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Every 1.5l soda is over euro. Electricity is 50-60 eur a month, internet and phone 20, water 15.
Kek, you should count yourself lucky. Meat is also unaffordable in Romania unless you have some family in the countryside, however you can count yourself lucky on the rest. Sod in Romania has been ridiculously hiked up because of inflation and then our genius government invented a new shugar tax which increased prices by 30 cents. So nowadays a 1.5l soda goes for at least 2 Euros. Back when I lived with my parents electricity was way over 80 euros, much more in summer, but they do own a large house. As for internet and phone bills they are about the same. Water I don't know to tell you truthfully.
There I was thinking that meat was cheaper in non EU countries, but I guess that I was wrong. Why do you think that is? Can't be all the faggy animal welfare laws. Maybe cheap german exports have destroyed the country wide pork and beef industries and now that they control most of the market they are just increasing prices? Idk.

Life used to be so affordable in the Balkans.... I remember the days when you got 10 Euros and you could basically buy anything your heart desired from the supermarket and live off of that for a week. Nowadays that barely covers 4 days of home cooked food. :feelsrope:
Kek, you should count yourself lucky. Meat is also unaffordable in Romania unless you have some family in the countryside, however you can count yourself lucky on the rest. Sod in Romania has been ridiculously hiked up because of inflation and then our genius government invented a new shugar tax which increased prices by 30 cents. So nowadays a 1.5l soda goes for at least 2 Euros. Back when I lived with my parents electricity was way over 80 euros, much more in summer, but they do own a large house. As for internet and phone bills they are about the same. Water I don't know to tell you truthfully.
There I was thinking that meat was cheaper in non EU countries, but I guess that I was wrong. Why do you think that is? Can't be all the faggy animal welfare laws. Maybe cheap german exports have destroyed the country wide pork and beef industries and now that they control most of the market they are just increasing prices? Idk.

Life used to be so affordable in the Balkans.... I remember the days when you got 10 Euros and you could basically buy anything your heart desired from the supermarket and live off of that for a week. Nowadays that barely covers 4 days of home cooked food. :feelsrope:
Only two years ago food prices were half of what is it now. They used the war in Ukraine first to scare people into thinking there will be food shortage, then fuel got more expensive, then doubled the food prices in few months, and when they saw that they can get away with it, they left it expensive. Theres no valid excuse to raise the prices so hard.

Here they import 10yo meat from Argentina or Colombia, i cant remember jfl. Theres less farmers than before,i see it first hand. In my town every month was huge animal market fair, also selling various products, stuff and things. Now its basically empty.

Cvarci, the pork fat bits, they used to be so cheap that neighbours would give it away for free. Now people started calling them delicacy lol and sell 200 grams for 4 eur.

2l Coke was like 1 eur and 2l Pepsi 0.8 eur, 1kg fresh pork 4 eur. Everything is going to hell.
Cvarci, the pork fat bits, they used to be so cheap that neighbours would give it away for free. Now people started calling them delicacy lol and sell 200 grams for 4 eur.
Oh yeah I remember when I was little whenever someone on my street had a grill it would turn into a block party. Obviously the host would provide the meat...
Good times. Nowadays the Mici (that's what we call Cvatci) are 3 Euros for 500 grams. Obviously a lot better than in Serbia, but still, back in the day the expensive sort were 2 Euros per kilogram.

To any non BalkanERs these are like the regions hotdogs, but obviously less processed, cheaper and made of inferior cuts of meat. It's basically a heavily seasoned conglomeration of pork, beef, sheep (probably some horse too) mystery meat, not contained in intestine.
two years ago food prices were half of what is it now. They used the war in Ukraine first to scare people into thinking there will be food shortage, then fuel got more expensive, then doubled the food prices in few months, and when they saw that they can get away with it, they left it expensive. Theres no valid excuse to raise the prices so hard.
Also this. The amount of business owners who share their pants over the war and decided to arbitrarily raise prices is worse than you think. My family works is the private healthcare sector. They basically raised everything by 20% just because they wanted to use the fear to get higher profit margins.

It's not that they ever gave a raise to their employees or that their consumables got more expensive. They just literally used the war as a pretext to get "what they think they are worth". And this shit happened en masse.

