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Blackpill [For IncelTears & Normies] The Obvious Futility & Irony Of "Self Improvement" Advice



Feb 28, 2018
I know thinking is not something normies do much, but I hope they will actually try when they are reading this post

Self improvement advice is extremely ironic, because it will literally only be effective if the majority of men don't take the advice, which makes it useless advice

Its completely fallacious, because you have to know full well that the advice only works on the assumption that many others don't take the advice, its advice you give out hoping that the person listens while at the same time hoping they don't, because them listening will ironically just lower the success rate of the other men you previously told JFL

Also all self improvement does is "sweeten the pot" for women (more higher quality choices)

Let me paint the picture for you with an analogy so you understand the argument being made (I already know some of you normies have fingers in your ears ready to go "la la la la")

Imagine if for some magical reason 1,000,000 people in a America became aware of what the winning lottery numbers would be for the next drawing of some mega millions game, and they knew this without a doubt, for some reason they just knew. That bit of "advice" that they got, is ultimately futile because:


Even if the drawing was $300,000,000 every winner would only get $300, so they all got advice that was essentially worth $300,000,000, but the worth of the advice is essentially reduced to $300 just by simply increasing the number of people that have access to it

A strategy is only useful if it gives you an upper-hand that nobody else has, if everybody else is aware of and employs the strategy, THE STRATEGY IS RENDERED MOOT

Lets say the only thing keeping incels from being noticed by women is just lack of effort (it isn't, its unattractiveness but lets pretend its true for the sake of argument)

If all incels actually took the advice, they'd all increase their attractiveness relatively by the same margin for the most part, so it would really be no different, their relative looks would be the same

Imagine there are two bakeries that serve equally good tasting pastries, that are both an equal distance from your work and home, lets say the general price is $10 for all items, if one bakery lowers its general price to $5 then you will more likely purchase your pastries there, because it is better BY COMPARISON. If both bakeries lower their price to $5 neither bakery is more enticing than the other, you may even just go look for cheaper one with relative quality, or simply buy from either one every now and then on a whim, there's nothing to compare between the two because both are employing the same competitive pricing strategy

Also normies seem to forget that average looking and above average looking men can also just simply follow the same advice, which they will, and they exceed the looks of an "improved incel" just with their BASE LOOKS so if they improve that renders an incels efforts to be even more worthless

Going back to the bakery example, there may be another nearby bakery you know of that actually has higher quality pasteries than the other two, and that's their basic simple pastries when compared to the "artisan tier goods" of the other two. This bakery will likely lower its prices a bit in response to the other two, the only side that wins out in this IS THE CUSTOMER.

Self improvement only really works if other men aren't doing it, in fact that's what makes it attractive, because you are putting in more effort than "the average man", it shows that you have drive, that you care about your appearance and are a "hard worker" or "dedicated". Self improvement can only be an indicator of such things IF IT ISN'T A NORM, but if basically every man is doing those things, then you are just a regular guy, your ripped body you earned in the gym doesn't mean shit because every incel is ripped too, and with the swipe of a finger any woman can bring up a list of 20 guys that are just as ripped or more ripped on top of having more money than you


All it does is increase the relative quality of males women have access too, it basically increases the looks tiers, what would once be considered a 9/10 in looks after some time becomes an 8, because most incels have improved from being 4's to 5's and so on and so forth

It will ironically just make it harder to date FOR MEN. Women are born with holes (the primary thing men want from them when it comes to attractiveness), they don't have to work or put effort in to get one, and its the only requirement really to attract most men, but men aren't born being fit, or with abs, or rich, or "hard working". Men have to put effort in to become what women want, women are born as what men want

So if everyman on earth took the advice seriously, and went to extremes to improve themselves, all it would do is create a more attractive litter for women to have their pick from, but ironically the men who were at the bottom to begin with will remain relatively at the bottom, because MEN WHOSE BASE LOOKS ALREADY EXCEEDED THEIRS ARE ALSO IMPROVING THEMSELVES IN RESPONSE TO THE TREND, IN ORDER TO COMPETE

The only thing mass self improvement would improve, is the quality of fucks women can get, IT DOESN'T ACTUALLY HELP MEN!


