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Blackpill How did you discovered the black pill for the first time?

Buried Alive 2.0

Buried Alive 2.0

Aug 13, 2023
Title question.

I took the traditional route present in the incel flag blue pill >> red pill >> black pill. In mid 20s started searching about the dating problems I was having and found the r/TheRedPill and r/asktrp. After year of failing with that I found the black pill which made much more sense. I don't remember how I first found this forum though.
It was in the late 80-s before the internet, in my early teens. I wondered why is that the thugs and the criminals in my hood had gfs while I was alone despite the fact that I tried, and then I understood: They were tall and good-looking.
I used to cope a lot with PUA bullshit
Title question.

I took the traditional route present in the incel flag blue pill >> red pill >> black pill. In mid 20s started searching about the dating problems I was having and found the r/TheRedPill and r/asktrp. After year of failing with that I found the black pill which made much more sense. I don't remember how I first found this forum though.
if you're truly incel you got blackpilled by real life not the internet. i would say i first had blackpilled thoughts in 2012-2013
I think I came across the Wikipedia page for “incel” then somehow found incel subreddits. Since I wasn’t in any kind of inner circle, whenever one was banned I’d go on inceltears to find the next one :feelskek: I found out about the blackpill through incel communities.

I definitely knew about the redpill and tried the advice for a long time, while still being on incel communities, and eventually just switched to incel communities only, once I faced enough rejection.
I was raised bluepill, I discovered the redpill on the internet and adopted some of it such as self improvement and what not I gymceled. I was told that the blackpill were just defeatists and I only ever saw all the edgy rape stuff so I never bothered to look into it. One day I forget how but I became really blackpilled on height I measured myself to 5'5 and realised just how over it was for me especially since people are tall in my country, not netherlands tall but close. I watched a wheat waffles video about short people and he used the term "jestermaxxing" and idk why but that word was hilarious to me so much I immediately had to google the word and there was a youtube video from dbdr about his jestermaxxing experiences and I went down the blackpill rabbithole from there.

I don't really see myself as any sort of pill or anything, I just choose to ground myself in reality, the blackpill contains alot of harsh realities most will never except but it is all objective fact.
I started seeing a lot of shit on my feed about the blackpill and what not, slowly but surely it started to make sense. Never knew about the whole height ideology until later however, before that I thought it was just physique
I was raised bluepill, I discovered the redpill on the internet and adopted some of it such as self improvement and what not I gymceled. I was told that the blackpill were just defeatists and I only ever saw all the edgy rape stuff so I never bothered to look into it. One day I forget how but I became really blackpilled on height I measured myself to 5'5 and realised just how over it was for me especially since people are tall in my country, not netherlands tall but close. I watched a wheat waffles video about short people and he used the term "jestermaxxing" and idk why but that word was hilarious to me so much I immediately had to google the word and there was a youtube video from dbdr about his jestermaxxing experiences and I went down the blackpill rabbithole from there.

I don't really see myself as any sort of pill or anything, I just choose to ground myself in reality, the blackpill contains alot of harsh realities most will never except but it is all objective fact.
Fucking same, youtube literally opened up a whole new reality for me
I was raised bluepill, I discovered the redpill on the internet and adopted some of it such as self improvement and what not I gymceled. I was told that the blackpill were just defeatists and I only ever saw all the edgy rape stuff so I never bothered to look into it. One day I forget how but I became really blackpilled on height I measured myself to 5'5 and realised just how over it was for me especially since people are tall in my country, not netherlands tall but close. I watched a wheat waffles video about short people and he used the term "jestermaxxing" and idk why but that word was hilarious to me so much I immediately had to google the word and there was a youtube video from dbdr about his jestermaxxing experiences and I went down the blackpill rabbithole from there.

I don't really see myself as any sort of pill or anything, I just choose to ground myself in reality, the blackpill contains alot of harsh realities most will never except but it is all objective fact.
Despite the racist and edgy content that is present in this community, the blackpill is the truth, we all agree that women care more about looks than personality, but every incel has different solutions on how to deal with inceldom
tried the bluepill the redpill saw none worked so I'm blackpilled after my research
I'm rice, and noticed how ricemen were shitted on, especially by asian women; and how they always choose white. THis disturbed me greatly, and it got me interested in race and race differences, and how it affects chances of dating success, along with other areas in life. Reading reasearch papers and comments blew my mind, and I ended up loathing myself and anyone that looks asian lmao. Needless to say, once you see how reality really works, it's hard to undo it. When I see someone fitting a pattern of behavior, it only reaffirms what I've learned over the years.

