I'll be honest here because this site is the only one I feel free to talk about things-
Initially I coped with the loneliness by RPing as a female on Furry websites, it got me a steady stream of people to talk to but it was fleeting since they only spoke to me when they wanted to cyber, so I never had any real conversations. I then moved onto applying for clans in the many games I play, but I failed since I was never talkative or wasn't invited to clan events.
I started cutting myself off from everything, I just sat around listening to the same 4-5 songs and playing games. It wasn't fun and became a habit, eventually I plucked up some form of 'confidence' and went out...I didn't make any friends and realised how fucked my social skills were and generally how unlikable/ugly I was.
I did anything I could to ignore everything wrong with the world and society, beyond sleeping 18 hours a day I couldn't. I just find solace in the little things I have. I now just escape into a roleplay scenario within my head when I play games, I pretend I'm a streamer and explain the game to no one, or act like I'm a pro player and discuss how my character got where he was, again, to no one. Its small but it keeps me happy. I suggest you find that little thing that brings you joy and make sure its something personal so normies, Chads and Stacys can't ruin it.