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JFL Violent Misogyny, Mass Murder and Suicide: It’s Time to Save Incels from Themselves



Feb 19, 2022

Violent Misogyny, Mass Murder and Suicide: It’s Time to Save Incels from Themselves​

Posted on October 9, 2019 (January 2, 2024)

Incels are a danger to society and to themselves. Technology has made the problem worse, but it can also help fix it.

Involuntary celibates, or incels, believe that a socio-genetic conspiracy theory is preventing them from having sexual relationships with women. Denied their right to sex because society has deemed them unworthy, some of their members have retaliated with mass murder.

While their views are reprehensible, they are also a community whose members regularly self-hate, self-harm and increasingly, take their own lives. We all need to recognise not just that incels are a danger to public safety, but also that they are a danger to themselves.

Understanding their vulnerabilities creates opportunities for treatment and intervention, without diminishing the seriousness of the threat they pose.

Drawing on cultural motifs from the early 2000s Matrix movies, incels claim to have “been redpilled” and discovered the truth: there is a sexual marketplace in which genetically inferior men such as themselves are incapable of competing, and women are largely to blame.

Women’s liberation has only aggravated this situation, they claim, since women no longer have to trade sex for safety and are no longer easily coerced into sex with undesirable men. Many incels recommend outlandish and sinister solutions to this problem, including government enforced sex; the revocation of womens’ rights; or a reduction in the age of consent to enable coercion of minors.

The incel ecosystem is deeply embedded in online platforms like Reddit, Gab, YouTube, forums and the dark web.

Incel discussions online blend this fevered conspiracy with a toxic mix of misogyny, eugenics and racism. They portray women as incapable of empathy, love or critical thought; they gleefully discuss sexual assault; and they share tips on how to molest women in public.

They debate the merits of travelling to impoverished countries for the purpose of exploiting vulnerable young women and girls (Venezuela is a current favourite) and they lionise incels who channel their sexual desperation into deadly action, including Elliot Rodger, who killed six people in Isla Vista, California in 2014, and Alek Minassian, who killed 10 people in Toronto in 2018.

Brandon Clark murdered influencer Bianca Devins by cutting her throat before posting the image of her body on instagram and 4chan. Prior to her death, Bianca had rejected Brandon’s advances and ridiculed his attempts to begin a relationship with her.

On incel forums, many users applauded her murder as a justified response to her rejection of Brandon. Here a user with the avatar of Eliott Rodger (the Isla Vista killer and incel hero who murdered 6 people and injured 14 others) thanks Brandon Clark for Devins’ killing.

The incel threat requires both a public safety and a public health response. Through words and deeds, many incels present a threat to public safety. But the community is also plagued by depression and isolation.

It is a concentrated online microcosm of the wider epidemic of male depression and suicide. Incels who show an interest in suicide are encouraged and praised as brave, while fellow incels bemoan their own weakness at being unable to follow the same path.

By contrast, incels who are brave enough to express an interest in mental health services are bombarded with scorn and reminded of their inherent worthlessness: “therapy can’t fix your face.” Many incels have taken to posting their suicide notes online, turning forum feeds into a weekly reminder of the suicidal option.

It can be hard to muster sympathy for a community that espouses such bizarre beliefs and inspires such violence.

But it’s worth remembering that this toxic community is essentially founded on self-loathing. More social rejection, exclusion and isolation will only make matters worse. Moreover, the walls of the incel echo chamber are self reinforcing.

Once you’re in, it’s hard to leave without help.

This post was titled “Another Friday. Another weekend of LDARing and…” Despite the ‘Lay Down and Rot’ lifestyle being admired by some incels, here it is contrasted with what incels’ see as ‘normie’ life: sex and intimacy.

The poster depicts the LDAR lifestyle as consisting of loneliness and isolation.

Online isolation goes hand in hand with incel isolation and hopelessness in the real world.

Why contribute to a society that has rejected you, an inferior and unlovable man? Many incels live and extol the virtues of the “NEET life” (Not in Education, Employment or Training) while also describing days of persistent, intense isolation, pornography consumption and forum-dwelling.

Without the prospect of sexual intimacy, other activities like work, health and personal development seem pointless.

Faced with no future, incels use forums to encourage each other to “LDAR” – Lay Down and Rot. The Internet offers incels one thin thread of social interaction, but more often than not, they use it to reinforce each other’s despair and isolation.

