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Ahhhh... They need more slaves, that's classic. I wouldn't make a baby, even if they gave me 1 billion. This world is the incarnation of hell. I'd rather kill myself than bring another life into this hell existence.
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Meanwhile the tax fees these ricecels pay will go into the pockets of foids because females are net drains on society that leech off far more money than they contribute since foids don't pay taxes.

Jfl at the idea of foids producing more value than men when they don't even contribute to society as much in objective measurable quantitative metrics.
Okay, then assign us state mandated gfs
Meanwhile the tax fees these ricecels pay will go into the pockets of foids because females are net drains on society that leech off far more money than they contribute since foids don't pay taxes.

Jfl at the idea of foids producing more value than men when they don't even contribute to society as much in objective measurable quantitative metrics.
is there any data on this ? just wanna confirm for myself
Wonder what the west will do for the falling birthrates, there's only so much immigrants you can import lol
also even the immigrant end up having low birthrates eventually jfl

View: https://x.com/songpinganq/status/1804862323204428288

They literally want to impose a 'Bachelor tax' of 111$ for every bachelor. How fucking cucked is that?
Imagine taxing inkies to death?! This shit could go global, why the fuck are the elites so fucking evil?
At least let us rot in peace.... They don't even let us do that. They literally want to burden us with debt and then probably pay a fine to get the right to kill ourselves.

Keep in mind that the minimum wage over there is 325$....

Fuck chinks
do single women pay too?
Dang bruv, This world really is about chasing pussy and being cucked by a goverment.
China creates a problem for men by aborting all female babies.

Now men are more than women in numbers, and these men who had no say in this have to pay.

Clown world.
China needs a new revolution
Clown world. Women are solely responsible for the fertility crisis but they tax men instead.
South Korean boomers are already supporting this rubbish even though they're not interested in such things as "Make SK more chinkened". What they just want is more taxpayers money. Just say any societal problems and that will be another reasons of why do we have to pay more taxes, JFL
Boomers really are useless to society smh
Given how soy my government is, this will also be introduced here most likely
They should tax the roasties instead who refuse to bear children.
Jfl at the idea of foids producing more value than men when they don't even contribute to society as much in objective measurable quantitative metrics.
Clown world. Women are solely responsible for the fertility crisis but they tax men instead.
They should tax the roasties instead who refuse to bear children.
China creates a problem for men by aborting all female babies.
If they’re gonna do this, then they should at least provide the foids. Fucking greedy pigs.
"Small" Chinacel uprising
40 million dead
Unlike previous eras, China doesn't have the birth rates to replace casualties in the event of a civil war with millions dead. They're hardpressed to gain back people via population growth when their forecasted trajectory is population decline and demographic stagnation with an aging population.
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A similar study showed that in the US, only white and asian men pay taxes.

Negroes, like women, are a net negative.
Funny how the groups that contribute the least to soyciety complain the loudest and act the most entitled to receiving free stuff undeservingly. As if whining actually is a form of overcompensation for their lack of output.
111usd must be a good chunk of someone paycheck in rural village. This is awful. They should make it mandatory for foids to birth min 2 kids from 20 to 30 years of age. Imagine the outcry that would bring.
111usd must be a good chunk of someone paycheck in rural village. This is awful. They should make it mandatory for foids to birth min 2 kids from 20 to 30 years of age. Imagine the outcry that would bring.

Someone said in the comments their salary was 300 usd :lul:

They should make it mandatory for foids to birth min 2 kids from 20 to 30 years of age. Imagine the outcry that would bring.

(will never happen)

:yes:Its only a matter of time before males will get the whole blame for the birth rate.

