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Blackpill [Hard To Swallow Edition] Stop Applying "Absolutist Logic" To Having A "Sex Life" (You Never Apply It To Other Things In Life)



Feb 28, 2018
Everytime there's a discussion about gaining a "sex life" as an incel and prostitution is brought up, many incels seem to take this absolutist position of "Chad gets X" or "Normies get X" so they would rather "do without" (remain a sex starved virgin till death)

Most common example - "I'll never pay for sex because Chad gets to have one night stands (only legitimate case of "free" sex, extreme exception), I'd much rather stay a virgin for the rest of my life than pay for it"

The funny thing is, they don't apply these ridiculous standards to anything else in life other than this situation, because such absolutist positions wouldn't make sense then. When you apply the same logic to other things you immediately see how illogical it is, because of course getting nothing is always worse than getting something

The exception should not dictate what one should be "willing to accept" in life, the norm does

At the same time, the norm only matters when it is within your options and you fall into "the norm"

A logical person chooses from the best options available to them, they don't outright refuse all options because they don't have the same options as others, if everybody did that society wouldn't function

There are always people who have it better than you in various aspect of life, they are the exception to the rule in most cases, or maybe you are an exception on the negative end of that scale (as is the case for incels). But you still choose a "lesser alternative" when it comes to those things, you don't refuse all options

If you applied your absolutist logic to things other than sex:
By your logic you'd be homeless instead of living in a small house or apartment, because - "people who live in mansions exist and if I can't get that I'd rather remain on the streets"

By your logic you'd walk instead of using public transportation or buying a regular car, because - "people who own expensive sports cars exist, and if I can't drive an expensive sports car why bother with vehicular transportation"

By your logic you'd refuse to eat out at fast food joints or at regular restaurants, because - "people who only eat out at 5 star restaurants exist, and if I can't eat the best of the best when I go out I might as well make a sandwich at home"

You guys don't apply this extreme absolutist kind of mindset TO ANYTHING ELSE IN LIFE (BECAUSE ITS ILLOGICAL)

You would never deprive yourself of all those other options because they weren't the "best possible option"

When it comes to anything else in life you are willing to accept that you have to choose from the options available to you, but you switch the logic chip in your brain off whenever it comes to your "sex life" as an incel

"Chad does X" is not an argument

"Normies can do X" is not an argument

"Rich people do X" is not an argument

The exception to the rule does not disprove the rule, and someone having more "basic options" than you doesn't rationalize you rejecting all the other options that are available to you

Please keep in mind:
I never see any incels say they are going to "Islammaxx" and move to an Islamic state to look for a virgin wife (which literally any of us can do if we build up our finances over years). This is actually an option I still sometimes consider, how long this option will be viable is unknown.

I never see any incels say they are going to move to a 3rd world country with a more traditional culture and find a virgin wife to marry (again, any of us can do that, but like always these options require time and effort to build the necessary resources)

You see I'm not hung up on the "not paying for sex" part, the part I'm hung up on is that most incels just complain but they never discuss any alternative options that are available to us. They want to outright refuse all these options because "Chad can do X" or "Normies can do X". The focus is complaining about what Normies & Chads can do and never about what options are available to us

At that point were just endlessly stating the obvious, at some point we have to get to the "solution stage" of inceldom

It just seems like so many want to just "do nothing" and "do without" while always complaining about it, and that is just fucking annoying

It is completely illogical to keep yourself sex starved till death because you are never going to find a woman that is attracted to you and will "fuck you like you're Chad" (sorry, its not going to happen if you are an incel)

To make things worse, the logic doesn't even make sense even when you accept it, because you refuse to pay DIRECTLY for sex (prostitution), but paying for sex INDIRECTLY (dating) if you "ascended" is completely alright with most of you (for some reason you guys don't see the contradiction, either way you are paying):

There seems to be this weird "shame" or "stigma" that "you are paying for it" when at the end of the day MOST MEN ARE PRETTY MUCH PAYING FOR IT

Do you think the average man would get a woman to fuck him if he wasn't buying her drinks at the bar, buying her food and entertainment on their "date", paying bills, buying gifts, etc? (be honest)