In response, websites like Reddit have quarantined incel subreddits that collect incel suicide notes and remember the ‘fallencels.’ Incels see this as unwarranted censorship and further evidence of society’s disinterest in their suffering. And indeed, society is doing little to prove them wrong – incels are not being presented with support services or treatment programmes and their communities are being driven off mainstream internet platforms, aggravating their grievances and making them even harder to reach. Opportunities to support incels are becoming more and more scarce as they migrate deeper into the dark corners of the internet.

This cycle of mutual victimization must stop. Developing a treatment programme collaboratively with governments, tech companies and public health professionals could be the answer to helping vulnerable men disengage from this toxic environment.

Online, practitioners can work with platforms to develop constructive alternative approaches to quarantining or closing incel forums.

At the same time, government should expand support to offline interventions programmes to tackle social isolation and mitigate this growing public health crisis.

These programs should provide education, employment or training programmes adapted for incels to directly address the social isolation and depression exhibited by individuals living the NEET lifestyle.

The incel ecosystem thrives – even depends – on the social isolation of its online spaces. It is therefore critical, both for its members and for public safety, that we work together to bridge the online-offline gap by getting incels the help and support they so desperately and self-evidently need.

This is a typical example of the type of hopeless, shaming posts regularly uploaded to the Reddit incel page by self-identified incels. These regular ‘reminders’ of the immutable nature of their position in society feeds into a shared reality ruled by hopelessness and depression.

Similar to the previous post in its hopelessness, this is more of a call to action to the community.

The poster weaves together theories on feminism, the revocation of civil and political rights, and citizenship to explain his inceldom. Without providing mental health support for members of this community, incels seek out alternative explanations, which often direct their anger and blame towards society at large.
Where is the proposed solution?
i hate these cunts. you ARE the reason i turned out this way
Just give me a foid who are my looksmatches and we won't go er (in gta 5).
They could've saved us by not ostracizing and abusing us our entire lives, including by our own families, but now it's too late and we've missed many psycho social developmental milestones that are impossible to re-learn
i hate these cunts. you ARE the reason i turned out this way
I also took fucking benzos like Xanax and facing withdrawal insanity because of cunts like her and every disgusting soy plebdditor troglodyte reading this 1 post
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alright, give me 10k and ill be happy
It's cool to be feared
Where is the proposed solution?
Males don’t get solutions. The only solution to society not caring about males is “mental health care”— because that demands absolutely nothing of females.
reality is most murderer isnt even incel tbh
Where is the proposed solution?

We all need to recognise not just that incels are a danger to public safety, but also that they are a danger to themselves.

Many incels recommend outlandish and sinister solutions to this problem, including government enforced sex; the revocation of womens’ rights; or a reduction in the age of consent to enable coercion of minors.

A spectre is haunting the normies — the spectre of sexual communism. All the powers of old globohomo have entered into a holy alliance to exorcise this spectre: anal-pope and the kikes, Zukerberg and Wojcicki, french cucks and Fed police-spies.

Where is the website in opposition to globohomo that has not been decried as incelistic by its opponents in power? Where is the opposition that has not hurled back the branding reproach of "found the incel", against the more blackpilled sites, as well as against its redpill adversaries?

Two things result from this fact:

I. Sexual-communism is already acknowledged by all globohomo powers to be itself a power.

II. It is high time that INCELS should openly, in the face of the whole clown world, publish their views, their aims, their tendencies, and meet this nursery tale of the Spectre of Sexual-Communism with a manifesto of the I.N.C.E.L. Marxist-Rodgerist party itself.

Violent Misogyny, Mass Murder and Suicide: It’s Time to Save Incels from Themselves​

Posted on October 9, 2019 (January 2, 2024)

Involuntary celibates, or incels, believe that a socio-genetic conspiracy theory is preventing them from having sexual relationships with women. Denied their right to sex because society has deemed them unworthy, some of their members have retaliated with mass murder.

While their views are reprehensible, they are also a community whose members regularly self-hate, self-harm and increasingly, take their own lives. We all need to recognise not just that incels are a danger to public safety, but also that they are a danger to themselves.

Understanding their vulnerabilities creates opportunities for treatment and intervention, without diminishing the seriousness of the threat they pose.

Drawing on cultural motifs from the early 2000s Matrix movies, incels claim to have “been redpilled” and discovered the truth: there is a sexual marketplace in which genetically inferior men such as themselves are incapable of competing, and women are largely to blame.

Women’s liberation has only aggravated this situation, they claim, since women no longer have to trade sex for safety and are no longer easily coerced into sex with undesirable men. Many incels recommend outlandish and sinister solutions to this problem, including government enforced sex; the revocation of womens’ rights; or a reduction in the age of consent to enable coercion of minors.

