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Got beat up by Chads on NYE

  • Thread starter thetruecelibate
  • Start date


Nov 12, 2017
This is just too ragefuel right now.  I have been traumatized by this for the past few days.  Thats why Its taken me so long to post this.

It was just after midnight on NYE, and I was taking photos of the festivities.  i was minding my own business, as a femoid 3/10 and a group of chads and stacies pass by me on the street. The femoid got in the way of my lens and said "dont take my %&$#?@ picture.   She grabbed my camera out of my hand and threw it on the street. The lens shattered. I was in shock, that camera was $600 dollars and i bought it a month ago.  Before I could vent my rage  One of  the  Stacie's in the  group said "thats what you get for being a pervert".  

Rage was inside me. Not only did a femoid break my camera, but instead of apologizing a Stacie was calling me  a pervert. I called the femoid a bitch , and pushed her .BIG Mistake.  :'( :'( . One chad said "Your f**king dead, and I ran away. Three chads in the group chased after me. I couldnt outrun them.  One of them threw me on the street and punched me in the face.  Another chad then punched me in the face two more times. They then started kicking me. 

I heard  in the background a Stacie in the group yelling "kick the kids ass" , and the other Stacie cheering the chads on as they were beating me.

Many people saw the commotion and I heard people yelling at  the chads to stop beating me. They then ran off.

I staggered onto my feet, and couldn't feel half my face. The vision out of my left eye was blurry.  I felt like I was going to pass out. 

Someone told me they are calling 911. I nodded and said thanks.

The ambulance came and I went to the hospital.

The police showed up to the hospital and I made a report, but nothing ever came of it.

I was diagnosed with a concussion, and had to get stitched on my forehead as the punches .

I still have headaches and my head hurts.  My doctor said I have permanent brain damage. 

The only bright side is that a cute nurse gave me a big hug, cause she felt sorry for me after I told her what happened. 

Dont call me lucky though. I have permanent brain damage and my face is all purple from the fight and will take a while to heal. 

Thats nothing to what the chads got through. The chads most likely bought their friends drinks with the $40 they stole from me. The femoid that broke my camera probably had sex that night with the chads. The Stacies who cheered them on as the were beating me also had sex with them too probably.

While I struggled to sleep with burning headaches.

[size=xx-large]I feel so angry, I got my camera and my face broken.  chads get away with too much. Hope those stacies get aids, and the chads overdose on steroids[/size]

This is what they deserve
Reminds me of a guy I used to know who got beaten up by three guys for calling a girl a fat bitch during an argument. Only in that case the guys weren't Chads, just orbiters.
"The only bright side is that a cute nurse gave me a big hug, cause she felt sorry for me after I told her what happened."

Fakecel, OUT
This is why people got ER, it's totally understandable
wtf? Is this for real?

If this is real, nobody would blame you for going ER. Fucking terrible.
How bad is the brain damage?
Bad luck dude. Did you get a brain scan? If you have persistent headaches they should really give you one to check for a bleed on your brain just in case.

I've been beaten to a pulp more times than i can count. Look on the bright side. You take a few beatings and you'll be as tough as a rock.
Reddit_is_for_cucks said:
This is why people got ER, it's totally understandable

I mean this happend to ER (But only because he stsrted the fight)
Abomination said:
wtf? Is this for real?
If this is real, nobody would blame you for going ER. Fucking terrible.
Sadly Its real. I got my camera smashed, face deformed, and have permanent brain damage. my doctor said my concussion was bad. I wish Elliot killed those chads. Someone should go ER on them.
what the fuck... which city did this happen in?
Do you remember any of their names if they said it while cheering on or something? If you do look up their names on social media while keeping in mind the face, if you find them and their info post it on here. I for one will go and teach them a lesson if you do, a barbed metal baseball bat to the head multiple times.

MayorOfKekville said:
what the fuck... which city did this happen in?

New York probably
have you read ER’s manifesto? the exact same thing happened to him, and they stole the golden necklace his grandmother gave him. It steeled his desire for the Day of Retribution...
Facade said:
Reddit_is_for_cucks said:
This is why people got ER, it's totally understandable
I mean this happend to ER (But only because he stsrted the fight)

True. I didn't start the fight some femoid did by shaming a $600 dollar camera because she and her friends thought i was a pervert taking a photo of them. They were just picking on me cause I was ugly. If a chad was taking photos they would've posed. the camera wasnt even pointed at them.
thetruecelibate said:
Abomination said:
wtf? Is this for real?
If this is real, nobody would blame you for going ER. Fucking terrible.
Sadly Its real. I got my camera smashed, face deformed, and have permanent brain damage. my doctor said my concussion was bad. I wish Elliot killed those chads. Someone should go ER on them.

