Welcome to Incels.is - Involuntary Celibate Forum

Welcome! This is a forum for involuntary celibates: people who lack a significant other. Are you lonely and wish you had someone in your life? You're not alone! Join our forum and talk to people just like you.

Have most incels never had a girlfriend before in the past?

I'm pretty sure I had wet dreams before giving a visit to a hooker
Well, you seem lucky. Even in the very rare cases where I have semi-lucid dreams I cannot get anyone to fuck me. I can change some aspects of the dream, but never to the point where I can fuck a girl. The best I could get is to have someone undressed (but ugly because for some reason my brain thinks of someone ugly ... probably because having sex is unrealistic per se and even seeing someone attractive nude is also too unrealistic)
incel=involuntary celibate; you can be celibate without being a virgin, whether voluntary or involuntary.

Though nowadays the term has been twisted so much that it's lost all its meaning.

Personally, I prefer to be called virgin, so I don't get lumped together with evil sex-havers.
Have most incels never had a girlfriend at all? Maybe some of them but not anymore?

I’m 24, and I’ve never dated at all. I know there are guys past 30 who’ve never dated either.
Some have escortsomething and lost their virginity and still post here, I cant relate to sexhavers so i block them
incel=involuntary celibate; you can be celibate without being a virgin, whether voluntary or involuntary.

Though nowadays the term has been twisted so much that it's lost all its meaning.

Personally, I prefer to be called virgin, so I don't get lumped together with evil sex-havers.
Some have escortsomething and lost their virginity and still post here, I cant relate to sexhavers so i block them
If you've ever had a girlfriend you are not incel.
But I've never had a gf. I'll claim fakecel if I ascend
Were you 6'4 in high school

You have teen love = life in your status

But if you were tall in school you should've at least bagged a LTB as a teenager, it's the easiest time to ascend
If you had a girlfriend before then you aren't an incel, more like a nearcel.
But if you were tall in school you should've at least bagged a LTB as a teenager, it's the easiest time to ascend
Easier said than done. Most LTB's even in their youth have ridiculously high standards.
I cannot fathom the idea of having another human being of the opposite sex put her arms around me in a mutual embrace.
Fuck. Just hearing you say that makes me desperate.

I think it becomes even much worse as you get older. I need to do something now and improve my life and myself really before it’s too late.
Truecel: Sub5 KHHV

Incel: Average Virgin Guy, usually a Low Tier Normie or a Sub5 but not KHHV

Fakecel: Escortmaxxed and or Low to High Tier Normie who used to get sex but cant now due to age, finance, declining looks or increased social dating market standards.

Volcel: Any one person who does not want or does not crave sex - can simultanously be incel as well.
Usually copes by calling itself "Sigma".

Chadcel: Chad who decided or for some SPECIAL reason cannot get sex. Such reasons might be related to mental and or physical health.
Nah, I'm in Canada
So you were volcel in high school but now complain about missing out on teen love

If I wasn't a late bloomer in high school I would've probably ascended, standards are way lower when you're that young
Have most incels never had a girlfriend at all? Maybe some of them but not anymore?

I’m 24, and I’ve never dated at all. I know there are guys past 30 who’ve never dated either.
Low IQ post
Have most incels never had a girlfriend at all? Maybe some of them but not anymore?

I’m 24, and I’ve never dated at all. I know there are guys past 30 who’ve never dated either.
If you had a girlfriend, sex without paying, kissed a girl, or having girls interested in you, you aren't incel nigga
GrAY-tier question
High guardian spice Avatar, the troon feminist crunchyroll original. go back to reddit faggot
Have most incels never had a girlfriend at all? Maybe some of them but not anymore?

I’m 24, and I’ve never dated at all. I know there are guys past 30 who’ve never dated either.
:feelskek: :feelsStudy: shitposting eh?
still high guardian spice avatar, dont trust you. getting banned from reddit is not hard
I mean. I find the middle girl attractive, but I’m not pro LGBT or anything like that
I mean. I find the middle girl attractive, but I’m not pro LGBT or anything like that
still the avatar, cant trust. the question of this thread dont help
Exactly, I’ve had only one relationship and sex a few times in my past but can’t seem to do it now. Dosent mean that I’m not an incel. They don’t know the definition.
Joined: Literally yesterday:feelskek:.

Do people nowadays not even grasp the concept of lurking an online space before joining it so you don't get


Before you could even rack up a double digit number of posts? Is the temptation and wish to be one of the "scary terrorist incels" really that strong for sex-having edgelords?
at 22 I had a fling with a divorcee that was in her mid 30s. That's was my only ''relationship''. Before and after that it never happened again
Have most incels never had a girlfriend at all? Maybe some of them but not anymore?

I’m 24, and I’ve never dated at all. I know there are guys past 30 who’ve never dated either.
Diagnosis: profound mental retardation
at 22 I had a fling with a divorcee that was in her mid 30s. That's was my only ''relationship''. Before and after that it never happened again
@Fat Link

This man has had sex with a MILF :feelswhat:
Bro, you can't be an incel if you've had a gf EVER
I mean, it is technically possible in certain cases. If you were like a 5’8 HTN who maybe got laid every now and then, and then you suddenly get punished by a divine being and get in a car crash and suddenly become horribly deformed, I’d say you can now identify as an incel.
Really good bait thread OP

you’ve made all the fakecel cucks come crawling out of there hidey holes with this one
at 22 I had a fling with a divorcee that was in her mid 30s. That's was my only ''relationship''. Before and after that it never happened again
@Fat Link

This man has had sex with a MILF :feelswhat:
Even if there was no sex involved, having a romantic relationship must've been nice:feelsbadman:.
You're a fakecel if you've had a gf before. I've never even felt the touch of a woman romantically before EVER. I just want handholding FFS. Fakecels and foids need to get lynched ASAP.
Have most incels never had a girlfriend at all? Maybe some of them but not anymore?

I’m 24, and I’ve never dated at all. I know there are guys past 30 who’ve never dated either.
can a autistic guy be autistic if he never had autism at all
incel means you cant get a proper girlfriend and that, cause of looks, or autism usually. So yes.
When you see it, you'll shit bricks.
Doesn’t incel mean that you’re currently without sex or a girlfriend, regardless of your past?
I've had 19 girlfriends, but the most I've had at once was 4, and I've only simultaneously had sex with 2 of them at a time, but that was only a couple weeks ago, I'm an incel now.
I've had 19 girlfriends, but the most I've had at once was 4, and I've only simultaneously had sex with 2 of them at a time, but that was only a couple weeks ago, I'm an incel now.

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