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This will just give ideas to other countries
no kidding, china doesn't export much culture but every single cultural norm to come out of china is related to squeezing money or productivity out of others
And who should incels support, the left wing who is shilling for foid equality 24/7 and pushing pro-foid legislation as soon as they get in power? The far left would send you straight to the gas chamber guarded by feminazi communist foids if they could.
There is a big diffrence beetwen far left and left . For example German Chancellor Scholz who is part of the left said that they dont have in mind sending Ukrainian men back to Ukraine to die in war. He is not even thinking about it.

On other side , Poland and Hungary who are usually labeled as more conservative countrys are thinking about sending Ukro men back to the meat grinder.

So yeah right cucks think it is your duty to die for your country while foids can do whatever they want.
Foids aren't getting taxed so this is an issue.

I hope for the brocels in China to rise up VIOLENTLY:feelsLSD:
top kek.

East Asians are the biggest cucks on Earth. If people think western wokeness is bad, just wait until the Chinese rule the world. They will redefine cuckery.
I can’t believe this is real
in other word:
Chad only tax exception :lasereyes::feelsping::feelsree:


  • Zhou_Xicheng.jpg
    182.4 KB · Views: 13
They should tax the single women instead. US should do the same, lol.
Weird, they do the opposite here, if I would live together with a foid my NEETbux would go down.

This is just a moneygrab though right? Anyone with 2 braincells to rub together knows foids are the ones who need to be taxed if you actually wanted to raise birth rates, they're the reason for low birth rates (I don't think this is the way, foids can easily compensate for these taxes with their OF-money).
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Weird, they do the opposite here, if I would live together with a foid my NEETbux would go down.

This is just a moneygrab though right? Anyone with 2 braincells to rub together knows foids are the ones who need to be taxed if you actually wanted to raise birth rates, they're the reason for low birth rates (I don't think this is the way, foids can easily compensate for these taxes with their OF-money).
I don't know what they are after. The government generally only bullies men though, because we live in a gynocentric society.

Going after women would be political suicide, that's why they are basically forcing men to like "step up". Will this work? Probably not as well as they would have hoped, but I guess that some poor brocel is going to have to live the flapjack meme in order to keep his money.
China has over 30 million more men than women
Insanely cucked. If they would impose it on the foids things would change real quick.
Yeah that exists in Germany already its called tax class 1.

Example if Id make 6k in a month in Germany (which is A LOT) but am childless and got no girl, id be tax class 1 and would onl receive about 3.5k after work - enough to live from in most cities - but not enough to reasonable invest or actually have any sorts of buying power.

Cars are on average 45k.
Apartments are between 100k and 2 Million depending on the size and location.
Average Modern House start at 500k.
Children till 18 yo: 250k

At this point you either win the lottery or become a succesful crypto trader.

If not, well wageslave till death it is and most likely Single too.
Yeah man, that’s facts, there is not much to do, most men end up in dead end jobs , even if they aren’t incel or just normies, I find myself in this situation wageslaving in a shitty warehouse dead end job and I think I will do social suicide and remain there because climbing the social ladder is impossible, there is too much competition
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When will governments learn that men aren't responsible for the fertility crisis.
This will only lower the fertility rates if anything since it makes it harder for men to betabuxx, they need to impose this rule on females not males then you would see the fertility rates go up
Men will kill the government ngl
I fear this is what far-right parties would do if they get into power.

Need for whites to make babies to whiten Europe -> how to incite people to procreate? -> tax those who don't
Far right parties have brains, they wouldn't make such retarded policies. Taxing incels is pretty much the worst solution for falling birthrates. Do they expect sub5s below the poverty level (due to the tax) to suddenly find wives? Do they not expect civil unrest? I'd go Rambo on the gov if they taxed me for inceldom.
Far right parties have brains, they wouldn't make such retarded policies. Taxing incels is pretty much the worst solution for falling birthrates. Do they expect sub5s below the poverty level (due to the tax) to suddenly find wives? Do they not expect civil unrest? I'd go Rambo on the gov if they taxed me for inceldom.
They’re willing to have a couple ERs go off if it means most men will just shut up and take it and pay the taxes.
I think this story is fake, but I see a lot of retarded trad retards on xitter promoting "bachelor" and "childless" taxes of 70% because they think somehow this will raise brithrates. As if life as an incel isn't bad enough people now want to steal all your money on top of it. I cannot legally say what I think people should do if something like that was ever put forward in a serious sense.
Holy shit, you're back. With all of the fucking cuckery going on in the United Cuckdom with their misogyny laws I thought you deleted your account out of fear. Or did MI-5 get to you? :feelshehe:

In any case, welcome back, brocel.
It'd be a real shame for the CCP, if those 40 million excess men decided to do something about this treatment of them for something that is out of their control.
Holy shit, you're back. With all of the fucking cuckery going on in the United Cuckdom with their misogyny laws I thought you deleted your account out of fear. Or did MI-5 get to you? :feelshehe:

In any case, welcome back, brocel.
I got a bit paranoid but they seem to not care about incels now, seemed like they only cared when there was nothing else going on and quickly forgot when everything else in the country fell apart. Incels were just a convenient bogeyman for the media to direct people to be mad at and distract them from everything else.
I got a bit paranoid but they seem to not care about incels now, seemed like they only cared when there was nothing else going on and quickly forgot when everything else in the country fell apart. Incels were just a convenient bogeyman for the media to direct people to be mad at and distract them from everything else.
Canada sounds absolutely BRUTAL
Finna come to the US in 10 years give or take.
I got a bit paranoid but they seem to not care about incels now, seemed like they only cared when there was nothing else going on and quickly forgot when everything else in the country fell apart. Incels were just a convenient bogeyman for the media to direct people to be mad at and distract them from everything else.
A healthy amount of paranoia is good. For what it's worth, I think you made the correct decision at the time.
If they nees bwc breeders im here

View: https://x.com/songpinganq/status/1804862323204428288

They literally want to impose a 'Bachelor tax' of 111$ for every bachelor. How fucking cucked is that?
Imagine taxing inkies to death?! This shit could go global, why the fuck are the elites so fucking evil?
At least let us rot in peace.... They don't even let us do that. They literally want to burden us with debt and then probably pay a fine to get the right to kill ourselves.

Keep in mind that the minimum wage over there is 325$....

Incel revolution
I fear this is what far-right parties would do if they get into power.

Need for whites to make babies to whiten Europe -> how to incite people to procreate? -> tax those who don't
thats the the political enemy for every truecel

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