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Got beat up by Chads on NYE

  • Thread starter thetruecelibate
  • Start date
Facade said:
You should start lifting tbh. It won't get you laid but at least orbiters can't beat you up. And you can release.your anger and frustration

TIL that lifting weights makes you a fighter.
QuantumDummy said:
TIL that lifting weights makes you a fighter.

It doesn't but it can be a deterrent
Panda said:
and this is literally why people go ER
anyways you should keep the "im gay" defence in your back pocket for any situation
if people suspect you of being a creepy peverted man, just pretend to be gay. gives me peace of mind

This is legit. I always use this when people are a little too inquisitive about my dating/sex life

Fucked up when being gay is infinitely more socially acceptable than being incel
Minamoto said:
if ER experienced this he would've gone ER sooner and stronger.
thetruecelibate said:
This is just too ragefuel right now.  I have been traumatized by this for the past few days.  Thats why Its taken me so long to post this.

It was just after midnight on NYE, and I was taking photos of the festivities.  i was minding my own business, as a femoid 3/10 and a group of chads and stacies pass by me on the street. The femoid got in the way of my lens and said "dont take my %&$#?@ picture.   She grabbed my camera out of my hand and threw it on the street. The lens shattered. I was in shock, that camera was $600 dollars and i bought it a month ago.  Before I could vent my rage  One of  the  Stacie's in the  group said "thats what you get for being a pervert".  

Rage was inside me. Not only did a femoid break my camera, but instead of apologizing a Stacie was calling me  a pervert. I called the femoid a bitch , and pushed her .BIG Mistake.  :'( :'( . One chad said "Your f**king dead, and I ran away. Three chads in the group chased after me. I couldnt outrun them.  One of them threw me on the street and punched me in the face.  Another chad then punched me in the face two more times. They then started kicking me. 

I heard  in the background a Stacie in the group yelling "kick the kids ass" , and the other Stacie cheering the chads on as they were beating me.

Many people saw the commotion and I heard people yelling at  the chads to stop beating me. They then ran off.

I staggered onto my feet, and couldn't feel half my face. The vision out of my left eye was blurry.  I felt like I was going to pass out. 

Someone told me they are calling 911. I nodded and said thanks.

The ambulance came and I went to the hospital.

The police showed up to the hospital and I made a report, but nothing ever came of it.

I was diagnosed with a concussion, and had to get stitched on my forehead as the punches .

I still have headaches and my head hurts.  My doctor said I have permanent brain damage. 

The only bright side is that a cute nurse gave me a big hug, cause she felt sorry for me after I told her what happened. 

Dont call me lucky though. I have permanent brain damage and my face is all purple from the fight and will take a while to heal. 

Thats nothing to what the chads got through. The chads most likely bought their friends drinks with the $40 they stole from me. The femoid that broke my camera probably had sex that night with the chads. The Stacies who cheered them on as the were beating me also had sex with them too probably.

While I struggled to sleep with burning headaches.

[size=xx-large]I feel so angry, I got my camera and my face broken.  chads get away with too much. Hope those stacies get aids, and the chads overdose on steroids[/size]

inshAllah brother, Allah will give these epitomes of kuffar a slaughter in jahanam. They will be denied every right of Jannah imaginable.

whatever they have done to you, they will receive in jahanam ten fold for eternity.
This happened?
OP is right In the end both Chads ans stacies get to have sex and even celebrate OP being destroyed as a nice fun story they will tell their children.

Its over.
KilluminoidBR said:
If i were you i would try to get the chads names and go to kill them.

1 by 1.

And OFC cucktears wont print this post.
You should have every right to murder each of these people after what they did to you, cucktears will send this to the fbi but will conveniently not link to the thread containing the story of what actually happened.
Sometimes I like to take my fedora off and hope for a creator keeping tabs on just this sort of thing.

It's possible.
Low inhib risk taker live in the moment Ape normalfags + late night + no work/school + alchohol = savagery

Cant believe the state of this world
WTF you're in 'MURICA. Why weren't you packing heat??

Even pepper spray is banned in the UK, FUCK.

Would spray/shoot them, and finish them off.

Fuck this society man. This is what we incels get for just being ugly facially.
I'm sorry man, I hope you head heals soon.

You should call the cops on those fucking assholes, they don't deserve to get away with this.
This happened to ER, and he completely lost it. Do the same. Make us proud. Humans are disgusting.
opsec said:
inshAllah brother, Allah will give these epitomes of kuffar a slaughter in jahanam. They will be denied every right of Jannah imaginable.

whatever they have done to you, they will receive in jahanam ten fold for eternity.

