Welcome to Incels.is - Involuntary Celibate Forum

Welcome! This is a forum for involuntary celibates: people who lack a significant other. Are you lonely and wish you had someone in your life? You're not alone! Join our forum and talk to people just like you.

Blackpill [Hard To Swallow Edition] "Love" Doesn't Exist (Not In The Way That Society Pretends It Does). It's Always Been "Shallow". Nobody "Loves" You For YOU.

as a blackpiller this topic should already be water is wet
If this was an actual black pill forum that ENFORCED a black pill culture with strict gate keeping, then yes you'd be right. But just take a look around this forum and look at the general users posts and threads, and you'll see it's quite the opposite that this is a "water is wet" concept.

This forum culture is too lax, and we've allowed weak minded pathetic individuals to congregate and proliferate within our midst, to the point that they are dictating what "incel culture" is, and it does not reflect what it should actually be.

This is why I say this forum died a long time ago. It's like a trap. Many young incels will come here and the wheat will be separated from the chaff. The people who are weak minded will sadly be caught up in the emotional LDAR culture, and waste decades of their lives doing nothing or probably kill themselves a few years after. Only a select few who stumble upon threads like mines will choose a more logical path and work towards success and an enjoyable life in the future.

Maybe one day I'll create my own forum to be what I think an incel forum should be.
Our uses for women are our genetics for offspring, status of her being with you, entertainment, or money (ONLY IF THE GIRLS HAS NO JOB AND LIVING IN A COUNTRY WHERE SHE DOESNT GET SOCIAL WELFARE)

Either fraud genetics and beauty with surgerys and as much softmaxxing as possible.

betabuxx if u can find ur looksmatch in a poor as fuck country with no social welfare. YOU CAN NOT betabuxx for western girls. They all have jobs, half of them good jobs. Even the ones with no jobs dont need you as they get paid loads from social welfare.

fun as possible dates,
causing drama,
exciting explorative sex,

Status of her being with you:
main status increase is genetics, everything else is subpar.
abundance of resources like cool cars, expensive clothes, big house etc,
you being a famous person or pro boxer or something like that.

Anything wrong here? @BlkPillPres
You're indeed right. In reality what we're mad about is not our inability to find love, but to make women lust for us.
when i learned that disney love didn't exist i was so disappointed
Me too, i was just dissapointed and sad. I understood when this girl who i talked a lot for a long time and did nice things for her, went with this douchebag without personality that even called her a slut. I understood that there was no winning.

So yeah, i'm planning on going to prostitutes to satiate my urges and then just focus on getting a normal job. Then i'll just enjoy what i enjoy and not care about relationships. We all should strive to get good jobs and try to enjoy prostitutes while they last. Because in this cucked world it would not be weird if prostittution was abolished
whoremaxxing isn't a cope im interested in. asexualmaxxing (fasting, exercising, nofap, looking away from whores as much as possible, etc) is the cope that has served me best.
Thing is you can't just ignore half of the population, thus it will come bitting you in the end. If you want to be part of society that is. Not that i would want to, just that i have to.
whoremaxxing isn't a cope im interested in. asexualmaxxing (fasting, exercising, nofap, looking away from whores as much as possible, etc) is the cope that has served me best.
1. Whoremaxxing isn't a "cope", it's just a choice. This is another retarded thing about certain "factions" on incel forums. You morons render the word "cope" useless because it no longer has any meaning when you use it. Everything becomes "cope" and nothing is simply just something that you enjoy doing.

2. Saying "asexualmaxxing" is like "slavemaxxing" as if being enslaved is a positive thing you can "work towards" :feelskek:. Depriving yourself is never a form of "maxxing". It's more like "asexualminning".

By your logic every homeless man is "asexualmaxxing" without even intending to do it :feelskek:.

Also there's no such thing as asexuality, all you are doing is depriving yourself of what your body craves, and you will crack at some point, better men than you have cracked.

This guy is a future betabuxxer. It's guys like this that end up falling to the phenomenon of "standards attrition". You cannot starve yourself and repress your desires indefinitely, you will crack at some point, and the worse scenario is if you crack later in life when you are a target for women fresh off of the cock carousel.

i ignore them whenever i can. also the fasting and exercising alone pretty much nukes my libido so it's not like a good looking cashier could catch my interest or anything.
The only thing that nukes your libido is old age. What you are doing is avoiding women and avoiding anything that will arouse you. Also JFL at exercising killing your libido, the more I exercise the stronger my libido gets. This NoFap meme shit need to stop.