It's funny how I was bluepilled, but became blackpilled because I tried dating and was noticing patterns. I think if you really want to try dating, you need good mental health to deal with it.
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I used to browse 4chan on the regular I remember seing a thread with some Blackpill shit on /Pol/ that was how I discovered it for myself
Chadfishing on Bumble using my exact bio and interests. My profile had nearly zero interest, with Chad I had literally hundreds of likes and was inundated with messages.
I watched some boxing videos from HeedAndSucceed and then YouTube began recommending me blackpill stuff
I've always seen dudes around me get gfs even if they were worse-looking than me while foids never even gave me the time of day or acknowledged my existence and it irritated me greatly, so I started to do some online research as to why I am experiencing this. I first came across a lot of redpill stuff and it resonated with me on a lot of aspects. I kept watching redpill stuff for about a year but I've always found that there are some key points I don't really agree on, so after delving deeper into certain theories and stories online I started to become blackpilled. Now it's been about 5 - 6 years and I'm still extremely blackpilled even though I also still watch some redpill content from time to time.
Real Life tbh
Title question.

I took the traditional route present in the incel flag blue pill >> red pill >> black pill. In mid 20s started searching about the dating problems I was having and found the r/TheRedPill and r/asktrp. After year of failing with that I found the black pill which made much more sense. I don't remember how I first found this forum though.
4 years of suffering in an all males high school. It started from the heightpill, tails videos, then went down the deep dark hole of this website. I took a break from this place to normiefraud for close to a year, now Im back
R9k. Wasnt that The original Place? Around 2017 I think is when The word came up. Red pill was about 2014
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Bluepill: just ask her out and show confidence :soy: Results: foid ignores me, blocks me, calls me a friend, says shes not ready for a relationship and next day I see her talk about Tinder or how hot the chads are tee-hee. Absolute brutal to see women reject me and go for the chad, seen it happen in parties and so on. Chad: ”Im single girls” foid: ”tee-hee” f that crap :feelsree:

Redpill: I lost weight, lookmaxxed at the gym and improved on everything including speech skills, walk styles, body language and get a better paid job :feelsgah: I have to admit, I did not take 50 cold showers a day, maybe thats why I have not slain pussies like the rat chads.
The result: absolutely no difference, women still find me disgusting.

I have been bluepilled for a long time. I am 34 fkn years old now, so I know for sure wth is going on. But like that youtube loser that copes while being 28, im the same.
I did not like the blackpill because the gov, women and normies told me it is bad and everything is my fault :feelsgah:

What absolutely destroyed my soul is using a fake picture where I put chad features on my face and contacted women. They found me interesting and wanted to bang me, even oneitis did not see it was me :foidSoy:

So I listened to that waffleguy in Youtube and it all made sense. This is the fkn LIFE ive lived. Ive wasted so many years coping.

The reason a woman rejects you is because the nature doesnt want you to spread your genes. So why is it wrong that incels are getting more and more angry? I am 34 fkn years old now. Its fkn brutal to see women go ftm and instantly become depressed because everyone rejects them turning them in to the only thing they hate, an incel. They become depressed after a * month. Look at me, especially :feelsbaton:therapists, foids, media and university researchers. You are the main reason I coped with this crap. If I knew this from an early age, id save money for a plastic surgery. You ruined my life. Thank you.:society:

I discovered it two years ago and have been in anger mode since then.
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March '20, beginning of covid lockdowns, I ask out my then-oneitis by messages and she ghosts me.

I don't remember how, but I end up coming across blackpill/inceldom stuff. I already had some blackpill theories in my mind but back then I had no idea that other people thought this too. I created an acc for IncelsWithoutHate, and a few weeks later, I came here.
Title question.

I took the traditional route present in the incel flag blue pill >> red pill >> black pill. In mid 20s started searching about the dating problems I was having and found the r/TheRedPill and r/asktrp. After year of failing with that I found the black pill which made much more sense. I don't remember how I first found this forum though.
I got blackpilled after reading one of your posts. That's why I registered on incels.co.
I went through high school with no friends and without ever talking to a girl.
I'm a former death metal musician. I noticed that less successful artists are older and less attractive than younger ones. In the entertainment industry you have to look good, interesting, or both.
bluepill--> redpill ---> blackpill. I was around 13 when I knew something was wrong.
Found out about the term in late's 2019, when i was about 19 to 20. I already knew it was true and it all made sense, i just wasn't aware of the term itself, but the blackpill science wasn't any news for me, it just backed up all my personal experience and life negative-reinforcement.
Have known :blackpill: for as long as I remember. It's just my knowledge of it increased more and more by the year. Earliest :blackpill: knowledge was in elementary school - Just seeing how little girls used to branchswing from BF to BF in elementary school days, this was enough for me to discern the female instinct to practice hypergamy & their tendancy to not commit to LTR
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Have known :blackpill: for as long as I can remember. It's just my knowledge of it increased more and more by the year. Earliest :blackpill: knowledge was in elementary school - Just seeing how little girls used to branchswing from BF to BF in elementary school days, this was enough for me to discern the female instinct to practice hypergamy & their tendancy to not commit to LTR
Yeah even as a kid I was a little blackpilled in a sense since i could tell when i was young and kids in my year level started dating at 12 it was stacies and chads and the beckies would simp for chad, I knew that me and my friends did not have any chances one time a stacy fake asked my friend to date him it was so fucking brutal that day he ended up crying. The internet has helped me gain more knowledge though
Title question.

