Welcome to Incels.is - Involuntary Celibate Forum

Welcome! This is a forum for involuntary celibates: people who lack a significant other. Are you lonely and wish you had someone in your life? You're not alone! Join our forum and talk to people just like you.

Experiment Highest iq poster on this site?

Highest iq poster

  • Mainländer

  • LiterallyASoyboy

  • BlkPillPres

  • Jerrycan dan

  • Napoleon de Geso

  • turbocuckcel_7000

  • mylifeistrash

  • other option (make suggestions)

  • Eugenicist

  • TheWitchKing

Results are only viewable after voting.
threads that spark conversation

This is what the site used to be about, now its just about posting threads to make yourself feel like shit

Users just spamming posts from reddit about guys getting cucked, women living on easy mode, etc

I see this as just another form of trolling, its "indirect trolling", like when there were users who had Chad avatars

I'd bet a lot of those users are actually normies larping (the users who only post "feel bad" threads), making us feel like shit and suicidal while secretly interacting with us and going unnoticed is something they get off on

Maybe I'm just paranoid, but I'd argue that paranoia is what allows me to pick out the larps, I left the site for a few days focusing on work, and came back to realize I was right in accusing @NEETAndTidy for being a trapfag larp, based on what I've seen he has been doxxed as such, and banned.


@NEETAndTidy and his Tranny

My observations seems to be spot on about the make up of this sites population, there are a lot more larps than we all think, and WORSE THAN THAT, there are users who think they aren't larps and they actually are, like sleeper agents, guys who think they are black pilled yet they hold a ton of blue pilled beliefs

The site bit by bit is going to trash ever so slowly, because the incel collective are becoming very "lax" with "gate keeping"

One the best examples I always point to are the users with an aversion to prostitution

If a guy says he will never pay for sex because its he is "above that", I CANT ACCEPT THAT (its egotistical and illogical, because if you are the lowest of the low (incel), then clearly you aren't above that, and you are just coping, but its not extremely blue pilled)

if a guy says he will never pay for sex because he doesn't think the money is worth it, I CAN ACCEPT THAT (its illogical because dating costs way more and the sex is not guaranteed, but its not extremely blue pilled)

If a guy says he will never pay for sex because he thinks its disgusting because of how many men she's been with, I CAN ACCEPT THAT (its illogical since the only value that isn't arbitrary is zero (virginity) anything more than zero is used goods, and most women have 5 minimum before the age of 17, its not extremely blue pilled though)

If a guy says he will never pay for sex, because he values female validation more than sex, and sex is not worth it unless a woman actually wants you


There is a huge difference between a difference in lifestyle and mindset, and HAVING BLUE PILLED CUCKED BELIEFS

The mods have allowed mindsets like this to spread like a disease and become NORMALIZED on the site, so no wonder I find that in almost every conversation with a user on this site, you'll see them express some kind of blue pilled belief that they know full well is cucked, but they aren't afraid to say it openly and they don't care if its a contradiction, because they can get away with it


This is why you can see guys openly proclaiming stuff like this when it comes to women:
I care for their admiration, I suppose you could say that I have an unconscious involuntarily reverence for them that I can't change.

Notice the "I CAN'T CHANGE" part, that's the part about that sentence that is blue pilled, the acceptance of the cucked mindset, the normalization of it, the entire point of the black pill is that one can choose not to be blue pilled, but these guys speak as if they literally just can't stop thinking a certain way

I even have mods telling me that just wanting to fuck women is female worship so we all worship women, making purposefully disingenuous arguments based on broad personal definitions so that they can justify their own worship and reverence of women, and project that unto other men

Its over for this forum, its going to be complete shit in a matter of years at this rate
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And in my opinion the highest IQ poster in this community is RageAgainstTDL who the OP didnt put in the pool.
And in my opinion the highest IQ poster in this community is RageAgainstTDL who the OP didnt put in the pool.
That's why i included "other option" into the poll.
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whats up with this pee racing you faggots I fuck you up
@Ledgemund & @TheWitchKing

JFL at saying Ledgemund, I notice that almost every user, even the smart ones, has a "blindspot", a core belief they have which is the point at which their logic ends and their emotions begin, and for Ledgemund that's race, and because of that flaw, as smart as he seems to be, he will always be prone to faulty logic, especially in arguments that are sensitive in nature because they related to that blindspot.

