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Going ER is stupid and society can not be blamed for inceldom

Yeah, it's not their fault, but if we are trash because of genes then it's not our fault either. If they treat ERs like shit so ERs will treat them like shit back, they excluded them from society and they suffer the consequences.
Dude the only reason why they do it is because they will get away with it, people only want those with inferior genes to know their places and slave away
I was waiting for someone to say this. You can't blame others for your inceldom. The only thing to blame is your genetics. You are inferior. You are zero (Assuming you are as ugly as me). You've been dealt a shitty hand and there's nothing you can do about it. It's pure luck. You don't have the right to take another person's life just because they have a better life than you. Because you could've been that person. But you didn't. You turned out to be UGLY. Just acknowledge your place in the society and find some other ways to stay alive.
I should accept being treated like trash due to pure chance? Okay fuck me in the ass hardurr society
Dude the only reason why they do it is because they will get away with it, people only want those with inferior genes to know their places and slave away

I should accept being treated like trash due to pure chance? Okay fuck me in the ass hardurr society
High IQ
mating exclusively with above average good looking people = evolution

Yeah it is indeed nature at work
Many of us fantasize about going ER. I am long past this stage. Going ER is stupid and utterly pointless. And here is why:

How does evolution work?

Well...it has been proven scientifically that women are much more likely to reproduce than men. Why? Because women have a limited capacity of reproduction. Women can only have a child once every 9 months and this only works until they reach a certain age. So those women choosing the best partners for reproduction (that they can get) will have the best chance to pass on their genes. This is why women must select.

Men on the other hand can pass on their genes like 5 times a day. Whenever a new load of cum is ready in their balls they can get another woman pregnant.

This means while attractive women are a limited resource reproduction wise attractive males are not. An attractive man can be shared by multiple females and it will result in the best and highest chances to pass on genes of the females. And this is what allows women to be so selfish and shallow when it comes to choosing partners. Our whole reproduction is assembled around this fact.

And it has been proven that over the entire period that mankind existed women reproduced more than men so there were ALWAYS incels in all ages and eras that couldn't pass on their genes.

So if you think it is all society's fault and you can change something by going ER then you are wrong. The truth is that it lies in the very nature of things: If you force monogamy on women then that is an artificial structure that won't last long as history and scientific research shows. Femals have never lived monogamous lifes over the entire history of mankind. There is no way to stop them from sharing Chad rather than fucking us.

Conclusion: We are evolutionary waste - genetic trash - that will be wiped off the earth very soon.
I will applaud any post that argues against going ER, no matter the reasons.

The one thing we need to do, is make it that women cannot bear and keep children without the consent of one man. That is the only thing that needs to change in order to revolutionise the dynamic.

Forced abortion. Killing any illegal children. Hanging pregnant woman that are repeat offenders in the town square. We must be merciless.

Stop letting them have mass litters as single mothers like possums. Curb their unreasoning instinct to seek the best seed they can, despite the ability or willingness of the chad to provide for and care for his offspring. Castrate and hang men who fuck illegally along with them.

Marriage, family, and civilisation used to work because women were forced to just choose one man. Economically, religiously, and practically. They are like children who are offered unlimited candy, and eat until they are sick. Except the candy is an endless line of Chad dicks, and the consequence isn’t a sore stomach but rather social decay and inbalance.
the one thing that doesn't make sense about these evolutionary justifications is that we are not living in caveman times anymore. We are very capable of going against our nature and instinct. Society will be blamed for us because until they take the blame for treating us like shit people are just going to go ER and kill their kids forever.
agreed on violence being bad

It's also scientifically proven that social rejection can lead to aggressive and violent responses. Society can't oppress men so much and not to expect troubles in the long term. That's why monogamy and distribution of sexual resources work and curb social instability and violence itself.
Going ER inspires more ERs and society will move towards a more patriarchy route when majority of the men wakes up.
We need nukes, not ER. From the ashes of nuclear conflict, we can start anew.
If foids nature is natural so is going ER

This is the only correct answer here. If female nature is to be hyper selective and form harems with Chad then going ER (violence) is just as natural of a response.

I dont buy into this "it's just nature bro" bullshit. Violence, rape, disease, famine, suffering etc are also a part of nature and quite common in fact should we roll over and accept those too? No, society tries to curtail those things.