I took the traditional route present in the incel flag blue pill >> red pill >> black pill. In mid 20s started searching about the dating problems I was having and found the r/TheRedPill and r/asktrp. After year of failing with that I found the black pill which made much more sense. I don't remember how I first found this forum though.

I was watching Thinking Ape for some good MGTOW content, he simped That Guy Pete You Should Always Invite to Gatherings who had a discussion about the Racepill and then I watched Thinking Ape's livestream with Wheat Waffles. Wheat Waffles did an early video praising Incel TV (before he had to water down his content for a Normie audience because that's where the money is). Incel TV made me curious, so I found the incel Wiki which is basically where all the good Blackpills are.

Sometimes I see blokes on this forum claim things that have been debunked on the Incel Wiki for years, basically making me realise that most high IQ Blackpill content is found on YouTube and on the wiki, very little or actual substance is discussed in this forum. Perhaps this is due to the Echo Chamber Effect where dissenting views are ridiculed or ignored. This forum seems more like a LDAR death cult than an actual Blackpill site. But it's literally you have people who understand the Blackpill here Vs. delusional idiots on Reddit, so obviously this forum is the better choice.
I was watching Thinking Ape for some good MGTOW content, he simped That Guy Pete You Should Always Invite to Gatherings who had a discussion about the Racepill and then I watched Thinking Ape's livestream with Wheat Waffles. Wheat Waffles did an early video praising Incel TV (before he had to water down his content for a Normie audience because that's where the money is). Incel TV made me curious, so I found the incel Wiki which is basically where all the good Blackpills are.

Sometimes I see blokes on this forum claim things that have been debunked on the Incel Wiki for years, basically making me realise that most high IQ Blackpill content is found on YouTube and on the wiki, very little or actual substance is discussed in this forum. Perhaps this is due to the Echo Chamber Effect where dissenting views are ridiculed or ignored. This forum seems more like a LDAR death cult than an actual Blackpill site. But it's literally you have people who understand the Blackpill here Vs. delusional idiots on Reddit, so obviously this forum is the better choice.

It did put a lot of conversations I had into perspective, for example I met this nice Vietnamese-German toilet who talked about how her brother never had a boyfriend in Germany but can get laid in Hanoi. She told me that she dated a lot of guys in Leipzig and Berlin but that her brother "probably just wants a traditional marriage", only after taking the BP did I realise that her brother simply took the Racepill and realised that he can actually just date normally in Hanoi while being an incel in Eastern Germany.
When I was a young child, I used to read fanfiction often. The romantic struggling in those fanfiction stories made me view it as a competition.
It did put a lot of conversations I had into perspective, for example I met this nice Vietnamese-German toilet who talked about how her brother never had a boyfriend in Germany but can get laid in Hanoi. She told me that she dated a lot of guys in Leipzig and Berlin but that her brother "probably just wants a traditional marriage", only after taking the BP did I realise that her brother simply took the Racepill and realised that he can actually just date normally in Hanoi while being an incel in Eastern Germany.
Finding the black pill really feels like opening a new world in your mind. Suddenly a lot of things that women do become clear.

Finding the red pill was similar to me, but the it is misandrist in the sense that it blames the men for everything that goes wrong. Red pill is depressing while black pill is liberating.
maybe from 2015 felt yeah blackpill is me
I was watching Thinking Ape for some good MGTOW content, he simped That Guy Pete You Should Always Invite to Gatherings who had a discussion about the Racepill and then I watched Thinking Ape's livestream with Wheat Waffles. Wheat Waffles did an early video praising Incel TV (before he had to water down his content for a Normie audience because that's where the money is). Incel TV made me curious, so I found the incel Wiki which is basically where all the good Blackpills are.
Thinking Ape aka Stardusk, he is on the money with black pilled truths nails it how I feel or think

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