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SuicideFuel Foid asks me to take over her shift cause she's throwing a party, then immediately begs other coworker to attend her party

  • Thread starter Absolute Garbage
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Absolute Garbage

Absolute Garbage

Aug 2, 2018
During downtime at work I usually hang out with my coworkers who happen to be mostly foids. I spend most of my work day with one particular foid mainly because she's friendly in general and seems to be willing to put up with talking to me--at least while she's being paid at work. Anyway, over the course of our working together, I often end up in embarrassing situations, but it would be hard to not talk/hang out cause then work would be way too boring tbh. Here are my recollections of a few semi-recent instances in word-salad form:

We were hanging out after work (but still at workplace) when one of her chad-lite (idk if actually chad-lite cause I'm shitty at rating male attractiveness) buddies shows up. They start discussing their weekend plans which usually involves going out to clubs or some music festivals and other socially normal people things. Her discussing plans with others in front of me like that happens a lot so it usually doesn't bother me much, despite it being a little awkward. This time, however, her friend was like "[Absolute Garbage], you should come as well". The moment he said that, I'll never forget the look on my coworker's face. She looked absolutely petrified. I'm too autistic and high-inhib to even consider going clubbing with them, but I asked him about it anyway. He mentioned that there would be a lot of girls there etc. and then he saw my coworker's face and he kinda trailed off and said goodbye. I guess she would feel embarrassed to show up somewhere like that and be even remotely associated with me.

Then there was this other day when the same coworker was telling me that it was her birthday soon and that she was going to have a party with a bunch of people from work. Then, she tells me "Hey, so for my birthday present... Can you take over my shift?". And of course my dumb ass says "Sure". Seconds later, she turns to our other coworker who was listening in and practically begs him to go to her party. She literally makes him confirm that he's going several times. Once again, something I'm obviously too awkard and high-inhib to consider showing up to, so I'm not upset about not being asked. But it just seems so strange that she's so comfortable doing that in front of me. Then I realized it wasn't strange cause she probably doesn't see me as a human with feelings due to how unattractive I am. But yeah, it legit played out like one of those high school movies where the nerd gets humiliated while the girl seems unaware.

So apparently my dating life--or more accurately, complete lack of one--has recently been the topic of lunch conversations at work. This basically started when that same foid coworker jokingly said that it would be funny to see me come back from an event I was going to go to with a gf. Obviously, since foids have 0 desire for guys like me, I told her that it wasn't going to happen.

Of course, she follows up with that usual "Oh you could totally get a gf if you tried. You haven't even tried any of the dating apps/sites" when it's obvious that if I tried doing that I'd just end up refreshing an empty inbox for a few weeks before giving up. I let her know this, and she goes "Oh it's hard for me too teehee" (wat). I tell her that that's absolutely not the case since all she has to do is sign up for any account and there would be 100s of messages in her inbox the moment she hits the submit button. To which, she replies "Yeah but I probably won't like any of those guys". This "banter" continues on for a while as more coworkers start showing up because my coworker would randomly stop them and tell them "[Absolute Garbage] is getting a girlfriend soon", to which they would grin and join the discussion to hear how I was supposedly going to accomplish this impossible task.

Ultimately, I end up dropping my version of the blackpill, which is basically the incels.is blackpill with all the despair, hopelessness, and depression, but without the entitlement, violence and ER shit. Of course, it ends up amusing my coworkers even more. I tell them about the imbalance in dating and tell them about a bunch of statistics e.g. 70+ million more men than women, high ethnic male celibacy rate vs every other demographic, response rates, attractiveness polls, etc. The foids basically end up going "Well just don't be a statistic". Some of the normie guys at least recognize the futility of my situation, but proceed to go "Nowadays everything is legal so it doesn't have to be a woman." I proceed to respond to them by letting them know that gay marriage became legal partially based on the argument that sexual orientation was inherent and not a choice. And then they respond with anecdotes of people they know who were married, then divorced, and then married someone from the same sex... After having this conversation with the same coworkers (usually plus another coworker or two that wasn't privy to it earlier) I just gave up and said I wasn't going to talk about it anymore :feelsautistic:

Anyway, not sure why I posted this. I'm prob gonna go rope soon cause honestly my life situation has been untenable for far too long. At first I thought I wanted to leave something behind by leaving this on the site, but then I realized as an incel it's probably better that everything about me be completely obliterated anyway, so I guess that was just to vent. Peace out :feelsrope::feelsrope::feelsrope::feelsrope:
Potent suifuel friend :fire::fire:

What issues do you have or are you just an autist
Much more than just being an autist unfortunately. Ethnic, below avg height, mentally slow (but not always immediately noticeable), not great face/skin, garbage facial hair, etc.
Major vanfuel.
I honestly would've gone apeshit at the first sign of them telling me to turn homosexual just so I wouldn't be alone.
I think if I did that not only would I lose my job, but I'd be blacklisted from getting another job. Plus, that part wasn't the most depressing for me since at least it can be taken as a joke unlike the other shit
I'm actually happy when people ask me to cover shifts because i get more money.
Show up anyway.
I would have killed her and eaten her organs.
I honestly would've gone apeshit at the first sign of them telling me to turn homosexual just so I wouldn't be alone.
that actually made the situation alot better. That showed that they were viewing the conversation lighthearted instead of "lol at this fucking loser, lets bully him"
Where do you work? (Not specific place)
Brutal suifuel but you still should have kept your composure. I wouldn’t be surprised if you will get fired soon for revealing yourself as a pathetic black pilled Virgin.
Where do you work? (Not specific place)
desk job on the west coast

Brutal suifuel but you still should have kept your composure. I wouldn’t be surprised if you will get fired soon for revealing yourself as a pathetic black pilled Virgin.
I did keep my composure and didn't say anything that could get me fired. Stuck to only hard stats and didn't use any offensive terms. I'm pretty sure they even thought I was joking when I said I didn't want to talk about it anymore (which unfortunately means they will probably try and get me to talk about it again).
That sucked man. Also nice post. Are you ethnic? Was the foid white?
Don' take her shift you cuck. She wants you to take her shift so you CAN'T come.

Go there and record the acts of debauchery and use it to blackmail them in the future :feelzez::feelzez:

Incels need weapons and you are one false allegation away from being fired or finding yo ass in jail.
according to me here we are very few misogynists, most of you look like foids-addicted and more than blackpill I see high level bluepill and cuckoldrism
You are a fool for showing your power level.
according to me here we are very few misogynists, most of you look like foids-addicted and more than blackpill I see high level bluepill and cuckoldrism
tell that to CuckTears
I wish eternal suffering upon femoids.
You should tell her that something came up just minutes before her shift, fucking bitch didn't even see you as a human and you're practically Licking her shoe
Sorry to hear that brother. You probably should have said no, but regardless of what I say here I’m actually pretty polite in real life so I understand why you said yes. As far as your work conversation went, I would have just left it. Normies will never understand people like us. Our lives are so drastically different from theirs that what we go through isn’t even fathomable for them. Don’t think they are your friends either, they would all turn on you in a instant for a more attractive person.
Don' take her shift you cuck. She wants you to take her shift so you CAN'T come.

Go there and record the acts of debauchery and use it to blackmail them in the future :feelzez::feelzez:

Incels need weapons and you are one false allegation away from being fired or finding yo ass in jail.
Tbh I'm not sure I'd really want to go cause I probably don't know most of the people there. That being said I do agree that taking her shift was a stupid move, but if I change my mind now it'll look really bad on me since I already agreed. But then again even if I traveled back in time I still probably would've agreed on impulse due to my social awkwardness and Low IQ tbh.

Recording them is probably what would get me fired or sent to jail especially if I showed up uninvited which would just be dumb since I don't think I'd be comfortable showing up anyway.

You should tell her that something came up just minutes before her shift, fucking bitch didn't even see you as a human and you're practically Licking her shoe
Ye i might try something like that. Although I've tried to get out of other shit like that before with her and she'd never buy it cause she knows I don't have a life. She's straight up been like "What else would you even do? You just sit at home all day and do nothing"
Sorry to hear that brother. You probably should have said no, but regardless of what I say here I’m actually pretty polite in real life so I understand why you said yes. As far as your work conversation went, I would have just left it. Normies will never understand people like us. Our lives are so drastically different from theirs that what we go through isn’t even fathomable for them. Don’t think they are your friends either, they would all turn on you in a instant for a more attractive person.
I mostly agree. Only problem is if I don't talk to them then I'm just sitting alone at my desk all day
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the problem is that many users here claim to be blackpilled and suffer in this situations, this means that you are like normies
the problem is that many users here claim to be blackpilled and suffer in this situations, this means that you are like normies
Except normies are actually able to attract foids. Also I have to "act" like a normie because of conditioning. Besides I thought the only criteria for incel was being utterly unattractive to femoids
Just don' do the shift. Make up a lie. If she calls you out on it act OFFENDED
Honestly man, it seems like they're actually relatively "friendly" towards you in as much as normalfags are capable of being friendly towards incels. I've been in similar situations as with your foid coworker where she seems completely inconsiderate, but I've also had the friends who are the opposite, ones who are oblivious to how the world perceives us and who sucker me into normalfag social situations which often result in far more potent suifuel than being left out all together.