I'm not arguing that you should go out of your way to not improve yourself just to spite women or some retarded BS like that, don't misunderstand, I myself have various aspects of myself I am improving on and will improve on, but the end goal isn't for me to place myself on a platter to be judged and hopefully accepted by a woman as a suitable mate, that is a waste of time and effort, I am no longer on the dating market, I'm on the fucking whores via payment market, self improvement only makes sense in the aspect of it IMPROVING YOUR LIFE, NOT IMPROVING WOMEN'S SEX LIVES

Don't put in all your time and effort to self improve just to try and "ASCEND", you should improve yourself, to increase YOUR ENJOYMENT, HEALTH AND SECURITY (ESPECIALLY FINANCIAL SECURITY), you should focus on how to "DESCEND" if you are putting in all that effort to improve

(much like the entire concept of "ascension")

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Can you make that shit shorter
Can you make that shit shorter

Self improvement advice is extremely ironic, because it will literally only be effective if the majority of men don't take the advice, which makes it useless advice

Also all self improvement does is "sweeten the pot" for women (more higher quality choices)

Let me paint the picture for you with an analogy so you understand the argument being made (I already know some of you normies have fingers in your ears ready to go "la la la la")

Imagine if for some magical reason 1,000,000 people in a America became aware of what the winning lottery numbers would be for the next drawing of some mega millions game, and they knew this without a doubt, for some reason they just knew. That bit of "advice" that they got, is ultimately futile because:


Even if the drawing was $300,000,000 every winner would only get $300, so they all got advice that was essentially worth $300,000,000, but the worth of the advice is essentially reduced to $300 just by simply increasing the number of people that have access to it

A strategy is only useful if it gives you an upper-hand that nobody else has, if everybody else is aware of and employs the strategy, THE STRATEGY IS RENDERED MOOT
I don't get the "improve yourself" mentality. Then you have the people who say "just focus on yourself bro then women will come" which we know is total shit.

Regardless, every young man should be getting regular physical exercise and eat a decent diet that's not full of sugary shit. And guys should hopefully be trying their best to get a decent job for themselves. Other than that what exactly do you improve? How does someone with no social connections (and unattractive to top it off) make it in the dating world despite "improving themselves"?
I’m a 2/10 or a 3/10 on a good day. I could looksmaxx to maybe a 4/10, but normies start at a 5/10 and can out looksmaxx me even further.

Self improvement to attract women is a meme. Self improvement should only be done for yourself.
Bloody good advice.
Based and blackpilled as always though I think it is essential for everybody to be healthy and have a decent amount of exercise along with healthy eating habits. Besides from that you've made some really good points about self improvement.
Improving yourself it's a meme, because you can't improve yourself too much(if you are not mentalcel) and nowadays it's meaningless anyway. It's like some dbz shit, in the beginning Krilin and Yamcha could improve their base form and it meant something, but in Tinder saga both Krilin(manlet), Yamcha(mentalcel) and Chaozu(deformedcel) can improve as much as they can and still their power level is laughable for typical female. Meanwhile chadgoku has only to go ssj and all your improvements are meaningless.
Improving yourself it's a meme, because you can't improve yourself too much(if you are not mentalcel) and nowadays it's meaningless anyway. It's like some dbz shit, in the beginning Krilin and Yamcha could improve their base form and it meant something, but in Tinder saga both Krilin(manlet), Yamcha(mentalcel) and Chaozu(deformedcel) can improve as much as they can and still their power level is laughable for typical female. Meanwhile chadgoku has only to go ssj and all your improvements are meaningless.
That's actually a really good comparison/metaphor. I agree that self improvement if done at all should only be done for yourself and nobody else too.
Great read. All of this is true and so sad that it is so true.
One of my biggest gripes is when normies just want to spoonfeed you the "improve yourself" mantra over and over again. They will tell you that year after year. Then you hit your 30s. Everybody else has their amazing careers and family. Then you hit your 40s. Everybody else is getting ready to enter the last phase of their working years and traveling years before they get geriatric and retire.
All that life has passed you by and they would still tell you to "improve yourself" like the idiotic drones they are. Telling you: "Well plenty of people find their soul mate and get married in their 50s!" and smile and laugh at you all the while they say that with a straight face.
As if any 50yo virgin man is on any woman's list of potential partners. And these days you can't even moneymaxx and go after teenage brides as you DESERVE for being honest and pure for the entirety of your life.

