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It's Over Grandma asked me when I am going to find a girlfriend



utter failurecel who fails at everything
Nov 22, 2022
My grandma gave me advices on how to approach a foid that I like. She told me to straight up cold approach and ask her whether she wants to be my girlfriend. I wanted to tell her that I am a subhuman and that was the perfect moment to do that but I decided not to. Too bad that its not the 50s anymore and that shit does not work. I remained quiet most of the time because I would have sperged about my subhumanity and then the gaslight and lies would have started pouring. "Oh you are handsome but you don't put yourself out there" , "Oh girls don't care about the appearance but heart and soul". As if my life is not already crumbling and I'm not considering suicide. I know that it is over for me and I've stopped trying. I accepted my fate as a low value ugly, deformed REAL subhuman man. I don't feel guilty that my bloodline ends with me. Not my fault that my entire bloodline is subhuman and their product unsurprisingly is also a subhuman. It is not our fault but the people who decided to have us on this planet. We did not give consent to be born or chose how to look like.
She told me to straight up cold approach and ask her whether she wants to be my girlfriend
This is a good idea...

if you want to speedrun being in jail
My grandmas doen't worry, they think I'm good looking and young.
It is not our fault but the people who decided to have us on this planet.
You should tell your parents and grandmother that their subhumanity is the reason for your inceldom and that they sinned by imposing this terrible existence upon you.
I know that it is over for me and I've stopped trying. I accepted my fate as a low value ugly, deformed REAL subhuman man
Don't think like that brocel. Yes, foids see you as a subhuman, but at the same time foids are stupid creatures and they "think" by projecting their emotions on the reality, not the other way around. The concept of rationality isn't even possible for them to imagine. So don't take their opinions seriously. It's like thinking that you are a demon because some schizofrenic boomer with dementia told you that. Your value isn't coming from what the foids think of you, but within yourself
My grandma gave me advices on how to approach a foid that I like. She told me to straight up cold approach and ask her whether she wants to be my girlfriend. I wanted to tell her that I am a subhuman and that was the perfect moment to do that but I decided not to. Too bad that its not the 50s anymore and that shit does not work. I remained quiet most of the time because I would have sperged about my subhumanity and then the gaslight and lies would have started pouring. "Oh you are handsome but you don't put yourself out there" , "Oh girls don't care about the appearance but heart and soul". As if my life is not already crumbling and I'm not considering suicide. I know that it is over for me and I've stopped trying. I accepted my fate as a low value ugly, deformed REAL subhuman man. I don't feel guilty that my bloodline ends with me. Not my fault that my entire bloodline is subhuman and their product unsurprisingly is also a subhuman. It is not our fault but the people who decided to have us on this planet. We did not give consent to be born or chose how to look like.
Tell her that I've done that MULTIPLE times and failed miserably.
Don't think like that brocel. Yes, foids see you as a subhuman, but at the same time foids are stupid creatures and they "think" by projecting their emotions on the reality, not the other way around. The concept of rationality isn't even possible for them to imagine. So don't take their opinions seriously. It's like thinking that you are a demon because some schizofrenic boomer with dementia told you that. Your value isn't coming from what the foids think of you, but within yourself
I look in the mirror and see a genetic garbage failure. I guess they are right. I view myself as the lowest of the low. I have a deformed skull shape, deformed nose, wear glasses and having more hair results in me looking like even a bigger subhuman. I am also a manlet on top of that.
I look in the mirror and see a genetic garbage failure. I guess they are right. I view myself as the lowest of the low. I have a deformed skull shape, deformed nose, wear glasses and having more hair results in me looking like even a bigger subhuman. I am also a manlet on top of that.
Physical looks is the least important factor for your "Self". Your true value comes from things that are mostly impossible to see for the third person perspective, like your moral compass, your self-reflection, your understanding of your consciousness and unconsciousness etc.

But the Lord said to Samuel, “Do not look on his appearance or on the height of his stature, because I have rejected him. For the Lord sees not as man sees: man looks on the outward appearance, but the Lord looks on the heart."
1 Samuel 16:7
I mostly don't get dating advice from old people or even anyone above 30, their advice works for their time.
Physical looks is the least important factor for your "Self". Your true value comes from things that are mostly impossible to see for the third person perspective, like your moral compass, your self-reflection, your understanding of your consciousness and unconsciousness etc.

But the Lord said to Samuel, “Do not look on his appearance or on the height of his stature, because I have rejected him. For the Lord sees not as man sees: man looks on the outward appearance, but the Lord looks on the heart."
1 Samuel 16:7
Idk man I don't believe in God. The closest religion that describes my struggles is Islam but definitely not Christianity since my dad is a "christian" but made sure to make my life hell. Christins are a bunch of hypocritical normies who don't care about what they preach.
My grandma just makes excuses for why I don't have a gf. 'Women are annoying', etc. She knows that it is over for me lol.
Bar my mother, I hate all old foids as much as any other foid. Despite of how benign and kind they are made out to be by everyone, given the chance, they'd be the same whores modern foids are. Also the fact, their supposed 'oppression' had been weaponized to guilt-trip us since we were fucking kids. Don't humour her, or better yet, tell her to fuck off.
"When I buy a time machine and go back to your time grandma..."