The dude seldom makes ridiculously flawed arguments due to this, if someone wanted to get him to make a fool of himself, all they'd have to do is try to shift an argument they were losing in, towards the topic of race, specifically the preservation of the white race, his logic switch instantly gets flipped off, and out comes the mindless drone allegiance to those who share your genetics (despite your race abandoning you to inceldom)

The race obsessed are some of the most illogical people on the planet, and that mindset seeps into other aspects of their lives, other beliefs they hold, they can never truly be objective.
I am the highest IQ user on this site. I was the highest IQ user back in the r/trucel, incel and hatecel days as well.
BlkPillPress sure as hell not, he said that we're gonna have a world in the future where everyone is race-mixed and he actually thinks this will solve racism/discrimination of any kid. He also thinks this is a good thing because he is a mongrel himself.
I've got him on ignore because I could no longer stand his race-baiting threads and his glorifying of the Jewish race.
It’s between @BlkPillPres and @TheWitchKing for me
I thought about including you into the list, but there wasn't any spot left.
It wouldn't be fair to Include a literal prophet who has never lost an argument anyways.
mylifeistrash, blkpillpres, eugenicist
BlkPillPress sure as hell not, he said that we're gonna have a world in the future where everyone is race-mixed and he actually thinks this will solve racism/discrimination of any kid. He also thinks this is a good thing because he is a mongrel himself.
I've got him on ignore because I could no longer stand his race-baiting threads and his glorifying of the Jewish race.
I voted Napoleon, because it is just simple biology, common sense, which is not so common anymore, to me the world is not that complicated, once you know a few basic principles and laws of nature.

mylifeistrash , I also enjoyed most of his threads, again it is simple observations but practical enough for me to benefit from in everyday life and interactions with people.
BlkPillPress sure as hell not, he said that we're gonna have a world in the future where everyone is race-mixed and he actually thinks this will solve racism/discrimination of any kid. He also thinks this is a good thing because he is a mongrel himself.
I've got him on ignore because I could no longer stand his race-baiting threads and his glorifying of the Jewish race.

This and the fact that he promotes escortcelling, thus empowering foids and allowing them to slut their life away.
If a guy says he will never pay for sex, because he values female validation more than sex, and sex is not worth it unless a woman actually wants you


If a guy promotes escortcelling and allowing foids to capitalize/monetize on incel needs, and as such allowing them to live their slutty lifestyle

First off you're an idiot that can't even make a detailed argument, so what even makes you think you have a say on who is or isn't the highest IQ poster, its like a dog thinking it can decide who is the best human, it doesn't know which criteria to choose from other than - "who give me the most food and treats"

BlkPillPress sure as hell not, he said that we're gonna have a world in the future where everyone is race-mixed and he actually thinks this will solve racism/discrimination of any kid.

The future is definitely one where everyone is mixed, that is inevitable, but not one of you have yet to argue as to why that wouldn't solve racism?

He also thinks this is a good thing because he is a mongrel himself.

I think its a good thing because it would remove a huge aspect of inceldom, being race mogged, an insurmountable wall that cannot be circumvented, so long as there are distinct extremely distinct "races" with very distinct traits that can be compared against eachother, there will be a large "filter" for women to use to exclude ridiculously large portions of men from the dating pool, for example the group who is impacted the most by racemogging - ASIAN MEN, no group of men is fucked up by this shit for, there women have no allegiance to them because in comparison to white men, they will always fall short in basically everything - Face, Height, Penis, Social Status, Etc

Racial differences are a death sentence to the "dating power" of an asian man, especially in the penis department

I've got him on ignore because I could no longer stand his race-baiting threads and his glorifying of the Jewish race.