Men have always been paying women INDIRECTLY for sex and companionship (that's literally what dating & marriage is), that's never going to change

Men have also always been paying women DIRECTLY for sex (there's a reason why prostitution is seen as the worlds oldest profession), that's never going to change either
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Smartest nigger since Ben Carson :bigbrain:
Fuck off with your foid tier shit, just settle for less bro, I'm so smart bro.
I usually like his essays but ngl not gonna read this one :smonk:
I guarantee most anti-escortcels are kids who still think, deep down, that they have a shot at ascension.
I guarantee most anti-escortcels are kids who still think, deep down, that they have a shot at ascension.
Correct. See my poll:
Almost 1/4 posters here explicitly stated they will not see an escort because they believe 1 day they can ascend naturally.

Even bigger number than incels here that admitted they will not see an escort and instead remain a virgin forever.
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Most people get to have sex without having to pay though, not just chads. It’s like everyone gets free entry into some venue but then they stop you at the door and make you pay like a cuck. :feelsUgh:
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Most people get to have sex without having to pay though, not just chads. It’s like everyone gets free entry into some venue but then they stop you at the door and make you pay like a cuck. :feelsUgh:

actually no, most men have to pay for sex. It’s only the top 20% of men who get it for free, bottom 80% have to pay.

Anyone below chad-lite level (high-tier normie and below) has to either pay directly for sex (prostitution) or indirectly through dating (eating at expensive restaurants, buying branded clothes/fashion accessories, booking holidays etc.)
I guarantee most anti-escortcels are kids who still think, deep down, that they have a shot at ascension.
tbh they probably do
it's Chads.is
Most people get to have sex without having to pay though, not just chads. It’s like everyone gets free entry into some venue but then they stop you at the door and make you pay like a cuck. :feelsUgh:
At face value what you're saying is false because "dating" exists, and dating is literally just men "paying for sex" in an indirect manner. If you were going out with a male friend you wouldn't be paying for all of the food, drinks, entertainment, transportation, etc. The implication of "going on a date" is "trying to get laid" and that's why you are paying for everything.

It's just prostitution with an added layer of plausible deniability, so that men don't have to feel like "I'm buying sex" and women don't have to feel like "I'm selling sex", but that's exactly what either party is doing.
actually no, most men have to pay for sex. It’s only the top 20% of men who get it for free, bottom 80% have to pay.

Anyone below chad-lite level (high-tier normie and below) has to either pay directly for sex (prostitution) or indirectly through dating (eating at expensive restaurants, buying branded clothes/fashion accessories, booking holidays etc.)
At face value what you're saying is false because "dating" exists, and dating is literally just men "paying for sex" in an indirect manner. If you were going out with a male friend you wouldn't be paying for all of the food, drinks, entertainment, transportation, etc. The implication of "going on a date" is "trying to get laid" and that's why you are paying for everything.

It's just prostitution with an added layer of plausible deniability, so that men don't have to feel like "I'm buying sex" and women don't have to feel like "I'm selling sex", but that's exactly what either party is doing.
Do you have a job? Go up to people in your workplace and tell them you payed a hooker for sex, and see how they respond to you.

And get a new job, and tell people you went on a date and got a civilian female to voluntarily spread her legs for you when she could get money without doing it.

Difference eh? You'll likely respond "you're an egoist bro". Guess what, everyone is, that's life, and its nothing but :bluepill: cope to say you don't care for your ego. It's the exact reason ER went ER, because flauting his wealth to attract a female was more appealing than going to Vegas and seeing a hooker. And that's because anyone can see a hooker, not every man can use wealth to indirectly have sex with a female.
Do you have a job? Go up to people in your workplace and tell them you payed a hooker for sex, and see how they respond to you.
Why would you do that though? Unless you work in an environment filled with based men :feelsthink: in which case yes the men tell each other this all the time
Do you have a job? Go up to people in your workplace and tell them you payed a hooker for sex, and see how they respond to you.
Multiple men at places where I have worked have admitted to paying for sex, at one of them we even talked about it publicly in a room with women there lol.