PM me. You seem like a good candidate for something.
thetruecelibate said:

Holy fuck... I would fucking go ER if anything like that happened to me...
Bri8564 said:
Do you remember any of their names if they said it while cheering on or something?

I cant remember. It was blurred. All I remember is them cheering when they were delivering the punch, and kick the kid.
That's the kind of Stacy I want to very very brutally rape in all holes and kill and eat.
Facade said:
I mean this happend to ER (But only because he stsrted the fight)

whats the full story? never read his manifesto

and to you op, its really a fucked up situation. either you say nothing and let it happen like a cuck, or you speak up and get beaten like a cuck. dunno what Id do
I wonder if the cucks at inceltears will condemn this unfortunate and vicious violence just as much as they condemn us for it.

Nah, what's actual violence to them? The one in a million chance of one of us going ER is a far bigger threat.
Holy shit, dude, the attitude of those Stacies, they feel like they own everything and everyone has to bend over for them. And those Chads, they did it to prove their masculinity to the women they'll be fucking later that night.

This is absolutely disgusting. For fucks sake, snatching your camera and throwing it on the ground? The worst part was the cheering of them beating you up. Incels are not seen as human beings.
FiliumExMachina said:
I wonder if the cucks at inceltears will condemn this unfortunate and vicious violence just as much as they condemn us for it.

Nah, what's actual violence to them? The one in a million chance of one of us going ER is a far bigger threat.

they will justify it by saying that he is an incel and he deserved it.
swissincel said:
whats the full story? never read his manifesto

and to you op, its really a fucked up situation. either you say nothing and let it happen like a cuck, or you speak up and get beaten like a cuck. dunno what Id do

I highly recommend you to read or listen to my twisted world.Elliot was an extremely good storyteller . What he wrote wasn't always accurate but he is great at expressing his thoughts through words

KyloRen said:
Holy shit, dude, the attitude of those Stacies, they feel like they own everything and everyone has to bend over for them. And those Chads, they did it to prove their masculinity to the women they'll be fucking later that night.
This is absolutely disgusting. For fucks sake, snatching your camera and throwing it on the ground? The worst part was the cheering of them beating you up. Incels are not seen as human beings.
The worst part was that they got away with all of this. They got free drinks out of my $40, and they had sex that night. The cops didnt seem to keen on helping me. The system is designed to let chads get away with anything. I bet if they murdered me in court they would get a light sentence. " oh he pushed her first" .
Facade said:
I highly recommend you to read or listen to my twisted world.Elliot was an extremely good storyteller . What he wrote wasn't always accurate but he is great at expressing his thoughts through words


ahh, good ol manifesto. I heard it a year ago but it's time to refresh my memory
I honestly would go ER if this happened to me, brain damage and a deformed face..what's keeping you from wanting to die at this point?
thetruecelibate said:
The femoids excuse. . He was an ugly pervert.  Ya thats true,  the chads beat me up because they saw me as a skinny weak incel. They  stole $40 to buy drinks for the stacies as well probably.  We are not sadly.  Stacies and chads get away with everything.  I may suffer from this for the rest of my life, as my concussion is bad, while they got sex.  Never trust  chads. If they see an incel bleeding on the street they will walk by and let him die.

You should start lifting tbh. It won't get you laid but at least orbiters can't beat you up. And you can release.your anger and frustration
Can we help this guy catch those assholes? How would we go about it?
Reddit_is_for_cucks said:
ahh, good ol manifesto. I heard it a year ago but it's time to refresh my memory

Same I first read it at 14 because I was so interested in forensic psychology
Facade said:
thetruecelibate said:
The femoids excuse. . He was an ugly pervert. Ya thats true, the chads beat me up because they saw me as a skinny weak incel. They stole $40 to buy drinks for the stacies as well probably. We are not sadly. Stacies and chads get away with everything. I may suffer from this for the rest of my life, as my concussion is bad, while they got sex. Never trust chads. If they see an incel bleeding on the street they will walk by and let him die.
You should start lifting tbh. It won't get you laid but at least orbiters can't beat you up. And you can release.your anger and frustration

Being above-average in strength and fighting won't save you from a horde of Chads hell-bent on kicking your ass
I am literally shaking with rage from this fucking post. Do everything in your power to find them again if you have somehow memorized their faces, they have made your face even worse, gave you brain damage, and broke your fucking camera. You have literally nothing to lose, I'd execute them right in the fucking street
If i were you i would try to get the chads names and go to kill them.

1 by 1.