Rule :
1. If a diversity does something wrong, it's the whites' fault
2. If a female does something wrong, it's the males' fault
I see a massive population drop around 2050. Reasons will be Hyperinflation, Taxing Single Man, increase in Self Isolation, Modern Women Dating Standards, exploding suicide Rates.
Someone said in the comments their salary was 300 usd :lul:
In my town is like 400 usd and when you pay the electricity, water, etc, you can barely survive on cheapest trash food. :feelsrope::feelsrope::feelsrope:Wageslaving for literally nothing, theyre left with 190usd to pay all the expenses and feed themselves:lul:. They want to slavedrive them to death by hunger. I really hope that chinese men wont put up with this shit.
In my town is like 400 usd and when you pay the electricity, water, etc, you can barely survive on cheapest trash food. :feelsrope::feelsrope::feelsrope:Wageslaving for literally nothing, theyre left with 190usd to pay all the expenses and feed themselves:lul:. They want to slavedrive them to death by hunger. I really hope that chinese men wont put up with this shit.

My take tbh
They want the surplus of valueless males to die by hunger or suicide
But if they trying to boost fertility rates isn't that good for us? Those of us that wouldn't even be looked at may get a run.
But if they trying to boost fertility rates isn't that good for us? Those of us that wouldn't even be looked at may get a run.
They are looking at it from the wrong angle. Women are the gatekeepers of reproduction, no point in punishing men for something they dont have the control over. Their strategy is probably accusing men of preferring singlehood because theyre manchildren and run from effort and responsibility, they have no balls to accuse foids of wanting to build career and fuck around until 45.
They are looking at it from the wrong angle. Women are the gatekeepers of reproduction, no point in punishing men for something they dont have the control over. Their strategy is probably accusing men of preferring singlehood because theyre manchildren and run from effort and responsibility, they have no balls to accuse foids of wanting to build career and fuck around until 45.

The Rock Clapping GIF
They are looking at it from the wrong angle. Women are the gatekeepers of reproduction, no point in punishing men for something they dont have the control over. Their strategy is probably accusing men of preferring singlehood because theyre manchildren and run from effort and responsibility, they have no balls to accuse foids of wanting to build career and fuck around until 45.
I didn't think China would buy into to whole I'm an individual it's all about me western foid shit. I thought what the government said goes.
Ahhhh... They need more slaves, that's classic. I wouldn't make a baby, even if they gave me 1 billion. This world is the incarnation of hell. I'd rather kill myself than bring another life into this hell existence.
Ahhhh... They need more slaves, that's classic. I wouldn't make a baby, even if they gave me 1 billion. This world is the incarnation of hell. I'd rather kill myself than bring another life into this hell existence.
Chinks weren't as based as i thought the only thing thats going to end inceldom is revoking femoid rights
111usd must be a good chunk of someone paycheck in rural village. This is awful. They should make it mandatory for foids to birth min 2 kids from 20 to 30 years of age. Imagine the outcry that would bring.
Yeah, I was really baffled about that... However I know what life is line in "communist" societies they probably don't pay taxes on all of their work. Imagine your government takes another half of the half you have left after taxes.... 3/4 of your salary goes down the drain. Even if you live like a village peasant, in your own home there is still no way for you to feed and clothe yourself.
In my town is like 400 usd and when you pay the electricity, water, etc,
Where do you live? This is almost the same as the normal wage in my home country of Romania. Obviously because we are part of the EU we get the added bonus of having almost western european food prices. And don't get me started on rent.... In any city you can't make rent on minimum wage.
Yeah, I was really baffled about that... However I know what life is line in "communist" societies they probably don't pay taxes on all of their work. Imagine your government takes another half of the half you have left after taxes.... 3/4 of your salary goes down the drain. Even if you live like a village peasant, in your own home there is still no way for you to feed and clothe yourself.

Where do you live? This is almost the same as the normal wage in my home country of Romania. Obviously because we are part of the EU we get the added bonus of having almost western european food prices. And don't get me started on rent.... In any city you can't make rent on minimum wage.
Small town in Serbia. In bigger cities pay is bigger but rent/houses are much, much more expensive. Here prices are also European lol, like 1kg of fresh meat is almost is 8-10 euros, sausages about same, cheapest edible sausages are 6 eur kg. Every 1.5l soda is over euro. Electricity is 50-60 eur a month, internet and phone 20, water 15.

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