Getting, hot, sweaty, and your balls moving around inside your underwear is not a recipe for having a low libido :feelskek:. You nofappers need to stop this meme bullshit. Unless by exercising you mean weight lifting in an air conditioned room, I call bullshit. You do any kind of cardio while you are sexually repressed and later that same day you are going to be horny as hell.

JFL at fasting. So society has deprived you of sex, and now you double down on your own suffering like you have stockholm syndrome, and decide to starve yourself of food too? :feelskek:.

I swear a lot of you guys are masochists, its like you get off on depriving yourself and the "big payoff" is when you have a wet dream :feelskek:.

Ironically I'm sure you give yourself "a pass" when you have a wet dream, which is retard logic, because it's just your body showing you that it's going to get what it wants with or without your help. The end result is the same.
This guy is a future betabuxxer. It's guys like this that end up falling to the phenomenon of "standards attrition". You cannot starve yourself and repress your desires indefinitely, you will crack at some point, and the worse scenario is if you crack later in life when you are a target for women fresh off of the cock carousel.
If one could turn himself into a monk there would be no need for this place. Sooner or later you'll meet women and you'll want to have sex with them, your inability to do so will only result in depression. Thus escorts are the way to go. I wonder why i didn't start looking before and now only started seeing what kind of escorts were there.

I've found a couple of 9/10 girls at $20 an hour. Sure they won't "love" me and they have been passed by 10000 men. But who the fuck cares? I can kinda cheat mother nature and have sex with beautifull girls without the hassle of relationships. Knowing that i'm an unnatractive male relationships are a no-go, our partners will resent us and cheat on us. So why bother with the pain if we can just visit escorts?

If i had the money i would visit escorts frequently, you can just have sex and don't worry about your urges for a while. That's what we do when we masturbate
If one could turn himself into a monk there would be no need for this place.

@BurntIvoryKingcel - Why are you still here if you've found your solution?. Why is "inceldom" still "a part of your life" if you've found a solution?.

You see, I actually plan on leaving this forum for good and never coming back, once I get to a certain level of passive income and I can have sex with whores frequently.

That's my solution to the problem, and once it's solved, I'll no longer see a reason to view "inceldom" as "part of my life". It will just be a chapter in my life that is relegated to the past, and I'll be moving onto other things from there.

But with your "framework" it seems like there is no "end goal", there is no "win", there's nothing for you to look forward to. You just keep fasting, starving yourself of sexual satisfaction, and keep coming back to the forum to complain about the self fulfilling prophecy you created.

What is the point of what you're doing to yourself if there is no "finality" to it. It's just a perpetual plight.

You just sound like you have a martyr complex and you don't want your "trials" to end, because these trials are part of your "persona" now.

I've found a couple of 9/10 girls at $20 an hour. Sure they won't "love" me and they have been passed by 10000 men. But who the fuck cares? I can kinda cheat mother nature and have sex with beautifull girls without the hassle of relationships. Knowing that i'm an unnatractive male relationships are a no-go, our partners will resent us and cheat on us. So why bother with the pain if we can just visit escorts?
Some guys are literally so obsessed with female validation, that for them it is better to not have sex at all than to have sex without getting validation from women. They are completely cucked mentally.

Their egos are that huge and they are that indoctrinated by the modern day feminist society.

They can't break their programming.

This is why I find it so funny when you look back at history and see how common paying for sex was and that men didn't give a fuck. Men today are so fucking pathetic.

It was literally a right of passage for a guy to get taken to a brothel at a certain age, especially if they saw he was having trouble with the ladies. Today men would rather starve themselves of sex and "become a monk" than to do that :feelskek: (it's so ridiculous).

In some places where it's legal, it's still a right of passage:
This is a video from years ago of a guy losing his virginity at an Amsterdam brothel in the Red Light District.

View: https://www.youtube.com/shorts/vwBvMyCQ9-w
Imagine living in that culture, and in that country.