All the fucking degenerates have fun and live the good life while we are told to shut up and mocked at each phase throughout our lives. One day they won't be laughing.
Can you make that shit shorter

I will. This guy believes self improvement is useless because if everyone self improves then competition becomes higher.
That’s all.
The whole thesis can be said in one sentence. You’re welcome. It’s not even a summary, the sentence contains all the information.
It's futile it reminds me of that greek mythology story about a guy pushing up a boulder only for it to fall down only for it to fall down back to where he started and he just repeats the process over and over. The same thing with self improvement if your goals are to get a woman, we're not 9s and 10s to the eyes of women you're just another guy so even if you improve yourself from a 4 to a 5 you're just another average joe easily replaceable in the click of a button, we live in a relatively peaceful time male population is roughly the same as women therefore men have to compete for women compared to the past where males died in wars and conflicts and they didn't have to compete as hard because of male scarcity. But back to my point self improvement will not benefit you with women as much as you would expect because to her eyes you're expandable she can have dozens of you .while she has to do nothing in return.
I know thinking is not something normies do much, but I hope they will actually try when they are reading this post

Self improvement advice is extremely ironic, because it will literally only be effective if the majority of men don't take the advice, which makes it useless advice

Its completely fallacious, because you have to know full well that the advice only works on the assumption that many others don't take the advice, its advice you give out hoping that the person listens while at the same time hoping they don't, because them listening will ironically just lower the success rate of the other men you previously told JFL

Also all self improvement does is "sweeten the pot" for women (more higher quality choices)

Let me paint the picture for you with an analogy so you understand the argument being made (I already know some of you normies have fingers in your ears ready to go "la la la la")

Imagine if for some magical reason 1,000,000 people in a America became aware of what the winning lottery numbers would be for the next drawing of some mega millions game, and they knew this without a doubt, for some reason they just knew. That bit of "advice" that they got, is ultimately futile because:


Even if the drawing was $300,000,000 every winner would only get $300, so they all got advice that was essentially worth $300,000,000, but the worth of the advice is essentially reduced to $300 just by simply increasing the number of people that have access to it

A strategy is only useful if it gives you an upper-hand that nobody else has, if everybody else is aware of and employs the strategy, THE STRATEGY IS RENDERED MOOT

Lets say the only thing keeping incels from being noticed by women is just lack of effort (it isn't, its unattractiveness but lets pretend its true for the sake of argument)

If all incels actually took the advice, they'd all increase their attractiveness relatively by the same margin for the most part, so it would really be no different, their relative looks would be the same

Imagine there are two bakeries that serve equally good tasting pastries, that are both an equal distance from your work and home, lets say the general price is $10 for all items, if one bakery lowers its general price to $5 then you will more likely purchase your pastries there, because it is better BY COMPARISON. If both bakeries lower their price to $5 neither bakery is more enticing than the other, you may even just go look for cheaper one with relative quality, or simply buy from either one every now and then on a whim, there's nothing to compare between the two because both are employing the same competitive pricing strategy

Also normies seem to forget that average looking and above average looking men can also just simply follow the same advice, which they will, and they exceed the looks of an "improved incel" just with their BASE LOOKS so if they improve that renders an incels efforts to be even more worthless

Going back to the bakery example, there may be another nearby bakery you know of that actually has higher quality pasteries than the other two, and that's their basic simple pastries when compared to the "artisan tier goods" of the other two. This bakery will likely lower its prices a bit in response to the other two, the only side that wins out in this IS THE CUSTOMER.

Self improvement only really works if other men aren't doing it, in fact that's what makes it attractive, because you are putting in more effort than "the average man", it shows that you have drive, that you care about your appearance and are a "hard worker" or "dedicated". Self improvement can only be an indicator of such things IF IT ISN'T A NORM, but if basically every man is doing those things, then you are just a regular guy, your ripped body you earned in the gym doesn't mean shit because every incel is ripped too, and with the swipe of a finger any woman can bring up a list of 20 guys that are just as ripped or more ripped on top of having more money than you


All it does is increase the relative quality of males women have access too, it basically increases the looks tiers, what would once be considered a 9/10 in looks after some time becomes an 8, because most incels have improved from being 4's to 5's and so on and so forth

It will ironically just make it harder to date FOR MEN. Women are born with holes (the primary thing men want from them when it comes to attractiveness), they don't have to work or put effort in to get one, and its the only requirement really to attract most men, but men aren't born being fit, or with abs, or rich, or "hard working". Men have to put effort in to become what women want, women are born as what men want

So if everyman on earth took the advice seriously, and went to extremes to improve themselves, all it would do is create a more attractive litter for women to have their pick from, but ironically the men who were at the bottom to begin with will remain relatively at the bottom, because MEN WHOSE BASE LOOKS ALREADY EXCEEDED THEIRS ARE ALSO IMPROVING THEMSELVES IN RESPONSE TO THE TREND, IN ORDER TO COMPETE

The only thing mass self improvement would improve, is the quality of fucks women can get, IT DOESN'T ACTUALLY HELP MEN!