People like to complain about their faggy governments, however they forget that this entire gynocracy bullshit is spearheaded by private businesses. Corporations as well as mom and pop stores, they are all equal in regards to spreading faggotry and ripping people off.
Also this. The amount of business owners who share their pants over the war and decided to arbitrarily raise prices is worse than you think. My family works is the private healthcare sector. They basically raised everything by 20% just because they wanted to use the fear to get higher profit margins.

It's not that they ever gave a raise to their employees or that their consumables got more expensive. They just literally used the war as a pretext to get "what they think they are worth". And this shit happened en masse.

People like to complain about their faggy governments, however they forget that this entire gynocracy bullshit is spearheaded by private businesses. Corporations as well as mom and pop stores, they are all equal in regards to spreading faggotry and ripping people off.
Yeah. All the private stores and bigger chains which are also private couldn't wait for first opportunity to inflate prices into sky.
>enact 1 child per couple policy for 35 years
>complain there aren't enough kids being born
>go on to blame single men for the problem they caused??
Pure incompetence

christian bale laughing GIF
Yeah. All the private stores and bigger chains which are also private couldn't wait for first opportunity to inflate prices into sky.
I don't know how small stores are in Serbia, but around here they are even worse than the big chains. If you go to some rather isolated town prices will get hiked by like 50%. Mind you these aren't tourist destinations.
I don't know how small stores are in Serbia, but around here they are even worse than the big chains. If you go to some rather isolated town prices will get hiked by like 50%. Mind you these aren't tourist destinations.
They mostly died out, the one that stayed are more expensive also. Cheapest and often have discounts are Gomex, PerSu and UniverExport, Idea and Maxi are more expensive. There's an Russian market called Mere, they are the cheapest by far but lower quality. Do you guys have any of these?
Does that mean apples in Serbian? Because it does in Romanian.

Do you guys have any of these?
Nope. First time I've heard of any of those. Here we have mostly German chains like Lidl, Kaufland, some french ones like Auchan and Mega Image (not originally french but owned by those slippery toads). Then there is Profi which is Romanian, but we also have some pretty decent markets where most people with a brain go to buy vegetables, cheese and more natural products.
Nope. First time I've heard of any of those. Here we have mostly German chains like Lidl, Kaufland, some french ones like Auchan and Mega Image (not originally french but owned by those slippery toads). Then there is Profi which is Romanian, but we also have some pretty decent markets where most people with a brain go to buy vegetables, cheese and more natural products.
We have few Lidls here but theyre way too far from my place. Shame, cause i see often their commercials about cheap stuff.
Does that mean apples in Serbian? Because it does in Romanian.
No, here we say "jabuka"
Shame, cause i see often their commercials about cheap stuff.
Lidl is cheaper than every other store out there, but as you've said they mostly stick to urban areas.
True , most far right politicans hate incels more then anything. Even do a lot of incels support far right parties . :ahegao:

Reminds me of that meme : Are u two friends ? :feelshaha:
And who should incels support, the left wing who is shilling for foid equality 24/7 and pushing pro-foid legislation as soon as they get in power? The far left would send you straight to the gas chamber guarded by feminazi communist foids if they could.
I fear this is what far-right parties would do if they get into power.

Need for whites to make babies to whiten Europe -> how to incite people to procreate? -> tax those who don't
If they were truly far-right (and not some crypto-nazi socialists) they would cut taxes/add benefits for people who have children and not punish anyone.
"Small" Chinacel uprising
40 million dead
The Chinese government won't do one risky movement capable of regime swing, even if it could result in a desirable outcome like this scenario. Another lockdown-like stupidity is much more plausible util they perceive the undesirable consequences.
>Kill a bunch of female babies

>birth rates plummet

>blame men

>punish men for being sexless, as if this would magically increase the amount of women

>do nothing about hypergamy, nor give women any reason to settle/get married

Fucking chinks
One small sample of what more government and perhaps "worldwide order" can bring to us.
Funny they won't charge the women smdh
When will governments learn that men aren't responsible for the fertility crisis.
This will only lower the fertility rates if anything since it makes it harder for men to betabuxx, they need to impose this rule on females not males then you would see the fertility rates go up
Ahhhh... They need more slaves, that's classic. I wouldn't make a baby, even if they gave me 1 billion. This world is the incarnation of hell. I'd rather kill myself than bring another life into this hell existence.
Jfl at the idea of foids producing more value than men when they don't even contribute to society as much in objective measurable quantitative metrics.
:yes:Its only a matter of time before males will get the whole blame for the birth rate.