If i had the money i would visit escorts frequently, you can just have sex and don't worry about your urges for a while. That's what we do when we masturbate
I already know I'm going to go berserk once I get to that point. I'll be careful so that I don't get any stds. At some point I will be getting a vasectomy and looking for special clubs/groups in which you can fuck raw. I have to creampie before I die :feelskek:.
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Fuck Tyler ziegel story was so brutal
holy shit . brutal ZiegelPill...fuak
im only trying to lighten my burden
Sure, You're lightening your burden by undergoing religious trials that people use as a "test of faith" like fasting and abstinence.

Makes perfect sense.

Whats next to further lighten your burden?, are you going to walk across hot coals? :feelskek:
Interestingly in the case of the disfigured soldier, he didn’t die naturally, he committed suicide not long after his wife left him (she left him within a few months of him becoming disfigured).

His whole life he was treated well by society and desired by women for his looks and then when he lost his looks, the “love” disappeared as well and that’s when he realised that the love was never real in the first place as he was only valued for his looks and never who he was as a person (personality).

The blackpill was too much for him, so he killed himself by overdosing on morphine and alcohol, even though the coroner classified the death as “accidental”

Imagine making such a huge sacrifice for your country just for your woman to leave you because you lost your looks, women have no ability to appreciate a man’s good deeds or efforts, all they appreciate is genetics and material resources

Edit: what I’m about to post below, I got straight from Wikipedia

A year after the wedding, Ziegel and Kline divorced. The reasons for the divorce, according to them, was Kline's inability to accept Ziegel's horrible disfigurement, and her old flame from when Ziegel was deployed.
Fucking brutal — honestly I probably would kill myself too.
did he lose his personality when he lost his looks? That shit is so sad seeing him cutting that ribbon with the TV faggots next to and behind him smiling while he looks so fucking gone:dafuckfeels: Good anti military pic ngl. And after being blown up you can come home to a wife who now hates you:feelshaha:
Yeah that’s pretty much a knockdown argument for the whole “it’s your personality bro” meme.
Romantic love only exists within attraction, without attraction there is no love.

So how is romantic love different than attraction?
Very good point
keep making the same threads over and over blkniggerpress
The title should be: "Love without physical attraction doesn't exist". So being ugly and hoping there'll be a woman who "love" you is delusional.
She did the right thing by leaving him.
She did the right thing by leaving him.
If she left him without taking half of his assets and getting some of his military benefits then I agree, but do you think that's what happened?
Yes, I agree that love without physical attraction does not exist (except of some unicorns). But what are you trying to prove here? That there is only lust? I felt love in the past. And yes, all of those oneitis were stacies and gigastacies. But I did not feel it towards all the stacies I know.
I felt love in the past. And yes, all of those oneitis were stacies and gigastacies. But I did not feel it towards all the stacies I know.
Like I said:
I think it's worse than that and it comes down to their egos blinding them from the truth.

You see, if they admit to the fact that "love" isn't real then that means they are no longer some magical special "good person" who "loves" others either.

They so want to think highly of themselves that they will deny this reality.

It's less about them believing in "love" and more about them wanting to think of themselves as someone who is capable of "love".

It's all about ego.

That's the point I was getting at when I said these things:

You are Exhibit A of what I was talking about.

Love is literally just a social contract, it's some shit we made up. What animals in the wild experience IS THE EXACT SAME FEELINGS, but notice we don't mystify their experiences with made up terms like "love".

We don't say that animals are "making love", we say they are "mating". But because of the human ego we try to moralize and mystify everything that reminds us that were simply animals, all so that we can feel special and feel "above it all".

You've never felt "love" because it doesn't exist (not in it's "true sense" that is peddled in media and culture).

What you experienced is merely physical attraction, stop kidding yourself, stop being blinded by your ego.
love is when her gina tingles
Like I said:

You are Exhibit A of what I was talking about.

Love is literally just a social contract, it's some shit we made up. What animals in the wild experience IS THE EXACT SAME FEELINGS, but notice we don't mystify their experiences with made up terms like "love".

We don't say that animals are "making love", we say they are "mating". But because of the human ego we try to moralize and mystify everything that reminds us that were simply animals, all so that we can feel special and feel "above it all".

You've never felt "love" because it doesn't exist (not in it's "true sense" that is peddled in media and culture).

