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Got kicked out of the hostel after girls complained

Wtf some women get so verbally aggressive do fast?
I bet she went angry because i looked to her? She was btw very pretty, the stereotype Stacy.
Don't eat outside if you're an incel, you will get disgusting fucks staring at you and ruining your meal, you got lucky
We should really stop to being doormats to these girls, we should man up. Easier said than done ofc, equal rights yeah? So fuck off stacy, you cannot oppress another human being like this.
reminds me of when in college I was sharing a home with 3 college women after they invited me from my ad. After the third day I heard the girl talking to her dad on the phone upstairs that she was terrified of me raping her. The dad asked if there was anything wrong with me, and she said "no" (because I hadn't done anything weird or awkward or illegal, and never did)

the walls were thin and upstairs I heard the dad say "well tonight we can call the police, he hasn't signed the form yet right? sleeping outside for a few nights shouldn't kill him" (it was like 30 degrees Fahrenheit)

then I immediately threw everything from my room that wouldn't fit in a car in the dumpster outside and stayed in the dorm of some random dude I hardly knew that same night, I had nowhere to go

How the fuck does this happen? You shouldve told them you heard everything and that you could sue them for physical abuse.
How the fuck does this happen? You shouldve told them you heard everything and that you could sue them for physical abuse.

physical? what u mean?
physical? what u mean?
Being thrown out in the freezing weather. Also tell them that you havent done anything wrong so they have no right to throw him out and that theyre disgusting POS that dont deserve to live.
Tried both day and nightgame but they're all bitchy
I was an Incel without hate, but going through al these shit (recjections, false accusions and hostility I'm fed up.
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read it back. But apathy just comes with it. Hatred, hatred is almost a secondary necessity. Treating people kindly is a waste of time, it has never really done me any good and only allows them to attempt to use you. As far as set-backs, I think i'm already as "set-back", that coupled with my lack of caring about anything other than getting a fix and my willingness to devastate other people whenever possible makes it pretty meaningless to try and put effort in for people who would never spare me a minute of genuineness
I actually agree with you. Apathy is the act of being indifferent to something, not kind. I would never suggest for you to be kind for those who have wronged you, it’s be counter productive. Being apathetic to something doesn’t even mean you have to forgive it, it just means you have to stop being angry about, which I promise you makes you feel better.
go ER at those foids making false accusations against you
why did those foids do it? because you're a subhuman
Tried both day and nightgame but they're all bitchy
I was an Incel without hate, but going through al these shit (recjections, false accusions and hostility I'm fed up.
You need to take a read of my incel rule book for incel life, print it off if you have to, keep it somewhere where you will see it all the time, revise it throughly.
It will help you in situations like this.

Peace out.
You acted better than I would in that situation.

My fight or flight response gets triggered very easily, and very hard. I would've screamed at her at least. I'm not proud of it, it just shows how much of a monkey I am.

Listening to her bitch voice nagging you made me rage, especially since she had only hearsay to back up her self-righteous anger.
Foids are inherently evil. What these bitches did to you was disgusting. Us subhuman need to band together, and make a stand against the oppressive regime of roasties, who want to terrorize us in all lively aspects. Gentlemen, fellow subhumans, this is war.
Jesus man I feel so bad about you. I believe you acted awkwardly and those girls assumed you are hostile or something, okay, but masturbating? Where did they get that?

The first recording was painful, never behave like that again. You sound retarded. At least on the second one, you stood for yourself, but you are still too soft. Did they at least return money to you?
Time to withdraw from society OP, that was brutal. I would’ve been devastated if that happened to me, but then again, there’s no way in hell I would ever think that backpacking through Europe, on a hostel of all places, and attending festivals would ever get me anything other than a supremely bad time.

These are the most normie activities one could think of OP, hence your crash with reality. The blame is on them so don’t get me wrong, but you were already playing with fire by being in that scenario in the first place.

