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Experiment how do you feel about the presence of 19 and younger users?



Stay asleep
Aug 15, 2018
it feels like im in a kindergarten

Hi im a kindergarten student
19 incels means 6 most important years of life are lost, whatever happens after
Not good, but what way is there to regulate this? They could just larp as an adult for all we know. There was a member name kointo who did this. I guess it's good to get an idea on the state of the smp from the zoomer gen.
anyone under the age of 18 needs to fuck off
u just turned 20 my nigga
They're too fucking naive and not blackpilled enough from what I've seen
I feel exactly how I feel when I’m playing video games and it’s all 13-16 year olds, I’m wasting my life while everyone else my age is probably doing something productive and has an actual life, while I’m left behind.
That's me tbh
Sometimes I have to be a babysitter to my cousins or my sister's kid.
Really fucking pisses me off but I get free shit for doing it
anyone under the age of 18 needs to fuck off
i knew it was over when i asked a foid for the time when i was 15 and she said fuck off

if you don't get laid before 18 then it's over br0
Ban everyone under 18 tbh

Except @RegisterUserName (bunny chad) because he looks, sounds and acts like a middle aged man.
I wish I was younger
Ban everyone under 18 tbh
I reckon youngcels should just be discouraged, because, like many things, just changing the rules isn't going to solve anything; people are just going to circumvent the rules and LARP. Idk but there doesn't seem to be a reasonable solution, so you just kinda have to deal with it.

I don't like the vast majority of youngcels, though, because they just end up ascending or not being blackpilled in the first place, or going on dates. Maybe they'll have an onitus and talk about how she has a boyfriend now but they're still going to keep her as one of their many "female friends". Oftentimes they're edgy retards.

Youngcels flock here because it gives them an identity. I don't remember if @Sans is 18 or 17 but autism might have given him a lower mental age idk. Anyways, he's just the first that comes to mind when it comes to making being incel your primary identity, and those people who do that are more likely to be a fakecel because they just want some people to relate to and don't really care about inceldom as a whole; they'll forget all about it when they find some girl in school or whatever who's "different". Sure, people can be different in their external persona and the circumstances in their life, but on the inside we all boil down to the same few things. Btw Sans isn't necessarily a fakecel because of tourrets and autism I suppose. I reckon he'll probably have someone interested in him at some point or another, but I don't know him well enough to know how he'd react and if he'd be able to snag them.

I think the problem lies in the conflict it creates, because youngcels are tasting a different bitterness than incels; they're getting rejected and alienated from their peers for the first time. School is brutal. But when it comes to claiming the same pain as isolation for years, just because you messed up your homework and your crush laughed at you, that's when it becomes an issue. I don't pretend that the pain in my future is going to be easier to deal with than now: regrets and hatred will undoubtedly consume me, because I'm no different from anyone else.
Except @RegisterUserName (bunny chad) because he looks, sounds and acts like a middle aged man.
Maybe I am a middle aged man but just LARP as a youngcel to make it look like I'm "one of the good ones". Eh, it's probably because of early puberty and that I'm the only truecel youngcel I've met so far on the site, so I haven't had that bluepill rollercoaster of hope and despair that leads to sadness but I oh so envy
I reckon youngcels should just be discouraged, because, like many things, just changing the rules isn't going to solve anything; people are just going to circumvent the rules and LARP. Idk but there doesn't seem to be a reasonable solution, so you just kinda have to deal with it.

I don't like the vast majority of youngcels, though, because they just end up ascending or not being blackpilled in the first place, or going on dates. Maybe they'll have an onitus and talk about how she has a boyfriend now but they're still going to keep her as one of their many "female friends". Oftentimes they're edgy retards.

Youngcels flock here because it gives them an identity. I don't remember if @Sans is 18 or 17 but autism might have given him a lower mental age idk. Anyways, he's just the first that comes to mind when it comes to making being incel your primary identity, and those people who do that are more likely to be a fakecel because they just want some people to relate to and don't really care about inceldom as a whole; they'll forget all about it when they find some girl in school or whatever who's "different". Sure, people can be different in their external persona and the circumstances in their life, but on the inside we all boil down to the same few things. Btw Sans isn't necessarily a fakecel because of tourrets and autism I suppose. I reckon he'll probably have someone interested in him at some point or another, but I don't know him well enough to know how he'd react and if he'd be able to snag them.