Regarding sperging out over lunch, sounds like you did a decent job of what I call keeping it graypill. A little tip that might help you out is to understand that when normalfags communicate, they're not actually exchanging data in regards to what they're saying, but rather conveying emotions. Everyone saying "ah, you'll get a gf" or "it's hard for me to, teehee" is just them attempting to convey their current emotional state and invite you emotionally sync with them. You can use this to just generally smooth out your interactions with them OR if you're in the mood to blackpill normies, you have to blackpill them emotionally rather than through facts and statistics.
Much more than just being an autist unfortunately. Ethnic, below avg height, mentally slow (but not always immediately noticeable), not great face/skin, garbage facial hair, etc.

Is that you in that pic? If yes it is over. I'm sorry that women treat you as shitty as they do. They are soulless, status-obsesses harpies.
Honestly man, it seems like they're actually relatively "friendly" towards you in as much as normalfags are capable of being friendly towards incels. I've been in similar situations as with your foid coworker where she seems completely inconsiderate, but I've also had the friends who are the opposite, ones who are oblivious to how the world perceives us and who sucker me into normalfag social situations which often result in far more potent suifuel than being left out all together.

Regarding sperging out over lunch, sounds like you did a decent job of what I call keeping it graypill. A little tip that might help you out is to understand that when normalfags communicate, they're not actually exchanging data in regards to what they're saying, but rather conveying emotions. Everyone saying "ah, you'll get a gf" or "it's hard for me to, teehee" is just them attempting to convey their current emotional state and invite you emotionally sync with them. You can use this to just generally smooth out your interactions with them OR if you're in the mood to blackpill normies, you have to blackpill them emotionally rather than through facts and statistics.
Yeah I guess it's probably better for me to just shut up about it and just try to get by before I rope.

It’s mexican Andy
Yep. I don't think I'm quite as bad as him, but I think I basically get the same reaction from women so :feelsautistic:
Made me want to throw-up reading that story.

I hate it when people are condescending to me. Patting me on the head like, "Someday things will work out for you, little man." I'm a goddamn person - not a joke. If you don't treat me as an equal, then you can expect likewise from me.

Next time you see her say, "Hey I was thinking about what you said, you know, about trying to get dates. If you invite me to your birthday party you can set me up with one of your friends! Surely you meant what you said the other day, that I could get a girlfriend if I tried, right?"

Then she'll think of some reason not to help you, and you can say, "That's exactly what I thought you'd say: 'You'll find someone - but not me or my friends.' Don't tell me my problems are trivial when you could easily help, but won't."
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Made me want to throw-up reading that story.

I hate it when people are condescending to me. Patting me on the head like, "Someday things will work out for you, little man." I'm a goddamn person - not a joke. If you don't treat me as an equal, then you can expect likewise from me.

Next time you see them say, "Hey I was thinking about what you said, you know, about trying to get dates. If you invite me to your birthday party you can set me up with one of your friends! Surely you meant what you said the other day, that I could get a girlfriend if I tried, right?"

Then she'll think of some reason not to help you, and you can say, "That's exactly what I thought you'd say: 'You'll find someone - but not me or my friends.' Don't tell me my problems are trivial when you could easily help, but won't."
high iq
nice first thread. Welcome to incels.is!
Made me want to throw-up reading that story.

I hate it when people are condescending to me. Patting me on the head like, "Someday things will work out for you, little man." I'm a goddamn person - not a joke. If you don't treat me as an equal, then you can expect likewise from me.

Next time you see her say, "Hey I was thinking about what you said, you know, about trying to get dates. If you invite me to your birthday party you can set me up with one of your friends! Surely you meant what you said the other day, that I could get a girlfriend if I tried, right?"

Then she'll think of some reason not to help you, and you can say, "That's exactly what I thought you'd say: 'You'll find someone - but not me or my friends.' Don't tell me my problems are trivial when you could easily help, but won't."
He's too high inhib for that
He's too high inhib for that
You're right...

I hate how people walk all over the weak. We don't like confrontation, we try to fit in and be nice, and what do we get?

The people who take advantage of those too weak to push back, I wonder if they know they're filling a powder keg.
You're right...

I hate how people walk all over the weak. We don't like confrontation, we try to fit in and be nice, and what do we get?