But that's beside the point, I know full well that is an exception to the rule scenario. Most office spaces aren't so "casual" and it's rare to have a group of men that aren't cowards to egotistical gathered together. I'm not disingenuous like you and pretending as if I don't have any common sense

You know full well what you're saying here makes no sense because people don't have to know anything about your personal life anyways.

Imagine if some normie logged into this forum and told you - "Go up to people in your workplace and tell them that you are an incel/black piller"

Doesn't make sense now does it?

That person just looks like an idiot who is stating the obvious and passing it off as if they said something profound or made a point right? :feelsokman:

Difference eh? You'll likely respond "you're an egoist bro". Guess what, everyone is
The irony lol, everyone is blue pilled too, so I guess you've just justified being blue pilled, don't complain about normies being blue pilled ever again then. Appeal to majority/popularity is a fallacy, it doesn't validate your position.

its nothing but :bluepill: cope to say you don't care for your ego.
You can keep projecting all you want but our mindsets are drastically different. It's not that I don't care for my ego, my ego essentially doesn't exist anymore. The thoughts and beliefs that someone like you have that "makes up" ones ego no longer cross my mind. I'm really just a hedonist. I care about getting what I want by any means necessary, you care how HOW you get it and HOW people perceive you getting it.

Seems like a really tiring mindset to have as an incel. Everyday must be so frustrating. Having this standard you want to live up to knowing that you will NEVER reach it, but being incapable of letting go of the standard so you can live without the burden. You're essentially stuck in a life of perpetual mental anguish.

It's the exact reason ER went ER, because flauting his wealth to attract a female was more appealing than going to Vegas and seeing a hooker.
I'm confused, so you think it's better to have ER's mindset when it leads nowhere and it will possibly lead to you killing yourself? lol

Why would you do that though? Unless you work in an environment filled with based men :feelsthink: in which case yes the men tell each other this all the time
I only read this after I finished responding to that moron. Like you said and I pointed out, his response doesn't even make sense because why would any incel be talking to normies about their personal life in a way that negatively impacts them.

Also, as you may have read, I actually did work in a place with other men that paid for sex, and we did have an open conversation about it, with women present, the looks on their faces were amusing lol.

Women always get this look of disdain on their face whenever average/below average men are "cheating the system" and not letting women gate keep access to pussy through validation. They also hate being reminded that they are just a collection of holes men want to stick their dick in, and that's the most important aspect of their existence lol.
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Multiple men at places where I have worked have admitted to paying for sex, at one of them we even talked about it publicly in a room with women there lol.

But that's beside the point, I know full well that is an exception to the rule scenario. Most office spaces aren't so "casual" and it's rare to have a group of men that aren't cowards to egotistical gathered together. I'm not disingenuous like you and pretending as if I don't have any common sense

You know full well what you're saying here makes no sense because people don't have to know anything about your personal life anyways.

Imagine if some normie logged into this forum and told you - "Go up to people in your workplace and tell them that you are an incel/black piller"

Doesn't make sense now does it?

That person just looks like an idiot who is stating the obvious and passing it off as if they said something profound or made a point right? :feelsokman:
I'm confused, so you think it's better to have ER's mindset when it leads nowhere and it will possibly lead to you killing yourself? lol
That question was rhetorical, obviously you shouldn't go out of your way to tell normies your personal details about your sex life and the methods you get it. The point of bringing up ER was to show an example of how getting a hooker is not the same as using money to attract women indirectly. The factor of exclusivity is also a factor, that does not remotely exist with hookers.
The irony lol, everyone is blue pilled too, so I guess you've just justified being blue pilled, don't complain about normies being blue pilled ever again then. Appeal to majority/popularity is a fallacy, it doesn't validate your position.
I'm not justifying being blue pilled, I'm stating facts, that everyone is an egoist, and not everyone is bluepilled, most people are, while every single person is an egoist because that is just part of who someone is. You can't just abandon the ego, like you can abandon the bluepill by becoming blackpilled. Its an intrinsic part of being a human.
You can keep projecting all you want but our mindsets are drastically different. It's not that I don't care for my ego, my ego essentially doesn't exist anymore. The thoughts and beliefs that someone like you have that "makes up" ones ego no longer cross my mind. I'm really just a hedonist. I care about getting what I want by any means necessary, you care how HOW you get it and HOW people perceive you getting it.