I think the problem lies in the conflict it creates, because youngcels are tasting a different bitterness than incels; they're getting rejected and alienated from their peers for the first time. School is brutal. But when it comes to claiming the same pain as isolation for years, just because you messed up your homework and your crush laughed at you, that's when it becomes an issue. I don't pretend that the pain in my future is going to be easier to deal with than now: regrets and hatred will undoubtedly consume me, because I'm no different from anyone else.

Maybe I am a middle aged man but just LARP as a youngcel to make it look like I'm "one of the good ones". Eh, it's probably because of early puberty and that I'm the only truecel youngcel I've met so far on the site, so I haven't had that bluepill rollercoaster of hope and despair that leads to sadness but I oh so envy
didnt even read a single word
I can definitely see the difference in maturity (and life experience) between the youngcels (from puberty to 22) and the older incels (22+). On the one hand, getting blackpilled at a young age can be bad, as it can destroy your motivation and make you suicidal. For the non-truecels, this can make them miss key opportunities regarding socialization and sex. However, it's good that young men now have a logical explanation as to why they're unsuccessful with women, as they won't blame themselves, and will focus their energy on more achievable goals. They can also avoid many of the mistakes that one makes before becoming blackpilled.

I became blackpilled at 22, and before that, I was like a blind man stumbling in the dark. I had no clue why people didn't like me, and I was coping off the charts in all ways trying to ascend. Becoming blackpilled destroyed me mentally (in addition to the health problems that I developed). I became depressed and suicidal (I almost attempted), and LDAR'd for 3 years. But at 25, I accepted the situation and moved on.
i reckon the ages between 18-20 is the largest demographic on tbh
new generation of incels, i guess one of very first since we are this generation who is in Tinders, facebooks, jewgrams era
new generation of incels, i guess one of very first since we are this generation who is in Tinders, facebooks, jewgrams era
i was 20 when tinder first started. my normie friends said it was a lot easier to get laid (dont talk to them anymore) compared to today.
I reckon youngcels should just be discouraged, because, like many things, just changing the rules isn't going to solve anything; people are just going to circumvent the rules and LARP. Idk but there doesn't seem to be a reasonable solution, so you just kinda have to deal with it.

I don't like the vast majority of youngcels, though, because they just end up ascending or not being blackpilled in the first place, or going on dates. Maybe they'll have an onitus and talk about how she has a boyfriend now but they're still going to keep her as one of their many "female friends". Oftentimes they're edgy retards.

Youngcels flock here because it gives them an identity. I don't remember if @Sans is 18 or 17 but autism might have given him a lower mental age idk. Anyways, he's just the first that comes to mind when it comes to making being incel your primary identity, and those people who do that are more likely to be a fakecel because they just want some people to relate to and don't really care about inceldom as a whole; they'll forget all about it when they find some girl in school or whatever who's "different". Sure, people can be different in their external persona and the circumstances in their life, but on the inside we all boil down to the same few things. Btw Sans isn't necessarily a fakecel because of tourrets and autism I suppose. I reckon he'll probably have someone interested in him at some point or another, but I don't know him well enough to know how he'd react and if he'd be able to snag them.

I think the problem lies in the conflict it creates, because youngcels are tasting a different bitterness than incels; they're getting rejected and alienated from their peers for the first time. School is brutal. But when it comes to claiming the same pain as isolation for years, just because you messed up your homework and your crush laughed at you, that's when it becomes an issue. I don't pretend that the pain in my future is going to be easier to deal with than now: regrets and hatred will undoubtedly consume me, because I'm no different from anyone else.