What you experienced is merely physical attraction, stop kidding yourself, stop being blinded by your ego.
Are you now telling me what I feel? The facts are that in a school with 20 stacies I felt love to only one, and physical attraction to all of them. This is my experience. And I checked it by a very simple thing: I masturbated. In the first seconds after the orgasm, I felt nothing towards the other stacies, but the feeling to my oneitis were the same, minus physical attraction.
Are you now telling me what I feel? The facts are that in a school with 20 stacies I felt love to only one, and physical attraction to all of them.
You having attraction to one more than the other doesn't mean that you felt love you moron, it just means that you have a type, or you dreamed up some fantasy about how she's special or different from the rest.

You seriously lack self awareness, you don't even see the irony in admitting that you were pretty much only focusing on stacies :feelskek:.

Tell me what you "loved" about her.

What "quality time" could she have spent with an incel loser that would allow you to TRULY get to know her and "fall in love" with her personality, character traits, etc?

Looking at a woman from afar and obsessing over some fantasy you dreamed up about her is not "love"

There's another word for what you experienced, it's called INFATUATION.

This is my experience. And I checked it by a very simple thing: I masturbated. In the first seconds after the orgasm, I felt nothing towards the other stacies, but the feeling to my oneitis were the same, minus physical attraction.

If we go by your logic, every fucking stalker that developed some unhealthy obsession over one woman "loved" her because "how come I didn't stalker other women that were more attractive?".
You having attraction to one more than the other doesn't mean that you felt love you moron, it just means that you have a type, or you dreamed up some fantasy about how she's special or different from the rest.

You seriously lack self awareness, you don't even see the irony in admitting that you were pretty much only focusing on stacies :feelskek:.

Tell me what you "loved" about her.

What "quality time" could she have spent with an incel loser that would allow you to TRULY get to know her and "fall in love" with her personality, character traits, etc?

Looking at a woman from afar and obsessing over some fantasy you dreamed up about her is not "love"

There's another word for what you experienced, it's called INFATUATION.


If we go by your logic, every fucking stalker that developed some unhealthy obsession over one woman "loved" her because "how come I didn't stalker other women that were more attractive?".
Watch your mouth if you want to have a mature discussion with me.
I was an excellent student. A lot of people wanted to be in a pair/teams with me for projects and other stuff. So I got to know her well.
You can call it whatever you want. My point is that there is something beyond physical attraction. Yes, it's build on physics, but it's a next level. And we, as incels, will never be the receiving part of it.
Are you now telling me what I feel? The facts are that in a school with 20 stacies I felt love to only one, and physical attraction to all of them.
blue pill soulmate oneitis spotted :smonk:
If she left him without taking half of his assets and getting some of his military benefits then I agree, but do you think that's what happened?
I think she'd be happy enough to just get rid of him.
There are a few preconditions to love, such as your partner should not be disfigured. But within those bounds love really exists. It is rare but humans are able to share feelings. If your girl feels pain for things that hurt you, and reverse, that could be called love. Love is archetypal in that sense and cannot be reduced to a simple biological instinct.
Watch your mouth if you want to have a mature discussion with me.
There is no mature discussion to be had with a manchild whose brain is still stuck in school. All these years and you still haven't grown up.

I was an excellent student. A lot of people wanted to be in a pair/teams with me for projects and other stuff. So I got to know her well.
"I know her because we did school projects together bro"

The only guys that TRULY knew here were the guys that interacted with her on a romantic level. You are just a coper suffering from delusions of grandeur.

It's easy to think of a person as "nice" when you can't hear what they're saying about you behind your back.

It's easy to think a girl is "special" when you haven't been in the bedroom with her.

Everything you think about her is nothing about assumptions born from your own ignorance and you forming opinions about her based on her school persona.

By your logic all of my co-workers know me well, I'm the funny guy at work who people wants on their shift and always has people laughing. I guess that's who I TRULY am right?

Wrong moron, people show different parts of themselves when needed, you didn't know her at all, you only knew the parts that most benefited her for the environment she was in.

