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How and why the current model of feminism failed, and how true feminism aligns with the interests of incels



Stone cold
Apr 22, 2024
Feminism is the scapegoat of many of the users’ problems here. While it is true that the failed and very poorly implemented model of feminism that has infected the West has absolutely destroyed our lives, this is not the feminism the original feminist thinkers such as Mary Wollstonecraft envisioned.

Women lacked culture and education before feminism. The misguided and ignorant Western governments, in their pathetic attempts to implement feminism in the 20th century to appease the dissident masses, didn’t pay attention to the enormous mental and social inequality that built up between the two genders over the entire course of human history and just gave them equal rights and opportunities and called it a day. This led to women becoming an educated, free, yet staying an immensely stupid, uncultured and privileged class of people. Men never stopped going out their ways to try appeasing women, keeping women’s social values inflated, and women never started discussing the nuances of vector calculus or the deeper meanings behind Socrates’s dialogues, rather opting to keep their minds focused on insanely inane topics like peplums, tulles or chignons. They never became conscious, intelligent human beings. With equal rights and opportunities, the tables just got turned further against men, and practically nothing changed for women, for freedom without consciousness is no freedom at all.

If feminism was implemented with care instead, by trying to close the immense gap between men and women first before giving them equal rights, we’d have been living in a much better world. Men and women’s social values would be roughly equal, and women would be far less superficial and autodeprecatory in their selections of mates.

One may argue that the mental and social differences between men and women are inherently biological and no amount of “true” feminism could fix them, but I tend to disagree. Vilar (1971) argues that men and women are born with the same intellectual potential, but women’s potential wastes away, because she never uses it, because her female acquaintances all discuss things that require zero intellect to discuss and her male admirers put her up on a pedestal, not requiring her to do anything to get his love and affection. Here’s the full quote by Vilar:

At birth, men and women have the same intellectual potential; there is no primary difference in intelligence between the sexes. It is also a fact that potential left to stagnate will atrophy. Women do not use their mental capacity: they deliberately let it disintegrate. After a few years of sporadic training, they revert to a state of irreversible mental torpor. Why do women not make use of their intellectual potential? For the simple reason that they do not need to. It is not essential for their survival. Theoretically it is possible for a beautiful woman to have less intelligence than a chimpanzee and still be considered an acceptable member of society. By the age of twelve at the latest, most women have decided to become prostitutes. Or, to put it another way, they have planned a future for themselves which consists of choosing a man and letting him do all the work.

To conclude, due to the botching of what feminism was supposed to be, despite gaining rights, women did not evolve into fully conscious and intelligent beings, and the societal imbalance persisted, with men feeling further disadvantaged. If feminism was implemented correctly, this would’ve never happened.
Problem with the equality is that foids only see the top few percent of males and want to be theirs equal, not some average Joe's and certainly not ours. Foids were never oppressed, they had less options but also they were protected and taken care of, which is a privilege. I do think that it has a lot to do with biology, not intelligence. They have different aspirations and if you dont have a natural talent, predisposition and drive for something you will never achieve anything meaningful in that field. There are exceptions but this is what i think its generally true.
dnr but looks high iq
I bookmarked it though.
not one alphabet
I'm personally more cynical and I believe women aren't as stupid as many want to believe, and this whole feminism movement was intentionally about female superiority. Basically a Trojan horse of faux equality.

After all, feminism freed women from their traditional gender roles. But men still face the same gender expectations, and very often these expectations come from the same women who shout from roof tops that they want feminism and equality.

I'll accept that traditional gender roles for men have vanished and equality has been achieved when 50% of the couples have a woman as the breadwinner. I'll accept that misandry has went away after violence against men stops being normalized and downplayed, as women have been shown to be more physically violent in relationships. And I'm going to assume that women are also emotionally more abusive towards men than the other way around too, even if there's zero data on this. That's my clear assumption.