It’s really not all about putting yourself out there at all, that’s a meme to get people like us humiliated and ridiculed.
In the second voice record, (hungarian part)the manager basically told the cops that first the foids asked to switch beds and he agreed, then when they asked him later to actually move his stuff or whatever he denied and yelled at them that they are feminist skanks who just want to dominate him and tell him what to do all the time and was ranting for a while and the spanish foids got scared of him and complained to the manager, while they were doing that he masturbated on their stuff and there was actual semen found. He also got his money back and they suspected that he was under the influence of drugs but did not want to drag him even more, so the cops just escorted him outside.
Wtf? Why did you let a bitch talk to you like that? You should've went off on them. Stop being apologetic to them, that isnt going to make them like you, you just made yourself come off even more weak.
OP I feel bad for you, but don't feel bad for yourself.
As the guy at the end said, fuck them. They're a bunch of stupid femoids.
What are you up to now?
Help me! I'm in Budapest and just got kicked out of the hostel after girls complained about me. I asked for the reason and the staff did not say exactly the reason so i dont know what i did wrong. The only thing i did was saying th

at i dont want to change bed.

They also accused me of masturbating on their stuff.

I didn't do that! Staff won't believe me and choose side of the group of girls.


waiting on update
if I was treated like this, fists would fly (not at women ever, but I assume it was male management that kicked you out based off transcripts. If it was female management, I would just laugh and walk).

Fuckin WHITE KNIGHT detected. Pussy
In the second voice record, (hungarian part)the manager basically told the cops that first the foids asked to switch beds and he agreed, then when they asked him later to actually move his stuff or whatever he denied and yelled at them that they are feminist skanks who just want to dominate him and tell him what to do all the time and was ranting for a while and the spanish foids got scared of him and complained to the manager, while they were doing that he masturbated on their stuff and there was actual semen found. He also got his money back and they suspected that he was under the influence of drugs but did not want to drag him even more, so the cops just escorted him outside.

LOL thanks for that. I believe it. He is lucky. In the USA, the cops would have beaten his Curry ass., Probably give him 10 years for thinking he is a terrorist also
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I'm worried about neet, he hasnt posted in a while
I was thinking back to this incident, analyzing how this could be happen. Still wondering why they're bullied me out of the hostel.

From the first moment the Spanish girl came in the dorm with her female friend, requested me to move I felt directly she is a dominant alpha. Usually women never talk to me and I was frustrated by the day earlier I was not able to find connection with people ending up stolling alone on the streets and touristic sites. Because the fact I had no social interaction the whole day this was for me hard to handle... felt intimidated and put under pressure to say ''yes''. After I told her that I felt under pressure and don't want to change she was starting bullying by incite other girls in the dorm against me. That resulted that 4 girls were complaining about me. With these 3 girls I even didn't had any conversation.

Factual conclusion:
- Women only (begin) talk to me if they want something.
- If they feel that you are an Omega, weak men with poor social skills they bully you (Guys who I told my Incel story often react sympathetic)
- Tried approaching random girls but most of them won't even speak with me (only short directions help) or in club even complain at bouncer that I harass women.
I’m not surprised ngl, they probably thought you were creepy. Had you been a chad, you probably would’ve been able to stay there free of charge.
He sounds like he has Aspergers too on top of being ugly, which makes things worse since he can't stand up for himself.
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I’m not surprised ngl, they probably thought you were creepy. Had you been a chad, you probably would’ve been able to stay there free of charge.
There was another guy in the dorm, very charismatic and social. He was the guy who supported me tried to protect me.

But from the first moment I saw that girls automatically talk and communicate with the social alpha guy. I must say it was not a super physical attractive guy but he was very social and charismatic.

That situations frustrates me because as male you keep taking initiative... trying to set up some small talk but if they don't communicate back I feel insecure... but why I can communicative with guys without any problem.. but women see me as creepy. They even didn't give me a chance.

What is the definition of being ''creepy?''
reminds me of when in college I was sharing a home with 3 college women after they invited me from my ad. After the third day I heard the girl talking to her dad on the phone upstairs that she was terrified of me raping her. The dad asked if there was anything wrong with me, and she said "no" (because I hadn't done anything weird or awkward or illegal, and never did)

the walls were thin and upstairs I heard the dad say "well tonight we can call the police, he hasn't signed the form yet right? sleeping outside for a few nights shouldn't kill him" (it was like 30 degrees Fahrenheit)

then I immediately threw everything from my room that wouldn't fit in a car in the dumpster outside and stayed in the dorm of some random dude I hardly knew that same night, I had nowhere to go
This and @neet 's expriences make me sick. I cannot understand how these foids are so fucking heartless. They deserve nothing. I am really angry. How people can' t think rational? I always try my best to be rational and understand them (people are going to make fun off me bec. of this) but this has crossed my line.
Solution is simple though, GO ER
This and @neet 's expriences make me sick. I cannot understand how these foids are so fucking heartless. They deserve nothing. I am really angry. How people can' t think rational? I always try my best to be rational and understand them (people are going to make fun off me bec. of this) but this has crossed my line.
Solution is simple though, GO ER
Femoids want all ugly males death tbh. Every incel should realise this.
Femoids want all ugly males death tbh. Every incel should realise this.
But this doesnt make sense. We are not guilty. They have some serious mental health issues.
being ugly
Explain me why I see other guys, who have lesser looks not getting bullied?