I'm not arguing that you should go out of your way to not improve yourself just to spite women or some retarded BS like that, don't misunderstand, I myself have various aspects of myself I am improving on and will improve on, but the end goal isn't for me to place myself on a platter to be judged and hopefully accepted by a woman as a suitable mate, that is a waste of time and effort, I am no longer on the dating market, I'm on the fucking whores via payment market, self improvement only makes sense in the aspect of it IMPROVING YOUR LIFE, NOT IMPROVING WOMEN'S SEX LIVES

Don't put in all your time and effort to self improve just to try and "ASCEND", you should improve yourself, to increase YOUR ENJOYMENT, HEALTH AND SECURITY (ESPECIALLY FINANCIAL SECURITY), you should focus on how to "DESCEND" if you are putting in all that effort to improve

(much like the entire concept of "ascension")

You forgot a point.

If men self improve, women have to do less work to get more attractive men and thus practice self-UNimprovement, meaning get fatter and uglier. Normies self-improving makes women worse in parallel.
They always give ppl “self improvement” advice but will be the same ones to stand in their way n block em from “improving”
I will. This guy believes self improvement is useless because if everyone self improves then competition becomes higher.
That’s all.
The whole thesis can be said in one sentence. You’re welcome. It’s not even a summary, the sentence contains all the information.

You clearly didin't read properly, you guys want something short, but if I write something short it won't be as nuanced and it quite literally while be the one line BS you stated, but it isn't. Also you don't change peoples minds with one line, try again. Self improvement is only useful to a man, if he's taken himself off of the market and stopped trying to date (you missed that part), if you aren't going to read the post, don't bother replying, there are plenty of short meme threads on this site to appeal to your kind of mindset

I'm not arguing that you should go out of your way to not improve yourself just to spite women or some retarded BS like that, don't misunderstand, I myself have various aspects of myself I am improving on and will improve on, but the end goal isn't for me to place myself on a platter to be judged and hopefully accepted by a woman as a suitable mate, that is a waste of time and effort, I am no longer on the dating market, I'm on the fucking whores via payment market, self improvement only makes sense in the aspect of it IMPROVING YOUR LIFE, NOT IMPROVING WOMEN'S SEX LIVES

Don't put in all your time and effort to self improve just to try and "ASCEND", you should improve yourself, to increase YOUR ENJOYMENT, HEALTH AND SECURITY (ESPECIALLY FINANCIAL SECURITY), you should focus on how to "DESCEND" if you are putting in all that effort to improve

(much like the entire concept of "ascension")

women have to do less work to get more attractive men

I actually did make mention of this, was one of the key points actually
Also all self improvement does is "sweeten the pot" for women (more higher quality choices)

and thus practice self-UNimprovement, meaning get fatter and uglier.

I don't think it would make women do it "more", because they are doing it to begin with, there isn't much further they can take it, women are already letting themselves go to shit and become disgusting landwhales

Normies self-improving makes women worse in parallel.

Women are always better in comparison to men because of the male libido and because they have holes
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I know thinking is not something normies do much, but I hope they will actually try when they are reading this post

Self improvement advice is extremely ironic, because it will literally only be effective if the majority of men don't take the advice, which makes it useless advice

Its completely fallacious, because you have to know full well that the advice only works on the assumption that many others don't take the advice, its advice you give out hoping that the person listens while at the same time hoping they don't, because them listening will ironically just lower the success rate of the other men you previously told JFL

Also all self improvement does is "sweeten the pot" for women (more higher quality choices)

Let me paint the picture for you with an analogy so you understand the argument being made (I already know some of you normies have fingers in your ears ready to go "la la la la")

Imagine if for some magical reason 1,000,000 people in a America became aware of what the winning lottery numbers would be for the next drawing of some mega millions game, and they knew this without a doubt, for some reason they just knew. That bit of "advice" that they got, is ultimately futile because:


Even if the drawing was $300,000,000 every winner would only get $300, so they all got advice that was essentially worth $300,000,000, but the worth of the advice is essentially reduced to $300 just by simply increasing the number of people that have access to it

A strategy is only useful if it gives you an upper-hand that nobody else has, if everybody else is aware of and employs the strategy, THE STRATEGY IS RENDERED MOOT

Lets say the only thing keeping incels from being noticed by women is just lack of effort (it isn't, its unattractiveness but lets pretend its true for the sake of argument)

If all incels actually took the advice, they'd all increase their attractiveness relatively by the same margin for the most part, so it would really be no different, their relative looks would be the same

Imagine there are two bakeries that serve equally good tasting pastries, that are both an equal distance from your work and home, lets say the general price is $10 for all items, if one bakery lowers its general price to $5 then you will more likely purchase your pastries there, because it is better BY COMPARISON. If both bakeries lower their price to $5 neither bakery is more enticing than the other, you may even just go look for cheaper one with relative quality, or simply buy from either one every now and then on a whim, there's nothing to compare between the two because both are employing the same competitive pricing strategy

Also normies seem to forget that average looking and above average looking men can also just simply follow the same advice, which they will, and they exceed the looks of an "improved incel" just with their BASE LOOKS so if they improve that renders an incels efforts to be even more worthless

Going back to the bakery example, there may be another nearby bakery you know of that actually has higher quality pasteries than the other two, and that's their basic simple pastries when compared to the "artisan tier goods" of the other two. This bakery will likely lower its prices a bit in response to the other two, the only side that wins out in this IS THE CUSTOMER.

Self improvement only really works if other men aren't doing it, in fact that's what makes it attractive, because you are putting in more effort than "the average man", it shows that you have drive, that you care about your appearance and are a "hard worker" or "dedicated". Self improvement can only be an indicator of such things IF IT ISN'T A NORM, but if basically every man is doing those things, then you are just a regular guy, your ripped body you earned in the gym doesn't mean shit because every incel is ripped too, and with the swipe of a finger any woman can bring up a list of 20 guys that are just as ripped or more ripped on top of having more money than you


All it does is increase the relative quality of males women have access too, it basically increases the looks tiers, what would once be considered a 9/10 in looks after some time becomes an 8, because most incels have improved from being 4's to 5's and so on and so forth

It will ironically just make it harder to date FOR MEN. Women are born with holes (the primary thing men want from them when it comes to attractiveness), they don't have to work or put effort in to get one, and its the only requirement really to attract most men, but men aren't born being fit, or with abs, or rich, or "hard working". Men have to put effort in to become what women want, women are born as what men want

So if everyman on earth took the advice seriously, and went to extremes to improve themselves, all it would do is create a more attractive litter for women to have their pick from, but ironically the men who were at the bottom to begin with will remain relatively at the bottom, because MEN WHOSE BASE LOOKS ALREADY EXCEEDED THEIRS ARE ALSO IMPROVING THEMSELVES IN RESPONSE TO THE TREND, IN ORDER TO COMPETE

The only thing mass self improvement would improve, is the quality of fucks women can get, IT DOESN'T ACTUALLY HELP MEN!


I'm not arguing that you should go out of your way to not improve yourself just to spite women or some retarded BS like that, don't misunderstand, I myself have various aspects of myself I am improving on and will improve on, but the end goal isn't for me to place myself on a platter to be judged and hopefully accepted by a woman as a suitable mate, that is a waste of time and effort, I am no longer on the dating market, I'm on the fucking whores via payment market, self improvement only makes sense in the aspect of it IMPROVING YOUR LIFE, NOT IMPROVING WOMEN'S SEX LIVES

Don't put in all your time and effort to self improve just to try and "ASCEND", you should improve yourself, to increase YOUR ENJOYMENT, HEALTH AND SECURITY (ESPECIALLY FINANCIAL SECURITY), you should focus on how to "DESCEND" if you are putting in all that effort to improve

(much like the entire concept of "ascension")

Based, to always put the pressure on men and tell them to improve is just playing into the hands of feminism and making the situation worse for us. There is reasonable self improvement but when men desperately try to change themselves as they do now is sick and only serves women.