They never wanted equality. When women are held to the same standard as men they think its misogyny and sexism, when it in fact is literally the opposite.
Also in all reality I believe women want to take out all the ugly men out of the dating and gene pool and feminism is one way to make this happen. I think believing otherwise is a cope

I remember reading some parts of Esther Vilar's book "The Manipulated Man" and its kind of interesting, however not that blackpilled. Vilar claims that women don't care about a man's looks at all. Then again he wrote that book a long time ago and back then looks weren't maybe as important as they are in today's world.
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Unless your "real feminism" would use extensive gene editing, no amount of social programming will change men's nature to simp or women's mental inferiority and vapidity.
Yes, i remember @kay' made a (now deleted i think) thread about this a while back and i somewhat agreed with it. However i don't think "true feminism" as you described it is realistically fully implementable, nor do i think that the absolute vast majority of women would ever be ok with it in the first place.
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Yes, i remember @kay' made a (now deleted i think) thread about this a while back and i somewhat agreed with it. However i don't think "true feminism" as you described it is realistically fully implementable, nor do i think that the absolute vast majority of women would ever be ok with it in the first place.
from that time till now i realized also that true equality between everything cant be implemented not just between the sexes.

Life is just unfair for some and fair for some it will always be like this.

A fourthwave radical men hating feminist can simply fold backwards if she meets a man she physically desires.

All these movements are useless, at the end of the day the economy sucks and when 2 decides to become a couple they will have to work together without paying attention to who fucking paid today and who fucking gona pay tomorrow in order to survive this trash economy.

Most of the times someone inside the relationship will get the bad end of the stick and will be working more than their partner.

So the whole point of equality and women are opressed and men suck is just a goyim scam to keep the masses fighting with each other and not pay attention to the elites who hoard all the money and fuck kids on some island.

Also im almost 30, ive never in my life met a rich woman who married a broke man even if he is chad.

I actually did once but thats like, 1 occurence in all the couples and people that i know throughout my whole life so might aswell say never.
But yes real incels like me ofc benefits if they meet REAL FEMINIST WOMEN who arent hypergamous and dont mind if a man cries and stuff like that, or if she makes more than him she doesnt feel manlier ect..

But again meeting a woman like this is harder than winning the lottery
not a single word coper they were always hypergamous they just needed the liberty to openly be it
oi vey goyim real feminism has never been tried
oi vey goyim real feminism has never been tried
It really has not been. The original feminist thinkers' critiques of the state of women in their time still apply today, even more so infact. To quote Mary Wollstonecraft:
Ah! why do women, I write with affectionate solicitude, condescend to receive a degree of attention and respect from strangers, different from that reciprocation of civility which the dictates of humanity and the politeness of civilization authorise between man and man? And, why do they not discover, when 'in the noon of beauty's power,' that they are treated like queens only to be deluded by hollow respect, till they are led to resign, or not assume, their natural prerogatives? Confined then in cages like the feathered race, they have nothing to do but to plume themselves, and stalk with mock majesty from perch to perch. It is true they are provided with food and raiment, for which they neither toil nor spin; but health, liberty, and virtue, are given in exchange.The passions of men have thus placed women on thrones, and, till mankind become more reasonable, it is to be feared that women will avail themselves of the power which they attain with the least exertion, and which is the most indisputable.Taught from infancy that beauty is woman's sceptre, the mind shapes itself to the body, and roaming round its gilt cage, only seeks to adorn its prison.
I understand your knee-jerk emotional reaction to the very mention of feminism, but try thinking rationally for a change.
women did not evolve into fully conscious and intelligent beings
they never will jfl

this is like when oneitiscels talk about how their foid is special, intelligent and different from the rest

in the end, foids will always be the retarded inferior gender

patriarchal societies were correct to treat them as such. OP is just another bluepilled feminist arguing 'nooo foids and males are the same, genders are actually equal, foids are just different because of THE PATRIARCHY.' lmao at thinking that the problem with the modern world is not enough feminism
. To quote Mary Wollstonecraft:

mary wollstonecraft was a retarded woman who helped contribute to the rise of feminism and hence the creation of inceldom

idk why you're quoting her on an incel forum. go back to reddit
they never will jfl

this is like when oneitiscels talk about how their foid is special, intelligent and different from the rest

in the end, foids will always be the retarded inferior gender

patriarchal societies were correct to treat them as such. OP is just another bluepilled feminist arguing 'nooo foids and males are the same, genders are actually equal, foids are just different because of THE PATRIARCHY.' lmao at thinking that the problem with the modern world is not enough feminism
I am not bluepilled. I have adopted the blackpill long ago.
Men and women are obviously not the same, but we're more than animals. It's possible to tame men's nature to put pussy on a pedestal, just as it is possible to make up for women's lack of centuries of built-up culture.
Feminism is not a measurable metric. I'm not advocating for "more" or "less" of it, I'm advocating for an entirely different mode of it which I frankly believe would benefit us.


