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Females are not with ugly guys because they want to be



Feb 15, 2018
They get with an ugly guy when they themselves can't get anything better. Females go for the best they can find, and sometimes that "best" is an ugly male. She will trick herself into thinking she actually wants him as a partner, but in reality she wants someone much better. And if this isn't the case, then she uses ugly guys as an emotional tampon and moves onto the next one.
she will also trade up in less than a second with a guy she deems better
TheVman said:
she will also trade up in less than a second with a guy she deems better

Most females are unsympathetic enough to do that
UncannyValley said:
TheVman said:
she will also trade up in less than a second with a guy she deems better
Most females are unsympathetic enough to do that
i think what you meant is that they have no sympathy so they'd do that, but i understood it the other way the first time
UncannyValley said:
They get with an ugly guy when they themselves can't get anything better. Females go for the best they can find, and sometimes that "best" is an ugly male. She will trick herself into thinking she actually wants him as a partner, but in reality she wants someone much better. And if this isn't the case, then she uses ugly guys as an emotional tampon and moves onto the next one.

True, I thought the exact same. This is pretty much a very simple way to explain why you sometimes see a ugly guy with a play women. she convince herself she could love him, but one day she will realize she cannot.
Saleem said:
UncannyValley said:
They get with an ugly guy when they themselves can't get anything better. Females go for the best they can find, and sometimes that "best" is an ugly male. She will trick herself into thinking she actually wants him as a partner, but in reality she wants someone much better. And if this isn't the case, then she uses ugly guys as an emotional tampon and moves onto the next one.
True, I thought the exact same. This is pretty much a very simple way to explain why you sometimes see a ugly guy with a play women. she convince herself she could love him, but one day she will realize she cannot.

crazy how none of seem to do this to us though.
whogivesafucc said:
crazy how none of seem to do this to us though.

Because we aren't willing to be a betabux provider/cuck who only gets monthly sex from a female who wants something better. Also, females nowadays rarely settle for someone below their looks
TheVman said:
UncannyValley said:
TheVman said:
she will also trade up in less than a second with a guy she deems better
Most females are unsympathetic enough to do that
i think what you meant is that they have no sympathy so they'd do that, but i understood it the other way the first time

Gotta monkeybranch your way up the social ladder somewhow.
TheVman said:
she will also trade up in less than a second with a guy she deems better

But if men do that, they're shallow pigs. I read a Reddit post last night where a woman wanted to tell her boyfriend to stop making comments about women who were more attractive than she. She kept repeating "he's gorgeous"and "handsome" and that he gets a lot of compliments from women. He's Chad.

But here's the thing: she left her ex for this Chad. How much you want to bet her ex was some beta? I hope her Chad boyfriend trades up the way she traded up.
TheVman said:
she will also trade up in less than a second with a guy she deems better

This this this
UncannyValley said:
Because we aren't willing to be a betabux provider/cuck who only gets monthly sex from a female who wants something better. Also, females nowadays rarely settle for someone below their looks

I think women are increasingly focusing more on looks rather than money. Men use to be just generally useful as a utility tool, but Men aren't as needed anymore. Fixing things aren't as needed any more because you can just call in for whatever task you need fix. Women are the majority of the work force now as well, so they are less reliant of money. They are shifting their demands more towards attractiveness. Social meida, online dating and make up also contribute to the decline of men. Collectively men could stop this, but men's aren't going to unify because they just as things to differently
Saleem said:
I think women are increasingly focusing more on looks rather than money. Men use to be just generally useful as a utility tool, but Men aren't as needed anymore. Fixing things aren't as needed any more because you can just call in for whatever task you need fix. Women are the majority of the work force now as well, so they are less reliant of money. They are shifting their demands more towards attractiveness. Social meida, online dating and make up also contribute to the decline of men. Collectively men could stop this, but men's aren't going to unify because they just as things to differently

So soon not even betabuxxing will be a viable option.
Chewbacca said:
But if men do that, they're shallow pigs. I read a Reddit post last night where a woman wanted to tell her boyfriend to stop making comments about women who were more attractive than she. She kept repeating "he's gorgeous"and "handsome" and that he gets a lot of compliments from women. He's Chad.

But here's the thing: she left her ex for this Chad. How much you want to bet her ex was some beta? I hope her Chad boyfriend trades up the way she traded up.