Even in here that mindset is common, instead of wanting to tackle the root of the problem and change what is wrong in society they'll choose the way of fatal competition and self improvement that leads to men becoming more and more attractive while settling for uglier and uglier foids.
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Self improvement is just cope. So yeah all these incels and low tier normies walking around gymmaxxxed with the latest adidas and Nike shit is quite comical but at the same time I try not to judge copes
Great read. All of this is true and so sad that it is so true.
One of my biggest gripes is when normies just want to spoonfeed you the "improve yourself" mantra over and over again. They will tell you that year after year. Then you hit your 30s. Everybody else has their amazing careers and family. Then you hit your 40s. Everybody else is getting ready to enter the last phase of their working years and traveling years before they get geriatric and retire.
All that life has passed you by and they would still tell you to "improve yourself" like the idiotic drones they are. Telling you: "Well plenty of people find their soul mate and get married in their 50s!" and smile and laugh at you all the while they say that with a straight face.
As if any 50yo virgin man is on any woman's list of potential partners. And these days you can't even moneymaxx and go after teenage brides as you DESERVE for being honest and pure for the entirety of your life.

All the fucking degenerates have fun and live the good life while we are told to shut up and mocked at each phase throughout our lives. One day they won't be laughing.
Thats cope you are unattractive to women Which is why they wobt fuck you. Its over you will either rope or cope
Self improvement has gotten me nowhere.

I've been looksmaxxing and lifting for over half a decade. I've improved a lot but I'm still fucking ugly because I was born with the wrong face and with a mediocre height. I've got an engineering degree from one of the best universities in my country but it doesn't really matter. I've made some friends but it doesn't matter.

I've focused so much on self improvement these past 6-7 years and I got nothing to show for it. Romantically my situation hasn't changed: no woman ever gives me a single indicator of interest.

I have never hugged, cuddled, held hands, kissed etc. Nothing. It will never happen and I will die alone despite all my efforts. Some parts of life just aren't meant for some of us, some of us are doomed.
I know thinking is not something normies do much, but I hope they will actually try when they are reading this post

Self improvement advice is extremely ironic, because it will literally only be effective if the majority of men don't take the advice, which makes it useless advice

Its completely fallacious, because you have to know full well that the advice only works on the assumption that many others don't take the advice, its advice you give out hoping that the person listens while at the same time hoping they don't, because them listening will ironically just lower the success rate of the other men you previously told JFL

Also all self improvement does is "sweeten the pot" for women (more higher quality choices)

Let me paint the picture for you with an analogy so you understand the argument being made (I already know some of you normies have fingers in your ears ready to go "la la la la")

Imagine if for some magical reason 1,000,000 people in a America became aware of what the winning lottery numbers would be for the next drawing of some mega millions game, and they knew this without a doubt, for some reason they just knew. That bit of "advice" that they got, is ultimately futile because:


Even if the drawing was $300,000,000 every winner would only get $300, so they all got advice that was essentially worth $300,000,000, but the worth of the advice is essentially reduced to $300 just by simply increasing the number of people that have access to it

A strategy is only useful if it gives you an upper-hand that nobody else has, if everybody else is aware of and employs the strategy, THE STRATEGY IS RENDERED MOOT

Lets say the only thing keeping incels from being noticed by women is just lack of effort (it isn't, its unattractiveness but lets pretend its true for the sake of argument)

If all incels actually took the advice, they'd all increase their attractiveness relatively by the same margin for the most part, so it would really be no different, their relative looks would be the same

Imagine there are two bakeries that serve equally good tasting pastries, that are both an equal distance from your work and home, lets say the general price is $10 for all items, if one bakery lowers its general price to $5 then you will more likely purchase your pastries there, because it is better BY COMPARISON. If both bakeries lower their price to $5 neither bakery is more enticing than the other, you may even just go look for cheaper one with relative quality, or simply buy from either one every now and then on a whim, there's nothing to compare between the two because both are employing the same competitive pricing strategy

Also normies seem to forget that average looking and above average looking men can also just simply follow the same advice, which they will, and they exceed the looks of an "improved incel" just with their BASE LOOKS so if they improve that renders an incels efforts to be even more worthless

Going back to the bakery example, there may be another nearby bakery you know of that actually has higher quality pasteries than the other two, and that's their basic simple pastries when compared to the "artisan tier goods" of the other two. This bakery will likely lower its prices a bit in response to the other two, the only side that wins out in this IS THE CUSTOMER.