mary wollstonecraft was a retarded woman who helped contribute to the rise of feminism and hence the creation of inceldom

idk why you're quoting her on an incel forum. go back to reddit
If you actually read the quote, you'd find that you agree with it. But you are extremely retarded, and I can clearly see why you're stuck in this shithole with the rest of us.
The idea that women are exercising centuries of pent-up sexual aggression is flawed because it demeans women under a categorical principle that asserts their total unity with some moral inheritance, thus preventing them from fully becoming individuals of their own volition.

Interesting read. Is there a free pdf?

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Feminism is not a measurable metric. I'm not advocating for "more" or "less" of it, I'm advocating for an entirely different mode of it which I frankly believe would benefit us.
there is no form of feminism which can cure hypergamy

you are shamelessly outing yourself as a male feminist. all feminists are enemies of incels

people have understood foid nature for most of human history, and tried to keep them in their place. you are absolving foids of responsibility and blaming a 'patriarchy'

the problems with modern foids stem from foid nature. this is a basic blackpill, but you are obviously a bluepilled foid worshipper
If you actually read the quote, you'd find that you agree with it.

imagine agreeing with feminist foid 'thinkers'. simp logic

and I can clearly see why you're stuck in this shithole with the rest of us.
'wah muh bad personality!!!' :soy:

spoken like a true male feminist
'wah muh bad personality!!!' :soy:

spoken like a true male feminist
Ah, but you see, my low reading comprehension friend, I'm insinuating that one of the reasons you're alone is because you're retarded, not because you have a bad personality.
Ah, but you see, my low reading comprehension friend, I'm insinuating that one of the reasons you're alone is because you're retarded, not because you have a bad personality.
I'm neither retarded nor your friend tyvm

all of your bullshit has been spouted by countless incelshaming ITcels, 'wahhh you aren't listening to my feminist nonsense that's why foids won't date you' :soy:

the only difference is that you have the audacity to spout your male feminist brainrot here

'sure you've all been screwed over by females your whole lives, but feminism is totally the answer, incels. foid freedom is a good thing'

typical GrAY simp
the taliban is right about women's education
I'm neither retarded nor your friend tyvm

all of your bullshit has been spouted by countless incelshaming ITcels, 'wahhh you aren't listening to my feminist nonsense that's why foids won't date you' :soy:

the only difference is that you have the audacity to spout your male feminist brainrot here

'sure you've all been screwed over by females your whole lives, but feminism is totally the answer, incels. foid freedom is a good thing'

typical GrAY simp
It's obvious you haven't even read my post and are having a
knee-jerk emotional reaction to the very mention of feminism
as I said. Perhaps try reading and comprehending the post before attempting to slam it first, you idiot?
It's obvious you haven't even read my post and are having a

as I said.

you just want to pretend that incels aren't enlightened enough to understand your 'nuanced' feminism

all you're claiming is that feminism, the dismantling of patriarchal structures, foid rights, gender equality, and foid liberation are good things, but they were done wrong. this kind of naive nonsense would be impossible if you understood the blackpill

feminism is the problem, not that it wasn't done according to some hifalutin ideals

any blackpiller knows that foid nature and hypergamy would be disastrous for incel males if given freedom. and the necessity of restraining foids. expecting foid liberation without the necessary negative consequences is just foolishness
this is not the feminism the original feminist thinkers such as Mary Wollstonecraft envisioned.

kill yourself you 2024cel cuck
Absolute cope, every form of this sick ideology is just a cover for foids and bluepillers oppression against nonchads.
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Dnr, but women are cunning, they aren't smart by any stretch of the imagination, however they know how to use any sign of weakness to their advantage.

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