I think it's more than a little absurd to accuse a man of playing the white knight for the maiden fair when he had his YouTube channel shut down due to, among other things, waxing poetic about the glories of dousing women's faces with acid. If he's guilty of pandering to a group, and a case certainly could be made that he is, it certainly isn't to the wicked matriarchy.
I have to agree with him; that video was both frustrating and disappointing. After all the work you've done, all the tricks works and risks taken, you were finally afforded an opportunity to record an amazing confrontation. She didn't run away or threaten to call the police. She was willing to actually have a conversation on camera.
Imagine the possibilities! You could have actually forced her to engage with a man so ugly that he was still a virgin in his thirties! You could have had a discussion about the hurt of being rejected by every women you've ever desired, looked at with disgust, having had every friendly smile met with a grimace of revulsion. She would have had her platitudes, he defense. But at the very least she was allowing the prosecution, for once, to speak. She may not have been convinced, but your audience, the jury sitting in judgement before you both, could have been. Assuming, of course, you had anything of substance to say and the skill to speak it.
Ah, but wait. From what I've seen, you've mentioned quite a few sexual conquests in the past. So you're certainly no virgin. You may not be an Adonis, but you're also no Caliban.
But no matter. Plenty of men have had sex in the past but, through the wickedness of mercurial Fate, find themselves unloved and alone for years upon years on end. Not virgins, but certainly incels. An incel now, you could have served as their mouthpiece, their advocate.
Ah, but wait. I've seen comments in one of your videos where you took serious issue with being called an incel. You despised that name and invoked all of your previous relationships to avoid being stained by it.
The stereotypical white knight online plays at defending women even though he doesn't actually give a good goddamn about them. It's all a game, a sham, a slimy gambit played for the chance of tricking his way into some affection or appreciation. He's the quintessential "nice guy" who has nothing authentically nice about him. He's a liar and a charlatan, willing to sell his soul for a pretty girl's smile.
The only difference between you and a "white knight" is that that latter is pandering to women while you're pandering to the men that no woman will ever love.
Better to reign in Hell than serve in Heaven, right? And if you can't be a prince in Hell, well, maybe you can be a jester there. That's the great thing about Pandemonium, isn't it? Down in the subterranean ghettos where the actual monsters dwell, those deep places light is ashamed glow, it's far easier for a coward to pass himself off as a hero, and for a clown to play at being a king.