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May 2, 2022

View: https://x.com/songpinganq/status/1804862323204428288

They literally want to impose a 'Bachelor tax' of 111$ for every bachelor. How fucking cucked is that?
Imagine taxing inkies to death?! This shit could go global, why the fuck are the elites so fucking evil?
At least let us rot in peace.... They don't even let us do that. They literally want to burden us with debt and then probably pay a fine to get the right to kill ourselves.

Keep in mind that the minimum wage over there is 325$....

View: https://x.com/songpinganq/status/1804862323204428288

They literally want to impose a 'Bachelor tax' of 111$ for every bachelor. How fucking cucked is that?
Imagine taxing inkies to death?! This shit could go global, why the fuck are the elites so fucking evil?
At least let us rot in peace.... They don't even let us do that. They literally want to burden us with debt and then probably pay a fine to get the right to kill ourselves.

Keep in mind that the minimum wage over there is 325$....

They want to genocide HALF their population including their leaders male children.
>bachelor tax to an unbalanced demographic
Nice way to rise a civil war.
This will just give ideas to other countries

Dark times are ahead of us, brothers
They technically have this in the United States but the United Cucks refuses to say it out loud and they just say they tax singles more while technically taxing men more because getting a wife is impossible because foids are corrupt
This will just give ideas to other countries
This is my greatest fear. Imagine what the fucking gay governments in Western Europe will do with this tax.....
They'll literally take everything from us. Even the last eurocent.
Funny they won't charge the women smdh
how will this fix anything? isn’t there a massive gender hap in china with way more men? if anything they should be charging couples without children not the single men
how will this fix anything?
It never was to fix things, it was meant to suck every last penny from fellow inkies.
That or just to make the gender gap smaller. (convince incels to rope)
Inceldom is a disability. Sexhavers should be giving us welfare and benefits. :reeeeee:
This is my greatest fear. Imagine what the fucking gay governments in Western Europe will do with this tax.....
They'll literally take everything from us. Even the last eurocent.
I fear this is what far-right parties would do if they get into power.

Need for whites to make babies to whiten Europe -> how to incite people to procreate? -> tax those who don't
Of course they punish the men and not the foids who are the ones who refuse to start a family
Why aren't they going to tax unmarried women?
Rice man deserve it if they are that level cuck. Just rise up and do something about it.
Notice how they don't tax the females.
Serious question but why not tax women instead ?

What's the rationale behind taxing only men ?

Why is no one asking this question in the comments ?
I fear this is what far-right parties would do if they get into power.

Need for whites to make babies to whiten Europe -> how to incite people to procreate? -> tax those who don't
True , most far right politicans hate incels more then anything. Even do a lot of incels support far right parties . :ahegao:

Reminds me of that meme : Are u two friends ? :feelshaha:
Thought China was based



J . F . L :lul::lul::lul::lul::lul::lul::lul::lul:
Yeah that exists in Germany already its called tax class 1.

Example if Id make 6k in a month in Germany (which is A LOT) but am childless and got no girl, id be tax class 1 and would onl receive about 3.5k after work - enough to live from in most cities - but not enough to reasonable invest or actually have any sorts of buying power.

Cars are on average 45k.
Apartments are between 100k and 2 Million depending on the size and location.
Average Modern House start at 500k.
Children till 18 yo: 250k

At this point you either win the lottery or become a succesful crypto trader.

If not, well wageslave till death it is and most likely Single too.
Meanwhile :
- measures taken to lower woman's expectations : :feelsokman:
- measures taken to make women more submissive : :feelsokman:
- measures taken to prevent wives/gf from leaving their husband/boy : :feelsokman:

If they’re gonna do this, then they should at least provide the foids. Fucking greedy pigs.
White german cuck at it again :

Sheboon think she's high value :

Meanwhile the Chinese government :
asian tuong lu kim GIF by South Park
If they’re gonna do this, then they should at least provide the foids. Fucking greedy pigs.
Underrated comment

- Women wont marry us because we're short and broke.
TBH I think that the chinese gov is just trying to make the surplus of beta male kill themselves to solve the gender imbalance.
A sad day, indeed. CCP just lost its "based card".