You idiots prove the jews are superior to you everyday, also putting someone on block is proof of how illogical you are, literally running away from an argument, its no different than sticking your fingers in your ears like child and making noises so you don't hear something you dislike.

If a guy promotes escortcelling and allowing foids to capitalize/monetize on incel needs, and as such allowing them to live their slutty lifestyle


I'll agree when you validate your argument, there are a lot of flaws in your statement

1. You guys clearly know nothing about the real world, likely don't interact with people at all, I wonder if some of you even work, there are more normies that fucking prostitutes than incels, most incels are too timid and self conscious to even attempt fucking a whore

2. Women get to capitalize/monetize sex regardless, the difference is in this transaction an incel gets sex, You might as well argue that we should all stop buying anything because jews get to capitalize/monetize these things, stop watching movies at theatres, stop buying games, buying cars, using banks, etc because there's a jew collecting money at the end of the day because of it

3. We can't stop women from "living a slutty lifestyle", again you are speaking as if incels stop taking part it will cease to exist, you sound very deluded, I don't think you get how a boycott works, if all incels stopped paying for sex today, it would not make a dent in prostitute income, its mostly normies fucking these women, you've clearly never been to a whore house, its not a bunch of short guys with ugly faces there, there are guys doing it for fun, doing it because they are drunk, doing it because they were dared to in some bet, doing it as part of some kind of bachelor party thing (whores are ordered for that), etc

You guys have no real life experience so your arguments are shit, you are talking out of your ass

When you can make actually valid arguments come back and try again, and maybe you'll say something that makes sense that I can agree with
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1. You guys clearly know nothing about the real world, likely don't interact with people at all, I wonder if some of you even work, there are more normies that fucking prostitutes than incels, most incels are too timid and self conscious to even attempt fucking a whore

As for me, real world is being 50 years old, changed Europe for South America, worked my whole life and still do. Enough real life or interaction?
Yes, it's true that more normies fuck prostitutes than incels. But that's the point here.
Normies actively engage in empowering and maintaining sluts.
We as incels should be blackpilled enough to conclude that this is not what we want.

2. Women get to capitalize/monetize sex regardless, the difference is in this transaction an incel gets sex, You might as well argue that we should all stop buying anything because jews get to capitalize/monetize these things, stop watching movies at theatres, stop buying games, buying cars, using banks, etc because there's a jew collecting money at the end of the day because of it

Incel does not get sex. What he gets is fake sex. The transaction benefits the whore, not the incel. He may as well fap.
The point is that we should not support this at all. Your argument is flawed: People boycott israel but they know it won't disappear or change it's politics. Nevertheless, they still boycot it.
We can't change the jew question easily, but we sure can stop supporting whores.

3. We can't stop women from "living a slutty lifestyle", again you are speaking as if incels stop taking part it will cease to exist, you sound very deluded, I don't think you get how a boycott works, if all incels stopped paying for sex today, it would not make a dent in prostitute income, its mostly normies fucking these women, you've clearly never been to a whore house, its not a bunch of short guys with ugly faces there, there are guys doing it for fun, doing it because they are drunk, doing it because they were dared to in some bet, doing it as part of some kind of bachelor party thing (whores are ordered for that), etc

Again, of course foids will always be foids. We can't stop them from being sluts. But you instead want to convince the incel that he may as well be like normie and support escorts.
That's not how it works. It matters shit to me if a whore gets her money anyways. But it won't be from me.
I despise foids, but despise whores even more.