Self improvement only really works if other men aren't doing it, in fact that's what makes it attractive, because you are putting in more effort than "the average man", it shows that you have drive, that you care about your appearance and are a "hard worker" or "dedicated". Self improvement can only be an indicator of such things IF IT ISN'T A NORM, but if basically every man is doing those things, then you are just a regular guy, your ripped body you earned in the gym doesn't mean shit because every incel is ripped too, and with the swipe of a finger any woman can bring up a list of 20 guys that are just as ripped or more ripped on top of having more money than you


All it does is increase the relative quality of males women have access too, it basically increases the looks tiers, what would once be considered a 9/10 in looks after some time becomes an 8, because most incels have improved from being 4's to 5's and so on and so forth

It will ironically just make it harder to date FOR MEN. Women are born with holes (the primary thing men want from them when it comes to attractiveness), they don't have to work or put effort in to get one, and its the only requirement really to attract most men, but men aren't born being fit, or with abs, or rich, or "hard working". Men have to put effort in to become what women want, women are born as what men want

So if everyman on earth took the advice seriously, and went to extremes to improve themselves, all it would do is create a more attractive litter for women to have their pick from, but ironically the men who were at the bottom to begin with will remain relatively at the bottom, because MEN WHOSE BASE LOOKS ALREADY EXCEEDED THEIRS ARE ALSO IMPROVING THEMSELVES IN RESPONSE TO THE TREND, IN ORDER TO COMPETE

The only thing mass self improvement would improve, is the quality of fucks women can get, IT DOESN'T ACTUALLY HELP MEN!


I'm not arguing that you should go out of your way to not improve yourself just to spite women or some retarded BS like that, don't misunderstand, I myself have various aspects of myself I am improving on and will improve on, but the end goal isn't for me to place myself on a platter to be judged and hopefully accepted by a woman as a suitable mate, that is a waste of time and effort, I am no longer on the dating market, I'm on the fucking whores via payment market, self improvement only makes sense in the aspect of it IMPROVING YOUR LIFE, NOT IMPROVING WOMEN'S SEX LIVES

Don't put in all your time and effort to self improve just to try and "ASCEND", you should improve yourself, to increase YOUR ENJOYMENT, HEALTH AND SECURITY (ESPECIALLY FINANCIAL SECURITY), you should focus on how to "DESCEND" if you are putting in all that effort to improve

(much like the entire concept of "ascension")

You gone MSTOW now?
One of the best posts I have ever read on this forum.
Another high IQ post.

And 100% IT won't read it.
The media will ignore it and focus on "mah misogyny"
Good Reads.. we have the best thought provoking pieces and the highest IQs. When it comes to self improvement it only benefits Whoids.. the myth that it benefits Men is a Red Herring forced by society to make sure slaves don't leave the plantation.
Very good post filled with truth.

Also there's the fact that alot of self improvement advice will actually make your situation even worse (eg focusing on confidence and personality and cucking instead of becoming faster, stronger and dominating). While many normies actually believe this works, others are actually blackpilled deep down and want to see you fail so there is less competition for themselves.
On another forum I saw a bluish piller admit that 1 out of 5 of men don't have a decent chance of getting laid, but simply say "come on, it can't be that hard to do better than the bottom 20%".

Yeah... Can't be that hard to better than literally millions of men. Because fuck whatever natural disadvantages you're stuck with.

Regardless, "improve yourself" is only code for "change yourself" which is code for "sell out and pander to society over yourself". It implies that how attractive you are to foids determines your quality as a person. But I'm fine with myself as is; the only thing I dislike is that I can't ascend. A foid or Chad could do the same shit I do and still ascend, though, so I refuse to blame that for my situation over the bullshit dynamics between men and women. People shouldn't be pressured not to stay true to themselves just to beg for approval that may never come.
Yeah I need a taller more robust frame. Gym won’t solve that.
i rly aways read your post you are high IQ but shorter pls
Fucking Hubble Telescope level IQ here. I dare IT to read this and just try to refute it. I applaud you, OP. I couldn't have said it better myself.
Men have to improve themselves while foids get called beautiful while stuffing their fat faces all day. Jfl at this society.
The only legit "self improvement" is looksmaxxing. Everything else is futile.
holy crap mods should never unpin this

this actually refutes many normie arguments
The only legit "self improvement" is looksmaxxing. Everything else is futile.