The people who take advantage of those too weak to push back, I wonder if they know they're filling a powder keg.
Why would you agree to this shit? I never help foids cover their shifts.
Dont be a low IQ cuck and take her shift, she already views you as a literal subhuman she can make fun of and humiliate

Say you cant cover her shift, its not like she’ll do anything worse than she’s already done

Bluepilled cuck if you cover her shift
Then there was this other day when the same coworker was telling me that it was her birthday soon and that she was going to have a party with a bunch of people from work. Then, she tells me "Hey, so for my birthday present... Can you take over my shift?". And of course my dumb ass says "Sure". Seconds later, she turns to our other coworker who was listening in and practically begs him to go to her party. She literally makes him confirm that he's going several times. Once again, something I'm obviously too awkard and high-inhib to consider showing up to, so I'm not upset about not being asked. But it just seems so strange that she's so comfortable doing that in front of me. Then I realized it wasn't strange cause she probably doesn't see me as a human with feelings due to how unattractive I am. But yeah, it legit played out like one of those high school movies where the nerd gets humiliated while the girl seems unaware.

I have bad news for you, you're a cuck.

Should have told her "you mean a birthday present for this same birthday I'm not even invited at ? NO !" or just "no".

No sympathy for cucks, woman worshippers, and pushovers.
Made me want to throw-up reading that story.

I hate it when people are condescending to me. Patting me on the head like, "Someday things will work out for you, little man." I'm a goddamn person - not a joke. If you don't treat me as an equal, then you can expect likewise from me.

Next time you see her say, "Hey I was thinking about what you said, you know, about trying to get dates. If you invite me to your birthday party you can set me up with one of your friends! Surely you meant what you said the other day, that I could get a girlfriend if I tried, right?"

Then she'll think of some reason not to help you, and you can say, "That's exactly what I thought you'd say: 'You'll find someone - but not me or my friends.' Don't tell me my problems are trivial when you could easily help, but won't."
Made me want to throw-up reading that story.

I hate it when people are condescending to me. Patting me on the head like, "Someday things will work out for you, little man." I'm a goddamn person - not a joke. If you don't treat me as an equal, then you can expect likewise from me.

Next time you see her say, "Hey I was thinking about what you said, you know, about trying to get dates. If you invite me to your birthday party you can set me up with one of your friends! Surely you meant what you said the other day, that I could get a girlfriend if I tried, right?"

Then she'll think of some reason not to help you, and you can say, "That's exactly what I thought you'd say: 'You'll find someone - but not me or my friends.' Don't tell me my problems are trivial when you could easily help, but won't."
Tbh our work relationship is pretty good and it makes the days go by faster. If i made things weird or awkward between us that would make work extremely long, awkward and painful to go through. And the money I make from it is one of the few copes I have left.

Also, if I said that, I think she would begrudgingly agree. And then I'd end up being awkward AF there, completely bungle whatever intro was made and then our work relationship would turn to shit.

You're right...

I hate how people walk all over the weak. We don't like confrontation, we try to fit in and be nice, and what do we get?

The people who take advantage of those too weak to push back, I wonder if they know they're filling a powder keg.
I wouldn't explode. I think it would be more of an implosion where I just rope. I'm also not interested in causing harm to others, I'm too focused on wanting to end my own suffering.

I have bad news for you, you're a cuck.

Should have told her "you mean a birthday present for this same birthday I'm not even invited at ? NO !" or just "no".

No sympathy for cucks, woman worshippers, and pushovers.
Yeah I mean I'm low IQ to even string that sentence together realtime. And also, sometimes you gotta balance your ideology with what's practical. Having a bad work relationship with her hurts me a lot more than it hurts her since I'm antisocial as fuck and she can probably just go hang out with some other random coworkers (which would only be a mild inconvenience for he).
When it comes to work you must know one thing. Only the boss has any meaning to you. Do anything you can to appeal to the boss. Then if anyone does something you dislike such as giving you a shift you dont want etc go to the boss and tell him you are not happy at all and you will get your way.
Also OP you are right. No point in making things awkward. Just forget about it. Us incels need to deal with shit like that. This is what being an incel is about.
If it was me I'd be looking for another job, it doesn't sound like a healthy environment for an incel.

Your hanging out with a girl that has 'work-friendzoned' you, time to bail out.
If it was me I'd be looking for another job, it doesn't sound like a healthy environment for an incel.

Your hanging out with a girl that has 'work-friendzoned' you, time to bail out.
I have bad news for you, you're a cuck.

Should have told her "you mean a birthday present for this same birthday I'm not even invited at ? NO !" or just "no".

No sympathy for cucks, woman worshippers, and pushovers.

He's got a point. I would suggest that you are careful about what you say and do at work since you need to make a living but that doesn't give you an excuse to be a supplicating women worshiper especially when they want you to work so they can celebrate without even inviting you.

Just process the scenario, the ugly undesirable incel is asked to do the girl a favor for her birthday, the coworker gets invited to the party. This story could be used as a field example in the figurative blackpill pocket guide.
Cuck for saying yes, it was a bday not an energency.

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