As for your argument that I've never been to a whore house, I actually lived in one as a derailed youngster.
I was taught Spanish by whores, fed by whores and I even migrated with a whore.
I've been to Venezuela, RD, Ecuador, Colombia, Antilles and Panama. Mod: No brag intended.
I was a moderator on a mayor forum that has everything to do with whores.
If anyone knows what they are, it's me. They are parasites, lesbians, drug addicts, lazy deluded cunts.
I failed in life because I was sold on the fake sex, it ultimately left me totally broke in a shithole land with nowhere to go.

You should be careful with that "life experience" shit. I got a whole lot more than you do.
There is a huge difference between a difference in lifestyle and mindset, and HAVING BLUE PILLED CUCKED BELIEFS

The mods have allowed mindsets like this to spread like a disease and become NORMALIZED on the site, so no wonder I find that in almost every conversation with a user on this site, you'll see them express some kind of blue pilled belief that they know full well is cucked, but they aren't afraid to say it openly and they don't care if its a contradiction, because they can get away with it


This is why you can see guys openly proclaiming stuff like this when it comes to women:

Notice the "I CAN'T CHANGE" part, that's the part about that sentence that is blue pilled, the acceptance of the cucked mindset, the normalization of it, the entire point of the black pill is that one can choose not to be blue pilled, but these guys speak as if they literally just can't stop thinking a certain way

I even have mods telling me that just wanting to fuck women is female worship so we all worship women, making purposefully disingenuous arguments based on broad personal definitions so that they can justify their own worship and reverence of women, and project that unto other men

Its over for this forum, its going to be complete shit in a matter of years at this rate
You're talking about sparking conversation and at the same time calls out for bans when someone says something you don't think is blackpilled jfl. If someone says something bluepilled you'd want to reason with them and try to change their views instead of having a culture where people are afraid of speaking their mind because it might not be deemed blackpilled.

In the case of wanting female admiration I still believe it is biological just like sexual desire and no amount of blackpilling will cause it to disappear because it is not a belief. For that "I can't change" part I should rather have said that I would want to change it but that I don't believe it's possible, at least not by any means of blackpill insight.
Incel does not get sex. What he gets is fake sex.

JFL now were getting to the core issue here, a lot of you seem to be arguing with subjective personal definitions, and pretending as if they are objective definitions

Sex is literally just the process of sexual intercourse, that's it, you are adding the addendum in your head of - "its only sex if you didn't make direct payments for it"

So lets start being specific and test your definition

1. Is it only DIRECT payments that makes sex "fake sex" or do INDIRECT payments make sex "fake sex", not sure if you noticed but in most relationships spending is pretty much one sided with men spending a lot more on women than the other way around. So what ratio would you say can a man spend on dating, etc before his INDIRECT payments make the sex he gets "fake sex", at what point is he just a betabux getting "fake sex" rather than a man dating who gets "real sex"?

2. Is it only "fake sex" when a man does it, or can women also get "fake sex" If a woman pays for sex (rare but happens, old rich women paying young stud chads to fuck them in), is it "fake sex" in that case or is it real no matter what because she's a woman?

3. What makes sex "real sex" to you, what are the criteria?

Your argument is flawed: People boycott israel but they know it won't disappear or change it's politics. Nevertheless, they still boycot it.

Yes and that mindset is just pointless coping, patting yourself on the back for "atleast trying", its a waste of time, either defeat your enemy, do whatever it takes, or STFU, people who pat themselves on the back for trying are illogical, you either completed a task or you didn't, saying you "almost did" or "tried your best" is a fools cope, it means nothing.

Its your argument that is flawed, people like you give yourself these "easy wins" in life as a cope so you can feel good about yourself, people like me can't cope like that, if effort is fruitless I'm not wasting my time, it just isn't objective. Or I would at least go the extra mile and try and do something extreme, something above boycotting.

If merely boycotting something makes you think - "that's enough for me to feel good about it" you have ridiculously low standards for success, stop coping, you didn't actually do shit, in fact boycotting is just that, doing nothing, but doing nothing only becomes something WHEN DONE IN EXTREMELY LARGE NUMBERS.