Ameen brother
Next year you should shoot something other than pictures on NYE.
Sorry OP.

Hope you feel better.


Yep, being shitted on for being born with an ugly face. Just rope buddy our genes are being genocided.

You get used to it dony worry
fuck them. also once you recover you should gymcel. they wont fuck with you if they know you'd fuck em up.
It's actually mind blowing how quick femoids are to instantly agree with each other and gang up on sub5 males

I probably would have shot them if they did that, but I don't go out on NYE
existentialhack said:
"The only bright side is that a cute nurse gave me a big hug, cause she felt sorry for me after I told her what happened."

Fakecel, OUT
Reddit_is_for_cucks said:
This is why people got ER, it's totally understandable

I would go for the torture chamber part that ER failed to and get all of those people in there
This would make me want to gymcel hard.
This is why you have to gymcel and pressurepointcel. If you get attacked by a Chad, use your gripmaster training to squeeze his neck and don't let go, even if you're getting hooks to the dome the whole time. Also carry weapons because killing Chads is better than getting jumped.
Im sorry to hear this..
Next time bring a knife and when the bigger chad attacks you for no reason slice him in half.

You remember them? You should go to the police tbh or get revenge.
They have fucked you up you cant just sit there
This is why you carry a pocket knife and stab them to death in self-defense
If this happened to me I’d go ER. I have rage just reading this post so I can only imagine how you feel. As I read this I realized how much I hate women; not dislike or am bothered by, but truly hate.
I really feel you bro. I hope the cops find them(US Cops are the best cops?). Nevertheless I hope life teaches them a lesson. Please feel better we are here with you.
Time to become... a hERo and shoot those cunts.
1. Find out who the 3/10 femoid is.

2. Buy gun and suppressor on the dark web.

3. Go to her house at night time.

4. Knock on door.

5. Use your gun to send her to hell.

6. Walk away. The police will never be able to link it to you.
St.Tropez said:
OP is right In the end both Chads ans stacies get to have sex and even celebrate OP being destroyed as a nice fun story they will tell their children.
Its over.
Indeed. they could've killed me and the stacies would justify it.
They have gone too far this time
Holy shit you gotta go ER period.
Turkcell said:
Holy shit you gotta go ER period.
I hope if someone does they are victims. Im preying those Stacies have aids.
Dopecel said:
surprised if I do in the future
way too far. Chads get away with everything.

Minjaze said:
I'm sorry man, I hope you head heals soon.
You should call the cops on those fucking assholes, they don't deserve to get away with this.
I made a report and nothing came of it. the system is designed so females get away with everything.

Blackpill101 said:
Fuck this society man. This is what we incels get for just being ugly facially.
I know its so unfair. Not only do we have to deal with being lonely for the rest of our life, but chads and stacies mocking us. Chads are driving us to suicide.
I'm sorry to hear you endured this gross injustice, OP. This sucks.

You should probably carry bear spray and a knife from now on. I hope you make a full recovery.
Ceiling Cat said:
I'm sorry to hear you endured this gross injustice, OP. This sucks.
You should probably carry bear spray and a knife from now on. I hope you make a full recovery.
Thanks. I will see what anti-chad weapons I can get to defend myself next time.
thetruecelibate said:
I made a report and nothing came of it. the system is designed so females get away with everything.
What the fuck... 
I'm not even surprised honestly, even cops are on the side of females. I remember this one guy got falsely accused of rape that they withheld evidence proving him innocent.
thetruecelibate said:
The femoid that broke my camera

Did you get a picture of them? Or do you not have the camera any more.
Sociocelipath said:
thetruecelibate said:
The femoid that broke my camera
Did you get a picture of them? Or do you not have the camera any more.
the lens was completely shattered. The camera was pointing parallel to her, but not right at her. From a few metres away it could seem like i was taking a photo of her, but my angle wasnt on her.
You really need to make sure the cops catch this guy. Maybe even get a lawyer. A concussion, stitches, and permanent brain damage? Since you're in Europe, I don't know the laws there, but in the U.S. that's felony aggravated assault which means guaranteed prison time. His next sex partner will be Bubba on cell block 6.
You should really post some evidence of this shit happening. Otherwise I call bullshit.
i'm sorry but I crack up every time i read the title of this thread
Sadness said:
You really need to make sure the cops catch this guy. Maybe even get a lawyer. A concussion, stitches, and permanent brain damage? Since you're in Europe, I don't know the laws there, but in the U.S. that's felony aggravated assault which means guaranteed prison time. His next sex partner will be Bubba on cell block 6.

Also a fairly hefty financial settlement.
holy shit. they deserve to get ERed. just fuck man...

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