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Serious Favorite Genre of Music for Inceldom?



Jun 16, 2018
I've been listening to Metal and Hardrock to cope, Mainly Dethlok. Anything else is usually about love and it makes me wanna kill myself.
Classical music, melodic dubstep
Rock, Punk and Rap to hype myself up, be in a better, more aggressive mood.
Ballads to think about life and calm down.
Black metal for when you are in ER mode and ambience for sui feels
Nvm, misunderstood. Still leaving this up because I need to postmax tbh
I love metal, it's angry, raging, masculine, I like aggressive music. Also gutter punk and some rap (the more hardcore stuff) but mostly metal and punk.
industrial, noise rock, death/thrash, doom (particularly trad and funeral), goregrind/brutal death metal, harsh noise, power electronics, dark ambient, martial industrial, NSBM, traditional heavy metal, punk (mostly the snottier bands) SOME hardcore, US "anti-hardcore" bands like Drunks With Guns and No Trend. although that would fit in with noise rock/early grunge.
industrial, noise rock, death/thrash, doom (particularly trad and funeral), goregrind/brutal death metal, harsh noise, power electronics, dark ambient, martial industrial, NSBM, traditional heavy metal, punk (mostly the snottier bands) SOME hardcore, US "anti-hardcore" bands like Drunks With Guns and No Trend. although that would fit in with noise rock/early grunge.
We have almost the same musical tastes I see
yeah, love Caesar's Legion. Ave Trve To The Emperor.

its a shame Todd Howard decided to ice them out of future games.
Punk , Rock and Metal ....I used to like hip-hop when i was younger, but it's way more mainstream than the other 2 genres i said, so i avoid it. Maybe some old songs here and there.
Noise Rock and Metal mostly. Classical, Country, Power Electronics and Rap when the mood strikes.

industrial, noise rock, death/thrash, doom (particularly trad and funeral), goregrind/brutal death metal, harsh noise, power electronics, dark ambient, martial industrial, NSBM, traditional heavy metal, punk (mostly the snottier bands) SOME hardcore,

Great list.

US "anti-hardcore" bands like Drunks With Guns and No Trend. although that would fit in with noise rock/early grunge.

Teen Love (+Kiss Ass to Your Peer Group, Mass Sterilization Caused by Venereal Disease, etc.) is one of the best incel songs out there. I usually post it when someone makes a thread about "teen love."

Wonderful Subdivision is also one of the best songs about normscum out there.

Check these out if you haven't already:

If you haven't already heard it:

yeah, love Caesar's Legion. Ave Trve To The Emperor.

its a shame Todd Howard decided to ice them out of future games.
Too bad, I didn't know about that and was hoping to see them again in a future chapter of Fallout saga.
Rock, Punk and Rap to hype myself up, be in a better, more aggressive mood.
Ballads to think about life and calm down.
Hip Hop, Metal, and Electronica. And yeah I literally have 3 playlists, hip hop when I’m feeling like a Super Nigga, metal when I’m feeling like a Super Demon, and ballads for when I’m Super Calm
I listen to anything that sounds good. One day I can listen to hiphop and then the next day Italian opera
Noise Rock and Metal mostly. Classical, Country, Power Electronics and Rap when the mood strikes.

Great list.

Teen Love (+Kiss Ass to Your Peer Group, Mass Sterilization Caused by Venereal Disease, etc.) is one of the best incel songs out there. I usually post it when someone makes a thread about "teen love."

Wonderful Subdivision is also one of the best songs about normscum out there.

Check these out if you haven't already:

If you haven't already heard it:

I already know TITD, they used to play downtown all the time.

oh and I heard Jeff Mentges from No Trend wanted to kill king cuck of the 80s HC scene, Ian Mackaye. after all, Fugazi wrote the feminist song "Suggestion". like how much of a literal cuck can you be.
Progressive rock/metal, experimental rock, art rock, industrial, black metal, thrash metal, ambient, classical, synthpop, jazz etc........
Too bad, I didn't know about that and was hoping to see them again in a future chapter of Fallout saga.

well there's always future games, he might change his mind
I'm also noticing a theme here with tastes.
I've been listening to Metal and Hardrock to cope, Mainly Dethlok. Anything else is usually about love and it makes me wanna kill myself.

I did a thread in off topic. Same as you but not metal.

Evanescence, Three Days Grace, Kid Rock & Eminem are some of my faves.
well there's always future games, he might change his mind
I'm also noticing a theme here with tastes.
I hope the Legion will have a glorious return.
However I noticed that it's more common to find people with my same interests about music, politics, games etcetera among incels rather than normies. Indeed all my few friends are incels or very low tier normies.
I hope the Legion will have a glorious return.
However I noticed that it's more common to find people with my same interests about music, politics, games etcetera among incels rather than normies. Indeed all my few friends are incels or very low tier normies.

antisocial people like us are attracted to music that's nihilistic or antisocial in itself, ipso facto. and yeah agreed. although I think if they do the Legion again, they've gone cyberpunk instead of the sort of "steampunk" vibe they give off in NV, although I dunno if that really qualifies as steampunk.
I already know TITD, they used to play downtown all the time.

