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Serious Fat shaming should be illegal both in this forum & IRL



Clown World Analyst
Apr 3, 2019
Unless it's to make fun of landwhale foids, trannies and fat normies :feelsaww: Imagine caring about your weight if your facial bones are subhuman or worse, your entire bone structure is subhuman. I cannot take gymcels, especially redpilled subhumans seriously at all when everyone knows that all their efforts are futile. It's like trying to tune and customize a shitty Yugoslavian hatchback and still losing every race while the stock Lamborghinis (Chads) effortlessly finishes every one of them first, It's a fucking joke and hilariously pathetic. But making fun of bloatmaxxed trucels for choosing not to participate in the clown race is almost as equally retarded since you are advocating that we actually try to compete with the Chads and normies in the clown dating market, which is extremely bluepilled and yet we all know it's going to be a waste of time :feelsclown:

Thoughts @Fat Link? :feelshehe:
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Caring for weight as an incel is retarded. I added weight this year by eating junk food, not like I give a fuck, doesn't matter what you weigh if you are 5'5 like I am.
Imagine being such a snowflake on an incel forum, no fuck off fatass :feelsjuice: if we go by your logic then we cant shame fat whores for being whales and not be hypocrites :feelsjuice:
Imagine being such a snowflake on an incel forum, no fuck off fatass :feelsjuice: if we go by your logic then we cant shame fat whores for being whales and not be hypocrites :feelsjuice:
t. Chad fakecel infiltrator
I still want to lose weight since I'll get more respect and be more physically capable. I know that my life and my self-esteem would be greatly improved if I was of normal weight.
How can you even look at yourself in the mirror as a fatass? Nah, being fat is disgusting and you deserve to be made fun of for it
I'm a twig at 140lbs
also, op I hate to say it but maybe the foids are right on this one. You should at least try to lose weight. It’ll make you happier
Imagine being such a snowflake on an incel forum, no fuck off fatass :feelsjuice: if we go by your logic then we cant shame fat whores for being whales and not be hypocrites :feelsjuice:
The point is that the bone structure of fatcels is shit so there's no point in them slimming down. Meanwhile if a landwhale loses some weight, her SMV increases drastically just by virtue of her having a cunt between her legs.
How can you even look at yourself in the mirror as a fatass? Nah, being fat is disgusting and you deserve to be made fun of for it
This sounds like something written by a health obsessed reddit soyboy
This sounds like something written by a health obsessed reddit soyboy
Lol you’re literally increasing you E levels by being a fat degenerate, you have no right to call anyone a soyboy
Lol you’re literally increasing you E levels by being a fat degenerate, you have no right to call anyone a soyboy
By your retarded logic a twig prettyboy is less of a soyboy than a tall fat masculine ogre
How can you even look at yourself in the mirror as a fatass? Nah, being fat is disgusting and you deserve to be made fun of for it
If he's already an incel and he chooses to cope with food, just like how some cope with alcohol or drugs. I'm not saying that you should become fat and if you are already overweight you should work on losing it, it's a self-destructive addiction just like alcohol or smoking. But you don't see anyone being shamed for being a smoker, an alcoholic or a drug addict.
I'll shame you for being fat all i want.

This sounds like something written by a health obsessed reddit soyboy

Do you even know what a soyboy is? I'll give you a hint, it's not somebody who comsumes large amounts of protein and lifts heavy objects.
I'll shame you for being fat all i want.

Do you even know what a soyboy is? I'll give you a hint, it's not somebody who comsumes large amounts of protein and lifts heavy objects.
Tofu is protein and comes from soybeans.
tbh being some fat sinful gluttonous cunt is quite based and admirable, but you're still a fat fuck
Yugoslavian hatchback and still losing every race
Such a good analogy, ive seen countless tuned up Yugos 45 and they were still utter shit.:feelskek:
How can you tell? :feelsjuice:
I can't, that's why I consider fat incels real incels only if they've ever been slim and seen what they look like that way.
Sometimes when fatcels lose weight they have Chad hiding under
I'd rather be in shape and fit than fat. I don't like the idea of getting out of breath when walking up stairs and also, being strong is useful especially if you intend to be part of any future uprisings. :feelsLSD:
The Fat French Fried Fuhrer of Chads.is.
Nah fatshaming should be the norm. It should be illegal to be fat. Can’t stand looking at fat people
damn i got so fucking fat nobody should ever become fat it is hell

you feel like shit physically and not only mentally
thats why people should keep fatshaming
I’m against fat shaming too.

JFL at your memory
1 You were making fun of an incel's looks on an incel forum.
2 he lost the weight and it didnt do him any good :feelsjuice:
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I was only jk by the way, most fatcels I know are based. But you should slim down and see your bone structure before getting fat permanently
fatcel = volcel
They deserve shaming
Tbh. Being an ldar slob :feelscomfy: is the most logical move as a :blackpill: male in 2022. I probably weigh like 120 kg by now. Pretty much zero will to stop eating. Don't really know why I would. Eating good while on the computer is the most comfortable way of living.

Fat shamers have their own problems but look down on fat asses for having a more visible sin. Anyways, people with the motivation to work out and diet are probably :bluepill:
At 5'5 it doesn't really matter if you're jabba the hut or not in terms of sticking cock in holes. But if you ever plan on not being a NEET you might as well not be fat since it will just worsen your colleagues treatment of you. It's not hard to not be fat, just don't eat fatty foods when you feel hungry. It's easy to lose weight, unlike fixing something that can't be cured like millimeters of bone or autism.
They should at least realize that being fat and their eating habits are a problem, and then work on losing weight and eating right. If they refuse to see a problem and overcome their addiction, then yeah you can't feel bad for them for choosing to remain obese and choosing to stuff themselves with food instead of confronting their underlying problem.

I still want to lose weight as an incel because, even if I still wouldn't get female attention at a normal weight, I would still have higher self-esteem, be much more physical capable, and I would have more respect from people and treated as human they would have less reason to disregard me and treat me as a joke.

I might still be a manlet but at least that not something I can change or being blamed on me as a moral failing and less about being seen as disgusting or repulsive.

It would also be alleviating to not have to carry 100+ extra pounds of unneeded weight every time you move around.

As for fatcels being volcels, then yes I agree for the most part if you would be a Chad or a normie underneath all that fat, for the same reasons that mentalcels are volcels because it's something they can overcome.

On the other hand if they already know they are incels even at a normal weight, or happened to be manlets or have other conditions causing their inceldom, then they're still incels even if they became fat and chose to cope with food. Yes, it's a self-harming addiction just like smoking, alcoholism or abusing drugs but you wouldn't shame those types of addicts the same way you shame fat people even if they all also destroy your health and lead to early death. It seems like still thinking they're not incels just for being fat shows that you'll call anyone being a "volcels" out of disapproval, like tallcels are. As a manlet still envy tallcels, but I'll believe them if they say they are incels if they're ugly or a framecel.
I will fatshame. But I won’t fat shame men of culture who are fat
Fatshaming is unacceptable lookist misbehaviour :panties:

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