The incel ecosystem is deeply embedded in online platforms like Reddit, Gab, YouTube, forums and the dark web.

Incel discussions online blend this fevered conspiracy with a toxic mix of misogyny, eugenics and racism. They portray women as incapable of empathy, love or critical thought; they gleefully discuss sexual assault; and they share tips on how to molest women in public.

They debate the merits of travelling to impoverished countries for the purpose of exploiting vulnerable young women and girls (Venezuela is a current favourite) and they lionise incels who channel their sexual desperation into deadly action, including Elliot Rodger, who killed six people in Isla Vista, California in 2014, and Alek Minassian, who killed 10 people in Toronto in 2018.

Brandon Clark murdered influencer Bianca Devins by cutting her throat before posting the image of her body on instagram and 4chan. Prior to her death, Bianca had rejected Brandon’s advances and ridiculed his attempts to begin a relationship with her.

On incel forums, many users applauded her murder as a justified response to her rejection of Brandon. Here a user with the avatar of Eliott Rodger (the Isla Vista killer and incel hero who murdered 6 people and injured 14 others) thanks Brandon Clark for Devins’ killing.

The incel threat requires both a public safety and a public health response. Through words and deeds, many incels present a threat to public safety. But the community is also plagued by depression and isolation.

It is a concentrated online microcosm of the wider epidemic of male depression and suicide. Incels who show an interest in suicide are encouraged and praised as brave, while fellow incels bemoan their own weakness at being unable to follow the same path.

By contrast, incels who are brave enough to express an interest in mental health services are bombarded with scorn and reminded of their inherent worthlessness: “therapy can’t fix your face.” Many incels have taken to posting their suicide notes online, turning forum feeds into a weekly reminder of the suicidal option.

It can be hard to muster sympathy for a community that espouses such bizarre beliefs and inspires such violence.

But it’s worth remembering that this toxic community is essentially founded on self-loathing. More social rejection, exclusion and isolation will only make matters worse. Moreover, the walls of the incel echo chamber are self reinforcing.

Once you’re in, it’s hard to leave without help.

This post was titled “Another Friday. Another weekend of LDARing and…” Despite the ‘Lay Down and Rot’ lifestyle being admired by some incels, here it is contrasted with what incels’ see as ‘normie’ life: sex and intimacy.

The poster depicts the LDAR lifestyle as consisting of loneliness and isolation.

Online isolation goes hand in hand with incel isolation and hopelessness in the real world.

Why contribute to a society that has rejected you, an inferior and unlovable man? Many incels live and extol the virtues of the “NEET life” (Not in Education, Employment or Training) while also describing days of persistent, intense isolation, pornography consumption and forum-dwelling.

Without the prospect of sexual intimacy, other activities like work, health and personal development seem pointless.

Faced with no future, incels use forums to encourage each other to “LDAR” – Lay Down and Rot. The Internet offers incels one thin thread of social interaction, but more often than not, they use it to reinforce each other’s despair and isolation.

In response, websites like Reddit have quarantined incel subreddits that collect incel suicide notes and remember the ‘fallencels.’ Incels see this as unwarranted censorship and further evidence of society’s disinterest in their suffering. And indeed, society is doing little to prove them wrong – incels are not being presented with support services or treatment programmes and their communities are being driven off mainstream internet platforms, aggravating their grievances and making them even harder to reach. Opportunities to support incels are becoming more and more scarce as they migrate deeper into the dark corners of the internet.

This cycle of mutual victimization must stop. Developing a treatment programme collaboratively with governments, tech companies and public health professionals could be the answer to helping vulnerable men disengage from this toxic environment.

Online, practitioners can work with platforms to develop constructive alternative approaches to quarantining or closing incel forums.

At the same time, government should expand support to offline interventions programmes to tackle social isolation and mitigate this growing public health crisis.

These programs should provide education, employment or training programmes adapted for incels to directly address the social isolation and depression exhibited by individuals living the NEET lifestyle.

The incel ecosystem thrives – even depends – on the social isolation of its online spaces. It is therefore critical, both for its members and for public safety, that we work together to bridge the online-offline gap by getting incels the help and support they so desperately and self-evidently need.

This is a typical example of the type of hopeless, shaming posts regularly uploaded to the Reddit incel page by self-identified incels. These regular ‘reminders’ of the immutable nature of their position in society feeds into a shared reality ruled by hopelessness and depression.

