing can do that
There is ALWAYS a caveat. ALWAYS. He's a rich gold digger mine. She is railing other guys on the side. He has something that she desperately needs at the moment, (home or key to a job). She is much much below his looksmatch, landwhale, poor ethnic/immigrant, disabled. He is actually not ugly but normie.

Honestly just mentioning that it is cherry picking/anecdotal should be enough.

The data is mostly on our side. Studies have shown the number of young men going without def is at 30% and increasing, and that women are only attracted to a small minority of men. No amount of anecdotes can disprove this.
The exceptions prove the rule.

Also those who like to nitpick useful, basic heuristics tend to be the 'aksualllly' type nerds who love winning arguments yet lose in the grand game of life. Best not to engage, why should you have to waste time trying to justify yourself to these people?



Also most of family and friends who try to debunk the blackpill truths try to reinforce their fundamentally Christian set of morals, they don't want you to give up hope and turn to true nihilism, despite the terrible some truecels face.
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Im sorry but its impossibru and u are just further digging yourself out of the inescepable deep inceldom hole ure already in, cementing urself simultaneously
I have not seen only ugly guy with a girlfriend in my life.
This regularly comes up in discussions with friends and acquaintances. They often seem to know (or pretend to know, but let's assume good faith) some ugly loser with a reasonably attractive and loving GF.

I usually counter-argue against this argument using probability: yeah, sure it's bound to happen occasionally that a disgusting pig finds an acorn. But so is winning the lottery, or getting hit by lightning. You can hope to win the lottery, but to my mind it isn't a very rational kind of hope. Nothing to build your financial planning on anyway. Also, there is the Bayesian point of view: the more failed (romantic) outcomes one observes in one's own life, the lower should we estimate the probability of a favorable romantic outcome next time.

Any other counter-arguments that you can come up with?
well the guy may appear to have a GF, but I doubt he's getting much action!
And usually that person isn't even ugly anyway. They're just average or a bit below.
statistical outliers

it's like saying (for example) "oh but Elon Musk wasn't a part of the 1% but now he's a multi billionaire". not everyone can be Elon Musk
Whenever they make this argument, you need to ask them for proof. Usually it's fake.
Large studies>anecdotal evidence.

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