Got a point their. Most people cannot see their advantages only disadvantages
I hope that shit one day happens to me. I will be glad to be married with a leech. Better than nothing
UncannyValley said:
So soon not even betabuxxing will be a viable option.

I am reallybbotching my grammar in these posts, but in short I do think the best bux will always have a use. Some women will always be poor this giving them a purpose
This is major cope, as long as you don't have as deformed looks, a women could love you.. And even some deformed men have women that love them.

What if the girl is ugly too?
Problem is, chances are very slim she doesn't have a better option.
Incel_Dikshit said:
I hope that shit one day happens to me. I will be glad to be married with a leech. Better than nothing

Most incels talk a big game, but will jump to be a beta bux If they could
Pretty much, OP.
Spidey said:
This is major cope, as long as you don't have as deformed looks, a women could love you.. And even some deformed men have women that love them.

Cage × 1000

Explain the situation of every user here then
Saleem said:
Most incels talk a big game, but will jump to be a beta bux If they could

Well i said it out loud. But i wanna gl wife so my kids wont be subhuman. All that money she consumes.... she needs to give me something back.
Spidey said:
What if the girl is ugly too?
Problem is,  chances are very slim she doesn't have a better option.

What if the girl is ugly? Desperate males will be crawling all over her. Females can't be incel
If a female is with an ugly male and you don't understand, all you have to do is use logic and you will find something, it's almost always the case.
Spidey said:
This is major cope, as long as you don't have as deformed looks, a women could love you.. And even some deformed men have women that love them.

What if the girl is ugly too?
Problem is,  chances are very slim she doesn't have a better option.

I think the main problem is that she will always know that she settle. I think the reason the divorce is so high is because women realize one day that they never love the guy they was with. 70% of divorces is initiated by women. I agree to a certain extent that I see ugly guys with women some is for money, but not most. Their is an variable in accounted for. If it wasn't so hard to get women as being ugly than why do this community exist. A lot of mgtow is just guys who cannot get laid as well
Saleem said:
I think women are increasingly focusing more on looks rather than money. Men use to be just generally useful as a utility tool, but Men aren't as needed anymore. Fixing things aren't as needed any more because you can just call in for whatever task you need fix. Women are the majority of the work force now as well, so they are less reliant of money. They are shifting their demands more towards attractiveness. Social meida, online dating and make up also contribute to the decline of men. Collectively men could stop this, but men's aren't going to unify because they just as things to differently

Great post.
mariaimdrunk said:
Great post.

This  :love:

Incel_Dikshit said:
Well i said it out loud. But i wanna gl wife so my kids wont be subhuman. All that money she consumes.... she needs to give me something back.

Just glad some people can be honest.
I don't believe all of them are with ugly guys because they can't get anything better. I'm of the opinion that they get with them because their ego is so big they need a man to worship them and only an ugly guy is prepared to treat them like that.
NeverSubmit said:
I don't believe all of them are with ugly guys because they can't get anything better. I'm of the opinion that they get with them because their ego is so big they need a man to worship them and only an ugly guy is prepared to treat them like that.

That's a possibility too
First you guys say it's beta buxing, then you say it's so that she can mog the guy. You also say that any woman can have Chad. Now all of a sudden women have to settle.

When will the coping and stupid theories stop? We're basement dwellers with no experience with women. We know nothing.

We're rejects. We're the odd ones who can't get girlfriends while everyone else can. That's a simple fact we have to accept.
CopingGymcel said:
First you guys say it's beta buxing, then you say it's so that she can mog the guy. You also say that any woman can have Chad. Now all of a sudden women have to settle.

Who the hell has ever said any female can have Chad? Certainly not me. Its why females claim to have social anxiety and claim to be lonely. They're just upset that they have to be with a guy 1 or 2 PSL points above them, when they want someone 3 or 4 points above.

CopingGymcel said:
When will the coping and stupid theories stop? We're basement dwellers with no experience with women. We know nothing.

Stupid theories? Well how do you explain it, Mr. Bluepill?

CopingGymcel said:
We're rejects. We're the odd ones who can't get girlfriends while everyone else can. That's a simple fact we have to accept.