So let me get this straight, according to you. Female nature (hypergamy) is okay but Male nature (violence) is not okay? So only women are allowed to win. Good to know who's side you're on.
This is the only correct answer here. If female nature is to be hyper selective and form harems with Chad then going ER (violence) is just as natural of a response.

I dont buy into this "it's just nature bro" bullshit. Violence, rape, disease, famine, suffering etc are also a part of nature and quite common in fact should we roll over and accept those too? No, society tries to curtail those things.

So let me get this straight, according to you. Female nature (hypergamy) is okay but Male nature (violence) is not okay? So only women are allowed to win. Good to know who's side you're on.
"It's just nature bro!" is the dumbest non-argument ever.
I don't dissagree with you, blaming society is pointless and the only thing violent attacks accomplish is making us be the target of even more hate.
The thing that gets me angry is how normies can't just leave us alone. We aren't just living in hell, but they also have to make it worse for us by constantly making fun of incels and saying how everything is our fault and we should kill ourselves (while at the same time preaching that life is precious).
Its like seeing a kid crying on a corner and going there to kick him.
Then let me ask you this, what happen if someone who needs help but was blatantly refused when asked for it. He can't get insurance because he doesn't have a decent job, his time in college was a waste and his insurance doesn't cover mental illness.

He is then denied medicaid because he already have insurance, living with parent means that he exceeded income requirements. Nobody wants to help him yet call him mad.

He is denied a role in society, being ostracized so far from it that they won't even let him join the cog wheel, yet...

He have done everything they told him to, go to college, get a job, workout, help others and be a productive member of society, also ask for help if you need it.

Imagine if all of those failed, ended up with nothing but a negative digit to the grave, who's fault is it? Sure it his fault putting himself here in the first place, but he didn't have a choice either. He doesn't ask for much yet they won't toss him a bone, he lost his mind because he can't differentiate what's real and not.

Is it not self-defense to lash out when you are backed against a corner? Why should he let these monsters beat him down even lower? He is a human too.
Lol, people talk about going ER, none of you have the guts or IQ to actually carry it out successfully.

Someone could literally hand you a gun and put a crowd of people in front of you and you wouldn't shoot. Why? Because praising ER and people like him is just the way you cope, as if someone going ER will somehow give you some shred of recognition or acknowledgement. It'll just make people hate incels more.

Hint: it won't, you'll stay incel and insignificant no matter how many people go ER, it's just your way of coping.
We need nukes, not ER. From the ashes of nuclear conflict, we can start anew.
Humanity has amply shown me it does not deserve to endure.

Enough nukes so that there are no people left to start anew.
agreed on violence being bad

but on everything else, ok inceltears

Evolution isn't a rational or effective sorting mechanism for male character, morality, or even future survival of the species. It's only a past story detailing what traits were useful in the *past*. The vast majority of species have died out, and female selection often plays a role in this. See http://incels.info/w/fisherian_runaway
Goi g ER is the least productive thing you can do if you want to normalize incels and get us to be accepted by society as a whole and everyone who is pro mass murder is just an edgy idiot
tl;dr: appeal to nature garbage.
Most ER defenders are hypocrites anyways because they don't ever plan on going ER. It's just edginess for the heck of it.
The thing that gets me angry is how normies can't just leave us alone. We aren't just living in hell, but they also have to make it worse for us by constantly making fun of incels and saying how everything is our fault and we should kill ourselves (while at the same time preaching that life is precious).
Its like seeing a kid crying on a corner and going there to kick him.
Most ER defenders are hypocrites anyways because they don't ever plan on going ER. It's just edginess for the heck of it.
Lol, people talk about going ER, none of you have the guts or IQ to actually carry it out successfully.

Someone could literally hand you a gun and put a crowd of people in front of you and you wouldn't shoot. Why? Because praising ER and people like him is just the way you cope, as if someone going ER will somehow give you some shred of recognition or acknowledgement. It'll just make people hate incels more.

Hint: it won't, you'll stay incel and insignificant no matter how many people go ER, it's just your way of coping.
It is not about logics

I feel hatred and vengeance would make me feel better. It has nothing to do with justice, I just want to strike back at whats causing me pain.