Out of touch boomers and X'ers don't realize or refuse to accept that reality is different today than it was in their time.
Idk man I don't believe in God. The closest religion that describes my struggles is Islam but definitely not Christianity since my dad is a "christian" but made sure to make my life hell. Christins are a bunch of hypocritical normies who don't care about what they preach.
Yeah I sadly noted this too. Most people generally don't care about morality, religion, transcendence etc as long as it'not benefiting them directly. This applies to people of all religions - Muslims, Christians, Hinduists etc. To be trully religious you need to go outside at least the first two levels of morality, which is impossible if you have a high ego and are narcissistic, and most people today are. This post explained this very well:

But because our nature is corrupted and most people are walking in the wide road, which leads to death doesn't mean that what they say is wrong. It's like with the Pharisees in the New Testament - the problem was NOT with what they were preaching, but with their hearts, and that they did not act on what they taught to people.

Either way, I hope that you will find God someday in your life brocel. And I am sorry for what you have gone through, the people like your dad who cover up their bad behaviour with religion have a special place reserved in hell
My grandma gave me advices on how to approach a foid that I like. She told me to straight up cold approach and ask her whether she wants to be my girlfriend. I wanted to tell her that I am a subhuman and that was the perfect moment to do that but I decided not to. Too bad that its not the 50s anymore and that shit does not work. I remained quiet most of the time because I would have sperged about my subhumanity and then the gaslight and lies would have started pouring. "Oh you are handsome but you don't put yourself out there" , "Oh girls don't care about the appearance but heart and soul". As if my life is not already crumbling and I'm not considering suicide. I know that it is over for me and I've stopped trying. I accepted my fate as a low value ugly, deformed REAL subhuman man. I don't feel guilty that my bloodline ends with me. Not my fault that my entire bloodline is subhuman and their product unsurprisingly is also a subhuman. It is not our fault but the people who decided to have us on this planet. We did not give consent to be born or chose how to look like.
Boomers live in another universe. Even most zoomers do.
There is no point in trying to explain.
Tell them if you want to shock or confront them, but if this is not your goal, then better stay silent.
Boomers never needed relationship advice, shit just happened naturally.
Physical looks is the least important factor for your "Self". Your true value comes from things that are mostly impossible to see for the third person perspective, like your moral compass, your self-reflection, your understanding of your consciousness and unconsciousness etc.
Physical looks count when one wants to experience sex.
Same with my parents, how do i explain hyperhamy to my 50yo construction worker alcoholic dad
You should smack your grandmother in the face with a hammer.
"Oh you are handsome but you don't put yourself out there" , "Oh girls don't care about the appearance but heart and soul"
My grandmother and mother tell me this many times.

Idk man I don't believe in God. The closest religion that describes my struggles is Islam but definitely not Christianity since my dad is a "christian" but made sure to make my life hell. Christins are a bunch of hypocritical normies who don't care about what they preach.
I don't know about the Islam rabbit hole, but christianity literally supports whoredom, hypergamy, baby-trapping, and whatnot, the stuff that are part of modern degeneracy. Maybe Islam is actually based, still, I'd stay wary of any religion.
Same with my parents, how do i explain hyperhamy to my 50yo construction worker alcoholic dad
You don’t, you lace his beer with benzodiazepines and watch the combo of liquor and sedatives slow his breathing until he goes brain dead
you need to remind her that her grand kid is a subhuman.
Boomers never needed relationship advice, shit just happened naturally.
The last generation where for the most part, women would all flock to men of a similar SMV ranking as themselves. Rather than ALL the women flocking to the top 10-15% of SMV ranking guys
They don't get it. Even if you'd explain the demographics and how women want only certain men
I look in the mirror and see a genetic garbage failure. I guess they are right. I view myself as the lowest of the low. I have a deformed skull shape, deformed nose
OvER for us
all women are whores
if she breathes she's a thot
I don't know about the Islam rabbit hole, but christianity literally supports whoredom, hypergamy, baby-trapping, and whatnot, the stuff that are part of modern degeneracy. Maybe Islam is actually based, still, I'd stay wary of any religion.
the final stage of Christian schizophrenia is brutal. Christianity is like a fucking drug but you are always high. I've seen such people and trust me It's sad.
Old farts have a distorted perception of beauty, they think youth equals attractiveness in most cases.
At least she cares enough about you to try and give you ''advice''.

But older people are completely delusional when it comes to dating. They still think it's like it was back in their day, when being a wife was the most important thing to a woman. So getting married was basically the biggest priority for women.

As a man, you needed to have a job, be a provider, and be a good man. And you easily find a wife. Back then, foids' egos hadn't been inflated yet by social media and man hating feminism.
Die old bitch die before I murder you
Die old bitch die before I murder you
she's one of the few people that cares about me. Most boomers are like this completely oblivious about how things have changed.
He's a fakecel who literally has women asking him for sex, btw...
yeah I could tell that he was a faggot the moment he replied to this thread. Fakecels are easy to spot.
yeah I could tell that he was a faggot the moment he replied to this thread. Fakecels are easy to spot.
Captura de Tela 2024 01 14 as 034815

Captura de Tela 2024 01 14 as 034829

Mods might want to take a look at this
she's one of the few people that cares about me. Most boomers are like this completely oblivious about how things have changed.
I was quoting The Interview but eh, sure. Old niggas don't really give a shit imo bc they literally can't comprehend the fact that the world has changed and their bullshit advice is obsolete

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