Being bullied is the ultimate sign of being an Omega, I consider to invest thousands in looksmaxing but being afraid that it will not elevate my social status in a group. Group dynamics is a complex thing.
But this doesnt make sense. We are not guilty. They have some serious mental health issues.
It does make sense if you truely understand the modern femoid whorish mindset. :blackpill::blackpill::blackpill:
BTW I'm not talking about SMV, just your social position in a group of women. For SMV there is more focus on physical aspect.
It does make sense if you truely understand the modern femoid whorish mindset. :blackpill::blackpill::blackpill:
But we should not act like this is normal. We should change their whorish mindset with a therapy.
But we should not act like this is normal. We should change their whorish mindset with a therapy.
Too late in the west tbh...femoids have already won. Our only hope are traditional societies that will never allow femoids to become as free as they have been allowed in the west.

Its fucking over for men in the west boyos.
To be humiliated for a hostel manager.

That's the reason if I don't have the money for decent hotel room I won't go at all.

In situations like these, females win you lose every single time.
THIS! I would never stay in a hostel with women, it's just begging for trouble. OP, I am sorry for what happened to you. Unfortunately, this world is very hostile towards males, especially ugly deathniks such as yourself. In the future, I hope you can enjoy traveling free of bullshit.
girls hate ugly guys and will make up scenarios to remove you from their presence, the best an ugly man can do is be their friend and ego boost them, basically cucking yourself in that situation so not worth it

they've tried and failed with me.
You sound Dutch or Belgium.
you sound sorta curry. but I am so sorry man, usually don't get sentimental but that hit me in the feels. :feelsbadman::feelscry:
You sound Dutch or Belgium.

Dutch and Belgian accents are real hard for me to pick up. German, French, sure, not Dutch or Belgian. I hear a tad bit of Belgian maybe, probably because I heard Jan of Agathocles do stage rants. really cucky band but decent tunes for a crusty grindcore outfit.
yes bro.. your conclusion is on point...learn to be more confident and say things that you think what is true...if you think they are accusing you because you are ugly? say it to them.. they gonna be triggered because it is true and if you say things that people dont wanna say..they gonna be careful about you because they know you are not gonna yield
Sue them and leave bad reviews EVERYWHERE. Also, please share website and Facebook account of the hostel. I will ruin their reputation. All incels should just go to the hostels FB pages and downvote to hell, leave 1 star, saying their hostel smells like shit and they don't change laundry and so on. Show them not to mess with incels!
I'm now a refugee @ Starbucks. Feel bad man. If I was a chad i would treated so disrespectful.

I'll install imgur soon.
Order some vanilla latte.
Wow! Those receptionists brutalized you. Incredibly rude of them. Wish you could get them fired, buy sending the voice-clip to their boss. Leave a 1-star review on all of the hostels pages, Facebook, Tripadvisor, Google, etc.
This, but share them here, so all incels can go and downvote them everywhere and ruin their business! Let's fuck these normies UP!
One of the reason I'm living like a recluse.
It's a shame @neet you didn't give us a link to review them. We'd please ourselves.
If you're still around, can you describe yourself? Do you have a legit deformity?
I’m not surprised ngl, they probably thought you were creepy. Had you been a chad, you probably would’ve been able to stay there free of charge.
I miss you my nigga
This wouldn’t happen to chad.
The problem is not the hostel, it is these girls who collaborate together and complained about me.
Help me! I'm in Budapest and just got kicked out of the hostel after girls complained about me. I asked for the reason and the staff did not say exactly the reason so i dont know what i did wrong. The only thing i did was saying that i dont want to change bed.

They also accused me of masturbating on their stuff.

I didn't do that! Staff won't believe me and choose side of the group of girls.

Link doesn't work fag.

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