Yes the idea of it is pleasing. It is a cope. It does not mean I will actually do it.
If your evolutionary behavioral bullshit is correct, why then women in the west give births to 0-3 children and not 6-15, women would tend to spread their genes as much as possible
normalize incels and get us to be accepted by society as a whole

1. what does that even mean

2. why would we want that

3. how would this help our situation in any way
This is the only correct answer here. If female nature is to be hyper selective and form harems with Chad then going ER (violence) is just as natural of a response.

I dont buy into this "it's just nature bro" bullshit. Violence, rape, disease, famine, suffering etc are also a part of nature and quite common in fact should we roll over and accept those too? No, society tries to curtail those things.

So let me get this straight, according to you. Female nature (hypergamy) is okay but Male nature (violence) is not okay? So only women are allowed to win. Good to know who's side you're on.
High iq
Humanity has amply shown me it does not deserve to endure.

Enough nukes so that there are no people left to start anew.
This is the only correct answer here. If female nature is to be hyper selective and form harems with Chad then going ER (violence) is just as natural of a response.

I dont buy into this "it's just nature bro" bullshit. Violence, rape, disease, famine, suffering etc are also a part of nature and quite common in fact should we roll over and accept those too? No, society tries to curtail those things.

So let me get this straight, according to you. Female nature (hypergamy) is okay but Male nature (violence) is not okay? So only women are allowed to win. Good to know who's side you're on.
Not that I support "going ER" in any kind of way.

Don't forget that War is War and during the War, all "civilized rules" are being out of the question.
Dude the only reason why they do it is because they will get away with it, people only want those with inferior genes to know their places and slave away

I should accept being treated like trash due to pure chance? Okay fuck me in the ass hardurr society
Yep this appeal to nature is moronic:

Girls found boys with IQs ranging from 75 to 90 most attractive while MIT graduates remained virgins.
Yeah, it's not their fault, but if we are trash because of genes then it's not our fault either. If they treat ERs like shit so ERs will treat them like shit back, they excluded them from society and they suffer the consequences.
Are you from the Balkans?
Many of us fantasize about going ER. I am long past this stage. Going ER is stupid and utterly pointless. And here is why:

How does evolution work?

Well...it has been proven scientifically that women are much more likely to reproduce than men. Why? Because women have a limited capacity of reproduction. Women can only have a child once every 9 months and this only works until they reach a certain age. So those women choosing the best partners for reproduction (that they can get) will have the best chance to pass on their genes. This is why women must select.

Men on the other hand can pass on their genes like 5 times a day. Whenever a new load of cum is ready in their balls they can get another woman pregnant.

This means while attractive women are a limited resource reproduction wise attractive males are not. An attractive man can be shared by multiple females and it will result in the best and highest chances to pass on genes of the females. And this is what allows women to be so selfish and shallow when it comes to choosing partners. Our whole reproduction is assembled around this fact.

And it has been proven that over the entire period that mankind existed women reproduced more than men so there were ALWAYS incels in all ages and eras that couldn't pass on their genes.

So if you think it is all society's fault and you can change something by going ER then you are wrong. The truth is that it lies in the very nature of things: If you force monogamy on women then that is an artificial structure that won't last long as history and scientific research shows. Femals have never lived monogamous lifes over the entire history of mankind. There is no way to stop them from sharing Chad rather than fucking us.

Conclusion: We are evolutionary waste - genetic trash - that will be wiped off the earth very soon.

Tumblr muikhm6vGq1sn8ziso1 400
going ER wasn't about trying to change society, it was about payback on a society that treated you like shit your whole life and expected you to play along and accept it like a good little incel
going ER wasn't about trying to change society, it was about payback on a society that treated you like shit your whole life and expected you to play along and accept it like a good little incel
Strong soy post. Ignoring the problem that cucks and women created and just justifying it as "mUh NaTuRe" just because some people are too cucked and scared to do anything about should get their fucking title of "male" on their birth certificate exed out and throw into a great white shark tank during feed time. Rise up and stop being fucking soy boy nu male cuck and take revenge on the world and people that have wronged you. FUCK ACTIN ALONG AND ACCEPTING THE WORLD'S FUCKING BULLSHIT LIKE SOME KID OF SICK WEAK "GOOD BOY DoGgo!" Lol as the femnazi cucks and normscum would put it FUCK THAT I AINT YOUR FUCKING DOG YOU FUCKING CUCKS IM THE FUCKING REAPER ON JUDGEMENT DAY
"My girlfriend cheated on me with 10 dudes, but I shouldn't be mad at her, it's just nature!".