No. Many males in this generation can't get a gf. Its just that they try to cope, and try not to care.
UncannyValley said:
Cage × 1000

Explain the situation of every user here then

You cut out the rest of my post and I said "could"...
Spidey said:
You cut out the rest of my post and I said "could"...

I replied to the rest of the post separately

Saleem said:
UncannyValley said:
Because we aren't willing to be a betabux provider/cuck who only gets monthly sex from a female who wants something better. Also, females
CopingGymcel said:
First you guys say it's beta buxing, then you say it's so that she can mog the guy. You also say that any woman can have Chad. Now all of a sudden women have to settle.
When will the coping and stupid theories stop? We're basement dwellers with no experience with women. We know nothing.
We're rejects. We're the odd ones who can't get girlfriends while everyone else can. That's a simple fact we have to accept.
nowadays rarely settle for someone below their looks
I think women are increasingly focusing more on looks rather than money. Men use to be just generally useful as a utility tool, but Men aren't as needed anymore. Fixing things aren't as needed any more because you can just call in for whatever task you need fix. Women are the majority of the work force now as well, so they are less reliant of money. They are shifting their demands more towards attractiveness. Social meida, online dating and make up also contribute to the decline of men. Collectively men could stop this, but men's aren't going to unify because they just as things to differently

/thread - these two posts ended it
Saleem said:
UncannyValley said:
Because we aren't willing to be a betabux provider/cuck who only gets monthly sex from a female who wants something better. Also, females nowadays rarely settle for someone below their looks
I think women are increasingly focusing more on looks rather than money. Men use to be just generally useful as a utility tool, but Men aren't as needed anymore. Fixing things aren't as needed any more because you can just call in for whatever task you need fix. Women are the majority of the work force now as well, so they are less reliant of money. They are shifting their demands more towards attractiveness. Social meida, online dating and make up also contribute to the decline of men. Collectively men could stop this, but men's aren't going to unify because they just as things to differently

CopingGymcel said:
First you guys say it's beta buxing, then you say it's so that she can mog the guy. You also say that any woman can have Chad. Now all of a sudden women have to settle.
When will the coping and stupid theories stop? We're basement dwellers with no experience with women. We know nothing.
We're rejects. We're the odd ones who can't get girlfriends while everyone else can. That's a simple fact we have to accept.

/thread - these two posts ended it
And here we see the truly bluepilled ones among us. The ones who have false hope instilled in them. Here they flock to deny the BLACKPILL.
UncannyValley said:
What if the girl is ugly? Desperate males will be crawling all over her. Females can't be incel

Yes but she is going out with an ugly guy anyway.

Some want to be, some don't.
Spidey said:
Yes but she is going out with an ugly guy anyway.

Some want to be, some don't.

They have no choice because Chad has much better options. They try to be as content with their situation as possible even when they aren't meant to be content.
UncannyValley said:
And here we see the truly bluepilled ones among us. The ones who have false hope instilled in them. Here they flock to deny the BLACKPILL.

LMFAO. No this is not blackpill. This is just cope about men actually getting sex. Nice sour grapes, buddy boyo.

UncannyValley said:
They have no choice because Chad has much better options. They try to be as content with their situation as possible even when they aren't meant to be content.

Ok and? They still want to be. She can gladly LDAR or go to the nightclub.

"Try and be content but they're meant to be"
this cope is scary. But they are content, so what?
Spidey said:
LMFAO. No this is not blackpill. This is just cope about men actually getting sex. Nice sour grapes, buddy boyo.

What is your definition of the blackpill then, framecel222 clone?

Spidey said:
"Try and be content but they're meant to be"
this cope is scary. But they are content, so what?

How is this cope? Females aren't meant to be attracted to the lowest of the genetically inferior males.
UncannyValley said:
What is your definition of the blackpill then, framecel222 clone?

That looks matter a lot in your life. But telling people women who decided to go out with ugly guys don't want them is just cope.

