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Had my first "date" today

Deleted member 306

Deleted member 306

Incel Superior
Nov 8, 2017
I say "date" because she didn't fuck me and as every sentient being knows, no sex=no date=waste of time.

I knew her since high school but we didn't talk that much at that time. We came in contact recently and I decided to ask her out for coffee.

She was wearing a shirt dress and black stockings. She is an alternative Stacy, bit of an aspie and desperately tries to be like other sluts only ending up looking weird and awkward. In the first 10 minutes of the conversation she began complaining about guys hitting on her. At that point I knew I was in the friendzone but decided to play along anyway. Then, she started telling me about all the escapades she has done. Good thing she was doing most of the talking because it was really hard to come up with believable lies about my social life.

After that we went for a stroll, if you can call it that. Walking and talking is exahausting. Eventually, we sat down at a cape. I was thinking about making a move on her but judging form her body language and the distance she was sitting at I came to the conclusion she didn't want to escalate with me. So, I just chatted with her about crap like anime, movies and music.

The date lasted 3 hours. No kiss, no hug, no handholding. We parted ways and all she said was "See you around" and disappeared in the crowd. I would say it was nice but she sounded very disappointed near the end. Some girls are just plain dumb. She wanted Chad all along but was too stupid to realize it in time so she wasted 3 hours with an ugly subhuman.
I could have gone out with a girl too but the bluepill got the best of me.
maybe she saw it as "friends going to get coffee" I don't understand why you even wasted any time with her? did you really think even a 2/10 would initial consensual sex?
overlystinkypants said:

I had given up at that point

Harvey_Weinstein_Hero said:
maybe she saw it as "friends going to get coffee" I don't understand why you even wasted any time with her? did you really think even a 2/10 would initial consensual sex?

Fuck genetics
Harvey_Weinstein_Hero said:
maybe she saw it as "friends going to get coffee" I don't understand why you even wasted any time with her? did you really think even a 2/10 would initial consensual sex?


There was a very Aryan half-Paki girl I worked in a restaurant with years ago. We didn't talk much back then got along decently. Face is probably a 6/10 max, but had a fat ass and decent tits, on the curvy side otherwise. Back then she was too young for me because of the age rule but last winter the limit was passed and she was coming back to the states after finishing up some of her education in Pakistan. Meanwhile we had been chatting over insta  (I post photos of nature and skylines only because what else does an incel have to offer?), and she liked every one of my posts and seemed to initiate conversation often in what I perceived to be a flirty manner. Anyway, the stars aligned and I fought my racing heart and precipitous inhib to ask her out.

Results were the same as OP. 0 "chemistry," the playful banter was largely gone. It felt more like a business luncheon than a social outing. We hugged at the start because I initiated (still can't believe it) but in the end she just waved her hand and got in her car. Wasn't a date; was just a way for her to get validation and kill time.

Since then she's been featured in some articles online for winning some fitness award in Pakistan so her self-absorption is probably through the fucking roof. But it just goes to show how much of an idiot I was thinking I had scored a date and that chasing unicorns was a productive pastime.
blickpall said:

There was a very Aryan half-Paki girl I worked in a restaurant with years ago. We didn't talk much back then got along decently. Face is probably a 6/10 max, but had a fat ass and decent tits, on the curvy side otherwise. Back then she was too young for me because of the age rule but last winter the limit was passed and she was coming back to the states after finishing up some of her education in Pakistan. Meanwhile we had been chatting over insta  (I post photos of nature and skylines only because what else does an incel have to offer?), and she liked every one of my posts and seemed to initiate conversation often in what I perceived to be a flirty manner. Anyway, the stars aligned and I fought my racing heart and precipitous inhib to ask her out.

Results were the same as OP. 0 "chemistry," the playful banter was largely gone. It felt more like a business luncheon than a social outing. We hugged at the start because I initiated (still can't believe it) but in the end she just waved her hand and got in her car. Wasn't a date; was just a way for her to get validation and kill time.

Since then she's been featured in some articles online for winning some fitness award in Pakistan so her self-absorption is probably through the fucking roof. But it just goes to show how much of an idiot I was thinking I had scored a date and that chasing unicorns was a productive pastime.

