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Serious Have any of you betas been in a fight?



Jun 14, 2018
if you didn't defend yourself against bullies in school and "told the teacher" that means you are the biggest cuck alive you will be a pushover into adult hood,work,wife won't respect you,adults won't view you as a true adult etc.

Article 2222569 15A985A6000005DC 845 634x579

I been in fight in my whole life and ı'm still in
This is me. I am cucked for life tbh. Don't be like me guys.
i get into other peoples faces quite often. i was bullied for 10 years then started martial arts and bodybuilding. i have a babyface so people still try to pick on me on the streets. checking and verbal insults. if this happens i get in their face. i get real close to them. nose tip touching close. most of them then back off during summer, because im gymcelled and look like i lift. when i have to wear a jacket the disrespect intensifies and people dont back off. most of the time the conflict ends after a few rounds of pushing and "come on hit me". rarely fists fly, but so far all fights ended after a few bodypunches. most of the attackers get scared that i fight back at all and not because of the fight itself. in total i get into peoples faces about once every two months, into fights 4 times a year, wich a total of around 40 brawls. got a knife pulled twice, but didnt get stabbed.
Only once I think

No one wants to bother with me tbh, probably because I physically look somewhat intimidating jfl, from all the workouts and clean diet
one time I hit someone in the face with my knee because he was throwing orange peels at me to piss me off. Only reason me hitting him in the face with my knee was possible was because he was like 5'3.
I slapped someone who kept mocking me.
Never, I was the quiet kid and for some reason no one bullied me. I have never punched anything besides a wall...
I was in a couple fights as a kid, I was never a tough kid but I had some fight in me so I wasn't a pushover.

I've been in one street fight as an adult, it was pretty brief. Basically some hustler wanted to take advantage of me and started acting really aggressive so I had to defend myself.
quite a few times. I punched a kid in class once for calling me ugly, threw a chair at a chadlite who was throwing erasers at me & got into a brawl with a drunk guy at a park a few years ago. Ended up getting chased by his friends who were throwing bottles at me. Theres been many more but I always got into fights as a kid because I'm an ogrecel
I'm usually the nigga that films the fight and yells "WOOOOOORLD STAAAAAAAARR!"
Yes I’ve been in fights but I was often on the losing end.

I know how to box now though. I didn’t have such knowledge and skills in high school.
I have a few times, lost only 1 so far.
I punched a guys face bec. he hit my head with a ball(intentionally). He deserved it. AND I RAN AWAY BEC. OF LOW T LEVELS.
I am the real loser.
Note to skinnycels: Do not try to punch someone if you are low T.
I punched a guys face bec. he hit my head with a ball(intentionally). He deserved it. AND I RAN AWAY BEC. OF LOW T LEVELS.
I am the real loser.
Note to skinnycels: Do not try to punch someone if you are low T.

thats how my first fight was when i was 6 years old. :feelskek:
one kid always took my cap away and filled it with snow. when he tried to sneak behind me and take my cap away again i turned around, punched him on the nose and ran away.
I once slammed a roasties head on the table cause she was being a bitch for a month too me bye this was in primary. Her dad came the next but I said fuck off cunt lmao he just left me alone afterwards.
I lost all the time. Only school related though
I lost all the time. Only school related though
Doesn't matter as long as you defended yourself most of the time the bully will leave you alone afterwards if he doesnt fight him again hit him with a chair or something.
i got into fights all the time in primary school, a few in high school. It's why I started training Judo originally.
I've no fought in years. However i'm full of anger an kinda wanna get in a fight an punch somebody's cunt in. There's a good chance I'd get smashed but i don't really give a fuck tbh.
Yes, several times. I won probably 80% of them, but a few times I got ganged up on and lost. I got into fights quite often, especially in early highschool.
In elementary school I remember knocking out some little faggot and that was my first real fight, luckily for me it didn't last long. Once you draw blood the normies really get scared of you. No one in elementary school gave me shit after that.