And I don't want to hear about your framecel222 fetish.
I said it is a missing variable that have not been accounted for. Women date some ugly guys for money, some settle, some for status, but some are going out with unattractive guys with no ulterior motive. Behind it. I think these women have something generally in common with their partner and is going out with them despite their looks, but if that is so why can incles not find something
pretty much, but I mean doesn't everyone want the best and just settles with what they can get. for example if you got with a low tier femoid you will still crave the stacys
Almost all women have the option of an average guy though
Spidey said:
This is major cope, as long as you don't have as deformed looks, a women could love you.. And even some deformed men have women that love them.
What if the girl is ugly too?
Problem is, chances are very slim she doesn't have a better option.
BULLSHIT. explain cheating statistics on normies? explain the increased phenomena of cucking? Explain how beta and submissive normies are in marriages? You're fucking full of shit and don't understand women or the black pill.

You've been doing nothing but bluepilled shitposting, and you will be banned too with your shitty gimmick

Spidey said:
That looks matter a lot in your life. But telling people women who decided to go out with ugly guys don't want them is just cope.
thinking women want ugly guys when they could go on tinder and find a better guy in 3 minutes is a huge fucking cope. they mainly use them for betabux after they're worn out you bluepilled faggot

why are mods not banning framcel's alt?
UncannyValley said:
What if the girl is ugly? Desperate males will be crawling all over her. Females can't be incel

I mostly agree. I know a disgusting male who turned himself into a disgusting female and now he slays. Er...she.
TheVman said:
BULLSHIT. explain cheating statistics on normies? explain the increased phenomena of cucking? Explain how beta and submissive normies are in marriages? You're fucking full of shit and don't understand women or the black pill.

You've been doing nothing but bluepilled shitposting, and you will be banned too with your shitty gimmick

thinking women want ugly guys when they could go on tinder and find a better guy in 3 minutes is a huge fucking cope. they mainly use them for betabux after they're worn out you bluepilled faggot

why are mods not banning framcel's alt?

you're such a disgusting cuck, it's unreal.

muh women
muh bluepill

why are there so many pseudo-intellectual arrogant INCELs on here that claim to know everything about women.
I don't know how YOUR explanation would be ANY BETTER THAN MINE. 14% of women admit to cheating on their significant other so? How does cucking and betabuxing mean that no women love any ugly men. Disgusting cope from someone who has no experience in relationships with women. I know a literal deformed guy dating an 8/10 and she genuinely wants to be with him, FOR NOW. No doubt, SHE WILL move on from here but coping by saying "any women with an ugly man doesn't actually want to be with him" makes ZERO SENSE. That is just how you deal with the fact that no women wants you and it is not all down to looks.

Firstly, if women have so much access to chads on Tinder, why are they with the ugly guys? Just lol at assuming that all women with ugly guys are OLD. LMFAO at these tales from the basement, if they can get any guy from Tinder, they can get money from any orbiter - I know girls that do it, they don't need to get in a relationship with them.

Your own fucking argument falls down with its own points. This is nothing to do with the bluepill and all people like you do is misrepresent the blackpill with your copepill.

Stop talking to me about your framecel fetish.
Spidey said:
Disgusting cope from someone who has no experience in relationships with women. I know a literal deformed guy dating an 8/10 and she genuinely wants to be with him
OOOOOOOOOH you're a normie. I should have known. At least use new terminology or lies dude. this is literally the oppisite of black pill.

enjoy your ban tho

ALSO no women don't love ugly men and only use them for money. that's a blackpilled fact. anything else is blue pill cope. now off to cucktears
TheVman said:
OOOOOOOOOH you're a normie. I should have known. At least use new terminology or lies dude. this is literally the oppisite of black pill.

enjoy your ban tho

ALSO no women don't love ugly men and only use them for money. that's a blackpilled fact. anything else is blue pill cope. now off to cucktears

im not a normie. blackpilled anti degeneracy volcel
Spidey said:
TheVman said:
OOOOOOOOOH you're a normie. I should have known. At least use new terminology or lies dude. this is literally the oppisite of black pill.
enjoy your ban tho

ALSO no women don't love ugly men and only use them for money. that's a blackpilled fact. anything else is blue pill cope. now off to cucktears

im not a normie. blackpilled anti degeneracy volcel

bullshit. if it quaks like a duck. its a duck. u literally post exact same platatiudes normie post and are oppisite of blackpill aka "i have a deformed friend dating 8/10 women bruh bro"
Spidey said:
This is major cope, as long as you don't have as deformed looks, a women could love you.. And even some deformed men have women that love them.

What if the girl is ugly too?
Problem is,  chances are very slim she doesn't have a better option.

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