Actually its looksmaxxing that is futile and everything else that is legit

1. Your looks decrease over time, so by default it is a depreciating asset

2. There are millions of men whose base looks exceed your looksmaxxed self, so no matter how much effort you put in millions of men will always be better than you by default, and due to modern social norms and communication technology, every woman has potential access to every one of those men as suitors

However wealth is an appreciating asset, and money grows over time, especially through investment, and with money you can buy many things that you want, of course like with looks there is always someone richer than you, but there is no such thing as "too much money", if you approach a whore at a brothel she'll fuck the 10/10 Chad for the same rate as she fucks you, because its a business, word gets out that she's giving special favors and she loses customers, money is the great equalizer when it comes to sex, Chad has no power in the realm of prostitution, he's just another john
holy crap mods should never unpin this

Sadly they will, like many of my threads that should probably be staples
Actually its looksmaxxing that is futile and everything else that is legit

1. Your looks decrease over time, so by default it is a depreciating asset

2. There are millions of men whose base looks exceed your looksmaxxed self, so no matter how much effort you put in millions of men will always be better than you by default, and due to modern social norms and communication technology, every woman has potential access to every one of those men as suitors

However wealth is an appreciating asset, and money grows over time, especially through investment, and with money you can buy many things that you want, of course like with looks there is always someone richer than you, but there is no such thing as "too much money", if you approach a whore at a brothel she'll fuck the 10/10 Chad for the same rate as she fucks you, because its a business, word gets out that she's giving special favors and she loses customers, money is the great equalizer when it comes to sex, Chad has no power in the realm of prostitution, he's just another john
I cant deny the fact that it is one of the best threads ive read
a recap of what i understood:

if every men improves, then no men improves, we're just raising the bar and standard higher for men to get laid doing so.

Also, if we only ask men to improve and not women, then obese ''kweenz'' will be entitled to gymamxxed looksmaxxed normie while they never did any effort in their own.

High IQ thread
A good example of this phenomenon is online dating. If you look at online dating, it is basically impossible for incels. Mainly because everyone is on it. Any single guy is on Tinder or whatever. This wasn't the case like 10-15 years ago when online dating was taboo. Back then, incels would have had much more chance of getting a date off it, slim as it was. Nowadays, there is no chance.
I talked about this with gymcelling and how because of zyzz everyone lifts weights now, so it means nothing and nobody is going to make it. I see tons of guys that are lean muscular and wear medium sized shirts to show off their 15-16 inch arms or they are bloatmaxxed, where as before lifting weights was beyond rare.
This article changed my life, in all seriousness
This op is high IQ. Self-improvement is all for the benefit of foids. Foids will have better men to chose from. Foids enjoy terrorizing men. I hate foids, just as foids hate me.
IncelTears room temparutre IQ wont grasp this.
I’m a 2/10 or a 3/10 on a good day. I could looksmaxx to maybe a 4/10, but normies start at a 5/10 and can out looksmaxx me even further.

Self improvement to attract women is a meme. Self improvement should only be done for yourself.
My heart just generally hurts looking in the mirror
My heart just generally hurts looking in the mirror
I’m a bluecel yay
Last edited:
Self improvement has gotten me nowhere.

I've been looksmaxxing and lifting for over half a decade. I've improved a lot but I'm still fucking ugly because I was born with the wrong face and with a mediocre height. I've got an engineering degree from one of the best universities in my country but it doesn't really matter. I've made some friends but it doesn't matter.

I've focused so much on self improvement these past 6-7 years and I got nothing to show for it. Romantically my situation hasn't changed: no woman ever gives me a single indicator of interest.

I have never hugged, cuddled, held hands, kissed etc. Nothing. It will never happen and I will die alone despite all my efforts. Some parts of life just aren't meant for some of us, some of us are doomed.

Your comment gives me the most ragefuel of all. They constantly tell us "just lift, get a better job, eat this do that" and then you do it. You spend years doing what they tell you and you end up nowhere. It's over. Cope or Rope.
Your comment gives me the most ragefuel of all. They constantly tell us "just lift, get a better job, eat this do that" and then you do it. You spend years doing what they tell you and you end up nowhere. It's over. Cope or Rope.
Tbh at least the gym kind of filled a void and improved my life in some ways. At least it had some positive impact.

But for the purpose improving (or starting lmao) your romantic life it's useless if you're damn ugly or very short. And the same goes for virtually every normie advice. The only thing that could ever save me is surgery maybe.

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