Seems like a really tiring mindset to have as an incel. Everyday must be so frustrating. Having this standard you want to live up to knowing that you will NEVER reach it, but being incapable of letting go of the standard so you can live without the burden. You're essentially stuck in a life of perpetual mental anguish.
If normies have to pay for sex, then according to the rules, their sex experiences are "paid experiences", and thus they should be allowed because it's not like they are a Chad who can get laid via Tinder for free. But obviously that isn't gonna happen, because when it says "paid experiences", there is a clear implicit understand it means paying DIRECTLY.

When you say "normies pay for sex too", you're in essence saying "I'm basically in the same boat as normies", when you aren't. Sure, if you wanna get a hooker by paying, then that's your decision, but to act as if you are in the same boat as normies, it's trying to cope with the fact you are an incel and not a normie, in order to protect the ego, which you do have, like everyone else.
Nice post. But I wouldn't necessarily consider the stance illogical. It's just highly principled. Refusing an apartment so long as you can't have a mansion is kinda based ya know. Ted Kaczynski-maxxing on the streets.

In any case, I refuse to pay for sex simply because whores disgust me.
This is too high iq for me, but I’ll never escortcel as I don’t really see the point. :feelsjuice: Sure I’ll lose my virginity but what then? Foids will never love me, nor be comfortable with my existence, so why pay one for a bit to do that. That just seems so pathetic ngl
while every single person is an egoist because that is just part of who someone is.
Depends on what you mean by ego, I notice people like to play these semantic games with broad definitions.

For example I've argued with guys on this forum about this very thing only for them to reveal that an "ego" to them is merely self-awareness.

A lot of animals have self awareness, they just aren't as intelligent as humans, but they are clearly self aware. So does that mean most animals are all egotistical too?

I'd say no, just having a sense of self doesn't make you an egoist. To define it as something so broad defeats the purpose of even creating a term.

Clearly when people use words like "egotistical" or "egoist" it's to describe very specific thoughts and behaviors, not merely a sense of self.

If everyone is an egoist what use is the word "egotistical" and why has it always been used as an insult?

You see if you just look at your own argument for a while it doesn't even make sense. You can't use something as an insult to distinguish a negative behavioral trait if every human by default fits the description. The insult no longer holds any weight.

Telling someone "you are egotistical" is like saying "you are human" by your logic

So if your definition is the correct one then why have people been using "egotistical" as an insult long before you and I were even born?

If normies have to pay for sex, then according to the rules, their sex experiences are "paid experiences"?

Why are you above paying, when your ancestors who are superior to you in terms of masculinity had no problem paying.

In the past men paid "bride prices", and taking a woman on is really a burden, you have to provide for her and protect her, that is also a form of payment, and in trade she offers up her body to you.

This is how it's always been, nothing has really changed for the species, things have just become more convoluted the more advanced we become, but it's still the same "pay for play" rules.

You see this mindset you have right here is what makes egoists stupid. You speak about "paid experiences" like it's inherently bad/evil or something. Get off of your high horse lol.

There are people who get to live amazing lives and they'll never have to work one day in their lives because they were born rich.

Are you going to refuse to work because of that and stay broke?

Obviously no. But you do refuse to pay for sex because you can't get it "Chad's way" (without effort). That's retarded.

There's always an exception of someone getting something without any effort, but guys like you only care about it when it comes to sex, because that's what you ego is staked on. Don't project that onto the rest of us.

When you say "normies pay for sex too", you're in essence saying "I'm basically in the same boat as normies"
I'm really not, the only thing I'm doing is pointing out the cognitive dissonance of someone saying they will never pay for sex, but they would pay for dates and get married, which is literally just them paying for sex (just indirectly).