Fuckin cucks.
They technically have this in the United States but the United Cucks refuses to say it out loud and they just say they tax singles more while technically taxing men more because getting a wife is impossible because foids are corrupt
It never was to fix things, it was meant to suck every last penny from fellow inkies.
That or just to make the gender gap smaller. (convince incels to rope)
This will just give ideas to other countries

Dark times are ahead of us, brothers
We need to throw the darkness back at them. All foids and governments are the enemy.

View: https://x.com/songpinganq/status/1804862323204428288

They literally want to impose a 'Bachelor tax' of 111$ for every bachelor. How fucking cucked is that?
Imagine taxing inkies to death?! This shit could go global, why the fuck are the elites so fucking evil?
At least let us rot in peace.... They don't even let us do that. They literally want to burden us with debt and then probably pay a fine to get the right to kill ourselves.

Keep in mind that the minimum wage over there is 325$....

>Kill a bunch of female babies

>birth rates plummet

>blame men

>punish men for being sexless, as if this would magically increase the amount of women

>do nothing about hypergamy, nor give women any reason to settle/get married

Fucking chinks

View: https://x.com/songpinganq/status/1804862323204428288

They literally want to impose a 'Bachelor tax' of 111$ for every bachelor. How fucking cucked is that?
Imagine taxing inkies to death?! This shit could go global, why the fuck are the elites so fucking evil?
At least let us rot in peace.... They don't even let us do that. They literally want to burden us with debt and then probably pay a fine to get the right to kill ourselves.

Keep in mind that the minimum wage over there is 325$....

holy fuck this is horrible, legit being taxed for being incel JFL
I predict random violence will increase exponentially
More incels = less children = less wageslaves = failing cuntry
Suicide rates are about to increase. RIP ricecels in China. It's not your fault
Rice man deserve it if they are that level cuck. Just rise up and do something about it.
Just get captured the CCP police and be put into a death camp bro its just that simple:soy::soy::soy::soy::soy::soy::soy::soy::soy::soy::soy::soy::soy::soy::soy::soy:

I dont think chinks can leave the country that easily

first of all most of them are super broke ( outside big cities )

and then you have the social credit thing
Cope by applying to become a un peacekeeper or ccp construction worker u can go to africa

as a riceman myself i always wondered if an attractive sheboon would ever consider dating me

View: https://x.com/songpinganq/status/1804862323204428288

They literally want to impose a 'Bachelor tax' of 111$ for every bachelor. How fucking cucked is that?
Imagine taxing inkies to death?! This shit could go global, why the fuck are the elites so fucking evil?
At least let us rot in peace.... They don't even let us do that. They literally want to burden us with debt and then probably pay a fine to get the right to kill ourselves.

Keep in mind that the minimum wage over there is 325$....

Marxism-Maoism is dead.

We need a Marxist-Rodgerist takeover.

Send all foids to breeding facilities and liberate men from their bottomless demands.
When will governments learn that men aren't responsible for the fertility crisis.
This will only lower the fertility rates if anything since it makes it harder for men to betabuxx, they need to impose this rule on females not males then you would see the fertility rates go up
Muh based commie China
@AsiaCel @mcmoohyun @RicecelBetabux
Muh based commie China
@AsiaCel @mcmoohyun @RicecelBetabux
I wish Total CCP Chinknigger Death, They are fucking subhumans. Uncivilised daft vermins and bugs.
Sadly not new, men have always been treated as tax cattle. Youre either supposed to breed and raise more tax cattle to keep the capitalistic pyramid scheme churning, or you be forced to work twice as hard for less benefits than breeders and foids get. This policy is effectively already a thing in most countries, it is just indirect and more subtle in its operation—filtered through tax breaks for married people, welfare programs for children and single moms, etc.
I fear this is what far-right parties would do if they get into power.

Need for whites to make babies to whiten Europe -> how to incite people to procreate? -> tax those who don't
South Korean boomers are already supporting this rubbish even though they're not interested in such things as "Make SK more chinkened". What they just want is more taxpayers money. Just say any societal problems and that will be another reasons of why do we have to pay more taxes, JFL

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