In high school things were different. I was a bit of a late bloomer and compared to elementary school most kids were bigger and more developed than me. I looked very young for my age so faggot kids often tried to start shit with me.

My worst defeat was when some angry wiry soccer thug set his sights on me for seemingly no reason. I was scared, I'm not going to lie. He was physically stronger than me and he was popular. I was just a faggy little edgy metalhead kid with long hair. It was the first month of high school and everyone knew each other and I knew no one.
He threatened me for no reason during class. When the bell rang, the entire class followed me out and all the way to my tram station which was a few hundred yards away. It was the longest walk of my life.

When we got out of school he immediately threw a punch at the back of my head, he basically sucker punched me like a bitch. I turned around and saw a few dozen kids shouting and laughing and this angry soccer hooligan fag telling me how he'll kill me. I was very scared because the guy was clearly stronger than me and he had his friends with him.
Keep in mind this was 10 years ago and at that time in my country, goth/metal/edgy kids were hated, especially by your typical soccer normie hooligans.

After he threw the punch I told him to fuck off and turned around trying to just walk away hoping he'll go away. Obviously that didn't work so he and a group of his friends/classmates followed me for 5-10 minutes occasionally throwing punches at the back of my head. Surprisingly all of his punches were weak as fuck. After a few minutes of that, I quickly turned around and threw a few punches. I don't even remember if any landed, all I know is that as soon as I did that one of his friends pushed me really hard into a ditch and the hooligan kid came up to me and kicked me a few times while I was on the ground. Luckily one of the more popular guys stopped him almost immediately.

I guess the class Chad felt sorry for me and decided to help me. He was popular and friends with the guy kicking my ass so he easily calmed him down. For the rest of those 4 years the guy that saved me treated me quite well and would often stand up for me when I got into trouble.
I don't know why he did it, but I can't say I'm not grateful. It's good having "protection" from a popular Chad, especially if you're in a school like mine was (95%+ male.)
Yes, several times. I won probably 80% of them, but a few times I got ganged up on and lost. I got into fights quite often, especially in early highschool.
In elementary school I remember knocking out some little faggot and that was my first real fight, luckily for me it didn't last long. Once you draw blood the normies really get scared of you. No one in elementary school gave me shit after that.

In high school things were different. I was a bit of a late bloomer and compared to elementary school most kids were bigger and more developed than me. I looked very young for my age so faggot kids often tried to start shit with me.

My worst defeat was when some angry wiry soccer thug set his sights on me for seemingly no reason. I was scared, I'm not going to lie. He was physically stronger than me and he was popular. I was just a faggy little edgy metalhead kid with long hair. It was the first month of high school and everyone knew each other and I knew no one.
He threatened me for no reason during class. When the bell rang, the entire class followed me out and all the way to my tram station which was a few hundred yards away. It was the longest walk of my life.

When we got out of school he immediately threw a punch at the back of my head, he basically sucker punched me like a bitch. I turned around and saw a few dozen kids shouting and laughing and this angry soccer hooligan fag telling me how he'll kill me. I was very scared because the guy was clearly stronger than me and he had his friends with him.
Keep in mind this was 10 years ago and at that time in my country, goth/metal/edgy kids were hated, especially by your typical soccer normie hooligans.

After he threw the punch I told him to fuck off and turned around trying to just walk away hoping he'll go away. Obviously that didn't work so he and a group of his friends/classmates followed me for 5-10 minutes occasionally throwing punches at the back of my head. Surprisingly all of his punches were weak as fuck. After a few minutes of that, I quickly turned around and threw a few punches. I don't even remember if any landed, all I know is that as soon as I did that one of his friends pushed me really hard into a ditch and the hooligan kid came up to me and kicked me a few times while I was on the ground. Luckily one of the more popular guys stopped him almost immediately.

