This banana is rotten. No one will eat it. It's both too ripe and too mouldy. The banana doesn't like to go anywhere or do anything. It just rots in the fruit bowl while the apples and oranges are picked up. However, I can't throw the banana away: I just hope one day someone will at least think about the potential potassium content they're missing out on. But it's never about the potassium. It's all about the colour of the fruit and the colour and consistency of the skin and the outside of the banana. I can't throw away the banana because every time I open the bin i think that the banana isn't that bad. All it does after is wonder why a rotten fruit hasn't been thrown away yet, and sits in the fruit bowl, waiting to rot away naturally and painfully. People would drink juice from the orange that has been juiced so many times before, over considering appreciating the banana. The banana's apple parents (it's GMO, shut up) tell it that it just needs to ripen up and be washed, someone will eat it right away. It doesn't want to be in the fruit bowl anymore, providing ethylene to help the other plants grow, but will remain unrewarded. I just want to throw the banana away. But I can't. Pesticides are banned here. So the banana will sit in the fruit bowl and watch.
It's over for bananacels
It's over for bananacels