I despise foids, but despise whores even more.

The further I read the more illogical I can see you are, you are just a moral fag with no objective reasoning, its all subjective for you, hence why you make arguments based on BS personal definitions

All foids are whores, all women are whores period, if you haven't admitted that to yourself yet then you aren't black pilled, there is very little distinction to be made between a "professional whore" and a "civilian whore", they are all whores. Ironically you should despise pro whores less than civ whores because at least pro whores aren't selective, they are "equal opportunity whores", basically every guy has a chance for the same equal fee.

You actually despise the whore that is fairer to you JFL, no logic at all just emotion, you aren't thinking objectively, you are looking at women like humans, they are just objects, when you look at it from that perspective, now its just a matter of what means are feasible for attaining said object.

it ultimately left me totally broke in a shithole land with nowhere to go.

Maybe that's because you are an idiot who makes bad choices, did you literally just waste all your money on fucking whores or something JFL, that's your fault, you can't label the entire prostitution scene as bad because you made bad choices, that's like a guy who loses his life savings gambling so all gambling is bad to him, he made bad choices, that doesn't make the entire thing bad.

You should be careful with that "life experience" shit. I got a whole lot more than you do.

If only you had actually learned and objectively assessed said experience you could do something with it, knowledge for the sake of knowledge is useless, if you don't apply it properly, you basically have a large collection of nothing[/QUOTE][/QUOTE]
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I honestly didn't expected that this thread would get this many replies ngl.
Over my dead body tbqh, paying for sex is pure cuckoldry

You clearly did not read my argument, are you fucking blind, even the part you quoted has nothing to do with what you said, I never claimed they should be banned for simply not paying for sex, its WHY they choose not the pay for sex that determines if they should be banned.

If a guy says he will never pay for sex because its he is "above that", I CANT ACCEPT THAT (its egotistical and illogical, because if you are the lowest of the low (incel), then clearly you aren't above that, and you are just coping, but its not extremely blue pilled)

if a guy says he will never pay for sex because he doesn't think the money is worth it, I CAN ACCEPT THAT (its illogical because dating costs way more and the sex is not guaranteed, but its not extremely blue pilled)

If a guy says he will never pay for sex because he thinks its disgusting because of how many men she's been with, I CAN ACCEPT THAT (its illogical since the only value that isn't arbitrary is zero (virginity) anything more than zero is used goods, and most women have 5 minimum before the age of 17, its not extremely blue pilled though)

If a guy says he will never pay for sex, because he values female validation more than sex, and sex is not worth it unless a woman actually wants you


Stop purposefully quoting things out of context in cases where context clearly matters

Never mind that this would completely violate the entire forums purpose of allowing incels to freely discuss this stuff with each other.

If "freely discuss" includes spreading a blue pilled mindset then I'd bet my life this forum is going to be dead forum, a shell of its former self, in about 3 years, and all the actual black pilled users would have left and branched off in to more extreme forums with stricter "gate keeping", the forum is becoming more and more blue pilled due to the lax policing that is taking place.
Definitely one of the most based users tbh, if only I could be as lowinhib as him when expressing my beliefs.
Oh no I read it fully and completely understand, I still think that's a completely retarded reason to ban people.

So a guy saying that female validation is more important than sex, and men should not pursue sex unless they can attract women, is not ban worthy?

Spreading female worship and pedestalization, and enforcing female "gate keeping" of sex as a norm, is not ban worthy?