I don't need to make a comparison to normies at all, I'm challenging the logic not the person. You obviously can't look at things objectively because your ego is getting in the way, so you can only see things from the perspective you are describing.

but to act as if you are in the same boat as normies, it's trying to cope with the fact you are an incel and not a normie, in order to protect the ego, which you do have, like everyone else.
Nice strawman, nobody has done what you've said. Never said I was like normies, that's how you are rationalizing it, you are seeing what you want to from the start. I'm simply pointing out that either way you are paying, and ironically the sex is cheaper in the long run when it comes to prostitution and actually guaranteed.

Normies are paying way more in the long run and don't forget that some normies are actually incels in denial with your mindset, that refuse to accept that they aren't attractive enough, so they end up paying for date after date, never getting laid, their number saved in some woman's phone as "free food" lol.

Now I've talked about this enough. You can go ahead and believe whatever you want, but at the end of the day only one of us has a perspective that allows us to enjoy life, the other is going to be mentally stuck where they are right now until the day they die. There is not "future" for an egotistical incel, only yearning and starvation.
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Everytime there's a discussion about gaining a "sex life" as an incel and prostitution is brought up, many incels seem to take this absolutist position of "Chad gets X" or "Normies get X" so they would rather "do without" (remain a sex starved virgin till death)

Most common example - "I'll never pay for sex because Chad gets to have one night stands (only legitimate case of "free" sex, extreme exception), I'd much rather stay a virgin for the rest of my life than pay for it"

The funny thing is, they don't apply these ridiculous standards to anything else in life other than this situation, because such absolutist positions wouldn't make sense then. When you apply the same logic to other things you immediately see how illogical it is, because of course getting nothing is always worse than getting something

The exception should not dictate what one should be "willing to accept" in life, the norm does

At the same time, the norm only matters when it is within your options and you fall into "the norm"

A logical person chooses from the best options available to them, they don't outright refuse all options because they don't have the same options as others, if everybody did that society wouldn't function

There are always people who have it better than you in various aspect of life, they are the exception to the rule in most cases, or maybe you are an exception on the negative end of that scale (as is the case for incels). But you still choose a "lesser alternative" when it comes to those things, you don't refuse all options

If you applied your absolutist logic to things other than sex:
By your logic you'd be homeless instead of living in a small house or apartment, because - "people who live in mansions exist and if I can't get that I'd rather remain on the streets"

By your logic you'd walk instead of using public transportation or buying a regular car, because - "people who own expensive sports cars exist, and if I can't drive an expensive sports car why bother with vehicular transportation"

By your logic you'd refuse to eat out at fast food joints or at regular restaurants, because - "people who only eat out at 5 star restaurants exist, and if I can't eat the best of the best when I go out I might as well make a sandwich at home"

You guys don't apply this extreme absolutist kind of mindset TO ANYTHING ELSE IN LIFE (BECAUSE ITS ILLOGICAL)

You would never deprive yourself of all those other options because they weren't the "best possible option"

When it comes to anything else in life you are willing to accept that you have to choose from the options available to you, but you switch the logic chip in your brain off whenever it comes to your "sex life" as an incel

"Chad does X" is not an argument

"Normies can do X" is not an argument

"Rich people do X" is not an argument

The exception to the rule does not disprove the rule, and someone having more "basic options" than you doesn't rationalize you rejecting all the other options that are available to you

Please keep in mind:
I never see any incels say they are going to "Islammaxx" and move to an Islamic state to look for a virgin wife (which literally any of us can do if we build up our finances over years). This is actually an option I still sometimes consider, how long this option will be viable is unknown.

I never see any incels say they are going to move to a 3rd world country with a more traditional culture and find a virgin wife to marry (again, any of us can do that, but like always these options require time and effort to build the necessary resources)

You see I'm not hung up on the "not paying for sex" part, the part I'm hung up on is that most incels just complain but they never discuss any alternative options that are available to us. They want to outright refuse all these options because "Chad can do X" or "Normies can do X". The focus is complaining about what Normies & Chads can do and never about what options are available to us

At that point were just endlessly stating the obvious, at some point we have to get to the "solution stage" of inceldom

It just seems like so many want to just "do nothing" and "do without" while always complaining about it, and that is just fucking annoying