I guess the class Chad felt sorry for me and decided to help me. He was popular and friends with the guy kicking my ass so he easily calmed him down. For the rest of those 4 years the guy that saved me treated me quite well and would often stand up for me when I got into trouble.
I don't know why he did it, but I can't say I'm not grateful. It's good having "protection" from a popular Chad, especially if you're in a school like mine was (95%+ male.)
This is what I mean even if you are a weak dude if you at least defend or fight back people will unironically respect you more instead of taking it like a pussy.
i get into other peoples faces quite often. i was bullied for 10 years then started martial arts and bodybuilding. i have a babyface so people still try to pick on me on the streets. checking and verbal insults. if this happens i get in their face. i get real close to them. nose tip touching close. most of them then back off during summer, because im gymcelled and look like i lift. when i have to wear a jacket the disrespect intensifies and people dont back off. most of the time the conflict ends after a few rounds of pushing and "come on hit me". rarely fists fly, but so far all fights ended after a few bodypunches. most of the attackers get scared that i fight back at all and not because of the fight itself. in total i get into peoples faces about once every two months, into fights 4 times a year, wich a total of around 40 brawls. got a knife pulled twice, but didnt get stabbed.

Try to do this in balkans! You won't survive 2 hours after your arrival boyo.
In wich fucking country can you behave like this?
btw I would knock the shit out of you before you can realise what happened..
Try to do this in balkans! You won't survive 2 hours after your arrival boyo.
In wich fucking country can you behave like this?
btw I would knock the shit out of you before you can realise what happened..

internet tough guy buddy boyo.
balkans epic ghetto coubtry. big guys there big guys. balkans make you dead bro. me hulk. me beat you up. me internet tough you. you no durvive 2 hours bro. me much slavic experience.
rash rash b. noob suka blyat. big balkans.
if you didn't defend yourself against bullies in school and "told the teacher" that means you are the biggest cuck alive you will be a pushover into adult hood,work,wife won't respect you,adults won't view you as a true adult etc.

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even if i did i would lose because i'm a little frail weak piece of shit
5'3 midget:feelsrope:
god i'm going to be bullied to oblivion in the future
internet tough guy buddy boyo.
balkans epic ghetto coubtry. big guys there big guys. balkans make you dead bro. me hulk. me beat you up. me internet tough you. you no durvive 2 hours bro. me much slavic experience.
rash rash b. noob suka blyat. big balkans.

Little meth whore aren't you
Try to do this in balkans! You won't survive 2 hours after your arrival boyo.
In wich fucking country can you behave like this?
btw I would knock the shit out of you before you can realise what happened..

Little meth whore aren't you

i speak from experience. what would you do if someone insults you on the streets? pull your pants down and bend over?

btw I would knock the shit out of you before you can realise what happened..

sure buddy boyo. you never saw me. you just spill nonsense bs about your big grizzly balkans and how you would fuck me up, while prolly beeing a 20 year old kid who's never been in a fight.
i know some albanians. they came here during the war. scrawny as fuck, somehow aggressive and no one touched them back then. you can shove your big grizzly balkan bs straight up your ass. i dont need no wigger kid internet tough guy to tell me bs about the east. who the fuck do you think you are talking to??

on a side note. there exists this prejudice, that slavs have low iq. i always try to defend slavs, but then some fucking wigger like you pops up out of nowhere, blasts out next level retardation from a different dimension and proves them right.

btw I would knock the shit out of you before you can realise what happened..

my balls are you tough. attacking another incel on a fucking incel forum for ansering a question. fucking cunt.
Had a couple of fights when I was younger and had a weaker frame but now most people are kinda "scared" of me
A couple of small fights, I remember one chad pushed me up against a wall and threatened me after school but i stabbed him with a mechanical pencil. Was worried I'd be expelled but the dude never reported it, he left me alone after that.