If spreading a mindset like this ironically on an incel forum isn't ban worthy then nobody should be getting banned for anything then, why ban trapfags for promoting trapfaggotry if you are just going to let female worshipers roam free to spread the blue pill, seems pointlessly selective

The mindset you have here is exactly why this forum has gone to shit, and is going to continue to go into shit, you'll notice the userbase is becoming more and more bold in saying stuff they would not dare say when the forum was new for fear of being banned, now that shit is becoming normalized, because mods allowed that kind of mindset to spread and fester, its only a matter of time till you are left with a love shy forum, and all you see are threads about appealing to normies to "see incels in a different light", when you let emotional arguments and subjectivity thrive, you better expect it to become the dominating force in that environment, its only a matter of time
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@FaceandHFD for being knowledgeable in the looks department, lol at caring about blackpill nigger science no one gives a fuck about. Face is the only thing in the incelosphere that the knowledge of can help you irl
Paying for sex is like paying people to be your friend and spend the day with you. Completely pointless.
I wouldn't say it's pointless if you get some sort of pleasure out of the experience. For instance I've considered paying for sex so that I know what it feels like, as to make it easier to further my mental imagery cope. Maybe I'll try that in the future when I can afford it, but I'm not sure, doesn't seem worth it in the US from what I've seen.

I've kinda learned to stop devoting energy to thinking about anybody else's opinion of me, it's not that I don't care, but rather that I feel it's just masochistic at this point. I don't think that the foid not being attracted to me when escortcelling would bother me, provided that the rest of the experience was otherwise good.
No that isn't ban worthy why the hell would it be lmao. Of course people want validation from others.

I find I sadly have to keep repeating this question to users

Isn't the entire point of black pill philosophy, that one can be self aware and introspective, and CHOOSE not to be blue pilled.

Why is it that you guys keep making these convenient and selective appeal to nature arguments, you aren't being logically consistent if we don't give normies the same pass, because "of course women want to just fuck chads and be extremely unfair and selective".

Why not apply the appeal to nature mindset to normies, and stop complaining about women's choices and the normie mindset, that's whats "completely pointless", complaining about something that happens due to nature on one end, and then giving others an appeal to nature pass on the other end, it isn't logically consistent or honest, its complete double standard BS.

Paying for sex is like paying people to be your friend and spend the day with you. Completely pointless.


Women are just objects to be used, you see them as people so that's how you interpret the interaction, you also can't seem to SEPARATE SEX FROM ROMANTICISM, so you process paying for sex as PAYING FOR HUMAN INTERACTION, rather than PAYING FOR A PRODUCT/SERVICE

You are already mentally cucked and you can't even notice your personal bias on that part because its ingrained in you, you see sex as this "deep thing" rather than just something to be enjoyed, like buying ice cream

Now I'll have to repeat another line I find myself having to be repeated to incels (who are supposed to be black pilled)

The problem you guys have is that you still think of women as "people", so you are still focused on who they are giving what to and how much easier it is for another person to get it, I don't care about those other people, I just care about getting what I want lol

Imagine there's fruit in a tall tree (well tall for you)

A tall man can simply walk up to the tree and pick the fruit (Chad)

An athletic yet short man (around your height) will climb up the tree and maneuver to reach and pick the fruit (Normie)

You might be short and weak, so you'll have to go get tools, like a stool, or maybe buy a ladder to reach and pick the fruit (Incel)

Everybody wants that fruit, but not everybody is going to be equipped to get the fruit the same way, because there's criteria to be met to pick it

So you can do whats necessary to get the fruit, or you can waste your time endlessly complaining about the fact that you aren't tall enough to just pick the fruit or strong enough to scale the tree and pick it

Which seems more logical to you?

Similarly though you won't be banned for you view either, you're free to have the view that prostitution is a good thing even if I personally think it's cucked as fuck.

False comparison, you've yet to validate how its "cucked" and yet to state your criteria for why it is "cucked", and you know full well you have none, because if prostitution is cucked, then dating is extremely cucked, because rather than paying for GUARANTEED sex you are GAMBLING for possible sex when you date.

So if prostitution is cucked as an incel isn't dating extremely cucked?, so at the end of the day by your logic all incel tier males have no choice but to remain sexually starved permavirgins or be a cuck, because either way you are going to be spending money for sex

I'm not going to ban you just for disagreeing with me same as how no one is going to be banned for disagreeing with you either.