It is completely illogical to keep yourself sex starved till death because you are never going to find a woman that is attracted to you and will "fuck you like you're Chad" (sorry, its not going to happen if you are an incel)

To make things worse, the logic doesn't even make sense even when you accept it, because you refuse to pay DIRECTLY for sex (prostitution), but paying for sex INDIRECTLY (dating) if you "ascended" is completely alright with most of you (for some reason you guys don't see the contradiction, either way you are paying):

There seems to be this weird "shame" or "stigma" that "you are paying for it" when at the end of the day MOST MEN ARE PRETTY MUCH PAYING FOR IT

Do you think the average man would get a woman to fuck him if he wasn't buying her drinks at the bar, buying her food and entertainment on their "date", paying bills, buying gifts, etc? (be honest)

Men have always been paying women INDIRECTLY for sex and companionship (that's literally what dating & marriage is), that's never going to change

Men have also always been paying women DIRECTLY for sex (there's a reason why prostitution is seen as the worlds oldest profession), that's never going to change either
Completely correct. If a guy doesn't have looks a woman will value him for his money/status the exact same thing as prostitution. That being said, prostitutes these days are very expensive so they should be used rarely.
Completely correct. If a guy doesn't have looks a woman will value him for his money/status the exact same thing as prostitution. That being said, prostitutes these days are very expensive so they should be used rarely.
Depends on where you live. This is why not being attached to whatever country you are born in is a good thing. I'm pretty sure if you moved to Colombia or Thailand, and you had a remote job that pays the average US income, you could live like a king in those countries and fuck a 7+/10 at least once a week.
Depends on where you live. This is why not being attached to whatever country you are born in is a good thing. I'm pretty sure if you moved to Colombia or Thailand, and you had a remote job that pays the average US income, you could live like a king in those countries and fuck a 7+/10 at least once a week.
True, I gotta think about it
This is too high iq for me, but I’ll never escortcel as I don’t really see the point. :feelsjuice: Sure I’ll lose my virginity but what then? Foids will never love me, nor be comfortable with my existence, so why pay one for a bit to do that. That just seems so pathetic ngl
I see the point.
rn my concern is i am getting older and my sex drive is reducing from years of jerking off and not interacting with a foid, and knowing that its over, i am also high inhib and thus fear that i wont be able to get hard and enjoy the escort service. its like i am institutionalised to being alone.
In any case, I refuse to pay for sex simply because whores disgust me.
I wanna try it, but i feel you. knowing about foid nature has effected my libido.
my ego essentially doesn't exist anymore.
i dont think its possible, you cant survive without ego. ego is a lifefuel.
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I see the point.
rn my concern is i am getting older and my sex drive is reducing from years of jerking off and not interacting with a foid, and knowing that its over, i am also high inhib and thus fear that i wont be able to get hard and enjoy the escort service. its like i am institutionalised to being alone.

I wanna try it, but i feel you. knowing about foid nature has effected my libido.

i dont think its possible, you cant survive without ego. ego is a lifefuel.
Go for it bro, love doesn't exist.
i dont think its possible, you cant survive without ego. ego is a lifefuel.
People often confuse the prerequisite with the goal. The goal is to stimulate your body's reward system. The prerequisite for that revolves around tasks that involve your ego. If you can stimulate that reward system you'll enjoy life regardless of whether or not your ego is being stroked.

Either way I'm a hedonist, I'm a pleasure chaser. Pleasure is my lifefuel.
Another BlkPillPress escortcel debate oh yes
If normies have to pay for sex, then according to the rules, their sex experiences are "paid experiences"

Why are you above paying, when your ancestors who are superior to you in terms of masculinity had no problem paying.

In the past men paid "bride prices", and taking a woman on is really a burden, you have to provide for her and protect her, that is also a form of payment, and in trade she offers up her body to you.

This is how it's always been, nothing has really changed for the species, things have just become more convoluted the more advanced we become, but it's still the same "pay for play" rules.

You see this mindset you have right here is what makes egoists stupid. You speak about "paid experiences" like it's inherently bad/evil or something. Get off of your high horse lol.