You can call it whatever you want.
I call it the crazed ramblings of a delusional stalker.
There are a few preconditions to love, such as your partner should not be disfigured. But within those bounds love really exists. It is rare but humans are able to share feelings. If your girl feels pain for things that hurt you, and reverse, that could be called love. Love is archetypal in that sense and cannot be reduced to a simple biological instinct.
Except that it can.
Would you say that composing and appreciating a great piece of music can be reduced to a simple instinct? No. It requires integration between intellect, feelings, and a lifetime of experiences. A lot of subtle factors have to come together to create something through hard work and by uniting all the senses. Love can be the same. If there is truly sharing, no egotism, and forgiveness, then each interaction can be seen as a reciprocal work of art on which further things can be build. It is similar to how a student-teacher relationship can be very sophisticated. Divine love is rare, but it exists archetypically which is also called the hieros gamos. It is found in mutual suffering, rather than a mutual exchange of pleasure.
Would you say that composing and appreciating a great piece of music can be reduced to a simple instinct? No.
No, it comes down to logic. Every single emotion, every single thing that you think is "special" or "magical" about humans and the way we think will one day be replicated by AI to a degree in which we can't even compete.

To our ears the music will sound "beautiful", from the perspective of the AI it will just be 1's and 0's in a specific pattern based on an algorithm.

Exhibit A:

From our human perspective these things are "deep" and "meaningful" because to us they FEEL "deep" and "meaningful". But that's just our personal bias from us experiencing emotions.
No, it comes down to logic. Every single emotion, every single thing that you think is "special" or "magical" about humans and the way we think will one day be replicated by AI to a degree in which we can't even compete.

To our ears the music will sound "beautiful", from the perspective of the AI it will just be 1's and 0's in a specific pattern based on an algorithm.

Exhibit A:

From our human perspective these things are "deep" and "meaningful" because to us they FEEL "deep" and "meaningful". But that's just our personal bias from us experiencing emotions.
That's reductionism at its worst. Literally everything can be reduced to biochemistry, physics, and then information like 1s and 0s. Within these binary expressions of life there is a big difference between simple instincts like hunger, or complex processes like love which integrate many different experiences, emotions and thoughts.
Within reality, processes have different orders of complexity
What does that have to do with the price of tea in China?.

My point still stands that what feels special to us in actuality is a feat that can be replicated logically by an advanced enough intelligence that understands how to evoke said feelings through that medium. That's my only point.

However special something may feel to you, it only feels that way from your limited perspective. If you could comprehend the deep inner-workings of why it X stimuli results in X experience, it would feel rather mundane to you.
I don't agree with all your threads but I agree here fully.

Hollywood love is the most stupid lie ever invented and only drooling retards fall for it, just like all the other cucked lies
"The good guy gets the girl"
"She will take you if you prove to her how much you love her"
"You need to fight for your girl"

Chad doesn't have to fight at all and do anything except exist and he still gets the girl :feelshaha:
Love is literally just a social contract, it's some shit we made up. What animals in the wild experience IS THE EXACT SAME FEELINGS, but notice we don't mystify their experiences with made up terms like "love".

We don't say that animals are "making love", we say they are "mating". But because of the human ego we try to moralize and mystify everything that reminds us that were simply animals, all so that we can feel special and feel "above it all".

You've never felt "love" because it doesn't exist (not in it's "true sense" that is peddled in media and culture).

What you experienced is merely physical attraction, stop kidding yourself, stop being blinded by your ego.
Yes this exactly. Another effect of Gynocentrism :bluepill: ---- Normies are brainwashed into the belief that there's necessarily a "righteous element" or "spiritual meaning" to what is merely lust for material things.

All desires can be simplified to a core interest in the materialization of things. Like when religious idiots go on about preparing for Heaven via prayer and worship, living in compliance with super restrictive holy laws, attending church every week, reading holy book everyday. But they know their ultimate expectation is to receive all the benefits that come with Heaven when it materializes to them.

All desire is fundamentally based on the interest for material things. Even if "romantic love" exists, the desire to have it is still based on materialistic interest. The only difference is that "love" (as well as all other emotions) have not been proven to be a physical phenomena in itself. "Romantic love" really is just an egoistic projection of the self. A mere fantasy / self-induced illusion that normies have been mentally trained to associate with things they want to experience or interact with in material form.

That's the reality - All desire is driven by lust for the material or materialization of something.
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1. Whoremaxxing isn't a "cope", it's just a choice. This is another retarded thing about certain "factions" on incel forums. You morons render the word "cope" useless because it no longer has any meaning when you use it. Everything becomes "cope" and nothing is simply just something that you enjoy doing.

here you say you use fast food as a cope. Isn't fast food just a choice? Yeah I know "old post", but the point could still stand that if you're stressed, you do something to relieve that stress (drugs, tv, or in your case, fast food)
2. Saying "asexualmaxxing" is like "slavemaxxing" as if being enslaved is a positive thing you can "work towards" :feelskek:. Depriving yourself is never a form of "maxxing". It's more like "asexualminning".
what if someone views it as a drug? sobermaxxing is a thing, or no? yes drugs and sex are a bit different, but there are similarities
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Unfortunately the reality is too harsh to absorb for some people.
Yeah I know "old post"
Yes, old post, so you are really just arguing against a strawman.