Disingenuous framing of the argument, its not banning for disagreeing, its banning for one not meeting certain criteria, just like any other ban. I go back to my argument about trapfags, trapfags are being banned for promoting trapfaggotry, most recently @NEETAndTidy who was ousted as a trapfag by being doxxed, and recently made a thread like this: https://incels.is/threads/do-you-li...hey-would-be-easier-to-date-read-this.123341/

In fact I was one of the people who called him out on promoting trap faggotry:

Why was he banned for "disagreeing" with the general mindset that trapfaggotry is a bad thing, why was he banned for his personal views?

You know the framing of your argument is BS, at the end of the day all actions come down to personal views, all bans come down to disagreements on what one thinks is acceptable and not acceptable, you are just being disingenuous right now, purposefully vague.

We ban for female worship to stop all the stupid threads of people just posting pictures of women and talking about how great they are, not just wanting the person you're fucking to be attracted to you.

I need you to try and think this through


What you are literally saying is, it doesn't matter if the entire user base becomes blue pilled and secretly worships women, SO LONG AS THEY ARBITRARILY DON'T ACT OUT THE MINDSET IN EXPLICIT WAYS ON THIS WEBSITE

JFL dude you know your arguments aren't making any sense, so long as the users don't indicate they are blue pilled in an explicit way they get a pass, you are literally proving my point that the forum is doomed to become blue pilled, you are quite alright with the mindset spreading and that's going to be the rule set that kills the site, you're going to end up with a blue pilled user base, and bit by bit the forum is going to become a shell of itself

I'm done arguing at this point, I've said everything that needed to be said, its not my forum anyways, and I'll be starting my own at some point, I guess i'll just get the users that matter when they leave for the same reasons that I do. Just don't act like nobody warned you guys when you are left with a sad looking "love shy" type forum
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I feel it's just masochistic at this point. I don't think that the foid not being attracted to me when escortcelling would bother me, provided that the rest of the experience was otherwise good.

1. Thanks for pointing out the key difference between someone focusing on emotions and subjectivity, and someone focusing on logic and objectivity, what matters is the experience, not whether the person who provided the experience wanted to and enjoyed it, do any of these guys go to a fast food joint and hope the cashier enjoyed servicing them that day, or did they simply just enjoy the food they bought, these guys selectively choose when to flip their logic switch on and off, they are never logically consistent.

2. I keep saying that a lot of the users on this site have deeply internalized self hatred and are essentially masochists, and in some way they get off on creating and imposing mental restrictions on themselves that deny them success and pleasure in life, and its like they are unaware of what they are doing to themselves, like its subconscious

The rulesets these men have placed on themselves means that they will remain sexually starved permavirgins, yet they come online everyday to complain about not getting sex, knowing full well the rulesets they restrict themselves by is what is actually keeping sex outside of their reach, it makes no sense to complain about a self imposed handicap, but its like they have some kind of mental block keeping them from making that connection and removing said handicap

I once asked a user who said he'd refuse to pay for sex because he doesn't get validation, if he would pay for dates (to point out the obvious irony of paying to gamble rather than paying for a guarantee)

His response was that he would not date either




Dude I feel like I'm being trolled on this site sometimes, there's no way people can be this stupid, there's just no way. These guys are worse than feminists when it comes to logic (in some cases) and that's a feat in of itself. They have all these weird mentalcel selfimposed restrictions that there is no way out of, you just have to remain a sexually starved virgin, these guys aren't operating on logic.

A lot of these guys speak as though women are literally just supposed to fall out of the sky onto their cock, some of these give prove the "entitlement" meme feminists keep peddling around about incels, like they are larps doing it on purpose to spread a false narrative
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There are no high iq posters all retarded faggots :feelskek::feelskek::feelskek::feelskek:

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