Damn, was this in the original lineup days? Makes me wish I was an oldcel.

oh and I heard Jeff Mentges from No Trend wanted to kill king cuck of the 80s HC scene, Ian Mackaye. after all, Fugazi wrote the feminist song "Suggestion". like how much of a literal cuck can you be.

I certainly wouldn't blame him. He seemed pretty antisocial, to the point of blowing off the following that No Trend amassed in the early days by going in a polyester lounge music direction, then quitting music and destroying the master tapes. MacKaye is totally insufferable and reminds me off a proto-Reddit bugman in the way he tries to decorate his bourgeois sententiousness with false "radicalism" and dropping "fuckin", covered in a film of saliva, into every sentence he speaks. Fugazi is gay as hell; never liked them even back when I listened to a lot of stuff like Gang of Four and Unwound.

However I noticed that it's more common to find people with my same interests about music, politics, games etcetera among incels rather than normies. Indeed all my few friends are incels or very low tier normies.
antisocial people like us are attracted to music that's nihilistic or antisocial in itself, ipso facto.

To a degree, yeah, but there are a lot of weeb animists, liberals-by-default, and everything here too. Conversely, go to a place like Metal-Archives, the Electrical Audio forums, or RYM and you'll run into a lot of low-T soyboy faggots who happen to have pretty good tastes. I learned about most of the stuff I like in music, literature, and film from these places.
ANUSites are the meeting of the two worlds. one of my projects got rejected from m-a while Neckbeard Deathcamp and Gaylord are on there. its not a valid site for what's considered metal and/or not. RYM had this 55 year old hipster douche downrating all my noise releases. I got banned for sliding into his DM and calling him a faggot. woo wee. although some ANUSites are insufferable, most of them are arch-reaction types and big time metalheads and punks at the same time.
they still won't add Last Days Of Humanity after all these years and M-A's admins get real ban happy about nothing.
for TITD I think it was the In The Eyes Of God period when they started getting heavier.
also I liked Die Kreuzen as a teenager, not sure how radlib they were. they influenced Voivod to a degree later on, which is positive I guess.
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Technical/Brutal DM, had some classical music background.
ANUSites are the meeting of the two worlds. one of my projects got rejected from m-a while Neckbeard Deathcamp and Gaylord are on there. its not a valid site for what's considered metal and/or not.

It's a useful resource, but it's packed with bitchboys. Ever been to the forum there? The head mod is a shitlib dyke who curates opinion by banning everyone who isn't a Center-Left bugman.


RYM had this 55 year old hipster douche downrating all my noise releases. I got banned for sliding into his DM and calling him a faggot. woo wee.

I get the sense that the place is full of people like this just from reading reviews spattered with "transphobic" and sterilized ebonics.

although some ANUSites are insufferable, most of them are arch-reaction types and big time metalheads and punks at the same time.

Never been there, but I think I'd probably get along with those guys.

they still won't add Last Days Of Humanity after all these years and M-A's admins get real ban happy about nothing.

LDoH metalmogs the shit out of stuff like Deafheaven and Myrkur. Whatever a bunch of soyboys and sex defenders want to do with their convoluted database is a matter of total indifference to me, though.

for TITD I think it was the In The Eyes Of God period when they started getting heavier.

Ah, still must have been great. Back when the Mastodon guys were the rhythm section?

also I liked Die Kreuzen as a teenager, not sure how radlib they were. they influenced Voivod to a degree later on, which is positive I guess.

Hard to say, but they never seemed especially political. I get the sense that the ex-members are probably of a Libertarian bent. Something like Hazelmeyer from AmRep.
Metal is the incel choice of music.
The popular Norwegian black metal bands, the popular American ones, and then other random bands here and there.

About Norwegian scene I like mostly the first/second waves (Burzum, Darkthrone, first Satyricon, Taake and so on), the new bands there aren't so much innovative.
The best BM scenes at the moment are, in my opinion, the French and the Eastern European (Polish and Russian mainly) ones. I absolutely advice to check Peste Noire, a French band with a very interesting attitude and innovative sound, but there are also other interesting projects there like Suhnopfer, Aorlhac, Darkenhold, Baise Ma Hache, Autarcie, Blut aus Nord, Deathspell Omega, Aosoth and others.
In the Polish scene, the most interesting bands I came into in past couple years were Batushka, who incorporate Orthodox choirs in their music, and Mgla.
About Russia, I definitely suggest M8L8TH and Pagan Black bands like Temnozor', Holdaar and so on.
However we had/have a rather good scene also here in Italy, just check out Spite Extreme Wing ("Magnificat" album is a true masterpiece), Frangar, Janvs or Hesperia.
My favorite stuff is probably 90s Noise Rock like this:

