whoremaxxing isn't a cope im interested in. asexualmaxxing (fasting, exercising, nofap, looking away from whores as much as possible, etc) is the cope that has served me best.
1. Whoremaxxing isn't a "cope", it's just a choice. This is another retarded thing about certain "factions" on incel forums. You morons render the word "cope" useless because it no longer has any meaning when you use it. Everything becomes "cope" and nothing is simply just something that you enjoy doing.
2. Saying "asexualmaxxing" is like "slavemaxxing" as if being enslaved is a positive thing you can "work towards"

. Depriving yourself is never a form of "maxxing". It's more like "asexualminning".
By your logic every homeless man is "asexualmaxxing" without even intending to do it

Also there's no such thing as asexuality, all you are doing is depriving yourself of what your body craves, and you will crack at some point, better men than you have cracked.
This guy is a future betabuxxer. It's guys like this that end up falling to the phenomenon of "standards attrition". You cannot starve yourself and repress your desires indefinitely, you will crack at some point, and the worse scenario is if you crack later in life when you are a target for women fresh off of the cock carousel.
I have made a few threads on "ascension" before This one is my favorite, as its very detailed and shows how at every stage of your ascension you have more trials to face where if you fail you lose everything...
i ignore them whenever i can. also the fasting and exercising alone pretty much nukes my libido so it's not like a good looking cashier could catch my interest or anything.
The only thing that nukes your libido is old age. What you are doing is avoiding women and avoiding anything that will arouse you. Also JFL at exercising killing your libido, the more I exercise the stronger my libido gets. This NoFap meme shit need to stop.
Getting, hot, sweaty, and your balls moving around inside your underwear is not a recipe for having a low libido

. You nofappers need to stop this meme bullshit. Unless by exercising you mean weight lifting in an air conditioned room, I call bullshit. You do any kind of cardio while you are sexually repressed and later that same day you are going to be horny as hell.
JFL at fasting. So society has deprived you of sex, and now you double down on your own suffering like you have stockholm syndrome, and decide to starve yourself of food too?

I swear a lot of you guys are masochists, its like you get off on depriving yourself and the "big payoff" is when you have a wet dream

Ironically I'm sure you give yourself "a pass" when you have a wet dream, which is retard logic, because it's just your body showing you that it's going to get what it wants with or without your help. The end result is the same.