One of the things that's interesting to me is that it appears our greatest allies will be conservatives and libertarians.
Not because they necessarily care about us. But rather because we make perfect examples they can use to highlight how broken SJW liberalism is.
These are the most favorable takes so far on our predicament:
1) Libertarian illustrating how ridiculous income redistribution is if you simultaneously oppose sex redistribution:
2) Conservative explaining how we are a natural result of SJW policies that favor the notion of a "right to sex", how this will lead to sex robots and legal hookers, and how he thinks the answer is a return to religious monogamy:
3) Conservative stating that our society has replaced "God" with sex, and thus it is natural to expect men to feel unfulfilled and frustrated:
4) Conservative illustrating how SJW policies only apply to "protected classes" for liberals, so we are ridiculed instead of supported:
Only one liberal writer (Dan Savage) has thus far been supportive of our problems:
I find all of this somewhat ironic as I have been a social liberal my whole life. I support gay rights. I don't care what gender people want to identify as. But now my greatest allies are conservatives. While liberals call me a "terrorist" and "mysogynist" solely because I can't get a date on POF.
The world is funny sometimes.