Yeah "chemistry". It's all about looks. Dates are cope. ONNs happen in the first 30 minutes of meeting someone. If it takes longer thant that IT'S OVER. LDAR is the best option.
jagged0 said:
My bad, FUCK OFF CHADLITE!!!!!!!!

jagged0 said:
My bad, FUCK OFF CHADLITE!!!!!!!!

To answer your report, this is not a brag post because he clearly got beta'd hard, put in the friend zone, and his illusion of it being a date got destroyed very quickly. This is not a brag st all, he got used. It was the Stacy version of pump and dump, except she does it for validation. OP gained nothing from this and this does not improve his status in any way, except he got a little more blackpilled. The end.
Well atleast you managed to get a " date " that means that atleast some females see something in you.. I wonder what that's like.
If you payed for the date your a cuck
Virginp0wers said:
Well atleast you managed to get a " date " that means that atleast some females see something in you.. I wonder what that's like.

Yeah they see me as sexually invisible

If you payed for the date your a cuck

I payed for my coffee
blickpall said:

There was a very Aryan half-Paki girl I worked in a restaurant with years ago. We didn't talk much back then got along decently. Face is probably a 6/10 max, but had a fat ass and decent tits, on the curvy side otherwise. Back then she was too young for me because of the age rule but last winter the limit was passed and she was coming back to the states after finishing up some of her education in Pakistan. Meanwhile we had been chatting over insta  (I post photos of nature and skylines only because what else does an incel have to offer?), and she liked every one of my posts and seemed to initiate conversation often in what I perceived to be a flirty manner. Anyway, the stars aligned and I fought my racing heart and precipitous inhib to ask her out.

Results were the same as OP. 0 "chemistry," the playful banter was largely gone. It felt more like a business luncheon than a social outing. We hugged at the start because I initiated (still can't believe it) but in the end she just waved her hand and got in her car. Wasn't a date; was just a way for her to get validation and kill time.

Since then she's been featured in some articles online for winning some fitness award in Pakistan so her self-absorption is probably through the fucking roof. But it just goes to show how much of an idiot I was thinking I had scored a date and that chasing unicorns was a productive pastime.

I'm sure we all have a story like this. It truly sucks when you feel like there could be something there and then reality crashes down on you.

Getting blackpilled early could have solved this problem for me
Harvey_Weinstein_Hero said:
I'm sure we all have a story like this. It truly sucks when you feel like there could be something there and then reality crashes down on you.

Getting blackpilled early could have solved this problem for me

The problem is I keep getting blackpilled but women keeping finding insidious ways to foster false hope in me. Thankfully after every time I get a little more blackpilled and I don't have the time to even be put in a situation like that anymore.
universallyabhorred said:
Fucking normie GTFO.

It was a "friends going out for coffee" kinda date. She wasnt interested in him at all.
blickpall said:
The problem is I keep getting blackpilled but women keeping finding insidious ways to foster false hope in me. Thankfully after every time I get a little more blackpilled and I don't have the time to even be put in a situation like that anymore.

Women are evil cunts.
blickpall said:
The problem is I keep getting blackpilled but women keeping finding insidious ways to foster false hope in me. Thankfully after every time I get a little more blackpilled and I don't have the time to even be put in a situation like that anymore.

The trends are just to consistent for me. All I want is a goddamn looksmatch but that's just to impossible to even attain these days. Am I a bad guy for not wanting some fat 2/10? or does that make me vocal?
Harvey_Weinstein_Hero said:
The trends are just to consistent for me. All I want is a goddamn looksmatch but that's just to impossible to even attain these days. Am I a bad guy for not wanting some fat 2/10? or does that make me vocal?

No, you're just an ugly male. We have about as much right to choose as farm animals have to choose whether they die or not.
Anon said:
Women are evil cunts.

When I get home I'm thinking of writing a megapost of such stories. Do you think anyone would be interested, or would it be seen as fakecel shit that these supercels will tear apart like they are doing to you now? Would it be [BlackPill] or [SuicideFuel]?
blickpall said:
When I get home I'm thinking of writing a megapost of such stories. Do you think anyone would be interested, or would it be seen as fakecel shit that these supercels will tear apart like they are doing to you now? Would it be [BlackPill] or [SuicideFuel]?

You know what's funny, everyone here agrees that dates are cope but when someone mentions he has been on one they call him a fakecel.
Harvey_Weinstein_Hero said:
The trends are just to consistent for me. All I want is a goddamn looksmatch but that's just to impossible to even attain these days. Am I a bad guy for not wanting some fat 2/10? or does that make me vocal?