They are looking at it from the wrong angle. Women are the gatekeepers of reproduction, no point in punishing men for something they dont have the control over. Their strategy is probably accusing men of preferring singlehood because theyre manchildren and run from effort and responsibility, they have no balls to accuse foids of wanting to build career and fuck around until 45.
Clown world. Women are solely responsible for the fertility crisis but they tax men instead.
They should tax the roasties instead who refuse to bear children.
China creates a problem for men by aborting all female babies.
If they’re gonna do this, then they should at least provide the foids. Fucking greedy pigs.
I see a massive population drop around 2050. Reasons will be Hyperinflation, Taxing Single Man, increase in Self Isolation, Modern Women Dating Standards, exploding suicide Rates.
Chinks weren't as based as i thought the only thing thats going to end inceldom is revoking femoid rights
This is actual ricecel genocide
I will sacrifice myself for you all. don't worry brocels.
I think this story is fake, but I see a lot of retarded trad retards on xitter promoting "bachelor" and "childless" taxes of 70% because they think somehow this will raise brithrates. As if life as an incel isn't bad enough people now want to steal all your money on top of it. I cannot legally say what I think people should do if something like that was ever put forward in a serious sense.
They technically have this in the United States but the United Cucks refuses to say it out loud and they just say they tax singles more while technically taxing men more because getting a wife is impossible because foids are corrupt
So it's in the elites' best interest to keep women hypergamous and keep sub-8 men alone. And nobody cares to notice, of course.
So it's in the elites' best interest to keep women hypergamous and keep sub-8 men alone. And nobody cares to notice, of course.
One day the elites will full on admit they hate sub-8 men
One day the elites will full on admit they hate sub-8 men
If only cause they won't have to hide it anymore. Hell, if they came right out and said it tomorrow, most women would be on board. Simps and cucks would applaud it and gladly pay the tax.
Since there's simply a surfeit of men, taxing the unmarried ones would be the nationwide equivalent of musical chairs with penalties. It obviously won't help the low birth rate, but it does allow the government to bleed their population even drier. How subtle.
Ahhhh... They need more slaves, that's classic. I wouldn't make a baby, even if they gave me 1 billion. This world is the incarnation of hell. I'd rather kill myself than bring another life into this hell existence.

View: https://x.com/songpinganq/status/1804862323204428288

They literally want to impose a 'Bachelor tax' of 111$ for every bachelor. How fucking cucked is that?
Imagine taxing inkies to death?! This shit could go global, why the fuck are the elites so fucking evil?
At least let us rot in peace.... They don't even let us do that. They literally want to burden us with debt and then probably pay a fine to get the right to kill ourselves.

Keep in mind that the minimum wage over there is 325$....

Hopefully this will make more men want to go ER
If they’re gonna do this, then they should at least provide the foids. Fucking greedy pigs.
We are basically being forced by the government to betabux for them at this

Our incel taxes will go towards helping single mothers who were dictched by chad
maybe the chinksects should be taxing w*men instead huh

This is my greatest fear. Imagine what the fucking gay governments in Western Europe will do with this tax.....
They'll literally take everything from us. Even the last eurocent.
it's already a thing lilbro. just in reverse so the goylem don't notice :feelshmm:


View: https://x.com/songpinganq/status/1804862323204428288

They literally want to impose a 'Bachelor tax' of 111$ for every bachelor. How fucking cucked is that?
Imagine taxing inkies to death?! This shit could go global, why the fuck are the elites so fucking evil?
At least let us rot in peace.... They don't even let us do that. They literally want to burden us with debt and then probably pay a fine to get the right to kill ourselves.

Keep in mind that the minimum wage over there is 325$....

Elites are satanists that get off on Human misery & won't accept your existence if it doesn't involve subservience.
If they were truly far-right (and not some crypto-nazi socialists) they would cut taxes/add benefits for people who have children and not punish anyone.
even "far" "right" "nazi" parties these days advocate femshit bankrolling programs in pissrope
even "far" "right" "nazi" parties these days advocate femshit bankrolling programs in pissrope
This. Politicians of any color are not your friends. All they want to do is rule over you and ensure that the money keeps flowing, they really don't care about anything other than much economy.
Other people are worth jack shit, incels even less.

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