About Norwegian scene I like mostly the first/second waves (Burzum, Darkthrone, first Satyricon, Taake and so on), the new bands there aren't so much innovative.
The best BM scenes at the moment are, in my opinion, the French and the Eastern European (Polish and Russian mainly) ones. I absolutely advice to check Peste Noire, a French band with a very interesting attitude and innovative sound, but there are also other interesting projects there like Suhnopfer, Aorlhac, Darkenhold, Baise Ma Hache, Autarcie, Blut aus Nord, Deathspell Omega, Aosoth and others.
In the Polish scene, the most interesting bands I came into in past couple years were Batushka, who incorporate Orthodox choirs in their music, and Mgla.
About Russia, I definitely suggest M8L8TH and Pagan Black bands like Temnozor', Holdaar and so on.
However we had/have a rather good scene also here in Italy, just check out Spite Extreme Wing ("Magnificat" album is a true masterpiece), Frangar, Janvs or Hesperia.

Good list; some new names in there for me.

Polish scene

You know Kriegsmaschine and Biesy? I like those two quite a bit.

From Germany, Dark Tribe, Ruins of Beverast, and Katharsis are good.
I listen almost entirely to Black Metal and Dark Ambient.
Good list; some new names in there for me.
You're welcome, I forgot to add in my list projects like German band Absurd and Ukrainan Pagan Black bands Nokturnal Mortum, Drudkh and Kroda, but maybe you know them yet.
However I'm quite surprised by the so high percentage of incels who listen to BM lulz
1950's, 1960's music. I'm 55. After 1985, the music became terrible.
I did a thread in off topic. Same as you but not metal.

Evanescence, Three Days Grace, Kid Rock & Eminem are some of my faves.
There was an Evanescence concert 20 miles from me and I missed it.
It's a useful resource, but it's packed with bitchboys. Ever been to the forum there? The head mod is a shitlib dyke who curates opinion by banning everyone who isn't a Center-Left bugman.


I get the sense that the place is full of people like this just from reading reviews spattered with "transphobic" and sterilized ebonics.

Never been there, but I think I'd probably get along with those guys.

LDoH metalmogs the shit out of stuff like Deafheaven and Myrkur. Whatever a bunch of soyboys and sex defenders want to do with their convoluted database is a matter of total indifference to me, though.

Ah, still must have been great. Back when the Mastodon guys were the rhythm section?

Hard to say, but they never seemed especially political. I get the sense that the ex-members are probably of a Libertarian bent. Something like Hazelmeyer from AmRep.

I'd tolerate a Libertarian over a Radlib anyday.
You're welcome, I forgot to add in my list projects like German band Absurd and Ukrainan Pagan Black bands Nokturnal Mortum, Drudkh and Kroda, but maybe you know them yet.
However I'm quite surprised by the so high percentage of incels who listen to BM lulz

My favorite stuff is probably 90s Noise Rock like this:

Good list; some new names in there for me.

You know Kriegsmaschine and Biesy? I like those two quite a bit.

From Germany, Dark Tribe, Ruins of Beverast, and Katharsis are good.

I like all that stuff, I used to go hardcore on Hammerhead and Unsane for the longest time.

also Legionarvs, nice mention of the underrated Italian scene. they also had Venom before Venom existed, Death SS.
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also Legionarvs, nice mention of the underrated Italian scene. they also had Venom before Venom existed, Death SS.
Thanks, here we have some funny urban legends about Death SS, they also interpreted themselves in an episode of an Italian crime tv serie "L'ispettore Coliandro" lulz
However the Italian metal scene is quite interesting almost like the Greek one, if you go deep in it.
Thanks, here we have some funny urban legends about Death SS, they also interpreted themselves in an episode of an Italian crime tv serie "L'ispettore Coliandro" lulz
However the Italian metal scene is quite interesting almost like the Greek one, if you go deep in it.

lol wtf...how long ago? can I find this on YT?
lol wtf...how long ago? can I find this on YT?
Some years ago, episode is entitled "666" and is the 4x01 of the Italian tv serie "L'ispettore Coliandro", maybe you can find it but I don't know if it would have English dub/sub.
oh its ok, I'm working on German right now, gonna move to French (because of German loan-words) and then dive into the Romance languages.
Sludge metal.

good blackpill genre, Grief I saw live. like Eyehategod but way more pissed off.
Some years ago, episode is entitled "666" and is the 4x01 of the Italian tv serie "L'ispettore Coliandro", maybe you can find it but I don't know if it would have English dub/sub.

just saw it, figured it was earlier in time but good find.
any Culturcide fans here? cut from the same cloth as No Trend, punks who hated the punk scene.
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