There are people who get to live amazing lives and they'll never have to work one day in their lives because they were born rich.

Are you going to refuse to work because of that and stay broke?

Obviously no. But you do refuse to pay for sex because you can't get it "Chad's way" (without effort). That's retarded.

There's always an exception of someone getting something without any effort, but guys like you only care about it when it comes to sex, because that's what you ego is staked on. Don't project that onto the rest of us.
you quoted me out of context, (see below) I was asking what your thoughts on normies who pay for sex via dates being on this forum , and along with that, what about men who use prostitutes. Should the inclusiveness of this forum to men who go on dates, pay money, and have sex with their gfs, be the same as men who pay money to prostitutes?

You decided to misquote and divert the discussion to men of the past, but not the normies who pay for dates and have sex in the modern day. How would you feel about them on this forum? And if they shouldn't be on this forum, why would those who use escorts be allowed, because both are supposedly paying for sex according to you.
If normies have to pay for sex, then according to the rules, their sex experiences are "paid experiences", and thus they should be allowed because it's not like they are a Chad who can get laid via Tinder for free.
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Everytime there's a discussion about gaining a "sex life" as an incel and prostitution is brought up, many incels seem to take this absolutist position of "Chad gets X" or "Normies get X" so they would rather "do without" (remain a sex starved virgin till death)

Most common example - "I'll never pay for sex because Chad gets to have one night stands (only legitimate case of "free" sex, extreme exception), I'd much rather stay a virgin for the rest of my life than pay for it"

The funny thing is, they don't apply these ridiculous standards to anything else in life other than this situation, because such absolutist positions wouldn't make sense then. When you apply the same logic to other things you immediately see how illogical it is, because of course getting nothing is always worse than getting something

The exception should not dictate what one should be "willing to accept" in life, the norm does

At the same time, the norm only matters when it is within your options and you fall into "the norm"

A logical person chooses from the best options available to them, they don't outright refuse all options because they don't have the same options as others, if everybody did that society wouldn't function

There are always people who have it better than you in various aspect of life, they are the exception to the rule in most cases, or maybe you are an exception on the negative end of that scale (as is the case for incels). But you still choose a "lesser alternative" when it comes to those things, you don't refuse all options

If you applied your absolutist logic to things other than sex:
By your logic you'd be homeless instead of living in a small house or apartment, because - "people who live in mansions exist and if I can't get that I'd rather remain on the streets"

By your logic you'd walk instead of using public transportation or buying a regular car, because - "people who own expensive sports cars exist, and if I can't drive an expensive sports car why bother with vehicular transportation"

By your logic you'd refuse to eat out at fast food joints or at regular restaurants, because - "people who only eat out at 5 star restaurants exist, and if I can't eat the best of the best when I go out I might as well make a sandwich at home"