This logic is so fucking stupid everytime I hear it. It might be human nature, I don't give a fuck, society has isolated me and then humiliated me for not being able to have sex, of course i'm gonna fucking hate it and believe going ER is justified.
I wonder how "it's just human nature" would work out in court. The judge would throw you in jail so fast you would wish you really were back in nature.
I will applaud any post that argues against going ER.

Stop letting them have mass litters as single mothers like possums. Curb their unreasoning instinct to seek the best seed they can, despite the ability or willingness of the chad to provide for and care for his offspring. Castrate and hang men who fuck illegally along with them.

Marriage, family, and civilisation used to work because women were forced to just choose one man. Economically, religiously, and practically. They are like children who are offered unlimited candy, and eat until they are sick. Except the candy is an endless line of Chad dicks, and the consequence isn’t a sore stomach but rather social decay and inbalance.
we should accept it and embrace him as our God

No, ER was a retard who greatly misrepresents this community. He didn't even bother to slay ethnics or gooks. In fact, his manifesto makes it seem like he approached no female, as if he wanted the women to come to him despite being a normie. This dumbass wanted to get courted as if he had a gaping hole in between his legs.

Lol dude was a legit retard who probably did have foids approach him.
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Pretty intersting theory , but its look impossible for mankind to survive in such polygamic model, if there was only one chad for several women how he could feed and protect the whole harem with the breed of many children ? Ofc there is always were A FEW men who physically couldnt protect even a single family but one chad surrounded by tonns of chicks in a cave ,its ridiculous .
No, ER was a retard who greatly misrepresents this community. He didn't even bother to slay ethnics or gooks. In fact, his manifesto makes it seem like he approached no female, as if he wanted the women to come to him despite being a normie. This dumbass wanted to get courted as if he had a gaping hole in between his legs.

Lol dude was a legit retard who probably did have foids approach him.
Dude the only reason why they do it is because they will get away with it, people only want those with inferior genes to know their places and slave away

I should accept being treated like trash due to pure chance? Okay fuck me in the ass hardurr society

This post is right in that society is NOT the cause of inceldom and lookism, but "accept your place" is actually a really really bad advice.
Then let me ask you this, what happen if someone who needs help but was blatantly refused when asked for it. He can't get insurance because he doesn't have a decent job, his time in college was a waste and his insurance doesn't cover mental illness.

He is then denied medicaid because he already have insurance, living with parent means that he exceeded income requirements. Nobody wants to help him yet call him mad.

He is denied a role in society, being ostracized so far from it that they won't even let him join the cog wheel, yet...

He have done everything they told him to, go to college, get a job, workout, help others and be a productive member of society, also ask for help if you need it.

Imagine if all of those failed, ended up with nothing but a negative digit to the grave, who's fault is it? Sure it his fault putting himself here in the first place, but he didn't have a choice either. He doesn't ask for much yet they won't toss him a bone, he lost his mind because he can't differentiate what's real and not.

Is it not self-defense to lash out when you are backed against a corner? Why should he let these monsters beat him down even lower? He is a human too.

Also this. Having an inferior life in the same socioeconomic background because of genetics is NOT right from a sentient being point of view. "Just accept your place in society while Chad lives like if you were in 3rd world and Chad in 1st world in comparison, and be a productive member of the society of a species that ostracizes and discriminates you on a daily basis in every area of life". What a fucking stupid cucked shit to say.

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This post is right in that society is NOT the cause of inceldom and lookism, but "accept your place" is actually a really really bad advice.

Also this. Having an inferior life in the same socioeconomic background because of genetics is NOT right from a sentient being point of view. "Just accept your place in society while Chad lives like if you were in 3rd world and Chad in 1st world in comparison, and be a productive member of the society of a species that ostracizes and discriminates you on a daily basis in every area of life". What a fucking stupid cucked shit to say.


I also think this "muh evolution: shit is dumb because, 20% of men hoarding all the pussy and only 20% of men get to breed, that just means the next generation is already more interrelated, amd every succeeding generation even more so... So basically inbreeding,. and inbreeding does not produce superior offspring, it was just some Darwinistic excuse made up by noncels to justify fucking us over.

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