It's particularly infuriating because I feel the same way, but my looksmatches treat me like I'm invisible. It's almost always some Staceylite or full blown Stacey that somehow finds a way to worm her way into my brain and spur me to chase unicorns, only for the same Stacey to non-chalantly make it obvious that I am an idiot for having the same hopes that she helped create. What in the fuck?
Anon said:
You know what's funny, everyone here agrees that dates are cope but when someone mentions he has been on one they call him a fakecel.

Lol. So true. Fuck it, I'm going to lay it all bare, front and center because that's the nature of the black pill. I'll ping you.
blickpall said:
It's particularly infuriating because I feel the same way, but my looksmatches treat me like I'm invisible. It's almost always some Staceylite or full blown Stacey that somehow finds a way to worm her way into my brain and spur me to chase unicorns, only for the same Stacey to non-chalantly make it obvious that I am an idiot for having the same hopes that she helped create. What in the fuck?

damn, that's the truth if I ever heard it. I need more BLACKPILL NOWWWW
blickpall said:
Lol. So true. Fuck it, I'm going to lay it all bare, front and center because that's the nature of the black pill. I'll ping you.

Thanks man.
VLÖ said:
No, you're just an ugly male. We have about as much right to choose as farm animals have to choose whether they die or not.

Really well-said. Hits hard, hits home. 

BTW sorry for the multiposting, mobile is a pain.
Sounds like she sees you as a friend, unfortunately the most an ugly man can ever be to a woman.
Minjaze said:
Sounds like she sees you as a friend, unfortunately the most an ugly man can ever be to a woman.

Which is basically cuckodry

You may as well just make a move, even if there is "chemistry". You're fucking dead if you don't make your intentions clear. Compliment her on her appearance, allude to sex then make a move at the end. At least then you tried and you know you failed.
Honestly you are such a pussy, actually many incels are, what exactly did you have to lose by making a move? You don't even try and expect pussy to land on your face
existentialhack said:

You may as well just make a move, even if there is "chemistry". You're fucking dead if you don't make your intentions clear. Compliment her on her appearance, allude to sex then make a move at the end. At least then you tried and you know you failed.

I wasn't feeling it. Besides, if she liked she would make it clear.

normiesgunnurm said:
Honestly you are such a pussy, actually many incels are, what exactly did you have to lose by making a move? You don't even try and expect pussy to land on your face

As I said, her body language and posistionment indicated reluctance.
The fact that you still got a girl to go on a date with you is plenty victory on its own. I, and many others, can't even do that.

GTFO fakecel
rotting-alone said:
The fact that you still got a girl to go on a date with you is plenty victory on its own. I, and many others, can't even do that.

GTFO fakecel

It doesn't mater
Anon said:
no sex=no date=waste of time

nobody else thinks this is a stupid thing to say?

many women make a guy wait at least 3 dates before sex
NekoStance said:
nobody else thinks this is a stupid thing to say?

many women make a guy wait at least 3 dates before sex

Thye literally ave no reason to wait if they like him. Stop the cope.
Anon said:
NekoStance said:
nobody else thinks this is a stupid thing to say?
many women make a guy wait at least 3 dates before sex
Thye literally ave no reason to wait if they like him. Stop the cope.
The only who is coping is you my faggoty friend
Anon said:
So, I just chatted with her about crap like anime.


Rule 1: Never mention wifey cartoons infront of a female.
Solitarian_Walker said:

Rule 1: Never mention wifey cartoons infront of a female.

But she wathced these cartoons too.

NekoStance said:
The only who is coping is you my faggoty friend

I know mor eabout dating than you
Anon said:
But she wathced these cartoons too.

I know mor eabout dating than you

Why would you presume that

you once again have displayed what an idiot you are
NekoStance said:
Why would you presume that

you once again have displayed what an idiot you are

Presume what?
NekoStance said:
I do... Have a peanut sized brain 

yeh I know that

I have been on 2 dates.
question for all the failed dates here: did your dates not involve alcohol?? if so youre doing it way wrong. only chance an incel has is low inhibition on BOTH sides, you and your date... only time i gotten lucky a long time ago when someone was bored enoughto hangout with me was after we were both drunk and high

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