You guys don't apply this extreme absolutist kind of mindset TO ANYTHING ELSE IN LIFE (BECAUSE ITS ILLOGICAL)
This seems like a straw man argument. You claim that saying you'll never pay for sex because Chad gets it for free is the same as deciding to be homeless because you're house is smaller than someone else's but the original claim of saying that you don't want to pay for sex since Chad doesn't have to was never really discussed, instead you compared apples to oranges. The problem with your comparisons is that unlike being homeless instead of living in a small house or apartment, because - "people who live in mansions exist and if I can't get that I'd rather remain on the streets" or walking instead of using public transportation or buying a regular car, because - "people who own expensive sports cars exist, and if I can't drive an expensive sports car why bother with vehicular transportation", having sex is a requirement for life. Humanity has gotten this far because humans have continued to reproduce through sex and in order for the human race to survive we must continue having sex. Having a sports car or a bigger house are not requirements for the human race to survive. To compare the two would be silly. One is a necessity for existence, the other examples you gave are luxuries. Scientifically speaking, the physical actions of sex are hard-wired into our brains whereas having a nice car or house is not. Sex is instinctive. My point being is that the problem with paying for an escort is that I have to pay for a necessity that is required in order for humanity to survive while Chad doesn't. This is a bigger problem than the examples you gave about houses and cars because paying for a escort essentially means that in order for me to perform the act which is required for humanity's survival, I must pay for it and is there anything more undignifying than having to pay for that? I believe not.I'd rather keep my dignity intact. Now don't get me wrong, I believe all men technically "pay" for sex in a way. However, to compare paying an escort with going on dates is ignorant at best. When you go on dates with a woman, yes you are essentially paying for sex in the long run but there are also MUCH more attributes that a female must asses you on before making sure you are a potential life partner whereas, when paying for an escort you simply pay and get sex regardless of your attributes.
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This seems like a straw man argument. You claim that saying you'll never pay for sex because Chad gets it for free is the same as deciding to be homeless because you're house is smaller than someone else's but the original claim of saying that you don't want to pay for sex since Chad doesn't have to was never really discussed, instead you compared apples to oranges. The problem with your comparisons is that unlike being homeless instead of living in a small house or apartment, because - "people who live in mansions exist and if I can't get that I'd rather remain on the streets" or walking instead of using public transportation or buying a regular car, because - "people who own expensive sports cars exist, and if I can't drive an expensive sports car why bother with vehicular transportation", having sex is a requirement for life. Humanity has gotten this far because humans have continued to reproduce through sex and in order for the human race to survive we must continue having sex. Having a sports car or a bigger house are not requirements for the human race to survive. To compare the two would be silly. One is a necessity for existence, the other examples you gave are luxuries. Scientifically speaking, the physical actions of sex are hard-wired into our brains whereas having a nice car or house is not. Sex is instinctive. My point being is that the problem with paying for an escort is that I have to pay for a necessity that is required in order for humanity to survive while Chad doesn't. This is a bigger problem than the examples you gave about houses and cars because paying for a escort essentially means that in order for me to perform the act which is required for humanity's survival, I must pay for it and is there anything more undignifying than having to pay for that? I believe not.I'd rather keep my dignity intact. Now don't get me wrong, I believe all men technically "pay" for sex in a way. However, to compare paying an escort with going on dates is ignorant at best. When you go on dates with a woman, yes you are essentially paying for sex in the long run but there are also MUCH more attributes that a female must asses you on before making sure you are a potential life partner whereas, when paying for an escort you simply pay and get sex regardless of your attributes.
Dignity is cope :bluepill:. Basically all females are attracted to males with economic resources

Besides Chad, females tend to gravitate towards normies who are wealthmaxed or statusmaxed. Most sexually active males economically contribute to it in some way, either indirectly (e.g. BF/GF relationship, marriage) or directly (e.g. prostitution, escortmax). Plus if you are a sub-Chad who's not wealthmaxed or non-betabux, with time females will lose interest in you. Adding to the fact most failed relationships are terminated by the female partner, financial difficulty / financial disagreement is the number one contributing factor to divorce & breakup
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Dignity is cope :bluepill:. Basically all females are attracted to males with economic resources

Besides Chad, females tend to gravitate towards normies who are wealthmaxed or statusmaxed. Most sexually active males economically contribute to it in some way, either indirectly (e.g. BF/GF relationship, marriage) or directly (e.g. prostitution, escortmax). Plus if you are a sub-Chad who's not wealthmaxed or non-betabux, with time females will lose interest in you. Adding to the fact most failed relationships are terminated by the female partner, financial difficulty / financial disagreement is the number one contributing factor to divorce & breakup
I definitely agree with your statement that females are attracted to males with economic resources, however, I do believe that there are some other traits that women seek in men that helps them determine whether or not they are potential life partners albeit these traits are not as important as financial success. Getting an escort only requires money. A female will decide to get into a relationship with you depending on a number of factors although I do agree that for the majority of women the primary factor is money but it's not the only factor.
I definitely agree with your statement that females are attracted to males with economic resources, however, I do believe that there are some other traits that women seek in men that helps them determine whether or not they are potential life partners albeit these traits are not as important as financial success. Getting an escort only requires money. A female will decide to get into a relationship with you depending on a number of factors although I do agree that for the majority of women the primary factor is money but it's not the only factor.
Agreed, money is primary factor for women to commit to LTR, but not the only factor

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