Aside from that I tried not to get in fistfights bc I was told I lead with my face (combination of shitty posture and lack of training at the time)

The guy I stabbed back in highschool moved away and nobody else messed with me at that school. I can't suggest that plan of action in zero tolerance school hell nowadays but it worked to save my ass back then.
no, never in my life
sometimes i consider starting a fight with a random stranger just to see what it's like
but i'd likely get my ass kicked, unless i picked a fight with someone much weaker like an old person or a cripple. but there's no fun in that

bro the mother in the daily mail article looks like this
whose fault is it the son is getting bullied here?
Btw i hit a paki in his face one time. But fighting overall is useless and high risk. Better off avoiding it.
yeah and I hurt the other dude more than he hurt me. I once blinded a chadlite in HS over him being a douchebag for no reason.
I strangled a girl once too
got punched in the face by a dago and laughed at him like a maniac because he got snot all over his arm. he said "fuck you!" and stomped away.
The guy I stabbed back in highschool moved away and nobody else messed with me at that school. I can't suggest that plan of action in zero tolerance school hell nowadays but it worked to save my ass back then.
Americans are ridiculous with their zero tolerance bullshit. Granted my school was probably the worst high school in my country, you could get away with anything.
Kids were putting out cigs on people's throats, knocking heads against restroom sinks, constant bloody hallway fights etc. No one got expelled. It was a 95% male school, rated as the worst school in the country. Those 4 years made me tougher and I'm kind of glad I went through it, but it was hell when I think about it. Kind of like jail.
It was also fun, not going to lie. Excitement every day. Smoking, fireworks, fighting in class etc. Fucking with the teachers, making them cry and quit. You get to witness fights all the time, but also get involved in them often which sucks.
I have mixed feelings about my high school time.
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Americans are ridiculous with their zero tolerance bullshit. Granted my school was probably the worst high school in my country, you could get away with anything.
Kids were putting out cigs on people's throats, knocking heads against restroom sinks, constant bloody hallway fights etc. No one got expelled. It was a 95% male school, rated as the worst school in the country. Those 4 years made me tougher, but it was hell when I think about it. Kind of like jail.
It was also fun, not going to lie. Excitement every day.

its mostly because we don't have as many single gender schools. I used to be opposed to this but I kind of agree now. having private men's charters would be nice. no foids to ruin your day. and the zero tolerance is because more people go ER here than anywhere else, and unlike most Americans, its a combination of economic and social issues. America can't run on liberal capitalism forever.
its mostly because we don't have as many single gender schools. I used to be opposed to this but I kind of agree now. having private men's charters would be nice. no foids to ruin your day. and the zero tolerance is because more people go ER here than anywhere else, and unlike most Americans, its a combination of economic and social issues. America can't run on liberal capitalism forever.
I understand. No one really goes ER here, instead we have kids fighting constantly, but it's how men settle their disputes I guess.
My school is an extreme example, though. It was a true eastern European balkan shithole school. Soccer hooligans, drunken normies, thugs etc.
I heard the staff is finally taking some control over the kids, but it's still the worst school in my country.
i speak from experience. what would you do if someone insults you on the streets? pull your pants down and bend over?

sure buddy boyo. you never saw me. you just spill nonsense bs about your big grizzly balkans and how you would fuck me up, while prolly beeing a 20 year old kid who's never been in a fight.
i know some albanians. they came here during the war. scrawny as fuck, somehow aggressive and no one touched them back then. you can shove your big grizzly balkan bs straight up your ass. i dont need no wigger kid internet tough guy to tell me bs about the east. who the fuck do you think you are talking to??

on a side note. there exists this prejudice, that slavs have low iq. i always try to defend slavs, but then some fucking wigger like you pops up out of nowhere, blasts out next level retardation from a different dimension and proves them right.

You don't know what you are talking about. I only try to save your life by give you an advice. That is that what your liberal US parents crackhead whores missed btw..

"20 year old kid who's never been in a fight."

I was 3 years in a war which was caused by invasive "big ball" americans like you.
So shut the fuck up!

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