Maybe I am a middle aged man but just LARP as a youngcel to make it look like I'm "one of the good ones". Eh, it's probably because of early puberty and that I'm the only truecel youngcel I've met so far on the site, so I haven't had that bluepill rollercoaster of hope and despair that leads to sadness but I oh so envy

How old are you
i was 20 when tinder first started. my normie friends said it was a lot easier to get laid (dont talk to them anymore) compared to today.
i never used tinder or any app to date ded srs i always knew its bullshit i didnt need to prove that, after some time reality proved everything

i wish i was in my youth in 1990-2005
i never used tinder or any app to date ded srs i always knew its bullshit i didnt need to prove that, after some time reality proved everything

i wish i was in my youth in 1990-2005
yeah 2006-07 were my favourite years tbh. 13/14 year old me was so blissfully innocent, who would bring my psp to school and play vidya with the nerds who would also bring their portable gaming consoles to school with them.
I'm ok, it will only get worse for them
I started complaining about my life on the internet when I was 13
I reckon youngcels should just be discouraged, because, like many things, just changing the rules isn't going to solve anything; people are just going to circumvent the rules and LARP. Idk but there doesn't seem to be a reasonable solution, so you just kinda have to deal with it.

I don't like the vast majority of youngcels, though, because they just end up ascending or not being blackpilled in the first place, or going on dates. Maybe they'll have an onitus and talk about how she has a boyfriend now but they're still going to keep her as one of their many "female friends". Oftentimes they're edgy retards.

Youngcels flock here because it gives them an identity. I don't remember if @Sans is 18 or 17 but autism might have given him a lower mental age idk. Anyways, he's just the first that comes to mind when it comes to making being incel your primary identity, and those people who do that are more likely to be a fakecel because they just want some people to relate to and don't really care about inceldom as a whole; they'll forget all about it when they find some girl in school or whatever who's "different". Sure, people can be different in their external persona and the circumstances in their life, but on the inside we all boil down to the same few things. Btw Sans isn't necessarily a fakecel because of tourrets and autism I suppose. I reckon he'll probably have someone interested in him at some point or another, but I don't know him well enough to know how he'd react and if he'd be able to snag them.

I think the problem lies in the conflict it creates, because youngcels are tasting a different bitterness than incels; they're getting rejected and alienated from their peers for the first time. School is brutal. But when it comes to claiming the same pain as isolation for years, just because you messed up your homework and your crush laughed at you, that's when it becomes an issue. I don't pretend that the pain in my future is going to be easier to deal with than now: regrets and hatred will undoubtedly consume me, because I'm no different from anyone else.

Maybe I am a middle aged man but just LARP as a youngcel to make it look like I'm "one of the good ones". Eh, it's probably because of early puberty and that I'm the only truecel youngcel I've met so far on the site, so I haven't had that bluepill rollercoaster of hope and despair that leads to sadness but I oh so envy
I’m 17. 18 in two months.

Aren’t you 16? Or was that just a joke?
Most youngcels will ascend one time and view this as their crazy incel years. I only know one guy under 18 that its over for.

We already have under 18's here. Just recent some guy made a thread having success with a 6/10 on a date, it a matter of time until they spew retarded bluepill shit and it will fly around here because unironically someone praised him in that thread.

They will come back and slowly virtue signal on how "they had success and its not all looks". This also is thanks to the blackpilled normie rule.
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I’m 17. 18 in two months.

Aren’t you 16? Or was that just a joke?
Yes bro but I was going to talk about how autism and stuff can affect your mental age as much as your physical age can affect your mental age but I got distracted
I can't take most of them seriously. Except for those that are legit non-NT then it's over for them regardless, unless they also have top-tier looks which is an extremely unlikely combination.
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This site should be 18+
I don't have any issues with youngcels posting here.
Kids just shouldn't be here honestly. 18 and up only
I knew it was over when I was in middle school. I don't mind youngcels.
We already have under 18's here. Just recent some guy made a thread having success with a 6/10 on a date, it a matter of time until they spew retarded bluepill shit and it will fly around here because unironically someone praised him in that thread.

Have you not seen the threads he made after?

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