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Serious Have any of you betas been in a fight?

That is that what your liberal US parents crackhead whores missed btw..
americans like you.

amercian? what the fuck are you talking about?

I only try to save your life by give you an advice.

is this an advice to you?
btw I would knock the shit out of you before you can realise what happened..

or this?
In wich fucking country can you behave like this?

or this?
Try to do this in balkans! You won't survive 2 hours after your arrival boyo.

is this what an advice looks like to you, wigga? am i supposed to thank you now?
or is your advice to bend over and suck the attacker off??
if yes then i got an advice for you too. change your tampon.

im russian. i owe you nothing.
I was 3 years in a war which was caused by invasive "big ball" americans like you
and there you got shot in the head? is this why you are so low iq? what did you even post this for?? what does this proove??

nothing you wrote so far makes any sense whatsoever.

who are you trying to fool? there was no advice in your post motherfucker. you are the lowest of life forms who talkes shit about people on incel forums to feel better about himself. dont project your mongrel iq on others.
big americans hurt litle boy. you got it worse bro. worse than everybody else. its not like we got purged after a renationalization and had to flee. eat shit bitch.
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Yes, bro. I decked a faggot chadlite when I was in the eighth grade. He stopped annoying me after that.
Yes, bro. I decked a faggot chadlite when I was in the eighth grade. He stopped annoying me after that.


As for me, never really been in any serious fist-fights, but I did shove a chadlite bully out of his chair and onto the floor once. He had been making my life hell for the previous 6 months.
thanks. thought the school faculty was annoyingly on the side of jocks back then.
the reason the Balkan wars happened was because fuckhead Bill took the wrong side and was likely bribed by jews to do it. I'd kill Bill Cliton if ever got near me and I'll make it count.
on the bright side though, a lot of young men (some rare older ones like me too) are going "SocNat" and "anti-imperialist" in the states which will cause generational divides.
old boomercons vs. redpill socnat millenials and z gens.
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I've been in dozens of fights.
I've had a few fights in the past. Counting real fights I'd say I'm at 9-3
Only really fought my brothers I threw a wild hook at my bro and he counter punched me right in the eye I tackled him and tried to headbutt him in the nose. Every other potential fight with randoms didn't escalate after a retarded shoving match. I was too anxious and cowardly to punch some cunts who deserved it when I was young.
i was too high inhib to even tell the teacher
Tons in gradeschool, was bullied alot. Took the pacifist bluepill after I got in trouble because of the "no tolerance" policy and I got fucked up.

You should tell the teacher if they are just annoying/mocking you or just ignore them, but fucking fight back once they start getting physical.

EDIT: Teachers usually can't do shit, if it's just verbal just ignore them or retort. Learn to return bantz.
Tons in gradeschool, was bullied alot. Took the pacifist bluepill after I got in trouble because of the "no tolerance" policy and I got fucked up.

You should tell the teacher if they are just annoying/mocking you or just ignore them, but fucking fight back once they start getting physical.
There wouldn't be as many cucks if it wasn't for the no tolerance policies
I i have been in more than 7 fights at school smacking bullies faces, lol.
No I'm too avoidant and beta to get into any fights.
My parents told me to tell the teacher all my life, so I did, it did nothing.
Then my parents complained to the school about this, and told the teacher, still did nothing.
It only stopped when I flipped one day, and fought back.

The thing about bullying is, if you are bullied due to your size, it means even little kids can smell you inferiority.
Which means, you can never escape your inferiority.
So fighting back is just a cope, it doesn't stop people seeing you as inferior it is just a defence mechanism.
Untill high school nobody dared to touch me or look at me the wrong way, everyone was pretty much the same size as me, but i could beat them all because i learned MMA since i was 12 years old, after high school everyone grew taller, physical fights became non existent and dominance was pretty much based on height and size later on, still i managed to beat a guy twice my size (he was an ogrecel) that build me some rep, so no one tried to be little me cause they knew then i could smash their face in as i grew older physical confrontation became too rare and all was done with words and ridicule, in university the norwood reaper came for me and my life basically ended because no one respects a 5'3 bald ugly guy even if he can easily beat someone bigger than him, i don't think i can fight like before, prolonged depression caused by lack of respect, continuous rejection from foids and me getting addicted to weed has destroyed whatever physicality i had, i basically have no motivation or reason to fight anymore. ITS OVER
never been in a fight before, unfortunately

i've been punched in the face a few times and threw someone to the ground once (could have killed them), rarely had the opportunity to really fight back so i'd like a fight where i get to throw some punches tbh
I got in a fight in the school gymnasium during an event that was at like 5 pm. There was a guy that was 16 and on football team talking to my friend who had sent a dick pic to football guy's girl. I start walking around him circling saying "casual dick pictures, casual dick pictures" obviously this annoyed him so he started to lightly hit me in the back of the head. I tried walking away and he didn't stop so I ripped the cast off of his sprained hand and he knocked me to the ground and started beating me in the face (keep in mind at this time I'm 13 and 5'5 90 lbs) my friend starts to push him off of me. He was older than me and also played football. He tells me to run but I don't and instead go over to the guy and puch him in the back while my friend is shoving him. Well he knocks me to the ground again and starts beating me in the face. My face was a total mess for a long time and it was lumpy and purple everywhere and my vision got blurry. The guys mom ended up seeing and was horrified and made him apologize.
One time in 6th grade I stood up to a guy that was bullying me. It still surprises me I stood up for myself because usually I am very reserved and cowardly. He was very tall and bigger than me so he pushed me and I pushed him back so hard he went to the ground. Never escalated to punches and after that day he respected me and never had any trouble from that day forward
I've got into fights and I was damn high T back in the days. Literally ready to fight a guy I grabbed some weapons for backup.
We later became friends though for years, going to different school trips to moving to the same school.
He's gone now but I still have him added on steam. No shared interested games with him :cryfeels:
Most of the bullying was verbal and I was too weak do anything when it was physical. The worst part of my life would defiantly be during school despite also being the best too.
In third grade
Yes. I remember owning a curry who was a kick boxer for 3 years. JFL.
Only once - if you can really call it a fight. A couple of guys were giving me abuse, then I went into a takeaway and unbeknownst to me, they were waiting for me and started throwing snowballs at me when I walked out. One of them ran up and hit me and I punched him back. There was a stand off and we went our separate ways. It was over as soon as it had started really.
I almost ended up in jail because of one,so no I'd rather avoid them unless my life is in danger.

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