most of you have shitskin phenotypes and even if you have white colouring (10% of you), you look arab still like the syrian president
That map is not accurate. Plenty of Arabs have light hair or eyes despite, looking Arab. Yeah, the people who can pass as white may not be a high as those with white colouring, but plenty, can pass as white too. Like this women may not be able to pass as white, but she does have coloured eyes
And this American redhead youtuber admits there are so many redheads in syria, it's wayyy more, then, 10%. The map is as accurate as IQ tests which say blonde Syrians have lower IQ then, niggers in Sudan.
More muh asians worship whites. Thats all you and the other guy post about. Is this pattern of posting caused by wanting to find a race that worships whites more than you so you can feel better about yourselves
Ok forgot to say this. Us worshiping white features like blue eyes is not as pathetic, as you doing it, because, we are causacaoid and plenty of Arabs have coloured eyes/hair. so us worshiping features which are present in our race
is not as pathetic as Asians worrshippng white features, because, even White people worship features like Blue eyes.
Your race who are the least causcasian, worshipping Blue eyes is cucked, because, it doesn't exist in your race. Forget colouring, you don't even have causcasian features that's why you mutilate your face. And no we don't worship whites, I'm not the one who tried to call myself "white". Yes, white Arabs exist, weather, you like it or not, I didn't say they were European, they're WHITE ARABS. And plentyyyyy of Arabs have coloured eyes and hair even if they don't pass as white. Acknowledging, this is just like saying Asians have slanted eyes.
And no, you worship whites much more which is extremely pathetic, because, again you're the least causcasian race, and you might not see what's wrong with it, but to the rest of us it's complete cuckoldry, you worship whites by:
1) wearing makeup, getting surgeries and bleaching your skin, hair and wearing contacts and trying to get even toned lips
2)decipting characters in Anime as full blown caucasians
3)by trying to live and act Just like whites
4) having white names and acting like those are Asian names
5) your women are the most white worshiping, and refuse, to date ricemen
6) even, local brands using white models to advertise, their products
7) the fact that almost none, of you even talk about any of this. Almost like white worship is normalized.