Similar to the previous post in its hopelessness, this is more of a call to action to the community.

The poster weaves together theories on feminism, the revocation of civil and political rights, and citizenship to explain his inceldom. Without providing mental health support for members of this community, incels seek out alternative explanations, which often direct their anger and blame towards society at large.
Im an incel and mog all of these punkasses.

They will piss tjemselves throwing molotovs at capitalist rallies.

I was born rich! You simply need a hard working career as an office worker and you'll become rich like me!

Remember you're not entitled to fair wages. And if you complain or do protests we're going to make you look evil on media!
Take it like good little boys and pay for the sins of every man to have existed.
This is exactly what billionaires say to their cleaners.

The irony that the same injustice exists in every crevace of life. Yet these people hate us.

I bet you a dime that the writer who wrote that is vastly underpaid compared to their boss who does nothing.
Society caused people to go ER. Society created incels
Fr. I see going ER as the masculine version of self harm. When a foid "feels unloved" or wants attention, she cuts herself and dozens of SJWs start orbiting her. Real men don't self-harm, they go ER. Self-harm means nothing if you're a guy because no-one cares about you. The only way to get attention and externalizing the fact you feel hopeless and unloved is to go ER. In fact, doing a mass shooting is probably the best method of advocating for men's mental health.

Society as a whole is at fault for the sad situation of us incels. Society is liable to be punished for putting us in such a state. If loads of inkies ERed at once, they'd have to do something about it.
Males don’t get solutions. The only solution to society not caring about males is “mental health care”— because that demands absolutely nothing of females.
"Incels are a danger to society"

When 99.99% of incels LARP about saying they are going to go ER someday but are too high inhib to even commit a speeding crime while niggers make 13% of the population but commit half the crimes, guess who scumciety sees more as a threat.
At the same time, government should expand support to offline interventions programmes to tackle social isolation and mitigate this growing public health crisis.

These programs should provide education, employment or training programmes adapted for incels to directly address the social isolation and depression exhibited by individuals living the NEET lifestyle.
They never elaborate how this is supposed to solve our involuntary celibacy and social isolation. Most of us have held jobs, joined clubs and been to therapy. We are usually just bullied and ignored whenever we do.

People aren't going to flock to us just because we put ourselves out there. That's because we have bigger underlying issues like disabilities and sub 5 looks. They will never address that core issue.

"Incels are a danger to society"

When 99.99% of incels LARP about saying they are going to go ER someday but are too high inhib to even commit a speeding crime while niggers make 13% of the population but commit half the crimes, guess who scumciety sees more as a threat.

If they actually gave a shit about our welfare, they wouldn't be fearmongering like that. Sexually active men are a far bigger danger to women than incels are.
"We need to save the inkwells from themselves!"

"Ok, how?"

They could've saved us by not ostracizing and abusing us our entire lives, including by our own families, but now it's too late and we've missed many psycho social developmental milestones that are impossible to re-learn
Which is why it is their fault they went to far in abusing us, and have to pay for that.
Meanwhile in the next few years after that article was published the blackpill has only grown more popular. They can't even stop 'incel ideology' from spreading. As usual women fail at absolutely everything.
Meanwhile in the next few years after that article was published the blackpill has only grown more popular. They can't even stop 'incel ideology' from spreading. As usual women fail at absolutely everything.
Foids are the ones who support the Eugenics and Blackpill the most, in the end.
The fact that there are apparently so many sexless young men who are "a danger to themselves and others" already refutes the claim implied in the post that there is no socio-genetic conspiracy and that everything is only due to the behavior of those affected themselves. It's not a theory but a fact. Where else do all the incels come from?
Foids are the ones who support the Eugenics and Blackpill the most, in the end.
The only reason the blackpill spreads is because more men notice patterns in foid behavior.
They could've saved us by not ostracizing and abusing us our entire lives, including by our own families, but now it's too late and we've missed many psycho social developmental milestones that are impossible to re-learn
Yep. Once you miss teen love, having friends in your formative teen years and all that, there is no going back. The damage is already done, even if we somehow got girlfriends. Lost time is never found again. There will always be a hole in your soul; a dark corner waiting for you in the back of your mind no matter where you go and no matter how far you run from it.
These wine sipping dicksucks are only afraid for their lives, which they should be.
Women are more likely to murder their own child than incels are to go on a mass shooting. So why do incels have the stereotype of school shooter when women don't have a stereotype of baby murderers? Rhetorical question.

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