And OFC cucktears wont print this post.
Abomination said:
Being above-average in strength and fighting won't save you from a horde of Chads hell-bent on kicking your ass

4 chads can stilll beat up a gymcel
thetruecelibate said:
They got free drinks out of my $40, and they had sex that night.
Yep. They had a night of fun, you had a night of pain.

thetruecelibate said:
The cops didnt seem to keen on helping me.
Of course they weren't, if you were a Stacy crying about a creep trying to take pictures of you they would have paid attention.

thetruecelibate said:
The system is designed to let chads get away with anything. I bet if  they murdered me in court they would get a light sentence. " oh he pushed her first" .
It doesn't even have to be murder, the law (Canada and US) is designed to benefit women at the expense of men.
Abomination said:
Being above-average in strength and fighting won't save you from a horde of Chads hell-bent on kicking your ass

That's true but even Chad wants avoid injuries. Maybe they wouldn't have even started the fight if he was muscular. 

I always have a pepper spray with me which is made for bears. They could potentially go blind for a few dats if I use it. It gives me security
Facade said:
That's true but even Chad wants avoid injuries. Maybe they wouldn't have even started the fight if he was muscular. 

I always have a pepper spray with me which is made for bears. They could potentially go blind for a few dats if I use it. It gives me security

Screenshotted, I will remember this idea to keep pepper spray for bears on me. Can you send me a link to a good product, perhaps the one you are using, my friend? In sha allah
Facade said:
Abomination said:
Being above-average in strength and fighting won't save you from a horde of Chads hell-bent on kicking your ass
That's true but even Chad wants avoid injuries. Maybe they wouldn't have even started the fight if he was muscular.
I always have a pepper spray with me which is made for bears. They could potentially go blind for a few dats if I use it. It gives me security

A GROUP of Chads won't be deterred unless you're a 7'0 400 lbs 8% bf monster, but the part about the pepper spray is legit. If OP had had pepper spray, he could have sprayed them and stomped their heads in for permanent brain damage.

Bri8564 said:
Facade said:
That's true but even Chad wants avoid injuries. Maybe they wouldn't have even started the fight if he was muscular.
I always have a pepper spray with me which is made for bears. They could potentially go blind for a few dats if I use it. It gives me security
Screenshotted, I will remember this idea to keep pepper spray for bears on me. Can you send me a link to a good product, perhaps the one you are using, my friend? In sha allah
Abomination said:
A GROUP of Chads won't be deterred unless you're a 7'0 400 lbs 8% bf monster, but the part about the pepper spray is legit. If OP had had pepper spray, he could have sprayed them and stomped their heads in for permanent brain damage.


It says currently unavailable for me brother, is it blocked in the United States?
Thats why every truecel has to gymcel and carry weapons with him, I wish this kind of shit would happen to me.

Get well soon
Bri8564 said:
Abomination said:
A GROUP of Chads won't be deterred unless you're a 7'0 400 lbs 8% bf monster, but the part about the pepper spray is legit. If OP had had pepper spray, he could have sprayed them and stomped their heads in for permanent brain damage.


It says currently unavailable for me brother, is it blocked in the United States?

My bad. There are other sites that have it in stock.
undeadcel said:
Thats why every truecel has to gymcel and carry weapons with him, I wish this kind of shit would happen to me.
Get well soon
hopefully when it does you are prepared.
soulartemis said:
have you read ER’s manifesto? the exact same thing happened to him, and they stole the golden necklace his grandmother gave him. It steeled his desire for the Day of Retribution...

Op's the hERo we need
Abomination said:
My bad. There are other sites that have it in stock.

Oh ok, thank you my friend. Jazak'Allah
Bri8564 said:
Screenshotted, I will remember this idea to keep pepper spray for bears on me. Can you send me a link to a good product, perhaps the one you are using, my friend? In sha allah

I'm sorry but I forgot where I bought it. I bought pepper spray because my dog was attacked by some other dogs a year ago. (She was fine but I was completely shocked when I heard this). I was so angry and I promised myself that I'll protect her. Just look at a few products and reviews and buy the best one you can find

Bri8564 said:
Oh ok, thank you my friend. Jazak'Allah

Choose a spray with a long range and a high concentration
whogivesafucc said:
I am literally shaking with rage from this fucking post. Do everything in your power to find them again if you have somehow memorized their faces, they have made your face even worse, gave you brain damage, and broke your fucking camera. You have literally nothing to lose, I'd execute them right in the fucking street

Killing them would be too kind, I would make them incel forever
and this is literally why people go ER

anyways you should keep the "im gay" defence in your back pocket for any situation
if people suspect you of being a creepy peverted man, just pretend to be gay. gives me peace of mind
Facade said:
I'm sorry but I forgot where I bought it. I bought pepper spray because my dog was attacked by some other dogs a year ago. (She was fine but I was completely shocked when I heard this). I was so angry and I promised myself that I'll protect her. Just look at a few products and reviews and buy the best one you can find

Choose a spray with a long range and a high concentration

Ok my friend, thank you for the advice Jazak'Allah

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