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RageFuel Give me 20-60 (or more) minutes alone with this man in a room to serve JUSTICE.... (humans are disgusting)



At heart, I am a panda-bear| 5'4"| 1/10 face&head
Dec 11, 2022
This angers me so much, I can't express my thoughts here. Let's just say this wolf deserves REAL justice, as do all the animals that are treated like this or in a similar way... also anyone that supports this guy............................................ often the Catholics are right....... it's in the bible......
let me meet him and his "fam", anyone who want's to join me to have a productive interaction is very welcome...

Headline of article:

Wyoming hunter, 42, poses with exhausted wolf he tortured and paraded around his local bar with its mouth taped shut before shooting it dead - as his family member REENACTS the sick scene

*Disclaimer for this post: My comments and opinions here are open to your own interpretation in this case. I am allowed to my own opinion and can think freely. Of course, I mean 'in video game' or 'in fiction book', of course. I'm just saying what's right, I'd never do anything (justice for the wolf), I'd be too scared to do anything (justice for the wolf) due to possible repercussions. Do NOT take justice into your own hands, ok? Do NOT.
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I’m sure it’s one of those redneck Trump people.

IMG 4439
IMG 4440
Animals kill each other, but they don't torture and degrade others. Only we humans do it. Our depravity, evil, and bloodlust makes us a tragic mistep of evolution. Just look at the sheer amount of torture techniques we've devised since the dawn of civilization! That alone should blackpill anyone on just how disgusting the human psyche is. We aren't animals, we are WORSE than animals. We are demonic and evil. We deserve to be exterminated.
Animals kill each other, but they don't torture and degrade others. Only we humans do it. Our depravity, evil, and bloodlust makes us a tragic mistep of evolution. Just look at the sheer amount of torture techniques we've devised since the dawn of civilization! That alone should blackpill anyone on just how disgusting the human psyche is. We aren't animals, we are WORSE than animals. We are demonic and evil. We deserve to be exterminated.
animals kill their prey more humanely. wish i was an animalcel
wish i was an animalcel
Animals are far more noble than humans. Unlike us, animals eat shit, survive hard weather, risk of predation, lack of food, and many other things but they still manage to live decent. We would instantly die in the wilderness from a bite of some insect, snake or mistakenly eating out some poisonous fruit. Animals are strong, muscular, and athletic while we humans are weak and even deformed looking. Animals keep to themselves and spend their rest in quietude, whereas we cause a huge about of noise and environmental pollution because we are a bunch of narcissistic sick fucks who need to let every other living thing know that we are here. Humans absolutely sicken me which is why I hang out with street dogs who in spite of their poor condition are more loving and accepting of me than the wretched humans around me.
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Animals are far more noble than humans. Unlike us, animals eat shit, survive hard weather, risk of predation, lack of food, and many other things. Animals are strong, muscular, and athletic while we humans are weak and even deformed looking. Animals keep to themselves and spend their rest in quietude, whereas we cause a huge about of noise and environmental pollution because we are a bunch of narcissistic sick fucks who need to let every other living thing know that we are here. Humans absolutely sicken me which is why I hang out with street dogs who in spite of their poor condition are more loving and accepting of me than the wretched humans around me.
based and diogenespilled
Animals are far more noble than humans. Unlike us, animals eat shit, survive hard weather, risk of predation, lack of food, and many other things but they still manage to live decent. We would instantly die in the wilderness from a bite of some insect, snake or mistakenly eating out some poisonous fruit. Animals are strong, muscular, and athletic while we humans are weak and even deformed looking. Animals keep to themselves and spend their rest in quietude, whereas we cause a huge about of noise and environmental pollution because we are a bunch of narcissistic sick fucks who need to let every other living thing know that we are here. Humans absolutely sicken me which is why I hang out with street dogs who in spite of their poor condition are more loving and accepting of me than the wretched humans around me.
Animals are far more noble than humans. Unlike us, animals eat shit, survive hard weather, risk of predation, lack of food, and many other things but they still manage to live decent. We would instantly die in the wilderness from a bite of some insect, snake or mistakenly eating out some poisonous fruit. Animals are strong, muscular, and athletic while we humans are weak and even deformed looking. Animals keep to themselves and spend their rest in quietude, whereas we cause a huge about of noise and environmental pollution because we are a bunch of narcissistic sick fucks who need to let every other living thing know that we are here. Humans absolutely sicken me which is why I hang out with street dogs who in spite of their poor condition are more loving and accepting of me than the wretched humans around me.
Exactly to both posts

Dog Puppy GIF

kittens GIF by Hallmark Channel
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cats like to torture other animals, dolphins too.
I'd happily pay money to ensure animal abusers, including the guy in article, receive *special treatment*
I'd happily pay money to ensure animal abusers, including the guy in article, receive *special treatment*
And I’d happily pay money to ensure you receive the *special treatment*
maybe he is just a dogpilled sage
maybe he is just a dogpilled sage
what's your problem with dogs or wolves? Either way it's more than wrong what he did :lasereyes:
My dog respects my cat more than the other way round
Let the wolf's relatives get revenge on him,,, set him free in the wilderness parts with many wolves

wolf GIF
Moving Pictures Hello GIF
Natures Great Events Cat GIF by BBC America

I'm sure my friends the bear and mountain lion will help avenge that poor wolf. "I" for an "I".

Roberts would deserve it.

*Disclaimer for all my previous and any following posts on this thread: My comments (opinions) here are open to your own interpretation. I am allowed to my own opinion and can think freely and express my strong emotions. All comments are meant 'in fiction book', NOT "IRL". I'm just saying what's right, I'd never do anything (justice for the wolf), I'd be too scared to do anything due to possible repercussions. Do NOT take justice into your own hands. Do NOT do that.
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I saw on the news in my country that some guy trapped their neighbours dog in his house and tortured it to death to the point that the owners could hardly tell that its their dog.

Animal abusers are almost always normies not incels/outcasts.
I saw on the news in my country that some guy trapped their neighbours dog in his house and tortured it to death to the point that the owners could hardly tell that its their dog.
:reeeeee: that guy should be dealt with too (by the *law* obviously)

Animal abusers are almost always normies not incels/outcasts.

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