I've already made a thread showing how my views have changed over time:

People learn that they are wrong and find flaws in their own reasoning. I noticed that I was just going along with the terminology everybody else was using and it didn't even make sense, and once I noticed that it was the LDAR retards who were the core users of this shit I realized that it was really just the defeatist's ultimate tool (call everything a cope so that nothing matters and you can excuse your own failures).

If every single thing you do that is pleasurable is a "cope", THEN NOTHING IS A COPE, BECAUSE EVERYTHING IS A COPE.

The word is rendered useless if the original definition and context isn't being used.
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Like when religious idiots go on about preparing for Heaven via prayer and worship, living in compliance with super restrictive holy laws, attending church every week, reading holy book everyday. But they know their ultimate expectation is to receive all the benefits that come with Heaven when it materializes to them.
This is what disgusts me about religious people, it's the lack of self awareness. These fuckers know full well that if their holy book said - "Everybody goes to heaven no matter what you do" they wouldn't be following most of the rules lol.

It all comes down to a punishment vs reward system, that's how you control human behavior. Take the fear factor of hell away and your average Christian becomes just like your average "secular person" in society.

Heck, most Christians today are fornicators despite being afraid of hell :feelskek:. They all just think they can conveniently "repent the sin away" and then go back to fucking, and then repent again (like some convenient rinse and repeat process) :feelskek::feelskek::feelskek:.

Their God would truly have to be an idiot if that's a legitimate way to get into heaven.
This is what disgusts me about religious people, it's the lack of self awareness. These fuckers know full well that if their holy book said - "Everybody goes to heaven no matter what you do" they wouldn't be following most of the rules lol.

It all comes down to a punishment vs reward system, that's how you control human behavior. Take the fear factor of hell away and your average Christian becomes just like your average "secular person" in society.

Heck, most Christians today are fornicators despite being afraid of hell :feelskek:. They all just think they can conveniently "repent the sin away" and then go back to fucking, and then repent again (like some convenient rinse and repeat process) :feelskek::feelskek::feelskek:.

Their God would truly have to be an idiot if that's a legitimate way to get into heaven.
Exactly its all just "terror management" to supress their fear of the unwanted. Normies will go as far as to create their own fantasies just to manage their fear of unwanted experience.

If people had no reason to fear the possibility that they'll be forced to receive something they dont want, they would put in zero effort to avoid receiving it, because they would not need to put in any effort to avoid it. If the religious idiot had no reason to fear the possibility of eternal suffering, they would stop living in compliance with their holy law, because they would have no reason to continue to abide by their holy law.

The most likely reason why people tend to desire a "love relationship" is to manage their constant fear of loneliness or social isolation. If people were not scared of solitude or social isolation, the traditional idea of "romantic love" and "love relationship" would become extinct.
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If people were not scared of solitude or social isolation, the traditional idea of "romantic love" and "love relationship" would become extinct.
This is exactly why I don't feel the need for a relationship. I prefer solitude, so for me the only use for a woman is sex.
Yes, old post, so you are really just arguing against a strawman.

I've already made a thread showing how my views have changed over time:

People learn that they are wrong and find flaws in their own reasoning. I noticed that I was just going along with the terminology everybody else was using and it didn't even make sense, and once I noticed that it was the LDAR retards who were the core users of this shit I realized that it was really just the defeatist's ultimate tool (call everything a cope so that nothing matters and you can excuse your own failures).

If every single thing you do that is pleasurable is a "cope", THEN NOTHING IS A COPE, BECAUSE EVERYTHING IS A COPE.

The word is rendered useless if the original definition and context isn't being used.
Then what is the term you would use to refer to those activities to relax? Say I have a stressed out work day and want to cope, or relax?
Then what is the term you would use to refer to those activities to relax? Say I have a stressed out work day and want to cope, or relax?
The words humans have always been using, leisure and entertainment are good examples.

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